Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Black Friday Strike at Walmart?

A group calling itself Lehigh Valley Strike is organizing a strike at Walmart on Black Friday. The site urges local Walmart employees,

"Walk out or call in sick on Black Friday -- you won't be alone!

"Send a message: every customer not rung up, every shelf left unstocked, every inconvenience to upper management is a direct hit at the Waltons' pocketbook. That'll teach them to not pay poverty wages!"


  1. Bernie
    Perhaps you might wish to contact the local chapter of the NAACP. For
    years this term "Black Friday"
    was considered offensive. Has that changed?

  2. If you don't like Walmart's poverty wages - leave! it ain't slavery fer cryin out loud.

    Get some skills, make yourself valuable and get a job.

  3. Why are workers going to strike? Major national blog indicates Walmart workers will pay a little more for their medical coverage. Won't most of us?

  4. What is the Walmart hourly wage?

  5. but where wil WWWE get slutty clothes and cheap shoes?

  6. What a bunch of useless tools.

  7. I wasn't planning on going to Walmart on Black Friday but i think i'll change my mind now. I'd will take enjoyment in going and harrassing the useless union pukes that can't mind their own business. This is a call to all out there who care to join in--maybe we can even carry our own signs harrassing the pukes and stand next to them.

  8. Interesting development. I avoid this chain store on purpose. They treat their workers unfairly and it's documented. Tough to sell a strike right now and it's a David vs. Goliath situation. I will do my part and avoid shopping there thru the Holiday season and beyond.

  9. It's easy and fun for limousine liberals to rail against Walmart, its employees and customers. For the great unwashed, however, Walmart's impact on non-energy inflation has been a blessing for two decades. This is especially true for lower-middle, and lower incomes. That crowded parking lot at 3:00 AM tells the story. Liberals should get back to ridiculing religious people. They're much better at that than understanding basic economics.

  10. "but where wil WWWE get slutty clothes and cheap shoes?"

    That's the big question.

  11. "What is the Walmart hourly wage? "

    According to Glass Door, the average wage for a sales associate is $8.83 per hour.


  12. How will this benefit anyone? It's a days pay many need. Long hours of hard work are not pleasent for anyone, but we'll all be working there if O is successful in killing US busnesses. Every body can't ge SS disability or other no work benefits.

  13. Now that Kevin Deely lost the race Kevin can go brush up on his protesting skills and lead the strike crew at WalMart just like he led the taecher strikes in Easton!

  14. Deely looks like he buys his clothes at Walmart.

  15. why can't you greed fucks stay home just one day of the year

  16. Why don't the MegaLoMart poobahs all get together and make "Black Friday" the weekend BEFORE Thanksgiving?

    I'd rather see that than the infernal "Christmas Creep" that they indulge in. Just move the farkin' thing up, advertise the hell out of it ("BUY USELESS SHIT THIS WEEKEND, EAT LIKE A GREEN BAY PACKER *NEXT* WEEK!) and call it a day. It's heading that way as it is; this way it would at least stop the bad PR.

  17. If people don't like working at Walmart -- Quit.

  18. at $8.83 per hour no full time worker earns enough in any of the 50 States to afford the basic necessities of life; that is why 80% of walmart workers recieve goverment assistance( food stamps, low income housing, ect...)we are all subsidizing walmart workers through our tax $$$ for one thing, and don't get me started on Tax Breaks. They recieve a discount if they pay there taxes on time, I don't get that do you, I get a penalty if I pay it late.

  19. At Target, it is lower, $8.28 per hour.


    Costco is pretty good by comparison -$11.92 per hour.


  20. For the people who keep saying that this is a union ploy: You are aware that there is no Union at Walmart, right?

    1. ... but the unions would sure love to get in. Think of how much they could get in dues from the employees.

  21. Think how much better their working conditions and benefits would be..a living wage perhaps? Idiot.

  22. Profit and greed above everything..including your workers. People shop there because of prices..and that is the only reason. I'll pay a bit more and go local with my money. It's the principle..

  23. Compare the bathrooms..at Target and Wal-Mart. A picture is worth a thousand words.

  24. Just quit? Boy are you out of touch with reality. Unemployment at 8%. You must be independently wealthy to make that kind of statement.

  25. I'm still upset that Walmart put the mom and pops out of business who put the general stores out of business who put the mercantiles out of business; same with coal shovelers on diesel trains; Same with blacksmiths in the era of horseless carriages. Damn those infernal machines. Damn change.

  26. Buy local goods from your neighbors when you can.

  27. and why are walmart prices lower?? BECAUSE THEY DON'T PAY their employees a living wage!!!! they make billions of dollars a year, but their employees are entitled to public assistance... Get a good union in there and make some money!!!!

  28. For all those telling Walmart workers to "get some skills, make yourself valuable, get a job"...you're totally out of touch with reality. First of all, I have a job. I WORK AT WALMART. Secondly, I assume that you think we're all going to be professionals and that these sort of jobs is all our economy is going to consist of...cause...ya know...we don't need anyone to work a register for your lazy ass. Next time before you degrade my position remember that without people like me to do work such as this, your life would be a whole hell of a lot less convenient. I'm one of the workers that helped start this campaign. I work damn hard for people like you with no thanks and I demand to be paid fairly for my labor. If Walmart can refuse to sell its wares for too low a price, so too can I refuse to sell my capacity to labor to Walmart for just the same reason. In case you haven't figured it out, I'm one of the workers who helped start this campaign. I AM NOT A USELESS TOOL. I work for a living and I'm tired of being screwed over. Nobody cares about the fate of labor if they can get their instant gratification...


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