Local Government TV

Friday, June 08, 2012

Dent Continues Fight Against the Bedpan Tax

Dent in Hanover Tp on Armed Forces Day
When the House voted for a trillion dollar health care overhaul in 2010, LV Congressman Charlie Dent was one of the dissenting voices. In his Congressional speech, just one of his many objections included President Obama's Bedpan Tax.
We will feel the impact close to home. A 2.3 percent medical device tax will increase the cost of medical devices – everything from tongue depressors to wheelchairs – and discourage the development of critical new medical innovations. Specifically, this tax will impact businesses in our district imperiling jobs; curtailing advanced research and innovation; reducing purchasing from Pennsylvania vendors; and hampering investment in capital equipment. The ripple effect on our economy and on working families will be far greater than the sum of the tax. And ultimately, patients will see increased costs as a result.
We'll fix that later, claimed Obamacare supporters. That was over two years ago.

According to the Advanced Medical tTchnology Association, this new tax will cost the medical device industry $3 billion and result in the loss of 1,700 jobs in Pennsylvania alone.

Yesterday, Dent voted with a majority of the House (270-146) to repeal the bedpan tax, joined by 37 Democrats. But Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid doubts he'll consider the matter anytime soon.

An original co-sponsor of this repeal, Dent is particularly concerned about how the medical device tax is impacting Lehigh Valley biomedical employers, which include Aesculap, Boas Surgical, Biomed, BBraun, Olympus, Orasure and Precision Medical Instruments. "To improve the quality of health care in the United States, our public policies should encourage greater investment in the research and development of advanced devices, not impose taxes that limit innovation,” noted Dent.

In Dent's eyes, this is the provision of Obamacare that bothers him most. “The tax’s sole purpose is to raise money to pay for a new government entitlement program. Unfortunately, it will simultaneously increase the cost of products and services Americans need to live healthy and productive lives. Essentially, Americans will be paying more for medical devices in order to finance the policies driving up the cost of their care.”


  1. "In Dent's eyes, this is the provision of Obamacare that bothers him most."

    Yeah. It bothers Smiling Charlie more than the provision for gummint-paid abortions. Charlie knows these abortions primarily target darkies and other minorities, Allentown's cancer and a burden to us all.

  2. Anon 7:00: can you rephrase that in English please

  3. Here's a remedial version for those hamstrung by their ASD and/or Lehigh educations:

    1) Charlie smiles.
    2) Charlie is not as troubled by tax funded abortions as he is with a tax on tongue depressors because ...
    3) Tax funded abortions head off minorities before they can become what fellow Progressives call "a cancer" that must be excised at the cost of millions from the NIZ.


  4. Here's a solution, eliminate the BED PAN and you eliminate the TAX!

  5. What is "MAN-CHILD's" position on this TAX?

  6. Yes, by all means that is the end of new advanced bedpan design.

  7. Good to know Charlie is on top of such important matters while the country is going down the tubes..What a joke!

  8. Personally, I am very glad to know Obama and the Progressive Liberal Democrats (who love Obamacare even though the New York Times has a poll out stating 67% of all Americans would like to see the almost 3,000 pages Legislation forced down the people's throats on Christmas Eve scrapped) are all over important stuff like the gay marriage thing while the country is going down the tubes ...


  9. What is so bad about Obamacare?

    I like it.


  10. The teabagging cornholers are crazy. Yes, pleazse keep letting healthcare costs go through the roof. Healthcare before Obama was running double digit inflation every year for the past fifteen years. Now with Obama, it is double digit inflation, how dare he.

    You baggers have been getting raped by the health industry for years getting substandard care and just saying more please.

    With scheple like you, Rupert Murdock and the Koch brothers must be partying pretty hardily.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I have deleted an attempt by the Wicked Witch of West Easton to draw readers to her blog. I refuse to link to hate blogs and will not allow her to do so, ether.

  13. Not to worry CHARLIE, the Insurnace companies must pre approve the bedpan. Dont worry folks, the'll get to in 2 to 4 days.

  14. Sorry Bernie for being OT,but the numbers are out for EIT revenue from the NIZ.


    It is only 70 million over 30 years at the current rate.

    Small potatoes.

    Joseph Colucci, president of the Ironworkers Local 36, has lobbied the municipalities to drop their opposition.

    "I don't get why these townships would hold up the arena project for such a small amount of money,"

  15. It's mot small potatoes bc the figures do not include the future EIT that will be generated as a result of poaching. i don't expect a thing to change.

  16. Bernie, Just a reminder,

    On a big story, Corbett's give away to shell Oil Co. If they build a plant, no taxes for 15 years and 1.5 Billion in Tax credits...Also State will pay for site reclamation before plant is built, that could cost as much as 1 Billion. Shell Oil had 20 billion in profits last year.

  17. Charlie,
    A tax for another entitlement program...No kidding that's what the federal government has done for years...that's why 50% of the population pays no federal tax.
    The WELL is now dry and with the average tax paying citizen now
    paying over 50% of their income in taxes..there's no one left to PAY.

  18. Charlie,
    If you want a friend in Washington, buy a Dog....

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  20. Some asshole (anonymously, of course) made a lurid suggestion about the young lady pictured with Congressman Dent. That's the kind of misogyny I've grown to expect from "pretend" liberals.

  21. ALERT Alert Alert

    This just in, Corbett announces that he will push for a reduction in funding for Cyber Charter Schools. According to Corbett, it should cost less to school a child on-line than in a classroom.

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  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  25. If you want to make disgusting sexual remarks, please send them directly, along with your name and address, to Bruce Gilbert. I'm sure he can sort it out with you. Coward.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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