Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Dr. Thode's Tag Team Partner in the Great NIZ Debate? ... Moi

Yesterday, I told you that Tony Iannelli will be hosting a NIZ debate during a Thursday taping of WFMZ's Business Matters.

From Lehigh University, weighing in at 160 lbs, Steve (the Doctor) Thode will square off against a pro-NIZ contingent consisting of Mike (the Fleckster Wrecker) Fleck, Sara (Celtic Thunder &) Hailstone and Iannelli himself.

They don't stand a chance.

Last night, I received a desperate call from a Business Matters producer. Looks like the Bombastic Blogger, yours truly, will now serve as the Doctor's tag team partner.

One of my fans has already commented, "How can someone like you, with your baggage be a credible person on this show?"

Good point, but look at our opponents.


  1. Bernie,

    I taught Tony how to referee hockey, for a slight fee I'll show you how to outdebate him!

  2. I'll bring a puck and toss it. He and Fleck will go after it.

  3. So Schlossberer called you so you treat him nice. You really are not qualified to speak intelligently about this topic. You base everything you do on raw emotion.


  4. That show is a joke. Jolly Joe Timmers Polka show gets higher ratings than this Iannelli ego boost.

  5. The Tea Party must be happy to have one of their craziest Tea Baggers represent them. I hope this goes like the way you embarrassed yourself on the gracedale show.

  6. They will come to the table with facts, you will bring ideology and get destroyed. This will be entertaining!

  7. is there room on that set for another chair? if so, i will take it. michael molovinsky

  8. Will it air Thursday night? Let us know when we can watch. Should be interesting to those of us who actually care about the NIZ, rather than the haters who just waste time attacking you.

  9. Does anyone love Tony as much as Tony loves Tony?

    Will Bobo and his boys be back in time from their golf outing with the crew from "lost touch with reality" LVEDC?

    What a bunch of self absorbed narcissistic social miscreants. Have fun.

  10. O'Hare vs. Hailstone talk about bringing baggage to the table. At least O'Hare is educated in his field. Last I remember Hailstone got her jobs through nepotism and politics. She does not even have formal education in her field of practice! Talk about credibility.

  11. See...this is why you needed to lose that weight. You look great and sadly TV adds weight. You will be great. You're informed and funny
    and a little charming.

  12. Wow what a sad comment on the state of the NIZ opposition.

  13. Geeting, Could be much worse for the NIZ cheerleaders. You could be there.

  14. MM, I'll call you. Maybe we could work something out.

  15. Small Business Dude, It will not air Thursday. we'll probably have to wait a few weeks.

  16. " You're informed and funny
    and a little charming."

    Flattery will get you everywhere.

  17. "Jolly Joe Timmers Polka show gets higher ratings than this Iannelli ego boost."

    Actually, TI's show is pretty good. I like his self-effacing and humorous style. I don't watch TV, but catch the online broadcasts. I saw Bar Johnston on recently and thought she was a great panelist.

  18. Can someone clear up the question of Hailstone's education? Some say she doesn't have the required education and some say she has a Masters in Public Administraion.

  19. Hailstone is well-educated, has a Master's degree and has experience as DCED Director in Scranton as well as work in the DCED for the state.

  20. Word on the inside is that Geeting was asked to participate, but declined because he doesn't know where anything is in Allentown.

  21. I hope Hailstone, Fleck and Ianelli have done their homework. They will have to answer some tough questions.

  22. Oh please, more pissing and moaning from the pissing and moaning club. Wear your teabags on your tri-cornered tin foil hats.

  23. Heard you got sacked from this show. True??

  24. "more pissing and moaning fromt the pissing and moaning club"


    I do not want to purchase ice hockey tickets to Chairman Pawlowski's magnificent $ 220.0 million dollar Palace of Sport today.

    Probably not tomorrow, either.


  25. "wear your teabags on your tri-cornered tin foil hats"


    I don't care how much you hate American history.

    I just am NOT buying ice hockey tickets to Chairman Pawlowski's magnificent $ 220.0 million dollar Palace of Sport today.

    And, probably not tomorrow, either.

    You Cheerleaders certainly do have a funny way of trying to talk people into spending their hard-earned money.


  26. Bernie:
    I have to comment on your name for hailstone as it is an insult to us redheded people. Maybe it should be rewritten to say giggles and jiggles or liposuction needed compliment of expense account of allentown pa. As most of us irih are trim and fit. I never heard redheaded and fatboy used in a sentence.

  27. What degrees does Hailstone have. Bachelors and Masters in what? business? not sure that translates to Public Finance or Administration.

  28. I'm sorry, but I do not know he precise field of study. A fellow Marywood grad though that it might be business on the Bachelor's level. I don't question her qualifications or work ethic.

  29. Has anyone goggle ponzie schem allentown pa. On one of the sites brooks llc is on it, than at another site the same amount that the arena is the title 220 mil.


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