Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

NorCo's New Register of Wills, Gina Gibbs

Her name is Gina Gibbs, and she is now officially Northampton County Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans Court. Although she's been on the job for over a week, courts only swore here in yesterday.

What is the Register of Wills and Orphans Court? It's where you go when you're madly in love and want a marriage license. A few years later, it's where your wife has you committed.  Finally, after you've gone tets up, it's where your kids will fight over your estate.

All $43.

Gibbs' appointment has been rather controversial. Judges believe they should control that office, as well as the criminal and civil divisions. In addition, county administrators passed over a 13-year veteran and Deputy Register who also had applied for the job and had the recommendation of the outgoing Register of Wills.

Unlike most row officers, Gibbs has only been employed  by the County for about four years. She started in the Solicitor's Office as an "exempt" employee. This means her employment would last only as long as Executive John Stoffa remained in office. About a year ago, she was appointed Deputy Director of Elections. This enabled her to transition from an "exempt" employee to a career service position, where she would have some job protection.

Like 90% of County employees, Gibbs is a hard worker. She immigrated to this country at age 19. She's managed to earn an Associate's Degree, Bachelor's Degree and reportedly is eyeing up a few law schools. She's managed to do this while working full-time and supporting her children. At her Linked In profile, Executive John Stoffa gives her this recommendation. "Gina is a talented bright easy- to- work- with professional who never fails to meet her deadlines. She is friendly and will go out of her way to help without complaint. She is a joy to work with.”

She clearly was a favorite on the Third Floor, where Administrators work. I believe this gave her an unfair advantage. I also believe it is a mistake to appoint a row officer who might stay with the County another year. But none of this is her fault, and she's certainly entitled to advance herself.

To my knowledge, she played no role in last week's termination of two Register of Wills employees.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This individual does not have enough training, education and experience for this position. If she leaves the Department on some type of auto pilot she will be able to ride it out. Surely there were more other qualified individuals with serious institutional knowledge that could have been better more appropriate choices?

  3. How many "cousins" does stoffa have?

  4. anon 443: i'm not necessaraily a stoffa fan, but...because just because she's a woman we should "look into their relationship"? that's BS.

  5. This lady can figure it out , she is not presently and does not have to tomorrow work a county job. She is resourceful on her own feet, She knew no one and earned her way.The county has played games in personnel in the past and she could not have been one of the contestants from South America. Some of you better hope no one does a matrix and connect all the relatives together over there.

  6. Beauty & the ablity to charm VS someone, an Deputy who has been with the county speciafically Register of Wills for approximately 13 years, experienced, and is the more qualified individual for the job. Yes she doesn't have same assets as Ms. Gina Gibbs however we all can not be so blessed.

  7. "just because she's a woman we should "look into their relationship"? that's BS."


  8. 9:45, Let's leave her physical appearance out of this shall we?

  9. "This lady can figure it out , she is not presently and does not have to tomorrow work a county job. She is resourceful on her own feet, "

    Obviously. In 4 short years, she went from exempt intern to Register of Wills. And this statement that she does not need a county job tells me she does not plan on being Register very long.

  10. It's obvious why Gina was selected for the position; She's Ambitious and works hard.

    Just because you've been at a position for 13 years doesn't mean that you should automatically get the job.

    On another note, the commenting system on blogger is horrible. Isn't there another way?

  11. The commenting system is horrible, but I have it set up to make it as easy as possible to post a comment. If you can think of a better way, I'm all ears.

    I agree that Gina Gibbs is both ambitious and works hard. But the statement that she does need a county job tells me some things.

  12. Anon 4:43. AM:

    Another cowardly personal attack. How do you live with yourself?

    Go back under your rock!

    Sign your name, you coward!

    Bernie: it is time to delete all posts from this jerk!

    Vic Mazziotti

  13. I agree, Vic, that there are one or two crazy persons who try to blame everything on Stoffa. They remain anonymous, which tells me all I need to know. I do delete them from time to time.

    In this instance, there is some question of latent favoritism, although I would never believe for a second that John Stoffa is capable of cronyism.

  14. I decided to delete the first comment bc it went beyond mere allegations of cronyism.

  15. Check out Disqus.


  16. I have that. It is actually more difficult for my readers than Blogger comments. The result is far fewer comments, which defeats the purpose of a blog.

  17. I don't know Gina Gibbs, so I am not going to say anything negative about her. However, I do know the deputy who did not get the job. The position of Register of Wills & Orphan' Court is not a popularity contest. This position should be earned. In order to effectively run these two offices, the person appointed should have the knowledge, experience, and ability to supervise the office. Yes, the person not appointed did have 13 years experience and yes, she was the most qualified person who should have been appointed. She is hard working, knowledgeable, excellent employee, not an abuser of time, always on time to report to work, worked her way up from the bottom and this is how she was rewarded for her hard work & dedication. What a kick in the face.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. "13 years experience, hard working, knowledgeable, excellent employee, not an abuser of time, always on time to report to work, worked her way up from the bottom."

    All excellent traits and a model candidate I'm sure. That said, its not completely out of the realm of possibility that another individual might have different skills on top of the ones listed above that might be more suited to the position and where management might see future needs arising?

    Over simplifying and I'm not familiar with the hiring process but or frankly the duties of the job, just because someone did a job for 13 years and knows it inside and out, does not mean that they can also manage people in that position. Frankly sometimes its even more difficult for an individual to move from "peer" to "manager".

  20. Pole the workers in the Election's office to see about her management skills. Rumors are just that, but sometimes there is something to them. Sometimes.

    Terrible selection only because someone much more qualified was already there.

  21. Bernie I am ashamed of my self.I have been called a coward. It seems normal and customary to post as I had for the first time .What I could have conveyed was that for the first time to my knowledge an appointee to a department may have been made on merit.Now I have met this lady twice and she said not thing about her self , I ask about her . I found it refreshing that the county would have hired such a nice young manager and not from some political reason. I think that she would do well in private industry and that she likes government service ,that[s all. Look, do a litmus test for yourself before you call me a coward.Go out some place local and ask a person you do not know, HOW YOU GET A JOB at the court house or the TOLL BRIDGE COMMISSION? Be honest.I am not making this up.I am a tax payer only ,not an employee.I do not know this lady personally.But look at what she has done and how she conducts herself.If you do not like the TRUTH , fix it.

  22. Something fishy with Stoffa and this appointemnt.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. There is nothing fishy about this appointment. For those of you who like to speculate without knowledge, I would like to enlighten you as to the process of hiring:
    1- Someone resigns, retires or is terminated.
    2- Interested, qualified internal workers apply for the same.
    3- If your experience & education are meritorious, then you are scheduled to take a test.
    4- If you are knowledgeable, then you qualify for an interview, and lastly;
    5- If you are capable, educated, and PREPARED, then you’ll get the job. That’s exactly what I did.

    As stated by Lucius Annaeus Seneca; "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” and I have been lucky because I am in constant preparation, and opportunities are always present to us all.

    If my hiring sounds fishy to you, it is probably because you are neither educated, knowledgeable nor prepared. So, of course there is no way you can relate to my achievements.

    Bernie, I want to thank you for being objective and respecting my name regardless of your idea of how things should be. You and everyone are entitled to express their thoughts, of course, maintaining a level of respect.

    I wanted to stay out of this, but I feel there are people sticking out for me and supporting me, therefore I should do the same for myself.

    Not sure what is your idea of me, or how smart you think I am, or how unqualified… all I know is that I have a job to do, people are my priority, and I will always do my job with love and to the best of my ability as I have done in the past.

    Ambitious, yes I am ambitious; nothing in life is for free, if you want something, you work hard, prepare, and maintain a positive attitude, knowing that you hard work and hours invested studying one day will pay off.

    Gina X. Gibbs,
    Register of Wills and Orphans’ Court.

  25. Gina, you have defended yourself admirably even though you should not have to. If there was a "favorite" candidate for this position it wasn't you. It is obvious from all of the opposition in the courthouse the real "favorite" in the eyes of many who do not know you was the other candidate. Since your selection that individual has gone out of her way to garnish sympathy at your expense. That is unfortunate. There was no favoritism or cronyism with your appointment. You obviously have the intelligence and leadership qualities needed for this position. That office needed fresh ideas and a commitment to quality that you bring to the table. Best of luck!

  26. 6:25, I would not call you a coward for sticking up for someone anonyously. If I have called you a coward, it is because of an anonymous personal attack.

  27. Gina, Thank you for your comment. I do not fault you for applying for the job, nor do I question your work ethic. I also take note that you are educated, and managed to get a degree under trying circumstances. I do consider your appointment a mistake, and this is based on my own knowledge of what is required in the row offices. And as an ambitious person, I question whether you'll be there for the long haul. I believe that, as a third floor alum, you had an unfair advantage in that they were taking care of one of their own. I do think the judges should have been consulted. I do question your management skills bc, in the elections office, you had problems. I question why the County would pull you out of the elections office two months before a presidential election, when that office is swamped. I do think it will take at least a year before you learn your job, and by then, you might be somewhere else.

    But anonymous personal attacks directed at you will be deleted. And you have done nothing wrong. My quarrel is with those who appointed you. I believe they did you a disservice.

  28. " That office needed fresh ideas and a commitment to quality that you bring to the table. Best of luck!"

    This is nonsense. The Register of Wills office has long been recognized as the best-run row office in the County by those of us who use them. Your statement betrays your ignorance and explains why the appointment is so flawed.

  29. Thesre is some reason Stoffa did this. Some sort of payback. He isn't a nice guy, so there is a reason sheo would be given this job out of the air.

  30. Gina is also from South America...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm some good ole Northampton County predujice operating here ? Go Gina you have it head over heels of any candidate.

  31. Bernie your fact finder needs a new battery. You are gettng sloppy with your information gathering. Do you think keeping a separate record of time earned separate the county books is well run ? of someone earnng overtime working at home and not following couny policy and the union contract is well run ? you are getting sloppy .

  32. I am well aware of this supposed high crime. Here's a little fact for you. I know very few offices that do not keep separate records. That way, employees get their comp time and nobody is ripped off, including the county. Also, employees who can work from home should be encouraged to do so. It is Stoffa who suggested that himself, several years ago. It saves gas, reduces the demand on parking, and enables work to be done efficiently.

    It is a very well run row office. Perhaps the best of the all. I know bc I visit them all regularly. You don't.

    But let's assume that is a big deal. Why on earth would you penalize a deputy? She did not set the policy. But she is being punished. Or perhaps this is an attempt to muddy her up so that you can get your person in there.

    Appointing Gina is a bad call. The courts did not like it. The row offices did not like it. The rank and file does not like it. The only ones who do like it are Archie and inhabitants of the third floor.

    Make sure you're getting oxygen up there, will 'ya?

  33. Where and what is Kaplan University?

  34. Realty is the testing for these positions are wrong. First you test to get into the county. Then once you are in you test for each position until recently you were being tested on old tests from the 1800's and the computer programs were old not even what the county has been currently using. There was no test for the register of wills and orphan's court. The question people should be asking is who made up the test and how did they get the information to develop the test. I was one of the test takers and it absolutely had nothing to do with the job at all. I think once are withing the county, advancement should not just be about tests, but about experienced and capablity.

  35. "Where and what is Kaplan University?"

    Oh my goodness. I just noticed that. It's a rip off school.

  36. Hey Bernie and all you nay sayers, maybe, if you will delete personal attacks, you should delete your own comments. In one breath you try to cover yourself by saying about Gina "it's not your fault..." etc, then there's the commenter "i am not going to say anything negative about this woman"..then you both go on to make negative assumptions about how and why she got the job, and how long she will last (seems you can't wait for her to trip so you can say "told you so"), as well as insinuating she messed up in her previous post. Well, everyone makes mistakes, it's called being human. All I get here is sour grapes, witch hunt, and mob rule. Who decides who is the favorite to get the job>? Management! That's their decision, it's not up for vote. As far as I know Gina, I will offer maybe why she got the job -she's smart, she's very positive and she's a people person, all good management qualities. She also has a better command of written English than some of the bosses I have come across at the courthouse and in other sphere's in my own experience. Stop bashing Gina. More opportunities will come along for Ingrid in time, aided by a positive attitude, not from negativity, such as we have seen here from Bernie and other posters!

  37. Under your logic, if I can call it that, she cannot be criticized at all, even when it is based on her professional performance in another office or the undue influence that was used on her behalf. I will tolerate no anonymous personal attacks.

    My criticism is not personal, but professional. I have said she is smart. I have said she is a hard worker. I have even said she is educated, although I am not so sure about Kaplan University.

    But the FACT is she has only been a county employee for 4 years.

    The FACT is that she was only a deputy on the elections office for 11 months.

    The FACT is that she failed to get along with the people over her and under her in that position.

    The FACT is that she knows NOTHING about the wills office.

    The FACT is that her appointment was objected to by judges.

    The FACT is that her appointment was unpopular with other row officers and with the rank and file.

    The FACT is that she is ambitious by her own admission, and might leave the wills office high and dry when something better comes along for her, not for the county.

    The FACT is that she left the elections office about 6 weeks before a presidential election.

    NONE of these are personal criticisms or attacks. these are all questions and concerns about her ability to do the job and the wisdom of her appointment.

    The only one who is now getting personal is you.

  38. You've just proved my point,. The person making personal attacks is you.

  39. Who are you to judge? I have rarely seen such arrogance...no, in fact, I have seen this over and over. You seem to be that type , you are right, and everyone else is wrong. Facts have to be backed up by evidence, not just word of mouth and gossip.
    Some of your so-called "facts" seem questionable. Me, I can admit my fallibility, as can most honest decent people. You respond by digging up more dirt on Gina. Guilty until proven guilty seems to be your policy. You are obviously a busy body who has nothing better to do than stir things up. That is my opinion, not a fact, I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to think I know it all. BTW, how can you say it's a FACT that she knows nothing about the wills office? Do you no more? Maybe you should have got the job? She didn't get along with those under or over her? Hmm, so she is solely responsible for the dynamics of human relationships, huh? Smacks of the mob again to me, I know, I have been living with it myself - people can be terribly suspicious of foreigners and new-comers, even jealous - bigotry is rife in some quarters - FACT!
    You "Question" (not attack) her ability to do the job and question (not an attack) her motives. Can't you just give the poor woman a chance to prove you and your nay sayers wrong? Try a little positivity, it might put a smile on your face (now, that would be a change!)

  40. BTW, care to have the last word?

  41. "1.The FACT is that she failed to get along with the people over her and under her in that position.

    2.The FACT is that she knows NOTHING about the wills office.

    3.The FACT is that her appointment was objected to by judges.

    4.The FACT is that her appointment was unpopular with other row officers and with the rank and file."

    Point 2 - conceded. And, her response above: "If my hiring sounds fishy to you, it is probably because you are neither educated, knowledgeable nor prepared. So, of course there is no way you can relate to my achievements.", shows her to be both arrogant and not quite as well educated as she claims.

    On the other hand -
    Points 1,3 and 4? Most of us don't know her from Adam. Maybe, just maybe, she is a doer and go getter who might shake things up a bit. If the majority of troughfeeders and our part-time hours for full-time comp judiciary don't like her, perhaps she may rock the boat too much for their liking?

    You are probably right, Bernie. One can always hope, though...


  42. I have rarely seen such arrogance...no, in fact, I have seen this over and over. You seem to be that type , you are right, and everyone else is wrong. Facts have to be backed up by evidence, not just word of mouth and gossip.

    I have ticked off exactly why I believe the decision to appoint Gina is wrong. None of it is personal.But you have responded with all kinds of personal attacks yourself. As for being a busybody, I just want the county to try to get it right. I'm funny that way.

  43. There is no question there is something more to this deal between her annd Stoffa. Things like that just don't "happen" becasue a super employee fell out of the sky.

    When Stoffa was first elected some of his cabinet selections were paybacks to some of the heavy hitter Republican supprt he got.

    In this case there are some ideas out there based on some interesting observations but we shall see.

  44. Word at the Courthouse is one of Stoffa big money backers actually demanded that two of the existing cabinet memebers be thrown out. The cost of elections and promises.

  45. Are you people insane? Stoffa accepted NO campaign contributions for his reelection. What "big money backers" are you referring to? He filed campaign finance reports like everyone else. Take your meds conspiracy nut jobs!

  46. courthouse scrutiniser or court jester?

  47. Thanks for the entertainment guys. Lmao!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.