Local Government TV

Monday, March 26, 2012

Callahan a Special Guest at Slate Belt Summit

On Saturday morning, as reported in The Express Times, the Slate Belt Council of Governments (COG) hosted a "Slate Belt Summit" to discuss issues related to our collective vision for the region. What the article fails to tell you is that there was a special guest - none other than Johnny Casino himself. Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan spent the entire four hours with Slate Belt community leaders, in an area where he is not so well known.

Can there be any doubt that he is running for Exec?


  1. My god he cannot control spending in the city where they get millions and millions of dollars from the casino that just goes into the general fund to pay bills and we know Bethlehem does not pay their bills. Whatever happened to property tax relief? Northampton County has serious financial issues of their own and we all know he is far from a financial genius, god help us all if this "politician" is the new Norco Exec, we are doomed!!!!!!!!!!

  2. No problems. Just shift money from one account to another. Play the shell game. Talk about economic development, nobody will even notice.

  3. NorCo's financial shell game will be a natural for mathlete Callahan, the best brother-in-law a drunk driving, police cruiser wrecking guy could ever want.

    I guess Panto is taking a pass, as clean and safe Easton deals with about its hundredth shooting in a week.

    Given the politics of the NIZ theft, the suburbs need to reject these irresponsible urban pariahs, lest we end up as miserable as those in the heaps they administrate.

  4. Oh please. As a person who lives in the burbs, the burbs are lifeless blobs of nothing without the cities. Some of us, most of us, actually get off our couches once in a while.

  5. he was checking out the "hot chicks" of the slate belt

  6. John Callahan is not good at many things.

    One thing he is proficient at is blatant pandering.

  7. Panto or Callahan, six of one and, you know the rest. Neither of these "Mayors" is a good fit for the county.

    Both would make Reibman look like Abe Lincoln.

    But they both have big war chests and an army of job seeking lackeys, so it should be interesting. Unless one blinks.

  8. "Oh please. As a person who lives in the burbs, the burbs are lifeless blobs of nothing without the cities. Some of us, most of us, actually get off our couches once in a while."

    Agree, although the peculiar habit being on one's front porch when arising from that couch is curious.

    You've not really lived until you've felt the adrenaline that can only be had in life-threatening situations, downtown. An yes, these LV cities are true cultural pearls. The police logs are a real eye opener to the latest trends. Cities still have trees. Suburbs like Forks were partially deforested by the likes of Panto and his old gang, who cut down hundred year-old timber.

    Suburbanites bike and hike and enjoy the great outdoors, just like city folk, who drive to the suburbs to do it in safety. There's a reason people spend lots more money to not live in the LV's cities.

  9. Panto is too busy stumping for a Dem who voted against the people of Easton for a decade.

  10. Back to pay to play and back room politics. We know the next director of fiscal affairs now in the union organizer Von Baron.

  11. "Back to pay to play and back room politics. We know the next director of fiscal affairs now in the union organizer Von Baron."

    nice try, but no cookie

  12. Who exactly invited Callahan and why?

  13. Johnny C. was not on the agenda of speakers. He showed up as things got under way and took a lot of notes as I sat right behind him. He stayed after the program ended and shook a few hands including mine. Scott Parsons was there and Peg Ferraro as well. Is he running? He does have face recognition up here and was recognized by Mayor Brown during the show. 69 News only interviewed John Brown afterwards not the Beth. mayor. Seemed innocent enough..no?

  14. No. Johnny C. wouldn't go to the slate belt on a dare, if there wasn't something in for him. The guy would need a map to find Wind Gap. Johnny C has a team of political sharks who are as shrewd as they come.

    He is just an county carpetbagger who will now play good old boy politics. He probably ended up at Apollo after the "country show" for laughs and drinks.

    The guy is as phony as a three dollar bill. He isn't referred to as Mayor Sleaze for nothing.

    Taking notes! Love it. Maybe he can take notes on how he has screwed up while collecting buckets full of money form the Casino.

  15. Good grief! Even with the second highest grossing casino in the state pouring money into debt ridden Bedlam Johnny Casino can't make a budget. And this light weight political hack may become our next county exec? Oh please John Cusick or Bruce Gilbert run against Pretty Boy Void!

  16. It is sad that the once proud Democratic Party is reduced to Johnny Casino or Panto.

    After eight disappointing years this is the best we can do. They are the Democratic version of Sanatorum and Gingrich. I will probably vote for Cuscik over those two city gladhanders.

    So much for primaries.

  17. OMFG!! Johnny Casino as County Exec. There has to be better in the County? Really. This guy wrecked Bethlehem and screwed the County municipalities out of millions of dollars!! If he would be elected the people of the County are truly stupid. Angle would be a better choice than this clown.

  18. Once he announces the smoke and mirrors government in the City of Bethlehem will come to life. Red ink, deficits and a diversion of the gaming proceeds.

    They'll be rumors of his escapades at the Apollo again! Perhaps he can use Dietz Tavern as a new stable.

  19. Bernie, I still want to see a truthful story about the state of the City.... You completely skip over it because it does not fit your agenda. The state of the city is strong and getting better. New private sector jobs are being added, debt is being paid and the cities investments in infrastructure are paying off.


  20. I am a Democrat for life but I Will tell you this. If faced with a choice between John Callahan and Ron Angle for county executive, I would vote for Ron Angle.

    The point is I don't even like Ron angle, he is a self-centerd obnoxious ahole. I don't dislike Callahan but he is a fraud and a backroom game player. He is a user. He only wants this position because he needs a high profile elected job for a future run for Congress. He would leave the county in worse shape than it is now.

  21. Seamus, I have been focused on the NIZ in recent weeks, but your criticism is valid. I have heard there have been positive changes and I am willing to write about it, once I inform myself. As I've said elsewhere, a turnaround like you describe is good for Callahan and even better for Bethlehem. I will contact someone in the administration and find out what is going on.

  22. I to will vote for Ron Angle. Please no more John Callahan and his gang.

    Bethlehem voter

  23. Thank you Bernie, thats all we can ask for.


  24. The positive change is they are in campaign mode. Everything will be hush-hush. The New Callahan is as bad as the old Callahan.

    Thew boy Blunder Mayor wants to get a new taxpayer paid job as the boy Clueless County Executive.

    Is there an Apollo Bar in Easton to conduct business.

  25. Bernie, Callahan did not turn Bethlehem around. They are mired to their necks in debt and had to borrow millions of dollars to pay bills. He and the administration continue to play the shell game with finances. Talk to Dave D. on city council, he will give you the skinny. He would have put a noose around Callahan's neck if he was appointed controller, that is just what the city needs. Why do you think Meg Holland quit, she was tired of eating the mayors lies and shit.


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