Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Alan Jennings, Cheerleader of the Rich

Buddy Christ, unwashed and unkempt bastard that He was, hated rich people. I now, I know, he loves everybody. But He did say that it would be easier to thread a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to go to heaven.

No wonder they crucified Him.

Jesus was nailed as King of the Jews. Alan Jennings, King of the Lehigh Valley's Poor, is much nicer than Christ. For a small pittance to his CACLV, he'll wave those pom poms. Business titan J.B. Reilly, who thinks nothing of stepping all over Allentown's working poor if he can make a few bucks, is obviously a donor. He's willing to risk money .... your money ... on the success of a hockey arena and other improvements in Allentown. Along the way, he's displaced a number of minority businesses, but who cares about them?

Jennings actually praises this obscenity, as well as rich dudes, in an Express Times Op-Ed. According to him, you can thread a camel through the eye of that needle. Michael Molovinsky has another view, and for that, the establishment media rate him as "dour" and "misguided."


  1. Jennings has no heart. He only goes where the green is (money). Anyone willing to give him more money is the best person he ever met, no matter what poor people they trample.

  2. He does have a heart, but I find his cheerleading for the rich to be both tiresome and misleading.

  3. It's camel, not a camel. Camel was a thick thread which, being thicker, was naturally more difficult than regular thread to feed through the eye of a needle. The misconception was ingrained through the centuries, thanks to bad translation, or poor scholarship, or whatever.

  4. Iknow Allen & one of the people that work's with him. They do the best they can for people that do not have as much as you or me! So PLEASE DO NOT KNOCK A GROUP OF PEOPLE THAT ARE TAKIN ALOT OF TIME AWAY FROM THEIR OWN "LOVED ONES" TO HELP OTHERS IN NEED!!

  5. Ive said this over the last eight months several times on this blog Bernie and you either bad -mouthed me or deleted my comments...
    Absolutely true. Jenning loves the suits from Riley to the Sands.
    I guess the cats out is the bag now. Last time I said this you called me the 'blog mentor'.

  6. You are pond scum O'Hare and that is how Allen and the others at CACLV refer to you. Even the girls you leer at from Northampton County feel that way about you.

  7. Okay so he ain't the worst but he is sure as shit not a pure saint holy guy just a political hack the difference right sometimes good sometimes just a prick for big money

  8. So @ 11:18, do you make all the statements for Allen and the "girls" at NC?

  9. Nobody supports redistribution of wealth more than me, and I think the op-Ed is dead-on. What Allentown needs is cheap rents for high quality office space. The cheap rents will attract businesses, and that will mean more people downtown during the day. More people downtown will create opportunities for people to sell stuff. That could be cheap stuff like coffee and newspapers or more expensive stuff like gym memberships and dry cleaning. You've described this as a "trickle down" view but really it's just how the economy works. More people around downtown, of varying incomes, will create more opportunities for service businesses all up and down the income scale. The fact is that an Allentown with more professional businesses around and more people around is an Allentown that has more opportunities for low income and low skill people than the current one. I don't see how you think office rents are going to get pushed down without rich guys building some more office space. Who else besides rich guys builds buildings?


  10. Geeting you should run for State Rep.

  11. Geeting should explain the smashing success of Reading, PA's trickle down story.

    Evidence directly contrary to his parroted nonsense is just a few miles away. But that doesn't stop the next generation of idiots from proving Einstein's definition of insanity.

    Rich guys will always figure out how to stay rich. Lately, they're under attack for not paying their fair share. But with the help of bird-brain foot servants like Geeting, they collect still more money while the idiotic (or, in Jennings' case, the bought-and-paid-for) defend them.

    Some things never change.

  12. Anon 141pm, don't beat up on Jon too much. He's young, inexperienced, and really doesn't understand the relationships involved and how success or failure in one area impacts the other.

    For example, his assumption is that if rents are cheap the space will automatically fill up is faulty. Anyone who has any experience in the real world already knows this,but given his youth and inexperience he doesn't.

    He'll come around, just give him 5-10 years' time.

  13. Alan is in love,

    With himself.

  14. Anon 2:10 You hit the nail on the head with Geeting's youth. Listening to him is like listening to my kids who at age 18 think they know everything. He sits in NY and tells us what we should do. That is so laughable. He is a blogger with no experience at all and probably never held a real job in his life. He thinks like every other liberal. They all live in a fanasy world.

  15. I wish someone on this thread can explain something to me.
    Take Steve Jobs: he invents the iphone, we can't wait to throw our money at him, he becomes fabulously rich.
    Why do we think we deserve any of his wealth? He obtained it lawfully - we gave it to him of our own free will! Why does this wealth have to be "redistributed"?

    On the other hand....Jennings and the rest of these Allentown guys are a different story.....Tax dollars should never be married with private enterprise. There is always frightful inefficiency at best, and more often than not, corruption.

  16. Alan just loves to read about himself. He is like the
    Charity Arm of the Chamber of Commerece.
    A professional nice guy and glad hander. He never met a power player he didn't like.

    Dude knows which side his ass gets its butter on.Poverity Pimp doesn't really work, more like a Poverity Whore.

  17. "It's camel, not a camel. Camel was a thick thread which, being thicker, was naturally more difficult than regular thread to feed through the eye of a needle. The misconception was ingrained through the centuries, thanks to bad translation, or poor scholarship, or whatever."

    Never heard that one before. Hope it gives rich dudes some solace. But even given your explanation it's harder to thread. Buddy Christ had nothing himself, and told his followers they had to give up everything.

  18. 10:57, You are anonymous and likely are the Blog Mentor, if I have had to delete you before. I don't like anonymous personal attacks.

  19. Is this post about Geeting?

  20. "You are pond scum O'Hare and that is how Allen and the others at CACLV refer to you. Even the girls you leer at from Northampton County feel that way about you."

    You do know his name is Alan, not Allen, don't you? For someone who has such inside information, I figured you'd at least get his name right.

    Over the years, I have said and done things that have pissed Alan off, and I know that bc he has told me. He lets me have it, man to man. You should try it some time.

    As for the "girls," they are ladies or women. If you hung with them, you'd know they don't much like being called girls.

  21. "Who else besides rich guys builds buildings?"

    Jonathan, I have no problem with rich guys wanting to revitalize Allentown or Lower Macungie, but they should use their own money.

    The only redistribution of wealth in the NIZ is to see tax money earned by poor schleps go into J.B. Reilly's pockets. He gets richer and we get poorer.

    Some redistribution.

    1. Sorry Bernie, I dont see how development if openspace is considered "revitalization."

      Land underlain by mine tailings functions just fine as a plowed field.

  22. Alan Jennings can come on my show anytime and shoot the shit, hes good people. Some of you trolls need to get a grip, Alan drives a 72 Yugo, cuts coupons and does most of his shopping at Dollar General.

  23. "Camel through the eye of the needle" -- the way I heard it, this refers to a very narrow entrance into the city, merely a space between two huge boulders that could not be moved when the wall around the city was built. A man could squeeze through, but not a camel. It was called some version of the 'the needle's eye.'

  24. That is one rare Yugo!

    They were not manufactured till 1980,

    Oh well, BGW has never been a stickler for facts

  25. Bernie@4:25

    Taking $$$$ from the poor and working class and channeling it to corporations and rich folk IS REPUBLICAN PARTY redistribution.

  26. Oh, I agree, So is Pawklowski's rising tide argument. That's why the bog money Rs donate to him. In the meantime, he sics code hounds on some poor old lady for having a yard sale. He's no Democrat. he's not even a Republican. He's a Moneycrat.

  27. 5:37 BOH

    You got it Bro.

  28. Walsh is another rich guy azz sucker. The guy lives fore perks a d freebies. Word is he outfitesd his entire house with give aways from sponsers wanting more air time.

  29. I know Alan well over 20 years and I have never one time seen him hangin' out with a poor person.
    I mean not one time.

  30. Alan has a low paid staff person at CACLV cut his coupons for him.

  31. He's hung out with me, and I'm pretty sure I'd qualify as being among the genteel poor.

  32. It is said that Alan once stated,
    "Poverty been verdy, verdy good to me"

  33. Emma said Alan thought he was "Allentowns own Jesus Christ!"...... and you could look that up.

  34. 10:43.

    cry me a river, Allen., you poor rich mans slut

  35. Hey, dudes gotta make a living.... and he brings such joy into the lives of the rich and powerful in the Valley.

    They need love too!

  36. He's the Lehigh Valleys Billy Ghram.
    Ministering to the comfortable.

  37. Mayor Tom Goldsmith of Easton saw right through Jennings's bullshit.
    On of the few suits Jennings couldn't scam.

  38. The only comment that makes sense and has value behind it is Jon's. The rest is name calling. Pathetic.

  39. I like to judge a man, not by his stature or what he preaches, but by what he has given back to his community. If he has given of his time, money, and efforts for a better community and he wasn't getting paid to do it (or if it wasn't his job to do it) then I think he is a good man. Has Jennings given back to his community without getting paid? Has he donated his time and energies to better his community (over and above his job) then he is a good man. If he is a taker than screw him.

  40. He gives his greatest gift - his time. I do not ever question Alan's integrity or good intentions, even when I'm bashing him.

  41. Not for nothing, but that op-ed piece he wrote, sucked. Big time!

  42. We KNOW the arena is coming whether we want it or not, and I am spreading the word to residents to get SOMETHING established ASAP. We have 2 years! There should be many ways to profit from the arena / projects besides waiting for the "powers that be" to sprinkle crumbs on the myriad of neighborhood non-profits in the area who will, literally, fight over the scraps. People may not like or disagree with Alan Jennings, but he made it happen and is getting his funding. Apparently, the people who THOUGHT they were IN with the IN CROWD, when it came to the arena, weren't and have the lack of funding to prove it....

    Alfonso Todd

    We CAN Do Better



  43. All CACLV Boards ( except one) have been tightly controlled by Jennings.

  44. "And the rich were sent away unfed"..Before Buddy Jesus was born..Mary knew what the deal would be in the end. Advocating for the poor is noble. I don't know this man but I admire his resolve in the face of greed and corruption to bring human issues to the public square.

  45. Since most of the commenters probably haven't read the column, allow me to summarize:

    Alan's Op Ed simply stated that despite the challenges of the last several years, the people of the Lehigh Valley are resilient and the future of the region is looking good. He then encourages eveyone to get involved in making the world a bit better for the next generation.

    It baffles me that so many people can find fault with this concept and this peice can generate so much criticism. If those of you who contributed to the 45 comments would redirect a portion of that time and energy towards something productive, like mentoring a parentless child or volunteering in your respective communities, we'd all be better off.

    Besides feeding and sheltering people, CACLV proudly weatherizes homes, provides job training for the toughest to train, promotes entrepeneurialism, provides capital to start businesses, improves both residential and commercial neighborhoods, and provides affordable housing.

    What have you done lately?

    I'll sign my name so people can now start attacking me for defending a friend and a great organization to which I proudly devote so much time.

    Alicia Karner

  46. The arena model is a failed model. Repeating tired old solutions will not give the desired return on investment in the long run. It just doesn't work and it doesn't trickle down to the people on the streets. Profits will be taken and a few will make millions but that is it. King Edward will try to use this as his stepping stone to higher office..and he too will fail..thank God.

  47. Thank you Alica. A two sided coin as they say. Hitching your wagon, publically in the papers, to Allentown's revival/arena project is probably not a good idea. That is grand standing and drawing attention to yourself and is not a good thing to do considering the NIZ stuff and back room deals. Advocate..yes..but not this way.

  48. The truth is Alica, you don't know who has read the OPED or not. Nor do you know the extent of any individuals community service.
    It's good of you to defend your friend.
    Happy Holiday.

  49. What have I done lately?
    Fought against the appalling sale of the Publix water and sewer capacity that Alan supports.


  50. Alicia Karner,

    Thank you for expressing yourself and having the courage to sign your name. I did not read the column but would like to comment on Alan in more general terms. As a community volunteer I worked with Alan and others to pass the Rental Inspections Bill in 1999. We crafted the bill on our own and when council refused to pass it we took it directly to the voters through the initiative process. If memory serves me correctly it received around 90% of the vote. The committee of volunteers that worked to pass Rental Inspections stayed together in an attempt to insure compliance. The program was implemented for several years and many substandard/illegal units closed and dangerous building and health code violations were discovered. This program was improving the rental housing stock in the downtown.
    Alan was part of the team. If allowed to continue this program would have benefited Allentown’s poorest residents and stabilized and improved Allentown’s downtown neighborhoods.
    So what happened? Two mayors in a row chafed at the idea of independent civic groups; in their thinking, any civic group or activity should be controlled by them. Those who dared disagree with this thinking were impugned publicly. In time Allentown’s once vibrant community group movement was reduced to a mere shell and those who remained had adjusted to the new order of not making waves. The Rental Inspections Committee was one of the casualties of this time and the program that could have transformed the downtown and protected the health and safety of renters is now used as a cash cow for the general fund. It is unfortunate that Alan was on the wrong side of this fight and remains there to this day. Let me ask you; how long has it been since Alan has done one of his “slum tours”? Answer; at least 12 years. When we drive through Allentown’s downtown neighborhoods don’t we see a need to address the blight and poverty? Where is Alan on this? Alan has abandoned the grass roots for connections to power and money. Instead of pointing a finger and calling attention to the shame that is downtown Allentown he is pushing a questionable arena project that many believe will help only a few rich business people . Square that with concern for the poor.

    Scott Armstrong

  51. Don't kid yourself Scott, Bill wasn't much better. He seemed that way cause he shared your politics. To many people he was just another know it all ( " ....it's a done deal!") autocratic prick.

  52. Once upon a time I felt about Alan the way you do now. Over the years my feelings have changed.
    I hope you and yours have all the best in the New Year Alicia.

  53. anon 10:24,

    Earth to you, what does Bill Heydt have to do with anything I wrote?

    Scott Armstrong

  54. Alicia, I would have no problem with Alan saying that LV residents are somehow more resilient than other communities, although that is bullshit. What bothered me about the op-ed is they way he hitches things like the NIZ to these sentiments.I thought he was an advocate for the poor, not J.B. Reilly.

  55. Re read your own comment. It will be very clear.
    Best wishes to you and yours Scott, and a safe and prosperous New Year.


  56. Alicia, 7:31 said it better than I could. I was sold on the Chrin TIF by comelling arguments from you and Dave Colver. But the NIZ is NUTZ.

  57. Good for you and Alan, Alicia. Now put some of that aggressive effort into your real county job.


  58. Bernie ---- still waiting for some honest recounting of Jennings and the Hill to Hill degital billboard story,
    I think it could be reveling.

  59. It could be, but it requires a lot of digging. Not a low hanging fruit, but I have the ladder out.

  60. Alicia, stick around. You'll figure it out in due time.
    Happy Holidays.

  61. "What have you done lately?"

    That is exactly why many folks chafe at the self serving attitude of folks like you and Jennings. You thihnk you are the only people to care or do anything for the community. You sign your name becasue you are one of Stoffa's chosen ones and have no fear of gettging nailed in youyr job. Not everyone has that luxury.

    The Board has become more and more a group of snobs and less and less representative of the community or experience in social policy. LIke Alan they hare about connections less than social policy.

    Access to IronPigs box seats and other perks have changed Alan and some on the board. Also appoint,ments to the board have become very controlled and based on "access" to power.

    The fact that you make the allegation shows your own elitism and snobbery shining through. As a county employee, do you work for the citizens of Northmapton County or for Alan Jennings?


  62. I don't fault Alan, I'm just bored with him.

    I already know his angle and what he's going to say.

    Doesn't make for an inspiring or interesting op/ed.

  63. Alicia, Isn't isn't sad that "Jack" would attack you and not bother identifying himself?

  64. I was unaware that Alan Jennings had box seats to the iron Pigs. I'm pretty sure he is unaware of this, too. BTW, he is a season ticket holder to the Baltimore Orioles and has been for years. He's loves baseball, but should be a Phillies fan.

  65. A hand picked board of loyal devotees is something Alan arranged for many years now.
    Rose C., all those years ago was the last to really stand up to his BS.
    Then there was his blow out with Willey, Gellireimo, Lopez..... that was interesting,
    He certainly has his loyal fans .....pass the koolaid Alicia.

  66. In fairness to Jacks post at 4:49, Ms. Karner took the shot at people who dared critize her buddy Jennings claiming they do not give of their time like she and Jennings.

    If she wants to take those shots I don't call someone calling her out on it a coward. Just because you like her Bernie, if she can't take the heat she should not make the statements.

  67. Bobo,

    Apparently you wish to dispute that only the last two mayors were disastrous to the community group movement. If this is the case then you are utterly clueless to the facts.
    Indeed have a happy and prosperous new year.

    Scott Armstrong

  68. Scott----".......it's a done deal."

  69. How does that 72 Yugo make all those round trips to Camden Yards?

  70. .......and thanks Scott.

  71. "f she wants to take those shots I don't call someone calling her out on it a coward."

    She took no personal shots and called nobody's work ethic into question. And she identified herself and took responsibility for what she wrote. You, on the other hand, don't. That makes you a coward.

  72. She called people's comittment to their community into question. I'm not attacking the women, I've never met her and have no idea what she's all about.
    Her comment however had a smug if not sanctimonious quality.

  73. So what? She identified yourself. You don't. That makes you a coward.

  74. Duh. She identified herself, not yourself.

  75. 90% cowards here at Lehigh Vallley Rambling.
    What does that say about this site?

  76. That I hit a lot of nerves with a lot of cowards who don't want their agendas spoiled.

  77. You seem to attract cowards.

  78. You are one of them, so you would know.

  79. I am not oppose to sensible measures to lure in new businesses to Allentown, however, if it means taking them from neighbiring communities, it is nothing more than laundering by leguslation. How is that benefical to the Lehigh Valley?

  80. 5:01
    You can't figure that out?
    Where have you been for the last 50 years?

  81. Even though I don't think anyone is looking at this post any longer. I was taught that our modern interpretation of that metaphor (camel through the eye of a needle) is incorrect. It is not referring to a sewing needle, that the "eye of the needle" referred to the very small alleyways between buildings that a person could fit through but a camel would have trouble, and if it were loaded with goods would not be able to pass through. That all of the possessions would need to be ditched in order for the camel to get through.

    The more you know...


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.