Local Government TV

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Birds

You just never know what (or who) you might run into along the Palmer Bike Path.

I was riding today with a buddy who cruises at about 18 mph, while I have to pedal my ass off. But then we left the roads and hit the Palmer bike path. This is unfamiliar territory to my friend, so he let me take the lead, and I practically road us into what you see above.

Fortunately, someone had chalked a warning sign right in front of it or we never would have known that tree was there.

What knocked it over?


Those little bastards have spent what must have been years, pecking little holes into the damn tree, just hoping it would fall over and kill someone. They must have very hard peckers.

Don't believe me? Well, here's Exhibit A.
My friend, an engineer, insisted on using logic. He refused to blame the damned pecker heads. But the only thing a damn engineer is good for is fixing a flat tire. He obviously never watched any Alfred Hitchcock movies.


  1. Uncle Remus said..

    I like the picture, it is very pretty. I just want to prove I have nothing agaisnt homosexuals having fun on a nice Sunday afternoon.

    Even if it means the end of western civilization as we know it.

  2. Didn't some young guys get arrested for writing with chalk? Run.

  3. anon coward 12:53,

    Do not use my name. Your comments are too shallow and thus not worthy of it.

  4. Love the warning sign...

  5. Appreciate the comments about our very excellent warning sign. The total cost of engineering, environmental impact studies, and installation was $36,897,644.09. It came in under budget and was completed early. Meetings are currently underway to plan meetings about meetings intended to discuss removal of the obstruction. Budget figures are preliminary. But it should come in under $10 million and be finished by Thanksgiving.

  6. Uncle Remus Angle appears to have an admirer. How sweet.

  7. It must have been a real surprise to find the tree in the bike path, but please treat the woodpeckers with respect, they eat all the nasty bugs that would fall into your shirt collar as you ride by, (lol).

  8. Woodpeckers For Responsible FrackingAugust 13, 2012 at 4:05 PM

    Some woodpeckers are very destructive to our state's natural resources. And that annoying laugh!

  9. Sheri, Actually, they crawl in my ears.

  10. Massive infestation of the ash beetle is causing increased woodpecker mining of trees.


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