Local Government TV

Friday, December 21, 2012

NorCo GOP in Disarray

Yesterday, I told you that there's a potential bloodbath in the upcoming Democratic primary for County Exec. Former Exec Glenn Reibman and Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan both want the job, and neither is backing away. Now this is bad news for them. They'll dirty each other up and spend money that should be saved for the general election. But it's great for bottom feeding bloggers like me. The only thing that would make it better would be if Lamont McClure jumped in the pool, too.

This should be great for NorCo Republicans, too. But it's not. As it happens, they're at war with each other. Last month, a faction got up to complain about their Chairman, Bob Kerr. They claim he is a political consultant, which creates a conflict of interest in which Kerr will favor candidates who use his services. In addition, because they're uncertain they have enough rent money, they removed an allocation for next year's County Council and Exec races. Tony Simao, who is treasurer, may have resigned after someone challenged his integrity. I tried calling Tony late yesterday, but have not heard back from him at this point.

Even if they resolve their differences, I think it's going to be a tough year for Republicans.


  1. callahan kicks reibermans butt all the way to the lehigh river.

    the republicans in this valley can't even find the river

  2. You belittled alot of good candidates, so now you are left with Johnny Casino and Reibman. McClur eis running as well.

    You really made a bad situation worse.

    Reibman has dirt on Callahan and Callahan has dirt on Reibman

  3. Ya reap what ya sow.

  4. Ya reap what ya sow.

  5. Bernie who is looking to run for county council for the Dem's and what are their odds. Same question for the Republicans.

    Thanks, Tug.

  6. Last time I thought they were dead, they took control of county council in a very blue county. It's remarkable that they win at all - and they win a lot.

  7. The GOP in LC is in no better shape,taken over by idiology of the TP. Lots of the GOP from prior days have given up interest in the party.There will be more defections to indepentant registrations. The state GOP can no longer count on LV which is one reason the govenor is at risk.

    The resent county commisioners' meetings were a joke. Just forums for political bragado.The independants see the LC GOP as out of touch with doing the business of government in an efficient manner.

  8. \

    Simmons is your answer...look to Simmons for guidance.

    He is a rugged individual.

  9. They are just now questioning the integrity of of Simao???????

  10. They are just now questioning the integrity of of Simao???????

  11. They are just now questioning the integrity of of Simao???????

  12. Try saying that three times, fast.

  13. " McClur eis running as well."

    God, I hope so. I am really looking forward to discussing him.

  14. Tug, I'll do a piece right after the holiday.

  15. 5:53, They took control bc of a national mood of anger against Dems over Obamacare and the way it was being shoved down our throats while no one was doing anything about the economy. But now Republicans are certainly perceived as being obstructionists. The at large races are always affected by the national mood, and I don't think it will be a good one for Rs.

  16. The Lehigh County GOP is different. They can get away with the stunts they pull on county comm'rs bc LC is much more conservative than NC.

  17. Of the three candidates you mention, not one of them can win in November. Reibman,Callaghan, and McClure are losers. You don't have to be a good "R" to beat those guys. Can't we convince someone to run? We "D's" are in real trouble. How about Grucela, Panto, Heckman, Zebrowski, or someone with a little name recognition. Put your thinking caps on.

  18. Stick to the line about health care shoved down our throats. My European friends and family never cease to get a good laugh out of that.
    ....... and the sluggish economy, yeah, should have fixed that by now, I mean it's not that big of a deal, right? Golly, any one of those fine candidates Republicans offered up in the primaries would have been able to solvel that small problem, right. ( I liked Bauckman, she was sure down with the Tea Leaf Party and her Old Man was an inspiration in his own right.)
    And that boo-jive about the GOP being perceived as obstructionists....... how do these bogus narratives get started anyway? Those socialists, and anti-Americans are such conniving bastards!
    I can't believe the way they stole the election. Tomorrow is probably the day the whole country stops working. Tomorrow or the next day.
    Hey,gotta go. Lunch break.
    Keep up the good work BOH.
    You da man.

  19. Republicans: Because Somebody Has To Be A Small Minded Idealogue Living In A Make Believe Past

  20. Agree, no one weas tired of selling hoagies so their child could have a heart operation.

    Damn that Obama and his wanting poeple to have healthcare. I guess the election showed him!

  21. What a sad lot. The best candidates Panto and Grucela have bowed out. Panto is a proven administrator and is bringing Easton back. Grucela's experience under Gene Hartzell and his love of the county and Gracedale would bode us well.

  22. 1:20... you forgot "....with daddy's money"

  23. "My European friends and family never cease to get a good laugh out of that."

    How about your American friends and family? They were not laughing at the time. It's why CC ended up with 5 Rs in the at-large race four years ago. It's why Dertinger lost. It almost cost Cunningham his seat as Exec.

    But go ahead and pretend people weren't upset.

  24. No one went broke betting on a significant percentage of the American electorate woopin it up for nativistic fascism.
    It waxes and wanes, but never truely goes out of fashion.
    Hey, like O'Rilely says, BO, good white folk woke up a couple weeks ago and realized real Americans no longer control the game. Bound to piss some of those nice white republicans in god fearing Lehigh County..... and RIP to their departed spiritual leader, Charles D. Snellings.
    Yo,I think I got a segway to the gun violence post.....

    .Yet another anon coward

  25. My family members, who couldn't previously get any insurance because of pre-existing condishions, right here in the wonderland of unfettered capitalism,weren't fucking laughing O'Hay, you right wing toady.
    KV would puke at your GOP bullshit........and you fucking know it.

    The Ghost of Christmas Past

  26. Panto and Grucella are two old hacks. If that is the best they are best the county Dem;s hav,e they are in trouble. Panto loves Panto almost as much as Grucela loves Grucela.

    They are both big tax and spend liberals who favor limiting individual rights. Panopt wants your guns and lobbies for it.

    You job seekers are a sad lot.

  27. " Tax and spend liberals." Is that the best insult you can muster you Fox News ass?

  28. Lehigh County Commissioners: Richy Rich republicans who want to destroy county GOVERMENT . Let the class war begin. These people are pigs.
    Pigs with a mean spirited message that sells to angry white people looking for bumper sticker solutions and easy scape goats.
    Keep pandering to this crowd Bernie, maybe you'll get some cake crumbs from their table.
    Remember LCGOP-- the walls have ears.

    Working people, keep your guns.

  29. And you should pop a xanax or two or three.

  30. Mazz was a nutty azzhole in Norhtmapton County. He balanced the budget on all the Reibman taxes and called himself a whiz. No one should be surprised by his actions as an elected official.

  31. I'd like to thank BOH and Scott A for doing their part in painting the GOP as a party of wacky dackeys.
    Thanks fellas.

    Long live the Tea Party. Best friends the Dens could ask for.


  32. The GOP is in Disarray, because Corbett is in Disarray...Corbett has a Cabinet member who at taxpayer expense travels from Rhode Island to Pa. weekly!, in a STATE Vehicle.

  33. It's interesting to me how people ( The Powers That Be) are AMAZED that there are people in Allentown, PA that can THINK for themselves, DO for themselves, and intend to SHOW others how to DO the same and EMPOWER themselves...... It is NOT a bad thing to have a City full of PROGRESSIVE and SELF-SUFFICIENT individuals (no matter what their socio-economic status may be) who only have Allentown, PA's best interests. THIS will be needed so that we can TRULY represent and make our home a place that both "Natives" and "Transplants" can be PROUD of....... Because the REALITY is that it is going to take us ALL to bring Allentown, PA BACK to where it SHOULD be and to take it to the greatness that it CAN be.... We CAN Do Better....


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    If you have questions or would like to volunteer to make this City a better place, call 484.619.6541

  34. And, at least the "wacky dackeys" can spell correctly.

  35. "wackey dackeys"

    No, no insult there.

    And there is no such thing as a double standard --- that is merely ineffective Propaganda.

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