Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A NorCo Naughty Email Update

Back in September, two NorCo Register of Wills employees were canned following a two-year investigation by Director of Court Services Archie (Inspector Gadget) D'Isidore. They were busted for violating the County's "electronic resource policy," which is a fancy way of saying they were sending naughty emails. Playing hardball, the County denied a union grievance and even refused to pay unemployment.

Now one of the two fired workers had her hearing earlier this month, and was awarded benefits. She was represented by Attorney Brian Monahan, who argued that the County was in no position to claim there was any misconduct because it allowed these employees to exchange emails for two years without taking any remedial action. In fact, D'Isidore gave them positive performance evaluations while secretly looking through emails to boyfriends.

An Unemployment Compensation hearing has now been scheduled for the second fired worker, who is also represented by Monahan and will be appearing before the same Referee who has already ruled against the County.

In addition, an arbitration request has been filed.

While one cabinet-level official gets his jollies by going through what really are private emails, Executive John Stoffa has allowed another cabinet level official to conduct an affair with a direct subordinate, in violation of the County's nepotism policy. I guess that's OK.

Different strokes for different folks.


  1. As great and funny as your writing is, your graphics make the day!

  2. archie should be fired and made to pay what ever monies these ladies recieve. a public apology is also in order

  3. Who is having an affair?

  4. More shots at Stoffa?? Wow...At least now , he doesn't have to eat with you and Ron anymore and pretend to like you, lol..

  5. The county cannot refuse to pay unemployment. More likely, they submitted the reason for termination and the initial finding, by the claims worker, was a denial of benefits. Then, the appeal went forward and the hack referee, as always rewards bad conduct.

    The sexters violated the policy and were subject to termination. There is no statute of limitations, and the tacit approval nonsense is the wannabe judge's powerplay. The policy defines the violation and the penalty. The troughfeeder's conclusion that the county really didn't mean it it is pseudo-judicial activism at its worst.

    The only positive about this situation is that it shows, even to their staunchest defenders, that the stereotype of the government worker, from Archie to the trashy emailers, from the cuckholded cabinet member to the enabling Executive, is spot on.

    Another episode of "As The Trough Turns."

    Will the trashy emailers be reinstated? Will the Executive find a shred of integrity? Will the county teach all the troughfeeders how to correctly send trashy emails on the public dime?

    Tune in tomorrow for more reckless, taxpayer disrespect from our troughfeeding friends on...

    As The Trough Turns


  6. "More shots at Stoffa?? Wow..."

    When John Stoffa is right I will support him. When he is wrong, I will point it out. And he is 100% wrong here.

  7. He still hasn't done anything to correct this situation. He drags his feet on all decision making issues. He cost us millions on the swaption. What's a mre poultry sum of twenty ot thirty thousand more? Stoffa is the worst Exec we ever had.....bar none.....excluding slime ball Reibman.

  8. Are you going to start exposing sexual misconduct among elected and appointed officials and government employees in the Lehigh Valley?

    This is going to be good.

  9. Not really. O'Hare mancrushes are excluded. Stoffas is on the way out and O'Hare is already campaigning for Callahan. You really beleive he will expose corruption?


  10. This a correct decision, Due process was violated!

    They both deserve full back pay and benefits with full reinstatement.

  11. They don't deserve anything. They were poor employees who didn't appreciate their good county jobs. Let them sit at home sending filthy emails to their friends.


  12. Government intervention has worked to prevent an abuse of rights against these 2 employees.

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