Local Government TV

Monday, July 30, 2012

Can You Say Executive Bill Hansell?

Bill Hansell
On December 21, 2011, when appointed Commissioner Bill Hansell was saying good-bye to everyone, he made it pretty clear that his public service was at an end. Back to sunny Florida. Yet his is one of the four names in contention for Don Cunningham's old job as Lehigh County Executive. And he just might get it, too. Here's why.

Whenever I post about Hansell, I mention that he's around 700 years old and that he's written Penn's Treaty, among other things. While I'm exaggerating, the truth is that Hansell has been around local government his entire career and was involved in the drafting of Northampton County's Home Rule Charter. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone more qualified than he.

Except perhaps, for Dan McCarthy, another name in the mix. In addition to an 11-year stint as Commissioner, Dan has served as an assistant County Solicitor, Assistant Public Defender, Solicitor to Allentown's Parking Authority and to South Whitehall Township Authority.

Between Hansell and McCarthy, it's probably a coin toss. Both would be excellent County Executives.

But the Board appointing the Executive is 7 to 1 Republican. (Dan is disqualified from voting for a position in which he has a direct financial interest.) Chairman Brad Osborne, Tom Creighton and Percy Dougherty are more than willing to work with Democrats. But Vic Mazziotti, Scott Ott, Lisa Scheller and Mike Schware are so far to the right that it becomes difficult to find common ground. Their recent grumbling about CDBG grant money is certainly an example. So is their campaign against Dean Browning, who refused to bow to the whims of party boss Wayne Woodman.

It's unlikely this Board would vote for McCarthy. If they did, that would create a vacancy on the Board of Commissioners. This would have to be filled by a Democrat who resides in McCarthy's District. In effect, they would be appointing McCarthy Executive and appointing Geoff Brace as McCarthy's successor as a Commissioner.

Geoff would certainly run for the job, and would have the incumbent's advantage as well as the experience of having waged a campaign.

They can't give the job to Attorney Matt ("I give discounts to union members") Croslis, either. Although he has pledged he would only hold the Executive position as a caretaker, it's no secret that his covetous eyes are fixed on the DA's office. Do you really think they'll give Croslis a high profile job like Executive and help him become DA?

What about John Ingram, the fourth name under consideration? If they were completely political, they'd give him the job and smile as he runs the County into the ground. But they're just not that cynical.

So my money's on Hansell. In fact, I'm told he was approached by Republicans.


  1. Part of the problem Dan has is that there is a disinformation cmapaign going on regarding his possible county pension.

    Dan would be a much better choice for the Executive position. Also if the Republicans can't beat Brace in the Distrcit, they might as well fold up their tents.

    They could almost assure themselves a super-super majority.

  2. Any one who has worked for the secretive, collusive thieves at the Allentown Parking Authority should NOT be allowed to perform in a position of public trust.
    Ever sit in at one of their meetings? A waste of time.
    You hear only lip service, and any policy changes will not happen in your presence.
    The APA's solicitor is the pit bull for the agency and is there to keep the public uninformed of any and all new schemes to produce profit off the backs of Allentown's resident citizens.

  3. Maybe the County Board majority should look at some of the younger more talented experienced municipal managers in the County?

  4. The gang of three hate hansell. Noy sure they could bring themselves to vote for him.

  5. I heard he was a waiter at the Last Supper...


  6. Well, if we know a few things from when Hansell was appointed commissioner, this is what we can expect:
    -Percy D will proclaim his love of somebody, only that person won't be sent to the full board for a vote
    -Hansell, if appointed, will be in Fla for extended periods of time, meaning Tom Mueller will run the county as he is doing now but Hansell will get the pay check
    -David Jones will be noticeably absent from the executive interviews
    -Tom Creighton will vote for whomever promises not to raise taxes

    An observation: didn't Vic and Dan work together at the city in their earlier years? Dan as an assistant solicitor and Vic as a business administrator? They have a decent relationship.

  7. I'm unaware whether Vic and Dan worked together, but the rest of your analysis s spot on.

    I'd love to see Mller or Kane named, but they would have to take a pay cut.

  8. Doesn't Kane live in Northampton County ... I get it Bernie is a Tory and believes that carpetbaggers should run everything.

  9. Bernie, Once again you and the commentators explain to me the Shenanigans that that place in the Lehigh Valley's political world.Thank you all for the information. Southern Man

  10. Who is Kane and MIller?

  11. Frank Kane is Don's Chief odf Staff and yes, he does live in NC. My bad.

    Tom Muller is the Direcotr of Admin, and would need to sewitch parties and take a pay cut.

  12. Frank is a great guy and we love him but a County Executive he is not. I doubt he would want to be in the mix. As for Muller, being a Republican is what got him the job in the first place, why switch now. Besides, he is a bit too arrogant and abrasive, according to the commissioners.

  13. Really? I know he tries hard to create that impression, but then screws it all up by talking to bottom-feeders like me. Unfortunately, Kane and Muller are just wishful thinking on my part.

  14. O'Hare, those people talk to you to get good blog. You would think you would get that by now.

    It is pretty well known amongst most pols.

    As for Muller, he was the price Don paid for heavy Republican support in his run. He was out of work and needed a job.

  15. "those people talk to you to get good blog"

    What language do you speak? It certainly isn't English.

  16. McCarthy is the best choice. Hansell is all hot air. Dan is knowledgable about the county. Hansell is more of a self-promoter than an adminstrator.

    The nonsense about Dan's pension skyrocketing is a red herring. Unfortunately explainations as to why have been censored.

    Very interesting.

  17. Why is it a red herring? I seem to remember a certain judicial candidate making an issue out of his opponent's possible pension bump.

    The judicial candidate who made it an issue?

    Dan McCarthy

  18. 2:54's previous comments have been censored bc he has to make everything about Stoffa.

  19. 2:54 is a mental case! Do you own any guns? I hope not!
    Please get some professional help!

  20. Bernie,

    I would like to point out two things.

    One is that if you are going to attribute a quote to me with a link I would appreciate that the link be to my website.

    I appreciate the free advertising but the hyperlink does not go to my website www.croslislaw.com

    Also I am not sure where you got your information about my political ambitions but if you want to post what others may tell you about me feel free to ask me before you post and I will provide you with an accurate answer just as I did with your previous questions.

    I choose not to respond to the anonymous false and misleading posts about me because if someone does not have the guts to sign their name or contact me directly they do not deserve a response.

    Matt Croslis

  21. Bernie,

    I would like to point out two things.

    One is that if you are going to attribute a quote to me with a link I would appreciate that the link be to my website.

    I appreciate the free advertising but the hyperlink does not go to my website www.croslislaw.com

    Also I am not sure where you got your information about my political ambitions but if you want to post what others may tell you about me feel free to ask me before you post and I will provide you with an accurate answer just as I did with your previous questions.

    I choose not to respond to the anonymous false and misleading posts about me because if someone does not have the guts to sign their name or contact me directly they do not deserve a response.

    Matt Croslis

  22. Matt, Just so we're clear, I have no obligation to clear anything I write about you before I write it. Second, you and Brennan are partners, and you do give discounts to union members. There is nothing wrong with my hyperlink, which proves the assertion.

  23. Well, if the Express-Times is correct in its quote of Commissioner Scheller, Wayne Woodman's wife, then giving more consideration to Croslis means Wayne has cut a deal with him and
    Croslis is the Reform Team's preferred candidate.

    Can't be sure of that paper's accuracy though- as McCarthy's pension cannot be in the amount they cited.

  24. Per the Lehigh County Fiscal Office, Dan McCarty's pension would be $160 a month ($1,920 year) if he remains as a County Commissioner until the end of next year. His pension would increase to $710 a month ($8,520 year) if he is appointed County Executive for the next 17 months. This is an over 400 per cent increase.


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