Local Government TV

Monday, July 02, 2012

Were the Dailies Slanted in Favor of the NIZ?

One of my readers, "Voice of Reason," makes the case.
Time to turn the page.

In my opinion, one good thing came of this. I used to be quite worried that the role of the traditional press in this LV community was so compromised, so watered down as to be impotent. All through this story, my worst fears seemed to be proven as both "papers" provided biased pro-NIZ views. But to everyone's surprise, blogs, especially this one and Molovinsky's shed bright, uncomfortable light on this issue. They forced a discussion.

My congratulations to Bernie, Michael and to the people who commented, especially the ones who saw the EIT grab for what it was. It's enough to make a jaded citizen think that there might be hope.
One of my criticisms about the NIZ has been the complete lack of transparency concerning its creation and subsequent implementation. This has continued with its most recent amendment. The legislation was NOT available online until AFTER it had passed.

That's ridiculous.

But did anyone notice? There was a complete absence of criticism by the dailies for this lack of transparency. State legislators were allowed to run and hide on this issue until they decided themselves to make the changes.

All this makes me question supposed objectivity.

In fairness, it is the newspapers (Morning Call, specifically), that broke the story about the use of EIT. Morning Call reporters Matt Assad and Scott Kraus, along with Express Times' Colin McEvoy tried very hard to be fair.

Their reporting was fearless.

But there's an exception. Morning Call reporter Andrew McGill.

He was used for the hit pieces on the townships.

As this story evolved, editors and columnists sided with greedy developers over transparency in government. It certainly appears that they enlisted McGill to distort a meeting in Hanover Township that he did not attend and that he wrote nearly two weeks after it occurred.

Within moments of McGill's story being published at Morning Call blog Valley 610, there was an orchestrated attempt to vilify Hanover supervisors, likely from the Mike Fleck-led unions whispering n the ears of Morning Call brass.

Twenty-six comments on a blog usually known for the sound of crickets.

Then columnist Bill White went to work. He distorted this meeting even more, opining on a meeting he did not attend, based on a report from a reporter who was not there. Histrionically, he concludes that all township officials are smug. He later calls them hypocrites, too.

After this name-calling, he takes an anonymous reader to task for "accusations and name-calling."


McGill follows his Hanover hit piece with another about a RTK for legal costs incurred by the Townships "to bring down the NIZ," as he puts it in his very objective style. Now everyone could talk about the waste of money. McGill never bothered file a RTK request for all the legal costs incurred by Allentown and the myriad of agencies involved.

The Morning Call also ridiculed Abe Atiyeh, caricaturing him by depicting him in a picture in the wooden hat, when he dared file a constitutional challenge and question his government. In an attempt to silence Atiyeh, Allentown almost immediately countersued.

As we know now, Atiyeh was right.

Newspapers usually stand on the side of those who are being punished for exercising their First Amendment rights. But this time, Morning Call columnist Bill White ridiculed Atiyeh further. White denies that Atiyeh's NIZ lawsuit had anything to do with it. He also ran a column calling NIZ critic Michael Molovinsky "misguided" and implying that Professor Steve Thode's concerns were hysteria.

In the meantime, there was no attempt to get answers from state reps about their willingness to change the NIZ until it was apparent from this blog that state reps were working on changes.

Also, The Morning Call, whose offices are located inside the NIZ, refuses to answer questions about whether its brass has had talks with NIZ developer J.B. Reilly over the purchase and/or lease of some or all of the building.

So yes, I think The Morning Call behaved more like a bottom-feeding blogger than a newspaper over this issue.


  1. The issues were economic. Journalists who can't do better than Allentown and Easton are likely not in a position to understand economics, let alone write intelligently about them. Their reporters did their best to assimilate the numbers and write what happened. The opinion idiots (editorial boards, Bill White, Tony Rodhin) are clueless to economics and simply lobbed typical political turds from their cages. None of the above are really capable of the in-depth analysis required to vet this project. I think that's how Portland got their ridiculous sewage plant. Journalism isn't dead. It's just grown very stupid. Newspapers fighting their own bad business models to stay afloat are not good monitors of the economic scene.

  2. Now comes the fun part!

    The NIZ Cheerleaders must now SELL THE TICKETS for this record-smashing Palace of Sport to the very same suburban people who they trash-talked so viciously.

    Yes, viciously.

    Payback IS a bitch ...

  3. All the phony accusations about how the suburbs are packed with a bunch of Racists ...

    ... THAT will not be forgotten anytime soon, either.

    Yeah. You "won", NIZ Cheerleaders. Congratulations (not heart-felt, though).

  4. I don't feel welcome or safe in Allentown.

    Reading, PA

  5. You're right Bernie, this has been a disgrace from the start.

    Wonder where the MC's expose regarding payday lending is? Where is Alan Jennings' outrage at that legislation?

    Oops, forgot - he sold out for the NIZ too.

    I used to agree with you on Jennings' credibility. I'm rapidly losing that belief.

    The Banker

  6. Interesting that someone from Reading doesn't feel safe in Allentown.

    Go for a walk around town and listen to the 69News from Berks at 10:30.

  7. I have agree with 1:06 that journalism has grown stupid. Smart kids are not going into journalism, either, so the stupidity will be multiplied in the future. All the better for manipulative politicians who consider their constituents "cancer.".

  8. 2:33:
    That's a joke, I say that's a joke son ... I made a funny son and you're not laughin'
    (Foghorn Leghorn)

  9. The E-T didn't cover up. It just didn't cover well. Aren't E-T employees still taking mandatory, unpaid leave weeks? Where there are no reporters, there is no news reported. Have you seen the size of the E-T's Monday print offering? Either nothing happens on Sunday or there's simply nobody there to do reporting. Anybody with game and skills left their part-time position at this fading paper long ago.

    The MC was/is covering up due to their property interest. Bill White wasn't covering up. He's just not up to the task. Complicated math and shiny objects are distracting to him.

  10. I want to know were the bonds will be sold what will be the intrest rate and the insurer of them. These will be a very hot market on the NYSE and nasaq. I will be there to purchase a few put the date out there bernie

  11. You'll have to ask your pals on the NIZ Board. They keep things under wraps, which is one of my points.

    1. Bernie,
      These nitwits couldn't even apply for a job to tie my shoes let alone be my pals. These same jokes gave me a merit award for something they made me do, but if you look at the award picture whos really playing the joke? I my have got bent over than but than again payback is a BITCH? What comes around goes around......

  12. Bernie,

    Bill White is one of the reasons people like me lost faith in the paper long ago.

    Scott Armstong

  13. Reading has the right to feel unsafe in Allentown. It is an urban nightmare!

    Trenton, N.J.

  14. If you want to be really scared, go to Chapman Borough. I'm pretty sure they are the Crips' HQ.

  15. Let the bond sales begin. Let's build this arena! The best of Allentown is yet to come. Welcome to the party!

  16. Good post Bernie, Bill White is an asshole. I think I need to stop buying the MC. The townships were going to get steam rolled according to Hizzoner and low and behold what happened, the townships were right and Eddie is stuck in a corner holding his own. Although Sara may be there with him. What a shame and what a sham for something that could have been so good to be so non transparent and ugly. I hate politicians.

    Bernie keep up the good work!!

  17. Anonymous 1:06PM wrote - "Journalists who can't do better than Allentown and Easton are likely not in a position to understand economics, let alone write intelligently about them."

    Not all of them--a few of us CHOOSE to stay here, if you can believe. Community news is where everything essentially starts. A powerful thing.

    The rest of your comment I essentially agree with.

    BTW--We only got going a little over a month ago, but The Easton Eccentric plans on at least being Easton's unicorn...Keep watching. ;-)

  18. I think the ET is part of the chain that holds the New Orleans daily. I think I saw that that city (a big city) will soon have its daily reduced to the point of three days per week. Three issues per week in a large city. Can the ET be far behind? Speaking of which, has anyone noticed that the content of the MC is shrinking? I mean literally, the paper is shrinking in size. More importantly though, what is in the paper is shrinking. Fewer stories, shorter stories, separated by two-page gold buyer ads. My daughter and son-in-law (each 27) may be harbingers of the future of print news. Neither buys or reads a
    "paper". To them, the paper is as quaint a notion as a rotary phone, a TV with 13 channels and a body without tatoos. However, this does not mean that we (our society) do not need reporting on the local level. Someone needs to do what the press should be doing. As I said before, I commend Bernie, Mike and the other serious bloggers. They might be all that stands between us and totalitarianism.


  19. Hizzoner should hire a new pr man. Fleck is a useless human being. "We'll run them right over!" We'll sue their ass for millions!" We'll bring union goons to their meetings and threaten them."

    The best that came out of the NIZ lawsuit was someone finally put a cork in Hizzoner's mouth.

    Has anyone seen Hizzoner?

  20. McGill used to cover the Slate Belt political scene. Dare I say he hasn't been seen for nearly a year and good riddance. Was the NIZ reporting biased? Not in my opinion..I thought it was fair all around except for McGill and his feeble attempts at journalism.


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