Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Team Ireland Takes a Tumble

Yesterday was a running day. I stay off my bike those days. But with a threatened record temperature, damaging UV rays and unhealthy air index, I felt challenged.

Anything worth doing is worth overdoing, I always say. After all, I am an alkie.

Unfortunately, I was defeated. Not by the heat, but my own stupidity.

Here's what happened. After waiting for a red light at Bushkill Drive and 13th Street, I turned right to descend the 13th St hill. But I was having trouble getting my right foot back into the pedal straps. Before I knew it, I had hit the curb on 13th at a pretty good clip. My sternum smashed into the handlebars, which propelled me backwards. I slammed into a grassy knoll, back first.

As I lay there, trying to piece together what the hell had just happened, a large number of drivers actually pulled over, which is a little risky on that hill, just to ask if I was alright.

I was shocked at the kindness displayed by everyone. They obviously were unaware they were dealing with a bottom-feeding blogger.

One gentleman who actually saw me take this partial header stopped and got out of his car. He called 911 and would not leave me until he was satisfied that I was OK. He introduced himself as Jim Pokrivsak, whom I recognized as Easton School District's Athletic Director.

"I'm a big athletic supporter," I told him.

"I can see that," he answered.

Because my handlebar and saddle were twisted and my chain had popped, I decided to walk the bike to Broken Spoke, about a mile away.

As I trudged along, an Easton police officer also happened by and stopped to make sure I was alright.

"Are you OK?" he asked.

"Only my pride is hurt," I answered.

Broken Spoke had my bike fixed and rarin' to go in about 5 minutes. It will take me a little longer. I know my sternum and rear ribs are bruised.

Today is supposed to be another hot one. On top of that, there are supposed to be severe thunderstorms late this afternoon. And I'm a little raw. So naturally, I'll ride in today.


  1. Hey Berni,e were did you get your pedal straps. I'm trying to find a pair and all I can come up with are the pedal cleats, I don't want. Just basic stirrup type pedal straps. Any ideas?

    By the way beware of those grassy knolls, they will kill you everytime.

  2. How did the curb make up?

  3. I'm sure some of those stopping were just trying to line their cars up in order to back up and finish you off. :)

    Seriously though, good to hear you're ok. Take it easy for a few days.

  4. I think the fake reverand pushed him

  5. Bernie, this seems like an appropriate time for me to 1) reconnect with you, 2) quench my jealously, and 3) surreptitiously observe your remarkable regimen that is the object of my jealously.

    As you might remember, wifey bought us a 5-speed Schwinn tandem early in our marriage, thing is, she seemed to get pregnant everytime we took it out (must have been something on the rear seat we think). It now sits ignored and forlorn in the backyard shed.

    I was just thinking...with your current situation...maybe WE should take it out (I'll DO THE DRIVING) and all you have to do is pedal your ass off - I'll chip in a little on the downhill portions.

    I promise to avoid curbs (and pedestrians). Whatever it is/was on the backseat shouldn't affect you. What say?

  6. Sounds goodI just hope I don't get pregnant.

  7. Reading the comments, you sure do have a great sense of humor, Mr. O'Hare! You give a whole new meaning to "BOTTOM-feeding blogger", good sir.

    Deo Vindice!

  8. sorry to her it Bern, glad you back in action.... I need to get pissed off royally every once in awhile to keep me sharp.



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