Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Harhart Has a Write-In Challenger, Matt Miles

As recently as today, Morning Call columnist Bill White has lamented that State Rep. Julie Harhart is running unopposed, "unless a Democratic write-in emerges."

That appears to be the case. Harhart was unable to attend Friday's state budget forum, but Matt Miles was there. This Danielsville resident is waging a write-in campaign for the Democratic nomination against Harhart.

On his webpage, Miles argues that "[s]eniors, unemployed and the disabled are losing programs and support they need to survive, and are treated like second-class citizens."

Harhart has apologized for her absence from Friday's budget forum.
"I apologize I was unable to attend the meeting because of a conflict with my schedule on this date. I was unable to send a staff member because I had staff out sick on this date. I am not ignoring these issues. I have been meeting one on one with a lot of individuals regarding Corbett's budget cuts in health and human services, along with cuts in education and early childhood, conservation, and many other budget issues.
Again, I apologize for not attending this meeting."


  1. Generation Occupy Wall Street ...

    ... we are all saved.

  2. Just another dem slut trying to feed off the public dole. Does this boy even have a job?

    Harhart is no better then any other simple minded dem. Their motto is lets give the country away as long as we can keep our cushy jobs and bloated benefits.

  3. At least someone is trying to step up. Her last opponent was a green party bloke to pulled 20% of the popular vote.

    Mark, what are YOU doing to change it?

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Mark Baker, Let's drop the personal attacks, shall we?

  6. One thing Ms. Harhart did wrong. She should have cancelled everything else and attended the Fowler meeting. Bad decision.

  7. I believe that, in view of the sheer number of people who were there, she should have been there.

  8. Justin simmons did not have a job and lived in his moms basement, but that was good enough for you right leaning sycophants to vote in, was it not?

  9. There too. Harhart missed the boat. Emotions are running strong right now. Listen to all the people.

  10. Anonymous said...

    Justin simmons did not have a job and lived in his moms basement, but that was good enough for you right leaning sycophants to vote in, was it not?

    7:04 AM

    This is ridiculous. The guy won 2 years ago. Run against him if you want or hire a new publicist but give this single sentence a break.

  11. In defense of Harhart, this event took outside her district and while there was a good turnout, sometimes these things DON'T have a turnout. If you already have a commitment with your own constituents, why would you break that to go out to the Bethlehem? Even us armchair-pundits can't be two places at once. At least she responded with an explanation

  12. When voters had the choice, they picked that Simmons kid who lived in his parents basement over Beyer. Karen - what the hell does the say about the job you did? I'd stop saying that because it continues to make you look like a horse's ass (which you are).

  13. I'm pretty sure Simmons had a job. Unless I am mistaken, he was an aide to Senator Wonderling. Further, how does voting for Simmons over Beyer make anyone a sycophant? What kind of influence did Simmons wield to make supporting him sycophantic?


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