Local Government TV

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Coroner: Heroin Overdose Killed Son of Eagles' Coach

At a October 18 news conference, DA John Morganelli provided a glimpse into the final hours of 29 year-old Garrett Reid, oldest son of Eagles Head Coach Andy Reid. Just a few hours before his death on August 5, he was fine, according to two witnesses who saw him on Lehigh University's campus. But at 7:20 AM, he was found dead in his private bedroom at Sayre Park Village, where the Eagles were housed during training camp. According to Coroner Zachary Lysek, an autopsy and subsequent toxicology tests reveal that Reid's killer was heroin. Lysek added that Reid was in fact a chronic heroin user.

"Unfortunately, Garrett Reid did have a battle with drug use," stated Lysek.

LU Police Chief Edward Shupp
But how did Reid get the heroin? That's what Morganelli and Lehigh University police are still investigating. Police uncovered 19 vials of a still undetermined liquid substance, 47 syringes and 64 needles in Reid's gym bag. The also found two empty wax papers in which heroin is commonly packaged.

Officers also have Reid's cell phone, from which they continue to investigate calls and texts to and from Reid.

Morganelli wants the identity of Reid's supplier, whether it is in Philadelphia or Northampton County. Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams has pledged to assist Morganelli in any way needed. Morganelli also noted that the Philadelphia Eagles' organization has been completely cooperative, from Coach Reid to the players.

Whether investigators will ever be successful in identifying Reid's supplier is by no means clear. "Every investigation is its own animal," stated Morganelli.


  1. We waste millions on a phony drug war and do nothing to address the demand of users like Reid who are so incredibly motivated to continue to be supplied. The drug war is a costly program that has delivered worsening abuse, addiction and associated crime. It keeps a lot of cops, judges, court employees, and prison workers in shoes. But at what real cost? Reid caused his own problems and is responsible for his own death. Law enforcement and the criminal justice system are doing nothing to make things even a little better. They and it have made things worse.

  2. Why does the public need to know this. Hasn't this family suffered enough?

  3. This so called drug war, is the longest, most costly and has failed worse than any law enforcement attempt ever. Only the oldest profession (paid sex), has yielded even less success.When will this country move past this. We have more people in jails then a dictatorship. We spend more on prisons than we do on schools. And small minded (and other parts) Napoleans, such as Morganeeli, get paid lots of money. Its a huge waste of resources and lives.

  4. So it was heroin? shocker.

  5. 6:48 am -

    How do you address the demand of users like Reid?

    This was a kid who admitted he got into the drug scene because he liked being a "playa" and being the rich kid dealer who the thugs looked up to. He committed the dealer's sin of "getting high on his own supply".

    And, now, because he is the son of the LV's favorite pro football coach, we'll spend a pile of money to find someone to blame and have a news conference about.

    There is no shortage of examples of the evil that is heroin, and other drugs, for that matter. That shit has been killing high profile people for decades. Anyone who touches it now has no excuse.

    Those who say wasting money on incarceration are not entirely wrong, but it is better than an even more expensive liberal crusade funneling even more resources into an expanded (and, ultimately government controlled) rehab bureacracy. Perhaps we should just let the dumbasses have at it until they waste away in their own shit.


  6. Sounds like you already use it there Clem.

  7. "Why does the public need to know this. Hasn't this family suffered enough?"

    There are now more drug overdose deaths than traffic fatalities, so although I understand your complaint, I consider what happened to Garrett Reid very newsworthy.


  8. Heroin kills, plain and simple. But any "addict" would "die for" a hit of the same stuff that just killed their mate. Of course they think they are differnt and it will not happen to them. Sounds just like the NIZ to me. Live and learn, baby! Live and learn.

  9. If the victim was a homeless person they would just move to the next case. Everyone wants to be important and find the dealer just because it was Reid.


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