Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Parsons, Mazziotti to Appear on Jennings' Radio Show

Scott Parsons 
CACLV's Alan Jennings is the occasional host of WDIY's Lehigh Valley Discourse, which airs every Thursday, 6 PM, at 88.1 PM. It's a great show, devoid of the partisan rants and name-calling that has become standard fare in political dialogue today.

This week, his guests are Northampton County Council member Scott Parsons and Lehigh County Commissioner Vic Mazziotti. Both are newcomers elected last November. Vic is a conservative Republican who shocked the established order by suggesting, perhaps not so seriously, that federal CDBG grants be returned. Scott is a blue-collar union Democrat who still opposed Allentown's NIZ.

Vic and Scott replaced two of the Lehigh Valley's best county legislators, Dean Browning and Ron Angle. But both Parsons and Vic are their own men. I wish all four could serve.

Reassessment. Regional Health Department. Act 111 Arbitration reform. Decreases in human services. An inevitable tax hike. Gracedale and Cedarbrook. These are just some of the issues facing our County government. I'll be tuned in.


  1. Bullshit! You mocked the Hell out of Scott Parsons during the election. You even infered he had a drinking problem. You are not fooling anyone, especially

  2. I did mock him during the election, when he ran against Angle. I considered and still consider him inferior to Angle. But I am pleasantly surprised by Parsons because he really is his own man. I am also pleasantly surprised by Werner. Kraft is no surprise. I saw him in action as a ZHB member. They are all good additions to Council.

    Parsons can speak for himself while anonymous trolls will always be anonymous trolls.

  3. That's not Scott. From the picture, his desk plate says he is "Phillip Lauer".

  4. That's Parsons. The angle from which I took the picture shows Lauer's nameplate.

  5. Nope. That's either photo-shopped or Face-in-the-hole. Lauer never looked so good.

  6. But predictable knee-jerk radio is what Freedom is all about. Sean Hanitty said so, right before he called all liberals "tree-hugging enemies of America, lovers of Islamic law, and racists who hate white people". Then I put on Olberman to hear him be a pompous knee-jerk, jerk as always. THAT is quality broadcasting! lol

  7. Listen to baseball. It's still the best thing on radio.

  8. Both Parsons and Mazziotti will out class the pitiful, fork tongued two faced boy wonder jennings. he lost his usefulness when he sold out to the NIZ. Obviously a legend in his own mind.

  9. Scott is an honest and decent man. Mazziotti is blowhard.

  10. It took the NIZ affair for you to realize Allen Jennings is full of hot air?
    Wow,are you an easy mark.

  11. I think Parsons, Vic and Alan are all decent guys who care.

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