Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Otter Now Aiming at Patrick Slattery With Defamation Lawsuit

This just in, from state house candidate Patrick Slattery:

Yesterday, Republican activists and former political candidates Mr. Otto Slozer and Mr. John Donches filed a defamation of character suit against me in Lehigh County Court. If you follow the trail of this frivolous lawsuit, it leads right to the backrooms of Harrisburg. The attorney representing Mr. Slozer and Mr. Donches, Mr. Larry Otter, has done extensive work for the House Republican Campaign Committee to remove Democrats from ballots across the commonwealth.

This is the kind of baseless, desperate, and political stunt my opponent, Mr. Ryan Mackenzie, and his friends in Harrisburg use to win elections when voters are rejecting their policies which invade our privacy, allow oil companies to drill wherever they want in our communities, and slash funding to our schools

Mr. Slozer and Mr. Donches are also hosting tonight’s C.E.P.T.A. debate between Mr. Mackenzie and myself. The events of the last 24 hours are proof that an impartial and unbiased debate on the issues is impossible as long as these two men are involved and I will not dignify their partisan circus with my attendance. The event cannot go on as scheduled and should be cancelled immediately. I am willing to debate Mr. Mackenzie any place and any time he sees fit as long as an open and fair exchange can be guaranteed.

If Otter is involved, it has to be frivolous.


  1. Good for Slattery. Mackenzie must be scared. This is a weasel move one week before the election.

  2. What possibly could be the grounds for this defamation lawsuit?

  3. Slattery - just another dem coward that runs away from a fight.

    Most dems are not real men anyway. They think they are entitled aristocrats and thus above the common folk.

    The only way they get elected is by giving our rights and country away to the stupid give me, give me fools. They constantly court the minorities and unions which take more from our society then they add.

  4. the only thing slattery has going for him is is that the otter has absolutely no class or direction except down

  5. Otter is a bad choice. Also, Slattery has it wrong when he claims that Otter only represents Rs. He'll represent anyone.

  6. Otter is a slimeball!

  7. Otter may be a slime ball but read the complaint. You can't just say people r mentally ill without proof of some sort - or shouldn't be able to. If it is true, it is wrong and those who did it should pay.

  8. This is total BS. the guy running the debate for CEPTA wrote an endorsement letter for Slattery to the Patch and then argued incessantly for him in the comments. And this was weeks ago. That is conflict of interest and makes Slattery's excuse hypocritical and lame. Slattery didn't want to debate. Period.

  9. Interesting that Otter is doing Republican dirty work and yet sided with the Gracedale Goons, who are fronted by Democratic operatives and hated Angle - a Republican! Politics makes strange bedfellows, or in this case aquatic mammals...

  10. Sure you can. I can see Mr. or <rs. X is mentally ill and do it all the time. It is a mater of opinion. If someone is accused of stalking or assault or something like that, that is not a matter of opnion and is actionable.

  11. Check out house bill 1839 if you are for senior citizens.

  12. Driving through Emmaus one sees tons of Slattery signs. Few others. This does sound shallow of Mac K. I wouldn't vote for him for this one reason alone. Win on your merits. Show character and strength. Not some ugly maneuver.

  13. Where's the complaint? Bernie, can you post?

  14. If I can get a copy, I'll post it. If anyone has it, send it.

  15. Mac should be knocking on doors. Greeting voters. Not showcasing sneaky behavior.

  16. Who is Mark Baker?


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