Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Holden Endorsed By Lackawanna Dems

Ten-term incumbent Congressman Tim Holden today announced his endorsement by Lackawanna County's Democratic Committee for the 17th Congressional District. This is the third Democratic County committee to endorse Congressman Holden. Earlier this year, Schuylkill and Luzerne committees also voted to endorse Congressman Holden, as did various local committees, including Archbald, Olyphant, and Jessup.

“I am honored to receive the endorsement the Lackawanna County Democratic Committee. They are a tremendous organization and I have enjoyed getting to know them over the last few months,” Holden said. “I would like to thank County Chairman Harry McGrath and the members of the committee for voting to endorse my candidacy. I look forward to working with them throughout the rest of this primary." “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to represent a Democratic district for the first time in my career. As Democrats, we must work hard to win back the US House of Representatives and give a strong voice to middle class Americans. My priorities will continue to be creating jobs, strengthening the economy, protecting seniors, and advocating for our veterans and men and women in uniform,” concluded Holden. 

Holden’s Campaign Manager, Eric Nagy took a jab at Holden's Democratic opponent, Matt Cartwright. “Our opponent, trial lawyer Matt Cartwright, has charged that he is from the ‘Democratic wing of the Democratic Party,’ insinuating that Congressman Holden is not. If these endorsements are any indication, especially those from Cartwright’s backyard – Archbald, Olyphant, Jessup, and Lackawanna – I’d say that real Democrats from this district disagree with Matt Cartwright’s claims."

 Nagy closed saying, “Tim Holden has spent his career on the front lines fighting against the Washington Republican agenda and is the right Democrat for the job in this new district.” 

Holden has been a member of the United States House of Representatives since he first won election in 1992 in Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District. Prior to that, he served as the Sheriff of Schuylkill County.

“Tim Holden is busy gathering up endorsements from political insiders," responded Matt Cartwright. "I am more concerned about the people of Northeastern Pennsylvania. My campaign is about bringing jobs to Northeastern Pennsylvania, strengthening the health care reform law, which Holden voted against, and ending the Halliburton loophole that Holden supported.”


  1. The question is, did Mr Cartwright even show up and contend for these endorsements? These are people in the district even though most are not an everyday voter. The answer to that question either shows he has sour grapes/is a sore loser or he joins the growing list of candidates who push these committees aside.

  2. good points. one cannot just mail it in.

  3. When the "in" crowd predetermines something like establishment endorsements of Holden, what is the point?
    Oh I know the "Holy of Holy", Democratic leaders want him to come dance for them because it is expected, even though they have no intention of supporting him.

    The Party is destroying itself trying so hard to become the old Republican party of predetermined candidates. Surprises are in store my Democratic friends.

  4. "growing list of candidates who push these committees aside."

    This is the mentality of the political party wanna be bosses. They want to be like Bob Brady in Philly. Well, the result for voters and taxpayers is usually bad: less choice, candidates beholden to special interests with lots of money and insider brokered deals.

    Political party committees that insist on endorsements give independent minded progressives like me pause over supporting a candidate.

  5. The good news for Northampton County is that Tim Holden brings back truckloads of money for the community.

    Say what you will about government spending but if a town needs something, he gets it for them.

    And in the Slate Belt, I could see that being a significant benefit.

  6. the slate belt would benefit from soap on a rope. all dems are whorish money grabbers but then that is what the foolish voters want. Sad but true..

  7. More jobs----- the only jobs he ever created was more government jobs. I have been at one of his speeches where he decries Obama as the savior who walks on water.

  8. 4:08, Except when Dent does it, right?

    I agree this is a good thing, but so many Dems criticize Dent for doing exactly that.

  9. Luzurne & Lacakwana County Democratic Committees also endorsed a few candidates now doing time for corruption.

    I'm doing the opposite Jerry!!! I'm going chicken salad on a roll, and voting Cartwright!!!

  10. I find it interesting the Lackawanna and Luzerne county committees made an endorsement. I'm on the Monroe County Committee (I am the Sergeant At Arms, along with the representative of Coolbaugh 2).

    We had this come up at our last meeting, it was a highly debated issue, and the committee decided to make no endorsements in races that are contested. Although I know for a fact we had more members who will vote Cartwright than Holden.

    The motion was to endorse Cartwright. But the committee decided not to take a side, so as not to alienate ourselves should the other person win.

    Yet these other committees seem to think incumbents are more likely to win, so let's get a brown nose.

    Of course the trend since about 2006 has been to 'vote out incumbents'. Just ask all the incumbents who have been knocked out of office since then, many in the primaries. Just ask Arlen Spector, how likely an incumbent backed by the establishment will do on primary day?

    The vote at our meeting was 1 to endorse Cartwright, 3 not to endorse, and about 10 of us never voted. There was no motions to endorse Holden. I did not vote to or not to endorse Cartwright, but I will be voting for him against Holden in the primary election.

    And Holden has not tried too hard for our endorsement, yet Cartwright has been to several meetings and always has staffers at our events. Crickets from camp Holden other than his one appearance in January to introduce himself. He spoke in the alloted time, and then left. Cartwright stayed all night and spoke to everyone there one on one.

    Cartwright did get the endorsement of the Monroe County Progressives Club--even after he upset many members with his stance on abortion. (Which was he is not for it; but the Supreme Court has ruled on it, and the legislative branch can not go against the judicial branches ruling).

  11. Holden is a phony cameleon


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