Local Government TV

Friday, August 10, 2012

Latest Image From Curiosity on Mars

This was emailed to me, so it must be true.


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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Strange things have been done in the Midnight Sun, 
and the story books are full---
But the strangest tale concerns the male,
magnificent walrus bull!
I know it's rude, quite common and crude,
Perhaps it is grossly unkind;
But with first glance at least, this bewhiskered beast,
is as ugly in front as behind.
Look once again, take a second look -- then
you'll see he's not ugly or vile --
There's a hint of a grin, in that blubbery chin --
and the eyes have a shy secret smile.
How can this be, this clandestine glee
that exudes from the walrus like music?
He knows, there inside, beneath blubber and hide
lies a splendid contrivance -- the Oosik!
"Oosik" you say -- and quite well you may,
I'll explain if you keep it between us;
In the simplest truth, though rather uncouth
"Oosik" is, in fact, his penis!
Now the size alone of this walrus bone,
would indeed arouse envious thinking --
It is also a fact, documented and backed,
There is never a softening or shrinking!
This, then, is why the smile is so sly,
the walrus is rightfully proud.
Though the climate is frigid, the walrus is rigid,
Pray, why, is not man so endowed?
Added to this, is a smile you might miss ---
Though the bull is entitled to bow --
The one to out-smile our bull by a mile
is the satisfied walrus cow!

  4. They look like liberals Bernie. I think the teabaggers will be pissed.

  5. @ 1:35
    only if they don't let the rest of the liberals join them.

  6. I don't know, it looks to me like the future site of a Warehouse. Plenty of room for development! Mars is a halfway point in the Solar system. Good place for a cebntral distribution center. Developers should start buying up land around there now!

  7. Green (with envy) + foul language sign = liberal occupy types.

    They're already bitching about global warming or cooling or something.

  8. Maybe the teabaggers will folloow them there to bitch about something, like getting the governemnt out of their medicare.

  9. Wondering who own's Mars? I would love to lay claim to the place asap. Maybe can haul our trash and nuclear waste there? Sounds like plenty of opportunity!!

  10. Maybe they would like to buy Gracedale.

  11. Uncle Martian RemusAugust 10, 2012 at 9:42 PM

    We don't want you stupid americans here. We know all about your stinky melting pot BS.

    Next thing you know we'll be invaded by ragheads, gooks, slant heads, assians, those pork choppers and the other "no speaky the englash or Martianese" lateenos.

    NO, NO, NO - the jews can not have their own country here with a capital called hollycostville.

    And we don't want you perverted catholickers messing with our little marties.

    And we don't want you sanduskys, druggies, alcohlies and homeless derelickers.

    No to the blacks, especially those welfare abusing crack baby makers you keep supporting.

    We don't believe in welfare, socialism, food stamps, mandated health care or regional health bureaus. So you can keep percisilly also.

    We don't want pretend controllers in silly skirts or gun toting so called nurses in slutty and cheap looking heels.

    You've screwed up you lakes, atmosphere and everything else you've touched while making the indians a bunch of rich drunken casino owners.

    So take your silly little machine off our land and remember...........


  12. Really Bernie?? Ron Angle isn't funny even in his Uncle Remus guise. You would allow no one else to use his "cleaver humor" that way.

    Total bullshit!

  13. Spell check much, Anon 5:28 ...

    ... or do you only have time to hate on "teabaggers"?

    Bet your union public school teachers are bursting with pride over your prowess.


  14. Be sure to remember Anon 5:28 :

    If you like your coverage, you can keep it.

    There are NO death panels.

    But your Grandmother might be better off with a pill.

    Only time will tell.

  15. The Martian liberals are worried about their ammonia footprint

  16. Looks like the Martians have aborted their way to a homgeneous society.

  17. Bernie
    Sunday's paper has interesting story on Allentown NIZ. A story?

  18. Uncle Remus is a fukn kunt

  19. Uncle Remus Angle, the gig is up.

  20. already did smoked some dmt saw the truth uncle remus you are a demon

  21. How is calling yourself uncle Remus not being an anon coward?

  22. Uncle Remus said...

    I am a coward but at least I am not gay, black or a Democrat!

  23. That's not what I heard .

  24. I know were this picture comes from, this is the delusion in everyones nightmares of puds Big Brown Hole. This is the reacuring nightmare of many. Exactly like freddy pud just keeps on about the Hole even going as far as selling off allentowns assets to fill the Hole in allentowns revenue that has already been paid to build the Hole!


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