Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Naughty Emails

Nothing like a good old-fashioned sex scandal. Everybody's in hot water. General Petraeus was certainly "All In" ... and out. And in and out. Paula Broadwell was definitely embedded. Now comes word that the FBI agent who originally investigated this matter pulled a Weiner and began sending shirtless pictures of himself to raven-haired Jill Kelley. Her sole offense, like that of many Lebanese women here in the Lehigh Valley, is that she is simply gorgeous.

I'm pretty sure I dated her. And Paula Broadwell. General Petraeus, too. And I've been getting shirtless emails from Ron Angle.



  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2231770/David-Petraeus-scandal-Paul-Kranz-father-mistress-Paula-Broadwell-stands-daughter.html

    The MFM will try to keep the lid on, but the foreign media and, of course, Faux News - Faux Noise, blah blah blah are not going to let them get away with it.

    What did the President know, and when did he know it?

    Benghazi, CIA Director compromised, incompetent or criminal FBI (except for that whistleblower who took it to Congress).

    Obama makes Nixon look like an amateur.

    This is gonna be fun. Not fun for the country, but fun watching the soul-less "who cares, he's gonna give me stuff" gimmecrats see their sleazy selves in the mirror and then try to justify it.


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. betrayus forgot the first thing you r taught in the military

    "watch your stick and where you stick it"

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. On Memorial day, one would think even chicken hawks like yourself would give it a rest.

    5:05 AM

    Memorial day... Heh!

    You are a racewhoring dumbass.


  6. 5:05, 643, Y0u know you are not supposed to comment here.

  7. It will soon be revealed that Obama has a very big affair skeleton in his closet, as well. The key word is closet.

  8. http://news.msn.com/politics/general-investigated-for-emails-with-petraeus-friend

    Of course, president Sgt. Schultz knows noTHING.

    Of course, president Lovitz knows nothing. Yeah, the investigation just started yesterday. Yeah, that's it.

    Drip, drip, drip...


  9. At the rate YOU are going, O'Hare, you will have more people on a banned list than actual readers.

    Well done, dude.


  10. @8:15 a.m.

    If you are referring to the story of bathhouse Barry and his pal Larry, that story ran in 2008, to no avail. Morally, D's, and those coveted "gee, I can't make my mind up until the last minute whether to vote for Choom the revenging socialist or Biff the elitist capitalist" moderates could care less. They are getting things, don't you know. And R's will now approve in order to attract people to their fiscal message.

    The more important moral failure of president Tiger Beat is not in where he put his John Thomas decades ago. It is his sell-out and sacrifice of those brave SEALs and the ambassador to preserve the narrative of the Arab Spring and the myth that his foreign policy is anything but a disaster, his refusal to take even a shred of responsibility for anything on his watch and his racebaiting, class warfare, robin hood politics.

    Choom The Revenger's old boyfriend is the least of our worries.


  11. Why are Repukicans so worked up over the death of four Americans and not the death of 206 marines under Reagan. Somehow they thrive on the double standard.

    The nation noted and rejected your premiss. Now back to the loving arms of Ruppert Murdoch with you.


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