Local Government TV

Monday, March 26, 2012

Last Day To Register ... or Switch

If you want to vote in the April 24 primary, TODAY is the last day for you to register to vote. If you're 18, a U.S. citizen and have lived here for 30 days or more, you can vote.

If you'd like to register by mail, don't. Download and print a Pennsylvania Voter Registration Mail Application Form (PDF), and make sure it is in your county office TODAY. It must be received 30 days prior to the election. Postmarks don't count.

Correction, Postmarks DO Count!: Contrary to what I've read n a national webpage concerning registration, an elections official has just told me that a registration postmarked today will be good enough to get you registered.


  1. Bernie,
    The other day I saw an interesting Bomper Sticker.

    We need NIXON, now more than ever!

  2. "Today we need less AM Talk Radio & Cable Infotainment Shows more than ever!" would be a better bumper sticker. All those shows are rotting the minds of America. It is like political meth.

  3. Yeah, we need another four years of Obama and his outrageous and uncontrolled spending ...

    We need more Solyndras ...

    We need more abortions ...

    We need more free houses ...

    We need more vacations from Mooch-elle ...

    We need ...

  4. We need more lectures on Civility ...

    We need the country divided even further ...

    We need to be in even more debt up to our eyeballs with the Communist Chinese ...

  5. We STILL need GITMO closed ...

    (I thought that was one of the first things the Bamster was gonna do?

  6. We need more coolness from Obama ...

    We need more down with it from Obama ...

    He's just so damn cool and down with it, don't you know?

    Yeah, we need more favorable coverage from the Mainstream Media of President Obama, too.

    The smartest and greatest President, ever!

  7. Obama, Obama, Obama

    Mmm Mmm Mmmm

    I'm voting AT LEAST three or four times!!!

    (just like in 2008)

  8. Exactly what is the point of voting in this primary, Herr O'Hare?

    I hear Romney cannot be caught and will attain the Republican nomination.

    Exactly what is the point of voting in the General?


    Not much of a choice at all. In fact, I will be voting for 0-bama simply so I can say I was a part of history.


    Plus, I'm really, really sick and tired of being called a Homosexual and a Racist because I believe in Limited Government and Low Taxes.

    So, now I'm telling all my friends, "I still think Obama's policies suck ... but I'm gonna vote for him so I can say I historically helped re-elect the first African-American President."

    PS --- It should be funny to watch Obama explain to Romney where he and his crew got the blueprint for the monstrosity that is OBAMACARE!

  9. The primary race is dragging on by design, per changes made to the system after '08. Those who argued against earlier primaries warned of exactly this. Exit polling shows a remarkable unanimity among GOP voters to get Obama out, first and foremost, using whatever candidate has the best chance. Ideologues will vote for options, as long as there are options. In the general, nobody who skews even slightly right will vote for Obama. Just as Ds kept voting for Hillary in primaries until she was no longer an option, so to Rs for Santorum. Polls of registered voters show Romney beating Obama in a tight race. Polls of likely voters show anybody with a pulse beating Obama. $4 gas and Joe Isuzu statements about the economy will eventually catch up with even the most hopey and changey.

  10. Dear 8:37,

    Not sure what polls your seeing but in most of the battleground states, even Virginia, Obama is cleaning MR. Romneycare's clock..Even if all the Corporate money, Romney will lose..So, suck it up, despite the voter ID laws to suppress the vote and all the corporate money, mr. flipity flop is going to get his clock cleaned.

  11. Despite the polls, I'm inclined to agree. I know I'll be voting for Obama over all the announced R choices. He is a disappointment to me bc I thought he'd be much more of a consensus builder, and then he went and rammed controversial, once-in-a-generation, health care legislation down our throats.

    Except for Israel, he has been a pleasant surprise in foreign policy, where I thought he'd be weak. He did authorize the mission that got bin Laden. He does listen to military commanders. He has improved our standing with other communities. And picking Hillary Clinton as SOS was a master stroke.

    Another point. He has inspired a lot of people like my grandson in the same way that Kennedy inspired me. Those are people who felt disenfranchised and ignored, and now they are voting and involved. That's good for democracy.

  12. Hey Bernie
    Don't say those things
    I might start liking you.

  13. Switched to Repub to vote for Rick Santorum for President. Yes, I'd like to participate in the joke, please.

  14. Nixon would be painted as a left wing extremist nowadays. Why would we need him?

  15. Why does ironpigpen post 4 times anonymously and then post under his name? And why does BOH not poof those posts like he does to legitimate posts?

  16. Can you describe EXACTLY how Obama has failed in Israel policy? I think someone has been taken in by right wing propaganda blogs.

  17. The polls being trumpeted are of registered voters. They are largely meaningless, as they do not reflect opinions of those who will actually vote. In polls of likely voters, Obama is getting crushed. Even California is close. Networks who sell 24/7 campaign product have a vested interest in making viewers think it's close and worth watching. It's no wonder they often lead their news programs with the latest poll - usually their own. The key is "likely" voters. And Obama has problems with them.

  18. "Nixon would be painted as a left wing extremist nowadays. Why would we need him?"

    Nixon was pro-abortion and instituted wage and price controls as a "proud Keynesian." That would put him somewhere left of today's president. It actually puts him left of most presidents. Nixon was not conservative. He was a crooked, antisemitic, racist drunk. H gets credit for opening up China. Thank God. The Chinese own all of our manufacturing and mortgages now. Nixon was the best.

  19. 12:31, If he makes personal anonymous attacks aimed at my readers, I will and have deleted him.

  20. In polls of likely voters, Obama is getting crushed.

    Since this is blatantly untrue, I'd like a citation please.

  21. "Can you describe EXACTLY how Obama has failed in Israel policy?"

    By suggesting that Israel needs to go back to the pre-67 lines. By refusing to back Israel, where the rubber hits the road, on an Iranian nuclear threat that will destabilize not just the region, but the United States. By snubbing Jerusalem when Obama visited other Middle Eastern capitals. By publicly advocating a freeze in settlements on the West Bank, thereby emboldening Palestinian leaders to ratchet things up a notch ... or two.

    That's not from any right wing blog. That's just the way it is, as reported in objective news sources.

    Obama has been much more successful in foreign policy than I would have dared dream, but his treatment of Israel is sub-par.

  22. The teabaggers again are making me smile on a "windy" Monday. You guys are the best!

  23. "By suggesting that Israel needs to go back to the pre-67 lines. By refusing to back Israel, where the rubber hits the road, on an Iranian nuclear threat that will destabilize not just the region, but the United States. By snubbing Jerusalem when Obama visited other Middle Eastern capitals. By publicly advocating a freeze in settlements on the West Bank, thereby emboldening Palestinian leaders to ratchet things up a notch ... or two.

    That's not from any right wing blog. That's just the way it is, as reported in objective news sources.

    Obama has been much more successful in foreign policy than I would have dared dream, but his treatment of Israel is sub-par."

    You mean that 1967 invasion where Israel acted like Saddam in 1990 with Kuwait? How much talk radio do you listen to these days? It sounds like the Dittohead-zombies got to you.

  24. My radio listening consists mostly of NPR. I can't stand AM talk radio. it appears to me as though you are programmed to counter any criticism of Obama by stating it must be coming from Dittoheads.

    The '67 invasion, or Six Day WarSix Day War, certainly did start with a pre-emptove strike by Israel. That occurred bc Egypt has massed 100,000 troops at the Sinai. In addition, there were 75,000 Syrian troops massed at their border, and 55,000 Jordanian troops. These countries were threatening at the time to wipe Israel off the map. Unlike the case with Saddam or Bsh, there was an imminent and very real threat.

    As for war atrocities, there is little doubt in my mind that some Israelis committed war atrocities against unarmed Egyptian prisoners. But many of the returning Egyptians were reportedly killed by Nasser.

    I believe the evidence weighs very much in Israel's favor on that conflict, and find the comparison to Saddam both factually flawed and repugnant.

  25. I thought this post was about voter registration in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania? When did Israel join PA?

  26. President NIXON was one of the finest Presidents this Country ever had.

    All that Watergate baloney was a farce.
    He was honest and full of compassion for the Silent Majority.

  27. Watergate baloney? Yeah sending people to break and enter into a place to spy on an opponent is totally legal. Let me break into your house or business, I'm sure the Police will understand when I say Nixon sent me.

  28. That's right, He's allowed to Break the Law, He's the PRESIDENT.

    This is like Clinton and Obama.

  29. Yeah right, Obama told the world America has Israel's back and that is weak???

    Since President Truman made America the first nation to recognize the state of Israel, every American president has made it clear that it will not allow the destruction of the state of Israel. That being said, the teabaggers have suddenly decided that if we don't abide by the whim of an Israeli prime minster,that other Israeli's think is extreme, the president is somehow anti-semitic.

    Give It a rest. Most Presidents Republican and Democrat have been pushing Israel to resolve the Palestinian issue.

    Buy a clue ditto-heads.

  30. "Give It a rest. Most Presidents Republican and Democrat have been pushing Israel to resolve the Palestinian issue."

    That's certainly true, but they have not been publicly telling Israel what to do, as has Obama. That is a mistake. Like i said, his FP grasp is much better than I would thought, but he is a disappointment when it comes to Israel. I don't listen to AM talk radio, and doubt Israeli leaders do, either. You have no substantive response, so you just debase someone who disagrees with you.

  31. Obviously I am not qualified to respond on this issue.

    We need --- No, I can't say it.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.