Local Government TV

Friday, September 28, 2012

Geeting: Bethlehem Zoners Holding Up Recovery

That's right, folks. According to NYC blogger Jonathan Geeting, that damned, infernal Bethlehem Zoning hearing Board is responsible for holding up the recovery. I knew it! Now I know why Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke started attending their meetings.

Of course, Geeting is nutz. I've seen these guys take it on the chin for lots of things, but this is a first.

I'm pretty sure they're responsible for climate change, too. Chairman Gus Loupos has been spotted in a wizard's robe, uttering the incantations for another Halloween snow storm.


  1. well, atleast they are keeping the riff raff out

  2. Obviously the headline is an overstatement. My point is that the weak economy is all about the drop in building construction, and there are things that each level of government can be doing to get more buildings built. At the federal level, Ben Bernanke needs to signal that he'll keep interest rates low for well into the recovery, so developers know they can complete their projects at today's low rates. Part of the problem is that people might not be seeing a profit opportunity to build new buildings.

    But some people are seeing a profit opportunity and want to build new buildings or rehab old ones, and thats where local government can do their part to help the recovery along - by approving the buildings people do want to build, and not shutting down good projects for made-up reasons.

  3. Recovery? What recovery?

    Way to spread the Big Lie, Geeting!

  4. Bernie....who is this nut job Geeting? He is not even a resident of the Lehigh Valley. Why would anyone even listen to him. His avatar scares me the most.

  5. The recovery is over. Growth was almost flat for the last two quarters. Big ticket orders were way off. Layoffs continue at a 350,000+ pace. And a bomb of commercial foreclosures is looming. Not to mention everybody's tax increase on January 1. Even lower income brackets will receive the equivalent of a new, never-ending car payment, beginning in January.

    We are going back into recession.

  6. A few things:

    1. I agree that municipal bodies such as zoning and planning commissions, as well as councils can be obstructionist when it comes to economic development. They use their lawyers and engineers to bleed the developers which makes it difficult for anyone other than the developers with the deepest pockets to succeed. Mom and Pops can't develop their own land because of the time, expense and emotional toll the bureaucracy takes.

    2. Mr. Geeting: I am sure you are a true believer in whatever viewpoint you hold and we can debate that openly and fairly anytime. But if you review the newspapers to get your information, you know that this zoning board is nothing less than embattled and are attacked on a constant basis by an uninformed public and a non-supportive Council and Administration. Such headlines, not sure who and all sees it, puts more negative light on people who are essentially volunteers ($25/month?) and spend hours doing yeoman's work. The only thing they get is kicked around like a political football when they make a decision that someone disagrees with.

    3. If this project was such a "big deal" to the City of Bethlehem, how come there wasn't anyone from the City of Bethlehem (administration or council) to support the plan?

    4. Whether or not this is the best idea in the world or the worst, there is still the rule of law which must be followed. If the developer failed to meet its obligation to prove its case, it should lose. Where are all equal before the law and "good ideas" and "good developers" no matter what the intention have to comply or else why do we even have laws?

  7. "Obviously the headline is an overstatement."

    D'you think?

  8. "Such headlines, not sure who and all sees it, puts more negative light on people who are essentially volunteers ($25/month?) and spend hours doing yeoman's work. The only thing they get is kicked around like a political football when they make a decision that someone disagrees with."

    That's pretty much the case. I know no ZHB in the LV that is busier than Bethlehem's. Next month, for example, they'll be conducting hearings on three nights. And these won't be simple photo opportunities. The room will be packed with angry people who are unfamiliar with the fact that they are before a quasi judicial body, and who will want to blurt out comments. There will be lawyers, each of them making different points. And the meetings will be lengthy.

    Their job is NOT to promote planning philosophies or make judgments about the economy. Ther job is not to allow themselves to be swayed by whomever yells the loudest, or whatever group has the most people. Their job is not to allow other city officials to tell them what to do. Their job is to follow the Zoning Ordinance, and now they're dealing with two of those.

    No matter how they decide, someone is going away unhappy.

    Just last night, I told one of the Hanover zoners that he must be nuts to be in that job, and he agreed.

    He told me the only persons who are crazier are bloggers.

  9. Well put, Bernie. ZHBers are crazier than bloggers, though. Couldn't pay me enough.

  10. Neither ZHBers or bloggers are as crazy as School Board members.

    They get all the grief, are at the mercy of the state in many areas, and they don't get paid a dime!

  11. I'd have to agree there. If there is one group nuttier than them all, it has to be school directors. Sitting thru a meeting is something akin to root canal. No matter what they do, they're making someone real mad. Maybe worse than a ZHB. I'd want a gazillion dollars.


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