Local Government TV

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Judge Koury ... and Judge Koorie, the Rappin' Judge

Is it Judge Koury or Koorie?

Doesn't matter, as long as you throw out a "Yes, Your Highness" here and there. Northampton County already has Judge Michael Koury. If you don't know him, you might know his mom, who runs Josie's New York Deli in the Easton circle.

She makes the best soup and sandwiches in the Lehigh Valley.

But there's another Koorie who'd like to be a judge, too. His name, spelled a little differently, is Sharbel Koorie. He'll be announcing his candidacy this morning for the District Judge seat that became vacant as a result of Gay Elwell's unexpected death. Like the other Koury, he is related in some way to Betty of Betty's Luncheonette, located on Northampton Street.

She makes the best soup and sandwiches in the Lehigh Valley.

Now Sharbell is already a DJ. He calls himself DJ FlyGuy. But he'd like to be Distict Judge FlyGuy, too. The rappin' Judge. Litigants who can rhyme will have a great time.

"Tell it to me straight, and best to make it rhyme,
"Tell me who's the place and then what's the crime."

In real life, Koorie is a Code Officer/Inspector for Easton and owns several homes near his own South Ninth Street property. I recently met him at Betty's Luncheonette.

In a news release, Korrie states, “I’ve lived it here. Our neighborhoods have had murders, shootings, accidents involving loss of life, thefts, fires, vandalism, graffiti, domestic violence, carjacking, and the list goes on. Growing up in this type of neighborhood, you really learn to understand how things work and why.”

I'll try to make his announcement and find out more about him. It might be a crowded field. Others interested include:

* Easton Attorney Antonio Grifo, daughter of Judge Richard Grifo.

* Easton Attorney Theresa Hogan, daughter of Judge James Hogan.

* Easton Attorney Tim Prendergast, son of former State Representative Jim Prendergast.

* Constable Lance Wheeler, Northampton County's former lead court officer.

* Easton City Controller Tony Bassil.

* Easton Attorney Kevin Santos, the brother of the controversial Chaplain at Northampton County jail.

Koury and Koorie, incidentally, are distantly related.


  1. Hogan and Grifo should be "highly recommended".

  2. Bernie, Do you think an appointment will be made by the Gov.for now? I see a cat fight soon , venue issue and dirty bottom feeder blog stuff.All persons for this position should be VETTED early. This is the most active district court in this county.A lot to consider here,this so not Sullivan County,Pa., BUSY!!!

  3. well at least longenbach has another sense not to embarrass himself again by running for office

  4. I am running, as well.


    Professor Irwin J. Corey

  5. Peter, I don't think Corbett will appoint.

  6. Uncle Remus, Since this is a magistrate office in Easton, I don't think Longenbach can run.

  7. Blog Mentor, Why does it matter? His race is irrelevant and your question is annoying.

  8. I'm going to run but will remain anonymous till the time is right.


  9. @10:53, race most certainly important as most of the judges in America are white males. It would be refreshing to see some diversity in the judiciary, and if you've ever seen Judge Joe Brown you would know the potential greatness of an african american judge.

  10. @10:53, race most certainly important as most of the judges in America are white males. It would be refreshing to see some diversity in the judiciary, and if you've ever seen Judge Joe Brown you would know the potential greatness of an african american judge.

  11. i would lije to see a woman replace Elwell.

  12. The gov will appoint if there is an interested Republican. Only a couple of those names listed are true Rs.

  13. I wonder if Pat Toomey's office will have any play in this ... Who is the manager of Toomey's Lehigh Valley's office?

    I wonder if Koorie made this announcement today during his paid lunch hours?

  14. BO,

    I stand corrected.

  15. Looks like an old time minstril show.

  16. I loved Toni Basil's song, "Hey Micky". she gets my vote. She looked great in that cheerleader outfit.

  17. 12:35, Sharbel would not be stupid enough to announce while on City time. Your question about Toomey's office is an indication to me that you're behind someone who wants to win by smearing others. How about running a clean race? Don't the people deserve better?

  18. Has Lance Wheeler confirmed his intent?

  19. Has Lance Wheeler confirmed his intent?

  20. Lance has a lot of support in that district and is well known and liked. If I was a betting man I would put my money on him winning.

    I wish him the best.

  21. This guy is affiliated with Onembo and Mousa, so the election will no doubt be fair. AND THEN YOU GOT pRESIDENT jUDGE mCfADDEN COVERING oNEMBO'S ASS.


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