Local Government TV

Monday, August 20, 2012

Musikfest Heaven

Friday night, I had dinner with someone who attended Musikfest's Boston concert. I will spare him the slings and arrows that would undoubtedly follow if I named him, but I want to pass on his story.

He tells me that, while enjoying the show, he was nearly knocked over by the overwhelming odor of marijuana.

"I wonder where that smell is coming from?" he asked of no one in particular.

"Heaven!" was the answer from some unnamed sage in the crowd.


  1. One of the Callahan crowd. They get freebies to all the Musikfest shows. Cementing that alliance.

  2. McMud McClure's goons are hard at work, sliming up Callahan. Anonymously, of course. Inaccurately as well.

  3. BO,

    The union pukes are slamming Callahan because they are scared shit less of him.

    They know their horse won't stand a chance in this race so they are doing every thing they can to cripple the best horse.

    I predict the goons will only make it worse for themselves.

    There is a new and better day coming for the county but not necessarily for the overpaid and undeserving unions.

    MARK my words

  4. The Sheryl Crow concert also featured that odor! (Courtesy of the 50-ish folks behind me, among many others.) Young The Giant had no smoke plumes visible or smellable in the crowd, though. Those kids were probably jacked up on mom's oxycontin or their own Adderol. I've never seen a "J" get lit at any of the free concerts - at least, not right there under a platz tent.

    One thing I didn't see inside the big ticketed venue was police officers. I just saw Artsquest security. The police were outside the venue, though - in the street and in the crowd - just not in the audience. (If police were there, I missed them. Easy to miss such details after consuming 72 fl. oz. of beer.) There was a thorough bag check at the gate getting in to these shows, but it would be pretty easy to sneak a joint in anyways.

  5. Perhaps that's what is needed, a little more sweet skunk to fill the air, it's less dangerous than alcohol and you only get so high and never puke or have blackouts...

  6. Wow, BOH broke a newsflash. People smoke weed at concerts!!! Here's another one, lots of people smoke week that's why its on the ballot in three states for complete legalization this year.

  7. "smoke week"

    "k" is not anywhere near "d" on the old keyboard ... is it?

    Time for another toke, Bloke!


  8. ""k" is not anywhere near "d" on the old keyboard ... is it?"

    Both are pressed with the middle finger, so it's actually a common typo. Spell check also does weird things, too. You'll need further evidence of inebriation!

  9. He was probably standing next to Kevin Deely

  10. "Easy to miss such details after consuming 72 fl. oz. of beer."

    Wow! That's pretty impressive. I'm surprised you even remember you were there.

  11. Guys like the latest local disaster would be better off if their buzz of choice was weed. It's hard to see how booze is legal and pot is not.

    Also, smoking is passe'. Vaporizing is where it's at.

  12. A common mistake?

    Not being able to distinguish the left hand from the right hand?


    Just don't bogart that joint ...


  13. "Guys like the latest local disaster would be better off if their buzz of choice was weed. It's hard to see how booze is legal and pot is not."

    Agreed, but we don't get to pick our addictions. That's why they're called addictions. If someone is addicted to one mood-altering substance, like booze, he must avoid ALL mood altering substances. Even weed.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Yes, except marijuana is not physically addictive like alcohol.

  16. BTW, I thought you were going to single handedly shut down that dastardly gas station selling pipes on 191?

  17. I believe gas stations like that one prey on our youth.

  18. "marijuana is not physically addictive like alcohol."

    Actually, that is a subject still being debated by scientists. It certainly is psychologically addivctive.

  19. Regular pot smokers have physical withdrawal for two to three days, including loss of sleep, appetite and irritability. Any psychological addiction lasts about the same time as you Jones. It's usually offset by increased alertness and productivity during the same time. I've had longer hangovers. Weed trumps booze every day. It's the country's second or third largest cash crop. Legalize and tax it for chrissake.

  20. Alkies love to draw comparisons. In the eund that is why you can never trst an alkie.

  21. Yet here you are, at 9 PM, trolling away.

  22. 6:28, I'd agree that it's time to legalize. While it might or might not be addictive, it's got to be one of the least harmful "bad habits" out there.

  23. One of the many perks O'Hare sees with Callahan is all the free tickets and stuff Callahan gets from his developer friends.

    More payola plaza events for you O'Hare.

  24. Hey Bernie, maybe Callahan will
    invite you on his next deep sea fishing trip he takes with his wealthy developer sponsers.

    You know, like the one you reported on.


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