Local Government TV

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Bi-County Public Health Department Dead

Just one year ago, Lehigh County Commissioners supported Bi-County Public Health. But now, with a 7-person Republican majority, it has been taken off life support. It was a 6-2 vote last night. The dissenters were Republican Percy Dougherty and Democrat David Jones, both of whom have steadfastly supported a regional public health department. Express Times' Colin McEvoy has the details.


  1. It was 6 to 2 Bernie .Mc Carthy was absent.

  2. You are correct. i messed up and will fix my post. Thank you.

  3. Not only is the Health Board dead but any future regional cooperation between the Council and Commissioners. Kiss it goodbye. Thanks to 6 short sighted individuals who voted for 670,000

    1. Yes, too bad there weren't six "visionaries" there to approve raising my taxes so that more unelected bureaucrats could tell me how to live my life.

      Seriously though, if a health bureau is so important to those supporting this boondoggle, let them move into areas like Allentown and Bethlehem that already have health bureaus.

      Oddly enough, however, those areas have worse health statistics than the areas of the county that don't have health bureaus. But don't let the facts get in the way of your knowing what's best for everyone.

  4. The commissioners upheld their promise and did right by the forgotten taxpayer.

    If only more elected officials kept their word

  5. I don't beleive it. Unless you cut off its head, burn the body and cover it in salt!

    That damn thing will rise again, mark my words.

    In two years two new county executives and another group of county commissioners and guess what we will hear?

    I'm BACK!!!

    I don't like it but I fear this is our future. The people behind this monster will never let it die a peaceful death.

  6. Finally!! The morose expansion of government in the Lehigh Valley has come to an end. I am sure we will be ok without a local so called health department. The State and Fed will continue to cover us just fine. PS: With the new federal health care mandate coming down, it truly shows there is now no need for a health department. Everyone will now have health insurance and access to the best medical care available.

  7. One of the nails in its coffin was when the director went on WFMZ and stated that they did not get
    90K from the state in reimbursements and now has to scramble to make ends meet. If I was a commissioner, I'd be thinking if they did not get 90K for their 2.9 million budget, what would we not get to supplement a
    10 mil budget?

  8. That God! This should have been killed off a long time ago..Both counties are cutting human service programs due to state cutbacks..Do they really think the state will commit to funding a health department..They'll throw in some money for a couple years and then tell the county they are on their own..This would have been a colossal mistake!!!

  9. 7:04, You have to play the race card. Geez.

  10. Obamacare is legal and enforceable. There's no need for this bureaucracy to compete with the Obamacare Leviathan. We're all going to get free abortions and boner pills and live to 120 with no added cost. These county health care dinosaurs need to keep up. I think there's an app for that.

  11. Uncle Remus is Ron Angle. O'Hare would not allow the comments and then claim they are just jokes if it weasn't someone he loved.

    The person identified was Ron Angle.

  12. anon coward 2:05

    the drugs must be pretty good. otherwise I am sure that your pea brain could not conjure up such silliness

  13. 9:08 PM - Dang! That was a rather spicy and eye opening post. Issue is, it is probably an accurate portrayal of how many think in the valley.

    1. It was probably written by one of the supporters of the bureau. Falsely claiming racism as the reason for any opposition to their big-government plans is a favorite tactic of the progressive left.

  14. Ron Angle does not use or like computers. 2:05 is an anonymous troll.


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