Local Government TV

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Bury My Heart at the Wounded Warrior 5K

Heartless bastard confirmed!
Actually, that's the one thing the paramedic from Cetronia Ambulance was unable to find. I have no heart, which explains why I'm a blogger. But even a heartless bastard like me was unable to resist a 5k to benefit our local veterans and their loved ones.

Keystone Wounded Warriors, an organization that honors the sacrifices made by our men and women in the military, hosted today's first-ever Wounded Warrior 5k in Upper Macungie's Lone Lane Park. Over 300 people participated and were rewarded with water, bananas and ... hot dogs.

Race coordinator Sam Johnson, who runs Allentown's Marine Corps Reserve Center, was "ecstatic" about the turnout. Race proceeds will help Pennsylvania's returning vets make the transition into civilian life.  

Alvin the tool dog
Alvin the tool dog, a 3 year-old Golden Retriever therapy dog, ran the race. He's famous for fetching different tools. I caught him in the third mile, where I shouted, "Go get the screwdriver!." Alvin dragged owner Steve Hujsa off the course and I slipped by them both.

All's fair in love and 5ks.

But one runner I was unable to catch was Breinigsville's 10 year old Drew Kloss. In his first ever race, he finished in 26:28, about 30 seconds ahead of me.

"How did you do it?" I asked.

"Probably my mom," Drew responded, as he and his sister chowed down on very healthy hot dogs and potato chips.

You could tell this was a military 5k. The flat course was clearly marked about every three inches, and the volunteers all called me "Sir," which caused me to turn around a lot.  

You don't have to run these 5ks. You can walk, and most of you will probably beat me.


  1. Bernie.

    As a disabled former corpsman vet I thank you for your surport. But all the thanks and support should go the guys that did the job and the dirty work. They are the guys that kept us dirt bags going.

  2. You're right, Bill. A few wounded vets were there. I should have thanked them.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. a fine and honorable effort - but hot dogs?

  5. Hey, everyone was gobbling them up a lot faster than the bananas.

  6. just how much weight have you lost?

  7. Around 110 over the course of a year.

  8. That is one of the meanest looking canines I have ever seen. Droopy ears and huge nostrils with bulging eyes. The golden retriever was is simply gorgeous.
    Thanks for all you've done for us Bernie. Under that hard shell beats the heart of a true American. You did us proud.

  9. "heartless confirmed"

    great photo, great stuff


  10. Hey Bernie, thanks for posting the Photo of Alvin and me; I just loved your article, it made me laugh out loud. Congrats on the weight loss, I lost 40 since January.

  11. wow 110 pounds lost - congrats!!!

    but you can't do anything about ugly

  12. Wow! You sexy thing! Congratulations on the weight loss.

  13. watch what you say. WWE is watching and listening


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