Local Government TV

Friday, November 30, 2012

Capitolwire: Joe Brennan Given Caucus Job

Capitolwire, a paid subscription service, reports that State Rep. Joe Brennan has been given a job with the state Democratic caucus. I have no additional details.


  1. That sends all the wrong messages. The Democrats should be ashamed.

  2. Joe Brennan is a mans man, steals, beats his wife, gets into drunken wrecks, humiliates his constituents. Give this man a job that has a per diem when he travels so the ripe stories can continue.

  3. His enablers are going to help him kill someone - or himself.

    Kids should be shown photos of Joe and taught never to be anything remotely like him. What a tragic example.

  4. Everyone should be ashamed you partisan creep.

    Oh wait, this is a blog for partisan creeps. So sorry.

  5. Everyone should be ashamed you partisan creep.

    Oh wait, this is a blog for partisan creeps. So sorry.

  6. wow.

    joe's a nice enough guy sober, but....

    i hope if i ever tragically destroy my life, someone helps me...again, and again, and again...at the tax payer expense.

  7. No surprise here..It's done all the time by both parties. They ask someone to step aside so they dont lose the seat and reward them for doing so..I have to laugh at evryones shock and dismay..I couldve told you that when he decided to step aside...Joe's a good guy..Hopefully he gets his life in order and does well..No one seems as upset that the Republicans have gerrymandered the seats in Pa. so much that it almost guarantees them lifetime jobs no matter how bad they are at their job. Somehow I missed the outrage at that..

  8. I guess the gerrymandering never beat a woman or drove drunk and possibly killed you on the highway.

  9. Maybe you can take Joe to a meeting Bernie show your compassionate side.

  10. Dear 9:46,

    The point of the article was not about the fight with his wife or the DUI..It's about him continuing in state employment..The Republicans do the same thing for their former members and as I stated they set themselves up for life in their jobs. So stop making this a Democratic thing..Both parties do it and the republicans do it the best..

  11. 10:28:

    As a democrat, I have to decide which battles to fight. This isn't one of them. Brennan on the taxpayer teet with his track record is despicable. Multiple DUI's disqualify you for almost any job in this country, certainly ones paying that kind of money.

  12. Seems like two sets of rules. JB's a "nice fellow" politically-connected so he endangers people, is a substance abuser, but always lands on his feet. A guy like Brad Washburn is a substance abuser, endangers people and messes his life, but the book gets thrown at him. It's who ya know...


  13. Everyone makes mistakes. Joe assumed responsibility and like everyone who goes through a dark period of time should be given a chance to heal and move on. The comments here are symptomatic of an utter lack of a belief in a God of Many Chances. It should stun any thinking person, but it does not. Be well Joe!

  14. Brad has left several dead bodies in his wake VOR .
    Or have you forgotten that.......and the fact that his father knows a few people also ....... or didn't you know that?

  15. Washburn messed his life up ??
    Is that what you call it. I think a couple of other local familiesmight call it something else.
    Shame on you VOR.

  16. @ 11:43

    Show me where he has taken responsibility for his actions?

  17. Joe is my friend. He made a serious mistake and it will have damaging repercussions for the rest of his life. But we are taught to hate the sin, but love the sinner. I will not say whether the Caucus is doing the right thing. I will say that Joe is taking responsibility for his wrongdoing.

  18. Who did Brad Washburn "endanger" VOR?
    Help us out.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I like Joe, but this is just stupid. Joe needs some time away. They don't need this either. Just dumb.

  21. Best wishes to him. A $70,000.00 per year job will never replace what he has lost. In a sense we have all lost a very talented representative to a terrible disease. I have nothing but compassion for him his family. Until you have walked a mile in his shoes you can never understand.

  22. We all have our stories to tell so blah, blah blah...

    what makes you think any politician is better than anyone else?

    and talented? If your definition of talent is to simply get elected in a gerrymandered district, you're wrong!

  23. Or what makes you think he's any worse? e are all human, and make plenty of mistakes. But in a politician's case, they are there for everyone to see.

  24. Continuing to take a taxpayer salary is dishonorable. Period. He's a public and private disgrace. God help those he's harmed.

  25. Plus he will continue to be driving on 22 at all hours. I guess God will keep me safe.

    Give it a rest. This guy should be in jail not driving to his $70K a year patronage job.

    Funny how O'Hare has attacked others for much les but is quick to defend one of his mancrushes.

  26. Bernie is right..Joe brennan is a good man. It's nothing new for both parties to hire former lawmakers. He'll pay the price for the DUI's and hopefully move on with his life.

  27. Bernie always looking out for the little guy. That's why him and Jennings get on so well.
    Always looking out for the little guy.

  28. Bernie always looking out for the little guy. That's why him and Jennings get on so well.
    Always looking out for the little guy.

  29. Bernie always looking out for the little guy. That's why him and Jennings get on so well.
    Always looking out for the little guy.

  30. He did get paid for his wife beating and DUI, he got a $78K job at taxpayer expense.

    Yeah, he paid all right. Hooray for the enablers.

  31. I stand with Bernie on this statement:

    "Joe is my friend. He made a serious mistake and it will have damaging repercussions for the rest of his life. But we are taught to hate the sin, but love the sinner. I will not say whether the Caucus is doing the right thing. I will say that Joe is taking responsibility for his wrongdoing."

  32. How's come Bernie lacks that sence of compassion when he is wearing his right wing tea party hat?
    Then it's fuck the little guy! Let them eat cake!
    What about all that 47% song BOH and his tea bag friends were screaming? Now it's compassion for the sick and the addicted. Then it was fuck them, they got a safety net. Remember Romney's line?
    Hypocrisy on a grand scale, hypocrisy on a grand scale.

  33. VOR I am surprised at your broken moral relativism.
    What a despicable statement you have made.

  34. I want to hear from Clem. Lord knows this is trough feeding behavior.
    Lost his job, sick, addicted..... Join the crowd. Work or die, it's the tea bagger way.
    Why should the goverment anyone??????

  35. I want to hear from Clem. Lord knows this is trough feeding behavior.
    Lost his job, sick, addicted..... Join the crowd. Work or die, it's the tea bagger way.
    Why should the goverment anyone??????

  36. I want to hear from Clem. Lord knows this is trough feeding behavior.
    Lost his job, sick, addicted..... Join the crowd. Work or die, it's the tea bagger way.
    Why should the goverment anyone??????

  37. This subject is very clear with those that preach do as I say not as I do.

    Brennan has admistted nothing but the bare obvious. As long as the enablers keep enabling, the "sinner" will sin like there is no tomorrow.

  38. When the addicted sick are our loved ones, we know they are good people desperately in need of help, and we turn to the Treatment System for expected assistence, professionalism and support.

    But if it's not our loved ones, if they are poor, non-white--- the other ---- to hell with them and their handouts they take from us good folk!
    The 47% leeches and takers. Scum. Trough feeders.

    And so it goes. Yes, Bernie is a hypocrite, but he is not alone

  39. What say yea Clem? Enlighten us, please.

  40. You have any shame Bernie?

  41. Looks like the Blog mentor has to say the same thing three times. His anonymizer must be broken.

  42. Clem, the Blog Mentor really hates when you comment. Likes to claim you are me or Angle or even Ron's son. What he can't understand is that most blogs really are interactive and do consists of comments from real, living people. He also has trouble countering your arguments, so he attacks you.

  43. Wow, some gig this guy has. Most of us would have been fired from our job because of how it reflects on our company, not this guy. F polotics and all you creeps in suites.

  44. Keep drinkin Joe..its not closing time yet, your crooked friends got your back. Put on your "clown'' suite and grab a drink. cha ching

  45. @6:41 pm, 7:59 pm

    Sure enough, looks like Troughtoberfest around here this past week.

    Of course, both sides are shoulder to shoulder, snout to snout, at the trough.

    The difference here is that, if he was an R, D's and their bootlickers in the msm would be screaming bloody murder. But Smilin’ Joe thinks the right way, so his "mistake" (and that is bullshit, mistakes are when you get it wrong trying to get it right) is certainly no big deal.

    He may no longer be able to vote to give them stuff, but he'll be able to (and already has) help those who can.

    Where are those of "the fairer sex" who can't stand ol' Clem's presentation but don't mind a guy of the correct thinking putting the boots to his wife, continually abusing the public trust and then being rewarded with a prime spot at the trough?

    The party of Mary Jo's killer and Juanita’s rapist, save the principled few here who have declared otherwise, can't be bothered by something as trivial as character when there's gettings to be gotten...

    As for “Work or die, it’s the tea bagger way…" It was Captain John Smith himself who coined the phrase “If you don’t work, you don’t eat,” when addressing the able-bodied at Jamestown Settlement. I think I’ll stick with that, rather than your New Deal/Great Society/Free contraception/free laptops/free cellphones/100 weeks of funemployment/overpay for underachieving, overspending, wife-beating, trashy email sending, cabinet-level concubine keeping, government employee bullshit.


  46. Somehow I don't recall many Dem's praising old bitchslappong Joe being given a job. Bernie loves him so it is OK. Some of Bernie's hypocrite friends approve of the "sinner" concept.

    Fact is Clem, both the D's and R's get these bullshit jobs.

    So whether you like it or not, the party of angry old men on disability get it as much as the ethnics on welfare.


  47. "ethnics on welfare."

    Real smooth.

    I guess bigotry is OK so long as you're a Democrat.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Actually, he did not say that. You did, proving Scott Armstrong's theory that if you scratch some so-called liberals hard enough, you'll find a bigot.

    I don't share Clem's views. But people like you are child's play to him.

  50. " angry old white man hate"

    That is racism, incidentally, in addition to being a slur against seniors.

    Just more proof of the Scott Armstrong theory that many so-called liberals, if scratched hard enough, turn out to be bigots.

    If you want to make an argument, try to do so without insulting the proud liberal ideology with your own vapid ignorance and hate.

  51. Scratch Scott Armstrong, get a trust fund baby.

  52. Actually Bernie never said that bc he never said that.
    Oh well maybe he did, actually. You did.
    Well maybe he did actually.
    I just can't keep up here at truth central.

  53. 1:54 a.m., JC -

    So, criticism of Kennedy, Clinton, Brennan, a virtually all-white D party leadership, Sandra Fluke, white county officials and a mostly white wasteful government is bigotry?

    I'd say Bernie's right about you, but he's giving you way too much credit.

    Your race-card play at every turn, on every subject, discredits you far more than anything I could say about you.


  54. 1:35 a.m., not 1:54 a.m.


  55. They hate you cause you are just too smart for them Clem. You make too much sence. They can't answer your facts.

  56. Thank you Clem.
    Think I will have a couple of Bloody Mary's , crank up the chain saw and cut some cord wood while the weather is nice and warm.

  57. Thank you for your service Clem. You are a great American sir.
    Carry on.

  58. - you'd say Bernice is right about everything Clem.
    It's just the way you are,

  59. "Think I will have a couple of Bloody Mary's , crank up the chain saw and cut some cord wood while the weather is nice and warm."

    This is the Blog Mentor.

  60. The past few comments have been brought to you by the Blog Mentor. If you scratch him just a little, you'll find boatloads of hatred.

  61. "I just can't keep up here at truth central."

    No, you can't. So you attempt to hijack this blog with numerous trollish remarks, and spread outright lies. Just another day's work for the Blog Mentor. But you have failed.

  62. Nice to see some people still think you have credibility if you are constantly drunk and beat your wife purportedly while a public servant. Not! This guy won't quit as long as the system covers his arse for him. The worst is yet to come. The future is dim for this fellow and I am sure he will be a source of ongoing fodder for the newspapers of the area. God bless his wife and family. I hope they are protected from this guy.

  63. You have a point Bernie. In the case of Clem, you don't have to scratch, the bigotry is right out there disguisd, be it badly, as humor.

  64. These constant attempts to falsely portray Clem's attitudes come from persons who speak of "angry old white men" and "ethnics on welfare." I do see bias. But it's not coming from Clem.

  65. Clem is without bias!


  66. Blog Mentor, Now go back to rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth, and drawing up your enemy list.

  67. Anonymous said...
    VOR I am surprised at your broken moral relativism.
    What a despicable statement you have made.


    Washburn was in a position of trust, like JB. Washburn is a substance-abuser, like JB. Washburn was given several chances, like JB. Washburn makes a mockery of the system because he keeps falling off the wagon, just like JB. Only difference? Washburn's actions led to death. Are you saying that we should wait for JB to do the same?

    The guy beats his wife. The guy drives while blitzed. The guy has friends who keep propping him up.

    I stand by what I say.


  68. Agree VOR, anybody but Joe Brennan, and O'Hare would be preaching again. Also since O'Hare and Brennana hang their hats on the new politcally correct idea that being a drunk is a disease, they have an excuse for mercy and pity.

    Real men hold there booze.

  69. Real men know the difference between "there" and "their."

  70. I am not defending Brennan.

    Washburn is in a different league, at least for the moment. He deserves everything he got from the state. Not because he is an addict, but because of the deadly consequences of his actions.
    What Brad owes the state is the smallest part of the consequences he will have to face, in this life and the next.
    The two cases don't compair,and a man with your intelligence and integrity surely knows that

  71. Yo VOR, in our society people can't be charged until AFTER they comitt an offense.

    " Only difference? Washburns actions led to deaths."

    Well OK then, if that is the ONLY DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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