Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

NorCo Workforce Considers Boycott Over Easton Tax Grab

On July 25, Easton City Council will vote on a proposed commuter tax, a 0.75% income tax on nonresidents to pay for an underfunded pension. Northampton County's workforce, most of whom live elsewhere, are unhappy. Here's what some have had to say.

Employee #1:

Simply put, a boycott of Easton businesses might have an impact on the tyranny of excessive taxation. Buy your gas somewhere else, skip Wawa for a hoagie, etc. and don't be afraid to let the powers be known that we have had enough excessive taxation due to their inequities of planning. Perhaps then Mayor Panto and his henchmen might do a better job of planning for the future. Oh, and looking at the numbers, if my math is correct, that still leaves the City of Easton $2.15 Million short. Where, when and how will the next taxation reclamation begin?

Employee #2:

I have to say I agree with [Employee #1] on this topic. Unlike many who may live AND work in the city and say, "Who cares, it doesn't effect me." I care about what I see happening around me, especially to my friends and co-workers. In this tough economy, we have watched others lose jobs, benefits, their homes (due to losing jobs) and some even their families (divorce) and lives (suicide). Here at Northampton County Prison, many of us, when it came time for our wage freeze and union contract negotiation(s), hoped for the best, expected the worst and said, "Well, it's nothing, but at least we still have benefits (cost more) and jobs, others are worse off. Truthfully, it's quite sad to see the state of things. Poor planning, bad cost management, so many things effect so many and the "big wigs" in government keep saying, "Just tax the little people and we'll keep our fat jobs and paychecks and it'll all turn out alright." I was just saying to a friend here at work the other day that when I worked at Lehigh County from 2000-2003, we were one of the lowest paid counties and we STILL got a cost of living increase EVERY Jan. 1st of 1-2% and then we'd get a raise based on performance, on our anniversary date, of 1-5%. It made sense because you work hard, you make more and as the cost of living goes up, so does the need to be able to pay for milk, gas, groceries, etc. Now that I've worked in Northampton County for the past 9 years, I see the opposite. The cost of living keeps going up and we make less and less every year, while we pay out more and more to the union(s) and taxes. It's even more disheartening to know that due to all the elderly living longer and so many people being on SSI Disability, we're all paying into a Medicare/Social Security system that most likely won't even be there for us when we're "supposed to" retire. I say supposed to retire, as the age to retire gets pushed higher and higher and people have less and less money to invest or save for "that wonderful day when they're supposed to enjoy their golden years and the fruits of all their lifelong labor." I know my mother is one of those people who has worked her entire life, usually 1 FT and 2 PT jobs/day, often 6-7 days/week, only to have 2 of the jobs she worked at long enough to be able to retire from, close down before she could, and to have health issues bad enough she SHOULD be able to get Social Security Disability, but doesn't qualify because she won't not work, nor can she afford to not work for the req'd 6 months to be able to qualify for SSI Disability. Yet I watch one after another march in here to the prison, unemployed, often on disability, for this ache or that mental defect, and they're young enough and well enough to hold down a job, they'd just rather sell drugs or drink away their days. The entire system is disheartening.

But I digress... my point was, I may live AND work in Easton, but I care about the taxes we all have to pay and about my already struggling co-workers who are currently giving what little raises they got this year from our contract to higher benefits cost and more taxes. What are they supposed to do? They oversee the very people who "rob and cheat the system everyday" and think, "why am I playing it correct on the straight and narrow, being a good citizen and paying for these people to live how they do and keep coming back in here, keep stealing from others and destroying things we all work for?" Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I and most of my co-workers aren't going to do anything stupid because we are good people and we have principles, work ethic and morals, but when is this going to stop? When is someone going to say enough?? I know I spend a lot of my hard earned $ in Easton and I often run for WAWA for my friends who get mandated and need something to eat, etc. I can honestly tell you, to support them, it would be just as easy for me to go an extra 5-10 mins out of my way to get gas/food for myself and them in Palmer, Forks Twp, elsewhere, just to prove a point to the city. That seems like a bad solution also, as I like the city. I think the police department, the mayor and the business/residential community have done alot to clean up the crime, do more to be proactive, get rid of buildings/houses that are a blight and help beautify historic store fronts and bring new small businesses into the city. I know one of my former co-workers, who is now at NCSD, has a small business with her partner called [redacted]. I am proud of them to go out and do something like this and I would hate to have to boycott them and possibly be part of the reason for the loss of what they worked so hard for because big government can't find a better way to cut costs and re-route funds, plan better, and NOT raise taxes on the already over-stressed working/commuting men and women. I've heard people say, "Well, they don't live here, they should have to pay more." I have never felt that way. The one thing that was supposed to be great about this country was that we should be able to work, play, live where we want, truly be free. There was a time when you could live here in the Lehigh Valley, where it was cheaper to live, and work in Philly, NJ, NYC and make a ton of money with higher wages and live a better life. Now, you have to live in NJ to work in NJ and it's not worth it. Many people live elsewhere because they want better schools, safety, etc. for their families. I agree Easton has come a long way from when I got "stuck here in 2003 after divorce", as a transplant myself, but people shouldn't be forced to pay more because they don't live here. This is America... we left England to get away from tyranny and taxes and in this wonderful new technological age, pay out more and have a worse quality of life than any of our forefathers probably ever could've imagined in their worst nightmares.

I know when I first moved to the prison, due to a "snafu" with administration, my co-workers in the academy didn't get a paycheck for 4 WEEKS!! I was still getting my paycheck, as I was already in the county as an employee for 6 years, so I felt aweful they were struggling to pay child support, not lose their apartments and houses, pay their bills, commute from Philly, etc. I couldn't afford to do much, but I'd pay for whomever I could every Friday when we were allowed to eat lunch out with our training administrator. I hate to see people who work hard have to suffer because of someone else's ineptitude. None of my co-workers should have to go to the very jail they are trying to work at because they can't pay their support... having worked for the money administration wanted to pass the buck blaming others for, instead of fixing the problem and getting them PAID! So again, I see an injustice and those I work with may not care if I help or not, but if this tax goes through and they are made to suffer further by having to pay out more of their hard earned money to a City Govt. that can't "get their head out of their ass" when it comes to spending and planning/budgeting, I will sadly have to boycott this wonderful city I live in also. Just my opinion and my thought on the subject. Take it for what it's worth.

Employee #3:

Tax is fine, but they are taxing the wrong people. THEY SHOULD TAX ALL THOSE NJ & NY IMPORTS THAT STILL WORK IN NJ & NY BUT MOVED HERE FOR A TAX RELIEF. That movement has put a strain on our school ( I have to pay school taxes & never having children), fire, police & EMT departments. Not to mention the toll that it puts on our farm land & roads. I find more deer along the side of the road than ever before cause they don't have any other place to go. Cut off the border invasion!!!!! There isn't a toll to go back to NJ, but you have to pay to leave it.


  1. Montague HailstoneJuly 11, 2012 at 5:04 AM

    Perhaps Easton can implement a "donkey tax", where any nonresident registered as a Democrat and employed within city limits must pay this tax. Also, this "donkey tax" can apply to all city residents who are registered as Democrats.

    Mayor Panto will bless this as a terrific idea. As a reward, the mayor will award me a one-week vacation to his grand city. If my proposal sucked, he would have awarded me a two-week vacation to Easton.

    Deo Vindice!

  2. employee 2 must be afraid easton will impose a paragraph-break tax...

  3. How about the excessive taxes charged and collected by NORTHAMPTON COUNTY!! They exceed that charged by most County municipalities and what do we get for them? Most taxpayers in the County never see the benefit of these taxes paid. Now here comes the County workforce complaining about taxes. What a bunch of hypocrites! They ought to just stfu and go about their jobs. Too bad for them that they have to pay a little more. How does it feel County worker??

  4. don't get a hoagie at WAWA. That'll show Sal who is really in charge. What a joke these crybabies are

  5. Bernie, Do yo have a breakout of the tax millage rates for every PA County?

    I think this is a false statement, but I believe he is correct if you add the local the school etc into the rates, but I believe that NORCO is not the highest taxing county in the state and would like to know.

  6. Gee whiz, there are businesses in Easton that county workers will boycott? Where are they? I imagine that Vietnamese grocer on Northampton will be first. Then, the hospital clinics for the poor will be next. Oh, yeah. Don't buy a newspaper from the express-that's in town, too. Makes real sense. You cry that you are too poor to pay the tax. Then go hit some business that is about ready to close its doors because it cannot afford to pay the taxes anyway. I like the idea about the county packing up and leaving. Have to take the prison with you. Hit the county taxpayer with millions to build a new government complex in Gracedale.

  7. http://munstatspa.dced.state.pa.us/ReportViewer.aspx?R=CountyTaxSummary&reporting_year=2012&rendering=H

  8. Anon 6:54

    Where did you get your information?

    Northampton Tax 10.8 Mils
    Lehigh county Tax 11.9 Mils

    Yep, Norco is the HIGHEST around according to who Gunther on the radio?

  9. I've been boycotting Easton for 30 years. It's easy - and safe. Panto's attitude toward out of towners is obnoxious. The city is reflected in him.

  10. They'll never sustain a boycott, and no businesses will ever feel it. Empty threat.

    Also, this is hilarious:

    "employee 2 must be afraid easton will impose a paragraph-break tax..."

  11. geeting couldn't find easton if he had a map and the promise of unlimited teabagging. he doesn't need to boycott.

  12. Employee # 4.

    I will gladly pay the tax since it will go into a public pension fund that I will so greatly be collecting when I retire, while the poor businessman that they want to boycott will continue to work until he dies.

    I don't feel sorry for the norco employees. The private sector I do feel sorry for but this has become about the employees - many who are a part of the public pension problem.

  13. Bernie - has the county ever reached out to Easton for their blessing when they are considering imposing a tax increase?

  14. I agree with Comrade Anon 8:30.

    Only Government can take care of me.

    The private sector wants me and my children to eat dog food and die as quickly as possible.

    Because once we're dead, the evil Rich People can continue to rob us even more blind, then.


  15. Really. If anyone should cut taxes, it should be the county. A black hole of nothing in return.

  16. Union Thug.

    Public employees collect 50% more salary and fringe than over 80% of private sector employees when they retire. You are protected by state laws which private sector employees are not. This tax is due to those laws not taking into account the ability for a municipality to pay. You consider that fair. I don't. Public unions have destroyed the budgets of municipalities. You can blame Sal Panto all you want. I give him credit for addressing the issue. Should he have reached out the county. In my opinion - no. The county conducts business that impacts easton tax payers without consulting them. They also forget that this doesn't only impact them. To reach out to the county without reaching out to everyone else is a bit crazy. There were hearings - two so far that were well advertised and county officials could have shown up. Union representation could have shown up as well. They didn't. Panto is right for his dissatisfaction of county sticking their noses in city affairs in the manner in which they did. They are grandstanding due to political aspirations. The taxpayers in Easton would love nothing more than for the county to pick up and move the hell out. Take your prison to Bethlehem. Take your court services to Bethlehem. My guess is they don't want you. We all know Beth Twsp doesn't. Easton has the burden of these services. County employees eat lunch in a cafeteria in the courthouse. They fill up their cars in the gas station down the street from their house - not in Easton. I own a business accross the street from the courhouse. I don't see county employees. I just don't. That threat is bullshit. The only victims here are the private sector employees. For some reason county council only wishes to protect the county employees. This is not taxation without representation. State law makers voted for this. Have them amend it.

  17. So the employee feedback was done on taxpayer time, there's waste in itself!

  18. Build a new prison in the middle of Downtown Bethlehem. I'm going to do some research. I think every municipality wrote zoning ordinances against prison. Well every municipality except Easton.

  19. Tax, tax, tax, tax.

    Spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend, spend.

    Tax, tax, tax, tax.

    Boycott Democrats and their greedy, money-laundering Union buddies???


  20. " I think every municipality wrote zoning ordinances against prison."

    You think wrong. No municipality can write a zoning ordinance excluding a prison use.

  21. Why are people who work in Jersey blamed for anything?

    Those people pay PA (not NJ) state tax and are subject to the ~1% school district tax. If anything, they are making taxes less by contributing to the tax base.

  22. "So the employee feedback was done on taxpayer time, there's waste in itself!"

    Excuse me, but you have no idea when this feedback came and have no basis for making that accusation.

  23. " I own a business accross the street from the courhouse. I don't see county employees. I just don't."

    Name this supposed business. Given your attitude, county employees should stay the hell away from you. But you're probably too much of a coward to ID yourself.

  24. Then prove that the feedback was:

    Not sent from the County network during business hours!

  25. "Bernie - has the county ever reached out to Easton for their blessing when they are considering imposing a tax increase?"

    Umm, Easton has representation on County Council. It has a voice. And Easton is consulted on issues that have a direct impact on them.

    Northampton County employees who do not live in Easton have no representation on City Council. They have no voice. They are directly impacted by this, and Easton should have consulted with the County. It was foolish not to do so, and even more foolish to try and defend that mistake.

  26. 10:49, You seem to think I have some kind of obligation to prove a negative. it is logically impossible to rove a negative. You are the person who alleged these employees were wasting county time. it is incumbent on you, the person making that charge, to prove it. If you can't, then you shouldn't have made the false allegation in the first place.

  27. " NORCO is not the highest taxing county in the state and would like to know"

    It is not. That's just silly.

  28. "Those people pay PA (not NJ) state tax and are subject to the ~1% school district tax. If anything, they are making taxes less by contributing to the tax base.

    10:36 AM"

    Wrong. Schools and local government cost more than taxes collected. Their unsustainable compensation models require federal and state grants of borrowed money.

    Those that come here, no matter where they are from, add to the service burden at a much higher rate than the dollars they contribute. Not their fault, that is how our Ponzi scheme of "public services" works.


  29. Has the county contacted the city about their desire to move employee's from the governor wolfe building to gracedale? Did they consult them? no.

  30. First, No decision has been made to move county employees from the Wolf Building to Bechtel or Gracedale. That would not happen wthout consultation.

    Second, There is a strong voice for Easton on Council, both in the form of a district rep who is elected from there as well as 5 at-large members of Council and the Exec.

    Easton has representation. But county workers who do not live in Easton will be taxed without representation. That is wrong.

  31. #3 thinks Easton has been "invaded" by the NYC work force looking for tax relief--they should visit Monroe County. Easton is a tiny percentage in comparison to towns here that are ghost towns during weekdays because most of the adults are in Manhattan. It is a valid point however to the added strain. But aside from a small number of the white collar transplants in College Hill, most of those in the Easton area doing this live in Forks, Williams, and the very western edge of Bethlehem Townships.

  32. But you are forgetting that the state reps for those folks made the law and can amend the law so they do have representation. No?

  33. Easton is getting about a half a million a year in casino money that should be going to the county but for deals made in the State House...Maybe now, the county should go after the local legislators and ask them to undue that ridiculous deal that shouldnt have happened in the first place..Tell easton if they want a commuter tax that they need to give up the casino money..Simple.

  34. yes. They do have representation on the state level, but they do not have representation on the entity imposing the tax - Easton. This is no different than an English Parliament imposing a stamp tax on its American colonies. It is taxation without representation. The English could say Americans had representation in the King. You say it is the state. No difference in either case.

  35. I have no problem with the casino money going to Easton or Allentown. That is true regionalism.

  36. State law says spending addicts like Panto can tax those who receive no representation. Panto-types don't need to be told twice. It's legal and it's right up Sal's alley. He'll blame somebody else. He never takes responsibility. Shootings and stabbings and beatings and taxes and fees. He's a real beaut.

  37. I agree with the comments from all of the employees who said their peace regarding the "commuter" tax. I am a City of Bethlehem resident and I work for a not for profit in downtown Easton. Although I love my job, I don't get paid very much and I have to pay to park to come to work every morning! Now I have to pay extra taxes? It's not fair. Things are becoming more expensive, pay is becoming smaller, and governement keeps raising taxes to pay for pensions! I'm sorry, like most people anymore, I don't even get health benefits... let alone money to live off of after I retire.

  38. They have representation by their state reps who made this legal. Those states reps can throw it out. They are represented. Maybe not well but they are represented.

    Julie Z. the county council and executive does not care about you. They chose to fight for the county employees only. I was in attendance. There was no mention of anyone else besides county employees. They are grand standing.

  39. 12:10 pm

    I think Panto is taking on the chin right now for something that is not his fault. He is not blaming any one person. He is not saying its not his responsibility. Look at the Easton School District. They laid off over 100 teachers and the first thing the president said was - This was inherited. It's not our fault.

  40. Perhaps it's time for similar layoffs in Easton. Has this been discussed?

  41. Last I checked and due to Act 111 most city employees were able to negotiate no lay-off clauses in their contract under the Mitman administration.

  42. No-Layoff clauses are in force in city of easton contracts

    So unless you get discharged for gross misconduct, you have a job for life

  43. Anon 12:36, As sonmeone who was in attendance, why did you fail to speak in support of this commuter tax? Why did you make no answer when Council asked whether Easton had even bothered to discuss this? And yes, Council was mostly concerned about its own 700 employees who will be directly impacted, but that is a far cry from saying they care about no one else.

  44. Anon 6:54 meant that the Northampton County real estate tax is higher than most municipal taxes in that County. The poster did not say that it is higher than other Counties.

  45. Every morning arounmd the same time Stoffa rolls out of bed and comes on this blog and attacks anyone who is critical or questions the county. It is alwys the same time, much like Berie's 3am troll, except it is Stoiffa. Bernie knows this and allows it.

    But you are right, the poster was referencing muncipal taxes not other counties, calm down John.

  46. 7:07 pm,

    It is time to take your drug cocktail.

  47. The slap in the face comes when Easton's administration is spending time with a person that claims to be a Ghanaian leader. We probably have more troubles here in the Lehigh Valley than there is in Ghana.

  48. Norco cant stop the tax.. And i say, let the employees boycott, Easton wont feel it.

  49. The employees don't give a shit about Easton. You never see them out and about in the city. The only ones you do already live in the city.

  50. Many employees do not frequent Easton businesses, but there are many who do. Also, for the record, I see no sense in penalizing an Easton business that has no say in the commuter tax and whose employees will be suffering, too. But there is a strong argument for relocating county services to a more centralized location like Bethlehem or Nazareth. This commuter tax will give relocation advocates some ammo.

  51. 10:49, You seem to think I have some kind of obligation to prove a negative. it is logically impossible to rove a negative. You are the person who alleged these employees were wasting county time. it is incumbent on you, the person making that charge, to prove it. If you can't, then you shouldn't have made the false allegation in the first place.

    Funny, I recall you going ballistic when LVEDC left early on Fridays without having any idea of their hours or work arrangements. You threw out a negative and ran with it.

  52. Look, asshole, I made an allegation and stuck to it and it was accurate and admitted. I called on no one to prove it was not happening. It is logically impossible to prove a negative, and only illogical people would make such a ridiculous demand. Now go away.

  53. yes. They do have representation on the state level, but they do not have representation on the entity imposing the tax - Easton. This is no different than an English Parliament imposing a stamp tax on its American colonies. It is taxation without representation. The English could say Americans had representation in the King. You say it is the state. No difference in either case.

    Are you kidding me with the tea party nonsense? If I buy something in NJ, I pay a tax I didn't vote for. If I buy something in Pittsburgh, I pay a tax for something I didn't vote for. If I stay in a hotel in NYC, I pay a tax for something I didn't vote for. If I take a cab in San Francisco, I pay a tax for something I didn't vote for,

  54. Julie Z - sounds like your issue isn't with Easton as much as it is with the businesses cutting benefits and payroll at unprecedented levels. This is the heart of the problem - the private sector people have gotten hosed and now they want the public sector workers to get hosed too.

  55. True, but this is a tax based on where you work, not where you vacation, and you have no say.


  56. Look, asshole, I made an allegation and stuck to it and it was accurate and admitted. I called on no one to prove it was not happening. It is logically impossible to prove a negative, and only illogical people would make such a ridiculous demand. Now go away.

    Yet you attacked those people without having any information to prove there was abuse. You used the old must be in the office 9-5 ruse to publicly humiliate people for no reason. You didn't even give them the opportunity to give their side, you just threw out a negative and your tongue.

  57. True, but this is a tax based on where you work, not where you vacation, and you have no say.

    If I work in Philadelphia, I pay a wage tax.

    If I don't like it, I don't work there. I thought the tea party was all about the free market and market forces?

  58. 'Yet you attacked those people without having any information to prove there was abuse. You used the old must be in the office 9-5 ruse to publicly humiliate people for no reason. You didn't even give them the opportunity to give their side, you just threw out a negative and your tongue.'

    I had both an email, followed by multiple admissions that it was happening. I think it is time for you to take your drug cocktail.

  59. "If I don't like it, I don't work there. I thought the tea party was all about the free market and market forces?"

    It is, and that is what will happen. Fewer people will work in Easton.

  60. I had both an email, followed by multiple admissions that it was happening. I think it is time for you to take your drug cocktail.

    But never any further information about total time worked during the work week. It's always a drug cocktail when someone calls our your bullshit.

  61. It is, and that is what will happen. Fewer people will work in Easton.

    Let the market decide. What's the issue?

  62. Anon 11:54, it has always been Bernies way. Critics are always assholes and usually portrayed as one asshole.

    I find the comment of an alcoholic to take their "drug cocktail", inteersting if not intoleranat and ignorant.

  63. Let me repeat myself:

    "It's time to take your drug cocktail."

    Don't go away angry. Just go away.

  64. Boycotts are femme. I didn't like it when the goons pulled it with J & R Smokehouse because they posted Ron's sign and I don't like it one bit more now.

    The tax is a bad idea because it is taxation without representation. More important, though, is that it is one more example of fat pig government continuing to gorge itself rather than slim down. We need more, we deserve more, blah blah blah.

    On the other hand, the county dolts who would boycott would have no problem with a similar tax if it were to preserve THEIR benefits. In the past year, I have had more interaction with county personnel than I would wish on my worst enemy. By-and-large, they are lazy, arrogant dumbasses who dodge phone calls and never answer a question without lying or obfuscating. Most have nothing on your typical Walmart greeter.

    The tax is wrong for so many reasons. But, if it happens, the silver lining is those county dillweeds taking it in the backside.


  65. I'd agree a boycott is a bad idea.

  66. Hopefully Stoffa gets his new building to house County Employees and there will be hundreds of workers fleeing taxation without representation. Aka the city of Easton!

    Look at their school district, total joke!

    And to all that state that the city cannot wait to see the county leave....

    Stay tuned as you will soon see the effects of that wish


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