Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Is Farmland Preservation On Way Out?

Northampton County usually has about thirty farms on a waiting list for farmland preservation dollars. But this year, farmers are actually reluctant to apply, according to Farmland Preservation Board member Ron Angle.

Low appraisals, a stagnant economy and Lower Mount Bethel Township 90-10 Ordinance are the reasons, according to Angle.

He predicts that next year, a state government looking to make cuts will eliminate the program completely. "It's luxury compared to human services," Angle told me.


  1. That picture is priceless. Is it real or PhotoShop?

  2. I hope the next county Executive does the right thing and does not appoint this clown to any boards or authorities.

  3. typical farmers - always crying for handouts


  5. Why preserve a farm with government entitlement monies when there is no need? Last I heard there is actually no demand whatsoever for farmland to be used for housing. If the market demands the land, let the farmer sell. This recession has been the best farmland preservation tool ever!

  6. Farmland Preservation needs to go away. It sounds so nice. But when the government picks real estate winners and losers, it's a bad thing.

  7. "That picture is priceless. Is it real or PhotoShop?"


  8. Poor trigger discipline... tisk tisk

  9. Old Elmer Fudd. glad he is out but a shame for the program.

  10. Thank god. Get rid of this ludicrous policy.

  11. To answer the question....maybe, maybe not. If there is a groundswell of public support then probably no. But to use farmland preservation money for anything other than what the voting public was promised would be unethical.

  12. You're right about subverting the will of the people as expressed in the growing greener referendum.

  13. Yosemiti Sam Angle is a joke but Farmland preservation is important. Will Stoffa give back the tax incrrease he took for farmland?


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