Local Government TV

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Bethlehem Steelers Prepare For First Scrimmage

Steelers hydrate during a hot practice.
Though it was about 180 degrees in the shade, several hundred kids in heavy pads and helmets spent a few hours running themselves ragged and hitting each other yesterday. Under the careful supervision at least fifty coaches, one of whom swallowed his whistle, these boys and men engaged in the organized insanity we all know and love as football.

This is Dat's last year with the Steelers. During a break in yesterday's festivities, he and Kyle are taking some big gulps. I just hope it's not Budweiser.

Dat and Kyle have played football and baseball together for several years. I think they might be the team's quarterbacks.

I've seen their line. I sure hope they can run backwards.

Their first scrimmage, incredibly, is Monday night. I think they're playing Penn State.


  1. Wish Dat the best of luck. Hope he runs faster then his Grandfather.

  2. Why must you continually stalk young boys with your camera? The police should scheck your hard dsrive. Also, why the reference to Penn Sate when talking about young boys? That is so tasteless, even for you.

    Please do these boys a favor and leave them alone.

    YOur cooperation would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Take your drug cocktail and go to bed. Your defamation is being dealt with in another forum right now.

  4. I used to think that you were a mean-spirited bottom-feeding blogger until you started posting about Dat and his athletic activities. Then I realized that no one is all bad. ;)

    Thanks for tracking Dat and letting us see the softer side of Bernie.

  5. easy with the lineman jokes. fatboys can read too....

  6. you are my kind of guy BO. You have the ability to piss people of even when you are being pleasant

  7. Penn State have disgracefully decided to place players' names on the backs of their once sacred uniforms ... Being a staunch Traditionalist, I now need a new gridiron football team to identify with and support whole-heartedly.

    Auf geht's, Bethlehem Steelers!


    (does the team have a webstie where one might find out when and where they play their games?)

  8. website

    (second languages are never easy)



  9. News Steelers fan, Their schedule is here: http://www.bethlehemsteelers.org/home.php

  10. "easy with the lineman jokes. fatboys can read too..."

    It's a very small line. Dat, who weighs 99 lbs., is actually one of the bigger kids on a 125-pound team. Send some fatboys there.

  11. As good as the Steelers are, they're 2nd best. Go Emmaus Hornets!

    Enjoy the season Bernie, good luck to Dat and the team.

  12. Vielen Dank, Herr O'Hare.

    Spielplan der Bethlehem Steelers --- dass gefaellt mir sehr gut!


  13. I laughed out loud when I read your description of the line size. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing and good luck to Steelers. Their exploits are far more compelling to read than those of minor league hockey.

  14. The "softer side" of Bernie, is in his pants.

  15. Take your drug cocktail. And watch the mailbox.

  16. 2:25 A.M.
    Why don't u learn to spell if u want to criticize anyone.
    Don't post if u can't spell.
    U are the stalker!!


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