Local Government TV

Friday, August 17, 2012

Nuts and Bolts From NorCo Exec John Stoffa

During County Council meetings, Executive John Stoffa almost always gives a brief, "nuts and bolts" report. Last night was no exception. Here's what he thought they, and the rest of us, should know.

1. The West Easton Treatment Center is on track to open next Wednesday at 3 PM. Council members have been invited for a tour.

2. The recently purchased archives building, located in Forks Township, is set to open by the end of the year.

3. Plans for a centralized human services building continue. Stoffa wants to sell off the Bechtel and Wolf buildings, and concentrate human services under one roof. He has declined to reveal the location.

4. A stray pet problem is plaguing Northampton County municipalities. Stoffa is seeking a $25,000 grant for a county-wide study.


  1. Great, the county says they have no money , yet they want to build another human services building..Seriously. Thanks to Corbett's state budget they are laying off a number of workers. If he continues to cut human services (Corbett) there won't be people to put in a building..Council needs to take a serious look at this..They cant rubber stamp anything..

  2. If we know there is a problem, why the need for a study?

    Someone is looking for a gubmint solution to the "problem".


  3. Wow, County government really is useless and seems unneeded if thats the TODO list.

  4. First poster has it right. With the new dynamics of county government a new "human serives" building is about as useful as a tit on a bull.

    But then again that could be the motto of the Stoffaq years.

    THis is just Stoffa's last gasp for a building to be named after him. Enoiugh already. Please County Council. no more. Let this guy fade into the sunset without making more needless debt

  5. It sounds like McClure's goons are taking their nasty pills.

  6. County just paid off the swaption..Do they really need to jump into debt for a new building?? The governor is on a mission to privatize Human Services which means there will be no county employees to put into the building..Council really needs to ask whether it's time..They might want to sit it out a couple years and see what Corbett is up to..If he is reelected, they might as well just buy a billboard, instead of a building, telling everyone which private agency they need to go for services. In case no one has noticed, the public sector is shrinking, not growing..

  7. On a different subject. I was at the meeting and I will admit that I was buying into the Callahan for Exec. However, last night Panto came to the meeting to discuss with county council the commuter tax. He showed a clear handle of the city's finances, expertise in the problems and solutions to public pensions statewide, wasn't afraid to stand behind his vote and convinced me that he should be definetly considered for exec. However, I talked to individuals last night and today and it appears there is strong pressure to keep him in Easton. But all things considered I have a new found respect for him as a leader and not just a politician. As tey say it should be interesting.

  8. Anonymous 10:44, You got that right! More debt when the county keeps saying they have no money.. Why buy or build a new human service building.. what's wrong with the old one!!!!

  9. Clem, I attend meetings of local government on a regular basis and getting the resources to deal with strays is a very big problem. It is both cost and having personnel who can do it. It is definitely a county wide problem. But the problem in Bethlehem Township is not the same as in Bethlehem. So yes, a county-wide study would be appreciated by all the local municipalities.

  10. 10:44, Hate to break it to you, but human services are about 70% of what a county does. The fact that the state is cutting back does not mean the need goes away. What it does mean is a greater demand on the county. That means more efficiency. Such efficiency can be created by centralizing human services instead of spreading them throughout different buildings.

  11. Okay B.O. Who are the candidates for County Executive. Write a column about it so we all know. I hear Callaghan, Panto, Heckman, McClure, and recently Seyfried's name has been popping up. The only serious Candidate of these is Callaghan. Of those mentioned only Panto and Seyfried could give him a run for his money and he has plenty of it from scrupulous or should I say unscroupulous contractors and businessmen. C'mon B.O. give us the inside track. Call these guys and give us a upfront report.

  12. I get that. But, before we go off willy nilly with a new bureaucracy, let us start with more accountability for people who insist on cohabitating with animals. Have all the animals you like, that is your right. But keep them in your yard, on a leash and otherwise in your control. Maybe put a collar/tag on them so that those who are so inclined can fetch the little escapee back to you when it bolts while you are bringing in the groceries.

    Me, I'd like the right to shoot any stray animal what insists on hanging around on my property when it wasn't invited, teabagger that I am...

    Have a good weekend!


  13. Uh, Clem, we already do, it's called a dog license, and they are legally required by Northampton County.

    We also have laws regarding shooting in safety zones.

  14. Anon i:45, schilling for who, Panto or Seyfried? One is a little city mayor, no thanks. The other is a past county executive with baggage, no thanks.

    Moving boldly into the past. After Stoffa, enough is enough.

    Hopefully county council prpotects the taxpayers from Stoffa's flights of fansy for the next year and a half.

  15. Panto? Bawhahahahahahahahaaw. Let's bring gunfire, stabbings, taxes and endless fees to the rest, of the county! Let's keep him as Easton's special problem.

  16. anon1:45....sorry but it wasn't intended to promote anyone. Just curious as to who's out there. The fact is, Panto or Seyfried or just about any candidate would create a struggle for Callaghan. Bernie gets around. He travels in unusual circles. I was wondering what he's hearing. Don't underestimate the power of the small city Mayor. He takes Easton and the Slate Belt and it's all over for Callaghan

  17. Panto and Callahan,for the most part,are both unknown quantities to the Slate Belt citizens. I watched Panto last night in front of council and he held his own and I give him a slight edge over Johnny Casino at this early stage of the run for the throne.

  18. Dave, I disagree about "Panto being an unknown in the SLate Belt. He is a regular at the Big Time and asked back every year. He spends a lot of time in the Slate Belt and I for one know that he is being asked again to spin the music for the Bangor class of 1969. He is well-liked and from a small city. Many in the Slate Belt are not happy with the big city mayor. And Panto's popularity goes beyond the Slate Belt and into the Nazareth area.

    If he runs, look out. He won't spend the big bucks that the other guy will because he doesn't do the pay for play although many well known contributors do suppoirt him with large checks. But his record in Easton is almost considered a miracle by some and the people in the Slate Belt really like him as a person. Rumor up here is that even Rich Grucela is begging him to run.

    It's funny to read some of the posts that stil want to make Easton out to be a bad place of gunfights, gangs and drugs. These are probably the same people who look on the Slate Belt as a bunch of hicks. Sorry but we are not!

  19. Panto is dispised in Forks and surrounding area. His dealings with Strusser are notorious.

    He is not the beloved "mayor" you make him out to be. And, yes the city is filled with gunfire and crime. Now a crushing commuter tax that will do more to crush business.

    But keep pitching. You may get that county job yet. He fears Callahans money and knows nothing about the county. He does spin a good line of bs though. Has the gift of gab. Good for a place like Easton but not the county.

  20. "Panto? Bawhahahahahahahahaaw. Let's bring gunfire, stabbings, taxes and endless fees to the rest, of the county! Let's keep him as Easton's special problem. "

    McClure's goons. They attack Callahan and Panto.

  21. There's nothing about Panto or anything Easton that is remotely popular in the Nazareth area. Be serious.

  22. ". Bernie gets around. He travels in unusual circles. I was wondering what he's hearing."

    In the best of all worlds, Jerry would come back. He is head and shoulders above everyone and would win easily. But he likes being retired so I consider that unlikely.

    Sal Panto is, as some people are now realizing, the real deal. He is a smart guy who works hard and is turning Easton around. But he also really likes being Easton's mayor.

    John Callahan has learned from his mistakes with Bethlehem finances. We will soon discover that he has turned finances around in Bethlehem. His Continuous Improvement program has turned into a big success and should be implemented county-wide. He would bring a fresh perspective. He also is encouraging some strong people to run for Council, instead of the usual party hacks.

    Lamont McClure is a dirty campaigner. There is no doubt in my mind that all the recent anonymous smears at Callahan and Panto come from McClure and his goons. If you need any proof, just look at the filth on the Fake Rev's blog, where they are repeatedly bashed. It is disgusting. McClure will draw the Joe Long Dems like Garvin, Barron, Fleck Sclener and other assholes who are in this for themselves. As Exec, McClure will be just as dirty. I've already been told I'll be banned from the courthouse by one of his goons. I am very leery of McClure.

    Heckman s a nice guy who always talks about running and never does. You can only do that so many times before people stop taking you seriously.

    The Republicans really have no one.

  23. Clem, I understand your disdain for government and, to some extent, respect it. But there is a time and place for government. The business with the strays is very real. I have heard Bethlehem Tp Commrs spend lots of time trying to figure out what to do, and no, you can't just shoot them. That stray might be someone's pet, for one thing. Imagine how you'd feel if someone shot your dog. To most people, a pet is like a member of the family. Another concern, of course, is safety.

    But it is also getting increasingly expensive. In Bethlehem, there are problems. It's been talked about Easton, too.

  24. Clem doesnt realize that what he proposes for tagging animals requires a bureaucracy. But he probably disdains life so much so killing puppies sounds about right.

  25. Rather than recycling the same old same olds, how about someone new? The group you mention hasn't an original idea among them. They all have responsibility for today's problems and should stand down. They have all been poor managers. New blood, please.

  26. If all Sal has is Roseto's Big Time..he's in trouble. That is not a good barometer of SB acceptance. This is not a monolithic Italian area. At least Johnny C. attended a recent SB economic summit..no Panto to be found.

  27. Northampton Guru GoddessAugust 17, 2012 at 8:39 PM

    Callahan is going to come in and kick some serious ass.

    Union pukes and their absurd contracts will be cut to shreds. No less than 75 so called management bozos will get the axe.

    Community and Economic Department will be redefined for the better. The environmental bozo is out.

    Judges will be wringing their hands when their paid whores are eliminated.

    Gracedale and her self serving goons will be in for a rude awakening.

    Mark my words with JC's guts and Kelly's axe -- whooo lord - let the bleeding begin

  28. Nice slam on Heckman, O'Hare. How are people talkiing him claiming to be running?

    See you have been bought by the Callahn folks. Word on the street was it was Hickey who did the deed.

    Hope you got what you wanted out of the deal.

  29. the best part of hickey ran down his mother's leg

  30. The comments at 8:59 and 9:05 come from Heckman's two supporters. Very nice people. They really help him out with childish remarks like those.

  31. the 8:39 comment is made to instill fear of Callahan in NC workers. It comes from McClure's goons.

  32. Anon 7:29 --- actually Panto has a lot more than the Italian American vote - always has. But dis you ever even see Callahan in the Slate Belt prior to him trying to keep a job once his time in Bethlehem is up? He is the typical politician who shows up when its campaign time -- period. And I dislike that.

  33. Bernie, everyone knows you hated on Callahan two years ago, now you love him. It's not a stretch to figure out why. So in your adult way you attach every comment against him to guys who have nothing to do with it, unless of course you can prove it.

    It is a shame that in order to be King hyopicrite you have to slam guys who have never done anything to you.

    Stay Classy, O'Hare.

  34. McClure Goon, I opposed Callahan when he ran for Congress and had concerns about Bethlehem's fiscal stability. Since that time, Callahan and Council have improved City finances considerably. The City is now in the black. Callahan demonstrated a unique ability to learn and change course. I respect that. I also respect Panto, who as been an excellent Mayor. Jerry Seyfried would undoubtedly be the best of them all. Even Ron Heckman would be good, if he could disassociate himself from the hacks who are anonymously pushing. the one truly bad candidate is McMud McClure.

  35. o'harry 10:45/10:49

    way off base

  36. Panto's problem is the succession in Easton once the mayor's seat is vacated. There are no decent candidates and Easton residents are unlikely to support Panto if they are stuck with Fleck as the new mayor. That is the problem with his candidacy.

  37. Callahan would be good if he could dissassociate himself from all the high roller developers and unseemly camp followers waiting to own the county. After buying the city they are waiting to have at it in the county. Reibman Part two.

    So if he can clean up his act ,maybe he cpuld be a decent county executive.

  38. Mere illusion, Not off base at all. That is McClure's MO. His supporters have been savaging both Panto and Callahan, as can be seen by the not so bright comments posted by the Fake Rev on the Gracedale hate blog. Throughout McMud's political career, he has attacked people. He is a genuinely nasty man ad his supporters are the usual hacks and goons Of all the people running, he is the worst by far. But I hope he does so he can be exposed once and for all.

  39. Anon 10:36 I believe you are right on about Panto. He has worked too hard putting Easton on the right track to leave. And yes I saw hin in the Roseto parade today walking with the other public officials. And yes he probably received the best reception of all of them. But that's a stronghold for him. I think he just participated becasue he truly rnjoys the people of Roseto and not like some others who are just campaigning. But he won't let the city down.....at least I don't think he will. And I also don't think Bethlehem is in the black......I haven't seen their adity report and they too must have the same pension probems.

  40. BO 1:47,

    Not knocking Callahan - just telling the truth. I truly believe he can and will clean up the union and management mess.

  41. And like a McMud McClure operative, here you are on a Saturday night.

  42. You really have been bought off by the Callahan machine, haven't you. Could be a turnnig point in his campaign. Seeing how much you helped Angle and Stoffa.

  43. Like I said, the McMud McClure slime machine is in full swing. Too bad he probably lacks the guts to run, just like you lack the guts to ID yourself.

  44. BO - you are obviously ate up with your own self image.

    You can't even get a 2 legged or a 4 legged pig to show you some affection.

    u r so paranoid. when someone tries to point out the truth you only see your own demons in the shadows of your demented mind.

    I trust this twisted vision of life is not what you are teaching your grandchild.

    by the way, how did u get a black grand kid? tell me u picked him up off the street - that would prove you actually have a heart. or did your off spring spend too much time in the woodshed?

    just how did your dysfunctional family feel after you messed up everyone's life?

    Is it true that u don't have mirrors in you shack so u don't have to see yourself?

    What goes thru your mind while you are taking all of those pictures of little boys? Do u wish you could get in the locker room?

  45. Lot of sick people on here Berni.

  46. you reduce the serious considerations of accepting the responsibilities of running for an important office to the "I dare you politics" of Ron Angle and other two year old types.

    Fortunately, there are intelligent people who are better than that.

  47. "drunk father said...
    the best part of hickey ran down his mother's leg"

    You ever want to discuss this comment,identify yourself. If not, I'll just presume you're a ball-less, motherless fuck-stick.

  48. 8:29 am:

    Cowardly low life's like 9:05 pm never identify themselves. They are afraid of their own shadow and never crawl out from under their rocks. Right 9:05 pm? You are a coward, right?

  49. "But he probably disdains life so much so killing puppies sounds about right.

    5:31 PM "

    And you are probably one of those who would wring their hands, crying about puppies and owls but turn a blind eye when it happens to an unborn child.

    Now, see, I just made an assumption not necessarily supported by your comment.

    I have no disdain for life. But I do prioritize, putting human life and property rights ahead of the rights of a lower life form that can't even figure out where it does and doesn't belong.

    That said, I would not infringe upon your right to own and carry on with your need for approval, acceptance and companionship from beasts of any type. Simply keep them under your control, clean up the shit they leave in my yard and the piss that kills the plants and flowers I've spent my hard earned money and time on. Don't get indignant when I take exception (and respond as needed), when I'm out on a walk with my children and your aggressive dog charges us because it is the one that can't respect life. Don't contribute to a problem for which the solution is yet another tapping of a bigger pool of financial resources because you refuse to handle it at the local level.

    Stray pets are not a county issue. Legislate it and pay for it at the locally. Much bureaucracy can be traced back to locals wanting what they can't afford and looking to others to pay for it. Don't continue to allow people to shirk their own responsibility by passing off the cost of that irresponsibility to others.


  50. Bernie -

    On teh Boy Mayor for Executive topic:

    Do you believe Callahan's whitewash of his brother-in-law's crash into the police car was a violation of the public trust? Or, worse?


  51. clem,

    I found my neighbors dog under my back wheel. ooppsy

    problem solved without county money

  52. 10:26 a.m. -

    To prevent such horrorible things from happening in the future, I propose the county undertake a $25,000 study to determine the feasibility of providing back-up sensors and cameras for every car registered in teh NORCO, and rebate checks for all those car owners who already have one...


  53. Clem, I broke that story and could never prove it was a white wash. I could only prove that it happened and that there was no story for three years. That could mean negligence by the press or a cover up by police or a cover up by police and mayor.

    After I wrote my stories, I contacted then Comm's Randy Miller. He swears up and down that he was never asked to cover u for anyone and would not do so if asked. I basically believe him.

    I also spoke to a news editor, who told me that on a Superbowl Sunday weekend, it's possible a reporter may have missed the story.

  54. "you reduce the serious considerations of accepting the responsibilities of running for an important office to the "I dare you politics" of Ron Angle and other two year old types.

    Well, actually, McMud McClure fits that bill, too. He fired a Council Solicitor without authority from anyone. He tried to bully me and threatened me with litigation when I exposed him for Sunshine Act violation. He was caught posting anonymous comments on this blog and then outed. his campaign against Will Power was disgusting, drawing a rebuke from Lisa Boscola. His abysmal committee attendance has drawn a rebuke from Bill White.

    McMud McClure is actually far worse than a 2 year old. Most of them are cute, if immature. McMud is immature and very, very nasty. He has few friends, even among those who are more polite than I.

    I hope he runs bc I want him exposed once and for all.

  55. Bernie, is now fine with all the terrible things he told us about Callahan's leadership and character. It only took one meeting and now he is a
    Callahan guy.

  56. "there are intelligent people who are better than that."

    Not in the McMud McClure camp. I've been watching it for months. When I say something nice about Panto, he gets slammed. When i do it to Callahan, he gets slammed. People like the Fake Rev, who is not very intelligent, have been slamming Panto and McClure. Then there's Schlener, the wife-beating Dem committeeman who hates Callahan bc he negotiated a decent union contract for firefighters. McMud will pick up on that. And so on.

  57. hey 2:03, I take responsibility for every word I write. You'll see my name. But McMud McClure trolls like you have a real problem identifying yourselves, perhaps bc you rely on distortions and half truths.

  58. Just changed the settings to require ID. Let's see how fast you run and hide.

  59. For a guy whos not very intelligent, the fake rev outfoxed you stoffa and angle at the same time.

  60. And he is about to outfox O'Hare, Stoffa, Angle and Callahan. Gotta love it., The gang will be out on the street where they belong.

  61. The Fake Rev does not like being criticized. He'll be pouting here for days, posting anonymous comments.

  62. I agree that a new building will be more efficient and cost effective. You should post how much Wolf and Bechtel cost to operate here. People will be amazed.

    Panto is finished with voters outside of Easton and knows he will lose in a landslide and be embarrassed if he ran for Executive.

    I would also appreciate an attendance log for council members for both regular and committees posted here.

  63. I agree that a new building will be more efficient and cost effective. You should post how much Wolf and Bechtel cost to operate here. People will be amazed.

    Panto is finished with voters outside of Easton and knows he will lose in a landslide and be embarrassed if he ran for Executive.

    I would also appreciate an attendance log for council members for both regular and committees posted here.

  64. I do an attendance report every December.


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