Local Government TV

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Fake Rev: A Sore Winner

The Fake Rev with AFSCME union agent
Mario Martinez, the phony preacher who claims that Jesus speaks to him through his television set, is a very sore winner. In a weekend letter to the editor, he complains that the "slanted" Lehigh Valley media fails to give him enough "victorious headlines" concerning a referendum that stopped the sale of Northampton County's nursing home, Gracedale. In more demogagy, he complains that a  "biased media" refuses to cover a "possible scandal" involving the use of taxpayer money to help fund my lawsuit to stop the referendum.

Let's review just some of this nonexistent publicity, shall we?

3/14/11: Morning Call - "Did taxpayers fund Gracedale petition fight?"

3/16/11: WFMZ - "Attorney: Taxpayer Dollars Used To Challenge Gracedale Petition" (In this one, legal blowhard Larry Otter was demanding a criminal investigation and had us all in jail).

4/20/11: Morning Call - "Did taxpayers help fund a private Gracedale lawsuit?"

4/28/11: Express Times - "Attorney claims Bernie O'Hare, Ron Angle illegally used taxpayer money for Gracedale ballot fight"

4/28/11: Morning Call - "Gracedale petition attorney alleges illegal use of taxpayer money"

8/18/11: Morning Call - "Judge: Gracedale petitioners won't get legal fees"

9/22/11: Express Times - "Gracedale referendum attorney appealing loss of legal fees to commonwealth court"

3/8/12: Morning Call - "Gracedale group loses legal fees appeal"

The truth? For over a year, I have dealt with publicity that essentially calls me a thief. But every time that that the Mustached Minister has made this claim, he's been rebuffed. Currently, it's on some dusty desk in the Supreme Court, dying a slow death.

Having lost with the DA and the courts, Martinez has now decided to hound County Council into starting a witch hunt.  He's enlisted Controller Steve Barron to use taxpayer resources to help him, too.

That's OK. Jesus must have told him.

Martinez falsely claims that Otter's petition for attorney fees has nothing to do with Stoffa. That should be news to the County Exec. He had to hire and pay Attorney George Heitczman to represent him on this spurious claim.


  1. you and the rev - 2 peas in a pod

  2. Surprisedly light response to this story, BOH. Viewers must be tiring of this childish escapade.

  3. I don't have viewers. That's TV. I have readers.

  4. Martinez is scary , in my mind a potentially dangerous person. He and his band of cohorts will stop at nothing . He is a Reverand of the devil not the true Lord. He is the kind who would cry " crucify him crucify him "..and then later claim he was a true discple ...guy s certifiable.

  5. I remember him from his Pentamation days. He was a certifiable looney then, and I laugh when I see him call himself a minister.

  6. Readers, viewers give me a break. Is that the best response you can come up with O'Hare? Your feud with the fake Rev needs to end. Mano-a-mano. Challenge him to a pig kicking contest.

  7. You lied when you said your work was your own! Mark Stewart has confirmed it. Stoffa approved it. Martinez can prove it. You are a liar!

  8. Victory By Truth?

    Some truth when you refuse to identify yourself.

    My work was my own. I spent weeks reviewing those nomination petitions and preparing the complaint that was ultimately filed. Of course, I accepted suggestions from Mark Stewart and anyone else who was willing to make them, if I thought they were good suggestions. But ultimately, the work product was mine.

    The Otter has already demanded a criminal investigation. He has already attempted, and failed, to tag me with attorney fees over this exact issue. There is no evidence that Angle or I did anything but act in good faith in pursuing a claim in which literally thousands of signatures were invalidated.

    Having failed with the DA and in Court, you are now pressuring Barron and County Council to mount a witch hunt. You just want more attention, and don't give a shit about making Gracedale better, so long as you are the center of attention.

  9. Did anyone ever find out who Martinez was apologizing to on his blog?
    I inquired if he apologized to those who were harmed by his blog for allowing it to be used as a vehicle to spread hate and untruths about clearly innocent individuals, companies, and municipalities. But the comment was deleted... only the Devil would have done such a thing.

  10. I don't consider him (or anyone) the Devil. But he is a vicious, hateful person, blind to his own shortcomings. Believe it or not, there are people out there who are actually crazier than he. Mezzacappa, for example.

  11. This is the King of Hate blogs anon 12:27, and you should know, read your own post.

    The Saving Private Gracedale" folks are just doing what O'Hare has done for years, pick and chose topics then bend and twist the truth to satisfy their own agenda. Bernie has used his blog as a vehicle to advance his position and causes. He deletes and censors at will. He is god of his domain.

    So are the Gracedale folks. You can claim they are crazy for pursuing an agenda. How crazy is the NIZ, remember the Callahan-Dent battle last year. This blog is no nest of sanity.

    There is an ethical, if not criminal question regarding Stoffa's use of O'Hare, a private citizen, to sue other private citizens. Correspondence proves Stoffa was aware and approved of the private lawfirm helping O'Hare.

    If you want to claim the Saving Gracedale folks live in a glass house, fine. Just be sure the dump Gracdale folks don't forget how thin their glass is on this issue.


  12. This supposed "Les" is just another one of the crazies, afraid to identify himself. I am very proud of my NIZ work, as well as my coverage of the Callahan-Dent raise. Most of the issues I raised in both examples you mention found their way into the mainstream media. I don't make stuff up and don't engage in the personal vendetta like that mob or you.

    Now, so far as the so called ethical question goes, this matter has been gone over ad nauseum for over a year. There is no "new" evidence, but the same emails that have been reviewed for over a year. Nobody acted improperly or unethically. The law firm that provided me suggestions was acting under authority of a Council resolution that gave it broad authority to do whatever it could to effect Gracedale's sale. That's just the way it is. You can scream Bonusgate until the cows come home, but that doesn't make it so. The firm acted under the express authority it was granted, and nothing was hidden from anyone bc nobody has ever had anything to hide.

    You can continue braying about this nonsense or try to make Gracedale a better place. Your choice.

  13. Funny how "Mark Baker" and others are real because they agree with you , yet "Les" must be a fake because he disagrees. You are a real psychological case study O'Hare.

  14. "You just want more attention, and don't give a shit about making Gracedale better, so long as you are the center of attention.

    12:15 PM"

    Totally Agree!

  15. No Mark Baker is not real and I don't mind when he speaks generically. But if he attacks specific individuals, I can and have called him on it. I, and most readers have little respect for anonymous cowards like you, who hide behind a veil of anonymity, to attack specific people. You are unwilling to accept responsibility for what you write bc then people would know that hatred consumes you.

  16. How many more years before we can close the place? Why is nobody planning? There is a firm, legal closing/selling date. Enough already.

  17. The Minister of Hate helped win a battle but now will lose the war because he is so full of himself that he thinks he can do or say anything..and it will come true. As a retired AFSCME member but not a former Gracedale employee..I implore him to now stop this vendetta. Put the Bible down and come to the peace table and talk constructively about the facility and its future. Be a part of a solution and work for those who can't speak for themselves anymore. Get off the soap box and walk in his footsteps.

  18. trust me Mark Baker is alive, well and real. I speak the truth even when most can't take it or even comprehend it.

  19. O'Hare either you need new glasses or a reality check. You are trying to compare apples to oranges. Larry Otter's case is completely different than what is before council at this time. Facts is Mark Stewart admits he helped you and then BILLED THE COUNTY and was paid by Stoffa.You had no right to obtain legal services on the taxpayers dime. Stoffa had no right to use our tax dollars to help you and Angle sue fellow private citizens. You can swear until the end of your life that your work was your own. There are many e-mails that prove otherwise. Exhibit A was done by Stewart. You even thanked him for doning a much better job than you could have done. No one is denying that you reviewed petitions but to say your work was yours alone is an outright LIE!!!

  20. You cannot call yourself "victorybytruth' if you lack the intestinal fortitude to accept responsibility fir what you write, especially when you do so to challenge another person's integrity.

    Also, as someone who is at the receiving end, I can tell you that Otter's frivolous action is based on precisely the very same claim you have been braying about to Council and your disappearing flock.

    You and that ethically challenged lawyer lost out with the DA and have had your heads hanfded to you in court. And once the Supreme Court dismisses Otter's frivolous appeal, it's my turn. You have spent over a year attacking my integrity and Angle's integrity on your moderated blog and have engaged in a malicious prosecution in an attempt to destroy our reputations. You now are enlisting a political Controller to help you, and are trying to intimidate Council into starting a with hunt by alternatively praising and condemning them. Like a spoiled brat, you are lashing out at the newspaper for not continuing to spew your nonsense a year later, when it is now clear you are full of shit.

    There is plenty wrong with my eyesight, and I may be going blind. But this has nothing to do with eyesight. It is a matter of intelligence, and any attempt to distinguish Otter's nonsense from your latest rant is intellectually dishonest.

    Instead of carrying on a crusade of hatred, you could work to make Gracedale better. but you won't do that bc it was never about Gracedale and always about you.

  21. yYu are still trying to divert attention from the issues at hand. You are not truthfully answering the question. Did you recieve help from Mark Stewart whose time was then billed to the county and payment was authorized by John Stoffa? Simple question. Instead you continue to attack those who care more about the residents and employees at Gracedale than you ever have. You call the COAF haters. If telling the truth and wanting people to take responibility for running Gracedale into the ground makes them haters in your sick mind it's ok. They can back everthing they haver said or done with proof. Can you?

  22. County run nursing homes. Another business model that can not survive under the old model. We are living in a time where it has become too expensive to live. It is not the cost of the house but the burden to pay for electricity, gas, repairs and taxes. Many are being forced into a lower standard of living as a consequence of a perverted and convoluted economic policy that only ensures a further divide in socioeconomic status. It will backfire on the chief architects and their butt maidens when the once prominent middle class is pushed to a point where they have nothing to loose and no longer give a f***. New days are coming. Few are prepared.

    This wave of internet borne pastors is another example of the pervasive carpet bagger reemergence focused on class expolitation and opportunism. Snake oil salesman pushing salvation for a price often to the desperate and most economic and socially disadvantaged among our community. Misplaced passion and unbridled resentment are sins. Witch hunting strategies lead to spiritual death of the wayward and misguided purveyors of hate resulting from their obsessive ego driven failure to commune with God.


    PA Dutch Shaman

  23. County run nursing homes. Another business model that can not survive under the old model. We are living in a time where it has become too expensive to live. It is not the cost of the house but the burden to pay for electricity, gas, repairs and taxes. Many are being forced into a lower standard of living as a consequence of a perverted and convoluted economic policy that only ensures a further divide in socioeconomic status. It will backfire on the chief architects and their butt maidens when the once prominent middle class is pushed to a point where they have nothing to loose and no longer give a f***. New days are coming. Few are prepared.

    This wave of internet borne pastors is another example of the pervasive carpet bagger reemergence focused on class expolitation and opportunism. Snake oil salesman pushing salvation for a price often to the desperate and most economic and socially disadvantaged among our community. Misplaced passion and unbridled resentment are sins. Witch hunting strategies lead to spiritual death of the wayward and misguided purveyors of hate resulting from their obsessive ego driven failure to commune with God.


    PA Dutch Shaman

  24. Victory (?) By Cowardice,

    I have answered this question several ties and in several ways. You just don't like the answer. That complaint and the lawsuit was my work, and my work entirely. I made the decisions. I sought suggestions, not only from Eckhart Seamans, but from several lawyers I know. But it was always my case to lose or to win.

    The material that firm sent me was material it was working on independently to check the vote count for the administration. They were pulled off once the county had a computer program in place and forwarded the information to me.

    I made it part of my complaint, but never pursued it for two reasons: 1) I had no confidence in its accuracy; and 2) My case was focused on the circulators, not so much the signatories.

    As I have mentioned several times, this firm was acting under express authority of a County Council resolution that stated its "clear intent" was to authorize this law firm "to facilitate and expedite all issues" that would result in Gracedale's sale. Presumably, that would include discussions with allied private litigants who are attempting to achieve the very same goal. The resolution is broad enough that the firm actually could have represented us, although we preferred to make our own mistakes.

    There was nothing improper about me soliciting suggestions. There was nothing improper about the County-retained law firm in offering them. You may not like that answer, but the resolution adopted by Council is what it is. You have disingenuously tried to forget about that Council resolution. Stoffa has not. Also, that firm would never have spoken to me unless it was in furtherance of its own client's interests.

    I have gone through this on numerous occasions, but you just choose to ignore it. The Courts did not.

  25. "Presumably, that would include discussions with allied private litigants who are attempting to achieve the very same goal. The resolution is broad enough that the firm actually could have represented us, although we preferred to make our own mistakes."

    BIg time Presumption there O'Hare. So if Stoffa decided that a nuclear capability to deter N. Korea form getting in the way of his decision to sell Gracedale was necessary, Country Council was OK with the law firm and any private citizens they wanted to help, investigating the option of nuclear weapons for sale. Since in Stoffa's mind it would "presumably" been "inferred" by the resolution.

    Stoffa was playing the role of coward and figured maybe you and Angle would derail the Gracedale referendum. If that occurred he could always tell folks, "I would never have done that",but you failed. So he had to file on his own. Remember, Stoffa wished these folks good luck when they started their petition drive. he was lying of course but they caught him.

    This was the only time in county history that county tax dollars were diverted to help private citizens to file a suit against other private citizens.

    It is a clear violation of public trust and Stoffa should resign. It should be made a part of the Administrative code so it never happens again. He won't but it doesn't change the reality that you and Angle and Stoffa participated in something that you would be braying on for years about if it were someone else.

    You three stooges were wrong in what you did. Stoffa betrayed the public trust. You and the Press can hide and deflect but County Council must address this issue.


  26. "Les,"

    You are a coward who won't identify yourself. Your analogy is ridiculous. The simple fat is that County Council adopted a resolution stating its "clear intent" was to authorize this law firm "to facilitate and expedite all issues" that would result in Gracedale's sale. The law firm was acting within the scope of that resolution.

    You claim Stoffa should resign. Why? It is a Council resolution. Under your thinking, they should all resign.

    Or maybe you're just nuts, in addition to being a coward.

    In any event, nothing the firm did was improper. Nothing I did was improper. Nothing Stoffa did was improper.

    Having lost out with the DA and in Court, you now want County Council to engage in a with hunt against a law firm that did exactly what Council authorized it to do.

    This is not good government. It is head hunting. After a year of getting nowhere, why don't you focus on Gracedale already? It is losing money, and i have yet to see any of you rocket scientists come u with an actual idea. Instead, you just launch venomous attacks.

  27. So Pa Dutchman, Mark Baker and Dave are all non coward anonymous hero's, but I "Les" am. Amazing how agreeing with you can make such a difference. I am in fact Les, if you want more I will give it to you but I want my family to be safe.

    You fu#cked up O'Hare. This has nothing to do with the law firm and everything to do with Stoffa or County Council or both. Even you are not to blame. If the county offers to help with your laundry at no cost to you its not your fault they are incompetent or corrupt. What was done was wrong. Even by the most extreme presumptions, the idea that the county ask a firm to "help" private citizens in a private suit against other private citizens is wrong.

    Dance around with your pretned lawyering all you want. It was wrong and somebody or bodies were wrong for allowing it.


  28. No, "Les", because they do not use anonymity to launch personal attacks like you. And Dave is a Bangor Borough Council member, Dave Houser. He has identified himself several times. You, on the other hand, are an anonymous coward, slinking around but scared to death to actually take responsibility for your words.

  29. "Dance around with your pretned lawyering all you want. It was wrong and somebody or bodies were wrong for allowing it."

    Like I said, you just don't like the answer, so you will bray wherever you can. You will try to get Council to investigate Stoffa after losing in court and with the DA. This is just a witch hunt.

    In the meantime, Gracedale continues to spiral downwards.

  30. Bernie you cannot reason with people who live in a world of hate like the Reverend the devil ,the take money from the taxpayers Schmoyer and the worst of the bunch, The Dellasandroes who are capable of God knows what. They profess interest in Gracedale`s future but have so much hate in their blood you need a new blood type to identfy the transfusion you wuld need if they needed blood. They are an evil bunch.

  31. And "Les," I do want your personal information. You offered to send it to me. Email it to me, along with your phone number and home address. My email address is BOHare5948@aol.com. Let's see who Les really is.

  32. Gracedale gonna cost $7mm this year again. Angle/Stoffa/OHare were on target. Taxpayers pay...unions collect!

  33. According to the first quarter financial, it is on track to cost $6.5 MM, which is $1 MM more than budgeted as a county contribution. With a new private management team, I hope that will change. But this is what we need to focus on, not the bullshit.

  34. As long as Stoffa is in office no one trusts the numbers coming out of Gracedale. He has never been consistent with his figures and they changed depending on how the campaign to dump Gracedale was going.

    It will not be until Stoffa's sorry and untrustworthy butt is out of office. Public trust can then be restored in county government.

    Is 1:13 the anonymous Farmer Angle. You didn't answer my question about the safety of my family O'Hare. You are like an unchained rabid rat and I won't subject them to your hateful posts.

    By the way"They don't launch personal attacks", do you read your own blog with your beer goggles on?


  35. I'm waiting for your email, "Les." You said, "if you want more I will give it to you." Where is it? Instead of your dripping hatred for Stoffa, "Les," where's the infprmation you promised to send. If you can comment, you can send me an email. Where is it?


  37. Face it Bernie---Les is a coward and won't send you anything. Why waste time with a blowhart union idiot. gracedale is going to be gone when the 5 years runs out for sure as well as the bleeding union.

  38. 7:42, all in caps, is the style used by Crazy Otter. He knows how well his argument worked in court, so that explains why he won't sign his name.

  39. 7:50, Les is indeed a coward. He promised to send me his personal information, but failed to do so.

  40. I beleieve Les asked you to assure the saftey of his family and you have yet to address that.

    Besides, what makes you think Gracedale will be sold when the five years are up? There is no automatic sale provisison involved.

  41. "Les" has offered to send his personal information to me if I keep his family out of it. He insists he really is someone named Les. I agree to keep his family ut of this. I now await the email with his personal identifying information, including his address and a number where I can reach him. In reality, he is not Les and has no concerns about his family.He just wants to attack people anonymously. Let him prove me wrong.

    I won't hold my breath bc he is a coward.

  42. I believe anted you to guarantee the safety of his family, you haven't done that yet.

    Why is it you are OK with Mark Baker, Dutch Shamin and Farmer Angle attacking people but are pissed at Les.

    Why won't you guarantee the safety of his family. He has every right to be concerned.

  43. "Why is it you are OK with Mark Baker, Dutch Shamin and Farmer Angle attacking people but are pissed at Les."

    Asked and answered. You're being repetitive.

    "Why won't you guarantee the safety of his family."

    I specifically stated i would do that.

    He, like you, is a coward.

  44. You never have specifically stated that you would ensure the saftey of Les family.

    If I were him I would be suspicious.

    By the way the others are attacking here and on your other threads and you let them, so you are not that trustworthy.

  45. I have said so twice. You are just looking for an excuse for him to remain an anonymous coward, like you.

  46. Why would anyone who disagrees with O'Hare trust his family's saftey to O'Hare. Without an ironclad printed promise of complete saftey, I don't blame him.

  47. Then don't, but don't try to comment here.

  48. "Save Gracedale".


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.