Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Northampton County Loses a Centurion

Ann Achatz
Widely considered considered one of the world's most brilliant military tacticians, Gaius Julius Caesar regularly screwed things up. When he landed in Britain, for example, nearly all the ships carrying him and his troops were destroyed, cutting off supplies and making quick evacuation impossible. He nevertheless always came out on top in any martial adventure. His legionnaires, often outnumbered and hungry, fought like hell, probably harder than any army. They adored him, and the feeling was mutual. He may not have been very familiar with the tribunes and legates at the top of his many legions, but knew every centurion by name. He understood that centurions, or middle managers, are the ones who make things happen. Every good officer knows that sergeants run an army. And on the County level, it's the row officers and division heads. Northampton County says good-bye to one of these centurions today.

Ann Achatz has spent the last 38 years working in the Recorder of Deeds Office. Since 1989, she's been the Recorder. She's worked under each of the County's six Executives, as well as three different Recorders. She's even put up with me, which is no easy feat.

Ann was instrumental in implementing a state-of-the-art electronic recording system called LANDEX. Over forty counties now use that system, widely regarded the best in the state.

She modernized the office, with an emphasis on making it as user friendly as possible. Many older record books have been scanned and are available on computer. In addition to making things easier for searchers and the public, this has conserved space.

She came up with the idea of charging $10 for a parcel check on every document recorded. This resulted in $400,000 pouring into County coffers last year. It will be more this year.

This reduces the need to generate revenue through real estate taxes.

"There have been many challenges, ups and downs," states Ann. "I have met many wonderful people who have supported me during my career and will miss each and every one of them."

The feeling is mutual, Ann.

Ann lives in Forks Township with her husband, John, and two very unusual cats.

Ann will be succeeded by her Chief Deputy, Andrea Suter. Although Director of Court Services Archie D'Isidore stated he might apply for the job, he never did. Suter will be sworn in on Thursday.

I'd say that Andrea has some big shoes to fill, but Ann's feet are only about four inches long.

If you have a chance, stop by and say good-bye to Ann today.


  1. Ann is a hard worker and a class act. The county has lost one of its best. Enjoy your retirement Ann!

  2. But you despise public workers feeding at the trough. It's the very essence of this blog.


  3. I despise public sector union people when they enslave the rest of us. Ann was never a member, by the way.

  4. Oh, its only UNION people. Like the LVEDC.

  5. I don't detest union people, either. Learn to read. I detest public sector unions, and only when they enslave the rest of us. believe they should be abolished, and Exhibit A is James Schlener. Exhibit B would be the sexual harasser that AFSCME defended all the way to the Supreme Court.

    You are trying to peg me, and should know by now that I march to my own music.

  6. So the janitor at Nazareth High School should be painted with the same brush as some miscreants? This is why it's hard to take your hyperbolic comments seriously.

  7. No, but the janitor at Nazareth High School works for us, not some greedy corporation. There is no reason some single mother should have to work two jobs to pay his pension while she has none. Your refusal to recognize this sad reality reveals how out of touch you are.

  8. Incidentally, this post is for Ann. It is not a discussion of unions, so let's stay on topic please.

  9. Just deleted an anonymous personal attack.

  10. This is part of the preditory realestate market in the lehivalley? Like insurance office personel are kept ignorant to the facts, so this is a factor in the ignorance in registar of wills and deeds.

  11. I have no idea what you are talking about.

  12. Maybe there is no reason some filithy rich corporation should pay no pension so that it can mantain its tax free status on the
    Cayman Islands. Maybe companies have not only a finacial obligation to shareholders but a moral and ethical obligation to society, like th erest of us.

    Sorry O'Hare but your embrace of the teabagger philosophy makes no sense and only shows how easily manipulated people can be if you wave a flag in their face and make silly comments about "job creators" and the "Constitution".

    If an advanced civilization is willing to freely work for nothing and give up any notion of healthcare or pensions, it is their choice.

    Sadly, it is merely the Industrialists dream. People willing to screw themselves so a few can profit fro9m their suffering.

  13. Is there a full moon out? Wait, it's daytime...

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Hey former employee or shall I say GUTLESS WONDER....why don't you have the balls to let people know who you are?

  16. Word is she did help start the union movement when Reibman was there. She was known as a behind the scenes rabbler and a Stoffa supporter. so you can understand the O'Hare love..

  17. 3:14 anon coward,

    u obviously have an axe to grind way too late. This person is gone and u still hang on to your weird emotional misgivings and hatred.

    Try to make a better person of yourself and move into the future.

    If you can't then I suggest u enter a program to deal with your degrading emotions and continuing lack of self respect/inferiority complex and self-destructive suicidal tendencies.

    At least 12 years of aggressive therapy is recommended.

    Take 2 chocolate eclairs with a shot of Old GrandDad and call me in the morning.

  18. Or u might just try to get laid

  19. I deleted the anonymous personal attack. Haters gotta' be haters.

  20. She was not one of the supporters of the union with the Reibman administration. Far from a union lover. Someone gave you wrong information.


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