Local Government TV

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy - The October Surprise

Move over, Donald Trump. Take a hike, Gloria Allred! These two publicity hounds have tried, and failed, to unleash the dreaded October Surprise that comes with every Presidential race. But Hurricane Sandy is doing one helluva' job of throwing a gigantic monkey wrench into an already tight race. If President Obama does a reasonably good job of handling this crisis, he'll win. If he fails, or if there is some major screw-up by some fed, he loses.

Is it fair to keep on playing politics during a natural disaster? Of course not. In baseball, games are called when it begins to rain. The tarps come out and everyone goes home. But this is Presidential Baseball, and like it or not, Barack Obama is the dude on the mound. True, he's mostly throwing screwballs, but look who he's playing against.

He's bearing down right now, in the closing innings. He's canceled political events and is instead sending email blasts every five minutes so everyone knows he's on top of this thing. He might be out there right now, helping someone with sandbags.

But if Hurricane Sandy sends one right into the glove of one his FEMA dudes, who then proceeds to drop the ball, Obama will be blamed and the game will be over.

In regular baseball, no pitcher is held responsible for a fielding error. If the runner scores, it's considered unearned. But this is Presidential Baseball, baby.

Now Romney is in the bullpen, warming up. He's got a screwball, too. It might be better than Obama's. It might be worse. With a name like Mitt, he should make no errors. But if Obama gets us out of the inning, we'll never know. If Obama fails, the American people will send in the reliever.


  1. This is the worst storm to hit the northeast in ages, of cousre there will be problems. Christ O'Hare, you are becoming as whacky and transparent as the crazy partisan teabaggers.

  2. More like a savior, I like the troll!

  3. Advice to Mitt. Unless Obama and team really screw up keep your mouth shut.

    No Grand standing!!!!!!!!

  4. When Obama has taken the pitchers mound, he's worn mom jeans and thrown like a girl.

  5. Is Mitt's "Screwball" you reference for the Middle Class?

    Sure like to know if FEMA is one of those Big Government Bureaucratic Programs treading on Joey Teaparty that is in line for Romney cuts. Some will say the private sector can handle it best but don't tell that to Gov Chirstie and Gov Corbett who already requested FEDERAL assistance.

    Fact is there will be some without power for more than one day and someone will politicize it.

  6. Well, some of us know Obama failed miserably on his reaction (lack of response) to cries for help from our Libyan embassy. Also his lies about that whole episode.

    Anyone who leaves the liberal media for even just a day, knows one of the biggest scandals in American history is being covered up. It will be hard to cover up one of the biggest storms in history, however. He'll be grandstanding on this one.

  7. Bernie, you can't be serious. LYBIA COVERUP is the October surprise. BHO's handling of Sandy will NOT revive 4 dead Americans. BHO needs to explain why help was denied to try and save them. WHY?
    This has been possibly the worst scandel out of DC ever.
    BHO will lose regardless of his storm spinning efforts.

  8. Bernie,

    In the end America(undecideds) will vote its pocketbook. This storm won't affect that.

    Scott Armstrong

  9. Historically, natural disasters are bad for the incumbent, as they are the face of a slowly responding bureaucratic behemoth.

    I'm firmly of the belief that this entire Frankenstorm is George W. Bush's fault, however.

  10. Obama promised to lower sea levels and heal the planet. He owns this storm.

  11. @7:10
    Bib he wear " sacred garments ",you know, magic undies with those jeans?

    I would prefer a president who does not rely on superstitious belief in times of crisis,
    I can't for the life of me see that as irreiievent.
    Our complex world needs leadership grounded in reality not superstitious charms of incantations.

    If we want to focus on harsh bias------- how would a non-believer, a rationalist or even a Diest who ran for high office be treated by the media and electorate?

    1. I prefer a President who is Rosolve and steadfast. Romney changes position so frequently he should be called the cammelion candididate

      FEMA is an insurance policy for the States. Romney wants to eliminate FEMA and put the responsibility on States. No one state can handle $3 billion response. Corbett can't even fund transportation.

      Ask Christie why he is looking for a handout.

  12. Historians will be able to compare Obama's responce to George W's storm responce.

    Notice how the right wingers avoid any mention of their great champion W these days.

    Where does W rank as a presidential leader?
    Has W stumped for Mitt? Has W endorsed Mitt? If not, why not?

    The Scott who is Armstrong, how do you rate W as a president?

  13. Now Scott is coming clean. Scott is a republican because it saves him money.
    End of story-----I got mine to the devil with the needy. Let them get theirs.

  14. W left a Obama an economic recovery, that Obama stifled for two years as he rang up debt while pursuing the widely hated Obamacare.

    W has been slaughtered by a blaming Obama and his media amen corner. Unlike Jimmy Carter, for instance, history will ultimately judge W well. Obama's historically dismal performance will greatly assist W's historical rehabilitation.

  15. 9:50 AM
    a bunch of drivel.
    Shrub was his daddy's idiot and still is.
    A shirker for his entire life, Georgie, like Mittens, is a silver spoon baby who knows nothing of the great middle class excepthow to fleece it.

  16. "I got mine to the devil with the needy"
    The needy have, amoing other things:
    "Eighty percent of poor households have air conditioning. Nearly three-fourths have a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more. Two-thirds have cable or satellite TV. Half have one or more computers. Forty-two percent own their homes. The average poor American has more living space than the typical non-poor person in Sweden, France or the U.K. Ninety-six percent of poor parents stated that their children were never hungry during the year because they couldn’t afford food."

    having a hard time sympathizing

  17. Bush saved millions with his African AIDS initiative. He followed the lead of Clinton, who declared African AIDS a human tragedy and US national security threat. Clinton identified the problem and Bush got its resolution funded. Both used political capital to save lives.

    Most of our presidents are good people. Obama and Romney are both good people.

    Lincoln was called "n*gger lover" and "ape-like" and "mongoloid." He was good man and one of our greatest presidents.

    History will judge more harshly the personal attackers than the men who were attacked so viciously.

  18. Obama will need a miracle storm performance. Latest polls show him trailing in Ohio. If the Benghazi attack story can break through the Liberal shield, this president will go down hard.

  19. Because the brilliant JD makes the point so much better than I ever could:


    As noted, Barry the pre-emptive blame shifter is already ahead of the game.


  20. Interesting baseball parody.

  21. And, of course, the public troughfeeders use the storm threat as an excuse to take another paid day off whilst those who fund them tredge on, doing what the right thing.


  22. Clem, I believe that most people who can take off should take off, especially when it comes to schools.

  23. "More like a savior, I like the troll!"

    That's bc you're one, too.

  24. "If we want to focus on harsh bias------- how would a non-believer, a rationalist or even a Diest who ran for high office be treated by the media and electorate?"

    If he were running as an R, not very well. I see all kinds of anti-Mormon bias out in the open that would be condemned very quickly if directed at a Catholic or Jew.

  25. Ronnie, I see the attempts to blame Obama over those four deaths, but there is no evidence that links hi t the decision not to respond. There may very well be such evidence, but we won't know that until after the election. This will not sway an undecided like me. I will say that Pentagon officials who argue that they do not commit people to something without knowing what is going on need to be fired. It is their business to know what is going on. And it is pretty obvious that soldiers on the ground eventually ignored them.

  26. "History will judge more harshly the personal attackers than the men who were attacked so viciously."

    Very eloquently stated.

  27. 10:17, I understand there are many in out entitlement society who take advantage of the system, but my personal experience is there are any more who do not. I'd like a link to the stats you cited so I can check it out.

  28. "FEMA is an insurance policy for the States. Romney wants to eliminate FEMA and put the responsibility on States. No one state can handle $3 billion response. Corbett can't even fund transportation"

    Based on Katrina, I'd say FEMA is a disaster. Local problems should be solved locally. There is no reason for Big Brother to step in and tell people what kind of mobile home they must live in or to send private contractors away. I do believe we need the infrastructure, and FEMA seems to have learned from its mistakes. But I see nothing wrong with making sure that local agencies be given the authority to make most of the local decisions.

    I believe this is the point Romney was trying to make in the video clip being distorted at HuffPo.

    1. Local authorities are the first responders, however, imagine what the teaparty doomsday joesbwould say if the County want to invest in emergency prepardness. Local Government cannot land a C5 with emergency aid nor can they assist when a community is devastated.

      Such hypocrisy. I guess border ecuriry should be at the local level? You can't have it both ways. Fema is not replacing local ems response. They supplement it.

  29. I am admittedly a partisan on the libyan attack. panetta should resign immediately. obama, the other day in his nashua n.h. rally, was telling his audience that he will "always have their back, that america will leave nobody behind."; that should apply to the lives of our soldiers, not just our voter's at election. (an incredibly poor choice of words by obama at this time) he should be an actor, not commander and chief.

    1. Reagan had more missteps than Bush. Surw love to know what some thought when when the Reagan adminiatration testified their was adequate security for the Beirut barracks or the fact that the CIA warned of an imminent threat three days before. How quickly some forget. Ronnie raises taxes 3 times to boot. Hate to rain in on your teaparty.

  30. Get those public workers swine out into the maw of the storm and rain and make them work in rain.
    Make some of them risk their lives out there just to set an example. Have some of them sleep and eat at there phones and desks. Get em up in the middle of the night, hell make some of them work around the clock.
    Make some of these leave their own loved ones for days while they serve the rest of use good, god fearing folks with REAL jobs.You got their number Clem.

  31. Ah,wait a secound ------- don't a lot of those public service swine already do that?

  32. I am sure you remember the refrain that Howard Baker made famous during Watergate. "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

    If it appears that he knew about the decision NOT to send in help, he is toast. If it appears that he was too busy attending fundraisers to know what was going on, he is toast. But I do not think this will be developed until sometime after the election, if at all.

    Unlike Watergate, in which we had an active and very curious press. There are very few investigative journalists now. Instead, we have celebrity coverage and pie-eating contests.

  33. " W left Obama an economic recovery."
    WTF. WOW.
    That is fantastic. That is right up there with " keep your GOVERMENT hands off my Medicare ."
    I mean there you have.
    What more needs to be said.

  34. History will judge W as one of our best presidents.
    Not in the top three or four, but one of our best.
    I will be forever proud that I was able to cast my vote for this wonderful American.

  35. Pearl of Great Price. Not pears....sorry,

  36. Dude, I voted for W too, but best presidents? He's James Buchanan with a wife.

  37. BTW this is no less true for Reid, Huntsman, Romney, Hatch or the Osmands.
    The Mormon religion is quite aware of the challenges it faces in the age of information technology.
    They will have their own "reformation" forced on them soon. Sooner in fact if Romney wins and their religion is in the harsh glare of the spotlight.

  38. http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2011/09/understanding-poverty-in-the-united-states-surprising-facts-about-americas-poor

  39. History will proclaim George W Bush a great, and good, man. God bless W.

  40. The real truth is America doesn't really have any poor. It's all a Democrat Party scam.

  41. America doesn't have poor. I could not agree more.
    But it sure has lazy.

  42. "Anonymous said...
    Ah,wait a secound ------- don't a lot of those public service swine already do that?

    12:53 PM"

    A few do. The vast majority, from the PSEAers to the polyester clad county snackers and gossips, not so much as a minute past closing time on clear day, let alone a day when they've got the cover of a forecast.

    "Bernie O'Hare said...
    I am sure you remember the refrain that Howard Baker made famous during Watergate. "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

    Howard Baker was an R, the one who told his party's leader it was time, for the good of the country, to step down. You will never, EVER find anyone in the D party willing to pose that question about teh Messiah, as they would not to Clinton. Their ends-justifies-the-means philosophy is why, no matter the individual examples of moral failure on the right, the D party will never, ever be able to claim the moral high ground.

    The immorality of the left is systemic, if not organic.


  43. What a pathetic piece this is.

    YOU are really "over the top" on this one ... ha ha

    See you in a little more than a week.

    The coward 0-bama is going DOWN!


  44. Clem, I'd agree but would add that the right is just as bad.

  45. 1:48, Thanks for the link. It seems incredible. Heritage obviously has an agenda, but this research is something to consider.

  46. No shit? You think Heritage has an agenda?

  47. Erase opinion you can't face Bernie.
    Clean up untidy history.
    You have no integrity, but in that you are certainly not alone. You would make a good true believer yourself.

    " Don't confuse me with the facts." And above all no rational criticism of religion or supernatural belief systems. No Russel, no Darwin, no Sagin, no Spinozia, no Socraties, no Paine, and yes, no Jefferson.

    I'd use my name but after I saw how you let people abuse Jim F. I think I would be a real fool if I did.

    You just go back to work censoring your blog.

  48. You are unwilling to accept responsibility for your anti-Mormon rants, and that is why you refuse to ID yourself. You are a coward, and will be deleted.

  49. If an R had flown to Los Angeles and Las Vegas fundraisers while the embassy was still smoldering, the screeching would be deafening.

    Obama is abandoning the Northeast to attend a Florida fundraiser tonight. He knows a supportive press will say nothing.


  50. Indeed. Disgraceful.
    But then Barry's career has been nothing but disgraceful.

    A new day is coming and real Americans will be back on top soon. It will be time to settle some old business. Finally.

  51. Those no-good leaching poor people. Parading around with their VCR's and Microwaves. And Cars!! Poor people have CARS????? Outrageous! They should be cleaning up litter in Allentown, not driving to the McDonald's on MacArthur road stealing OUR jobs! And 96% have kids that don't go hungry?? Bernie! We must do something! We can't have poor people feeding their offspring! Leaching off society!


  52. Timothy, You miss the point. If they have cars, air conditioning, Internet access, computers, cable and DVD players, are they really "poor"? On the other hand, I personally know many people who work very hard and who do not have some of these things, which one would consider basic. I do know we have a very large segment of this community who is struggling. I have seen it. Also, I see that no one really speaks for them.

  53. And erase any references to the widly respected writer and historian FAWN BRODIE as well.
    Perhaps a LEHIGH VALLEY RAMBLING Book Burning is in order Bernie.

  54. You are the one with the pitch forks and torches.


    What are you afraid of Bernie? A writer? A historian you haven't read?

  56. Actually, it appears that you are the person who is afraid. You won't ID yourself and accept personal responsibility for your religious intolerance. I have nothing against Brodie, who did.

  57. Work smarter not harder Bernie. If you work hard and can't afford a VCR player, then you are a dummy.


  58. Timothy, Right after defending the poor, you insult them.

  59. The Heritage foundation as well as Fox news, has as much credibility as the national Enquier and MSNBC. Please!

    Bernie, I have had many baggers show me that statement on printed postcards they were given. One even said, "The poor in US are better off then the poor in China or all of South America." I don't know about you Bernie, but I know some good people who have fallen on poor time. These baggers refuse to accept that fate can play cruel tricks and sometimes good people are in bad situations. I don't know when they lost their humanity but it seems to have started with the "Rise of Rush" and hit its peak with the election of the first African American President, coincidence? Maybe.

    By the way, W and his pals got us into a trillion dollar war in Iraq with thousands of Americans killed based on bullshit WMD fear mongering. If they lived in any country but the USA, they would be tried as war criminals. In the case of the Libian deaths, I think "real" news outlets are waiting for the all the information and not creating it like Fox. How can people be so brainwashed as to think that every News outlet in the world is "covering up" a huge story but noble Fox news is the only one crying out the truth.

    Sadly, I do feel more sorry for you guys than I do for the poor. Most of the poor still have their common sense and their dignity. You guys are just living off your hate.

    Very sad.

  60. A humanist would fare poorly if they were an R. Right Bernie?
    Do tell? How have the Rs used fear and hate of gay citizens these last elections.
    Who ran those Willy Horton ads?
    Which side formulated the " southern stratergy"?
    Even Lee Atwater repented befored he died.

    Come on Bernie, your smarter than that bro.

  61. No question that the Rs have their fair share of bigots. But it pervades the left end of the spectrum, too. I've seen Condi Rice called Aunt Jemima and, most recently, have seen anti-Mormon comments. I have seen the same homophobia and sexism in the left that is piously condemned when seen on the right.

  62. Yo Clem, you getting really worked up as the election nears and a bunch of nastyness is oozing out. " Polyester clad " workers and trashing police officers firefighters and other public workin "swine". You got some ugly class bias there old
    Wowy I'm a bit surprised. Defending the super- rich is one thing but trashing the poor and working stiffs don't make ya look so good daddyOh.
    Hey while I'm logged in--- I d like to thank all those workin stiff public sector and private sector who are going to bust their asses, work late and in some cases risk their very lives so Clem and me and you and our loved ones can get through the storm safe and warm and dry.
    My the good Lord bless you and hold you all safely in the palm of his hand.

  63. Do tell about the homophobia amoung the Dems, BOH.

  64. we were doing just fine until the supremos gave into the atheists

    truman desegregated the armed forces and started a shit fire by recognizing the jew state

    Ike at least built roads (we haven't maintained them since, but what the hell)

    a catholicker laid a movie star and everything else in a skirt but couldn't control a tiny island

    a hick texan couldn't get a war right

    a drunk, delusion-ed crook couldn't get one little break-in right (his VP couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time)

    a peanut farmer gave away a yacht, a big ditch and just about everything else

    A "B" movie boy fixed everything and he did it without his monkey

    A waspy texan didn't finish a war and blew the economy

    a southern hick at least got a blow job (can't blame him - seen the wife lately?)and did a good job with the economy

    another texan who never had a real job blew 2 wars (are you noticing a trend here with texans?) and really blew the economy (are you noticing a trend here with texans?)

    then came the messiah with hope and change. and that is all you have left on payday - change (he's made the three texans look good)

    AND NOW you have a choice -----

    the evil that you know with more of the same OR the evil that wears funny underwear and changes the plan on a daily basis.

    You have been screwed, you are screwed and your are going to get screwed again

    BEND OVER USA - here we go and we ain't using any lube

    Remember on election day "Vote early and vote often"

  65. You can see it on this blog, locally.

  66. Amen. It's working folks who will get us thru high water.
    God Bless them.

    Main St. not Wall St. !!!!!!

  67. Thanks for setting the record straight Bern. I would have missed the Dens playing the hate and homophobia card if not for you.
    Thank you for that pal. Now I see it clearly.

  68. I have never seen such a more ignorant group of people who rant here. It's disgusting.

  69. Anyone the Defense Secretary resign over:

    Reagan's Arms for Hostages scandle?

    Reagan's Beiruit crisis when 241 US service members were killed. Three months later the US pulled out.

    Bushs PDB Bin Laden determine to attack in US week prior to 911.

    False intel on Iraq'a WMD.

    Do really think Romney's misteps and public comments are becoming of Commander in Chief? His foreign policy is all over the place.

  70. Thank you 4:02, Well said. I am a Republican and consider myself a moderate and I am really turnred off by the hate. No question it exisits in both parites. I believe it will either bring about a legitimate third Party or destroy one or both of the two major parties.

    So much hate among Americans for each other. Al lstoked by some talking heads trying to make a buck.

    Are we not better than that?

  71. Just put out my trash and recyclables and they blew away. Who's gonna clean that up?
    -Allentown Democrat Voter

  72. @5:46
    "are we not better than that ?"
    No, apparently not.

  73. I still have power. The houses east of me on my side of the street are OK but everything else is dark.
    I have been told 90% of Allentown has lost power.

    Scott Armstrong

  74. Temporary losses here in Nazareth. I know Palmer is out.


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