Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cartwright Will Defend the Weak & Vulnerable

Matt Cartwright's son, Jack
For the first time this year, I saw women in skimpy shorts, parading up and down Easton's Ferry Street. A few people were seated at outdoor tables outside Sette Luna, a popular Italian eatery. And in another sign of Spring, a second Congressional campaign office has blossomed in this river town.

On Friday, it was incumbent Tim Holden, who made himself pretty popular with fellow Dems by bringing a tub full of Yuenglings. The party establishment was there in force. A ten-term incumbency will do that. Party boss Walt Garvin was soaking up the suds, while Controller Steve Barron hammered away at the food tray. Charles "Don't call me Charlie" Dertinger was in a good mood and shook my hand.

Lots of suits.

It was a different story last night. Perhaps it was the lack of suds, but most of the suits were missing when Scranton lawyer and Congressional candidate Matt Cartwright opened his Easton offices at 355 Ferry Street. No party boss. No Controller. No Mayor Panto.

But there was still a crowd. It was smaller, but not by much. Easton City Council member Ken Brown and Norco Council member Bob Werner, who also attended Holden's office opening, dropped by to meet Cartwright.

So did members of Easton's hard-working and very active Easton Democratic Committee. This group had very much to do with last Fall's large margins of victory for Easton Mayor Sal Panto and School Board candidate Frank Pintabone. But I doubt they will get involved in primary squabble between two Democrats.

When Cartwright kicked off his campaign in January, he claimed he was from the "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party," in an obvious slap at Tim Holden's moderate stance on most issues.

So why is he running?

Cartwright gets lowdown on Forks Tp
In his own words, it's to help "the people who are on social security, the people who depend on Medicare for their medical bills, the people who are in nursing homes that depend on Medicaid. We are here because we stand up for the weakest and most vulnerable people in the United States, and there's nobody else who's gonna' do it if we don't. .... That's what I'm in this for, to stick up for the people who need us."

Cartwright's campaign manager, Shane Seaver, tells me he's working with the League of Women Voters to set up a debate between Holden and Cartwright. The bad news is that, if incumbent Tim Holden can be persuaded to debate at all, it will likely be in Lackawanna County.

Amazingly, the League of Women Voters has cancelled a debate that was scheduled tonight between 15th Pa. District Democratic contenders Jackson Eaton and Rick Daugherty. Reason? Lack of interest.

You'll have that when you cancel debates.


  1. Another lawyer. Pardon me wile I throw up in my mouth.

  2. just another pol promising crap he can't and won't deliver

  3. Oh, please don't choke on it.

    Bernie, Cartwright actually had Weyerbacher, you know the beer FROM Easton, not Schuylkilll County.

    Can't wait till we knock of this blue dog dummy.

  4. "Bernie, Cartwright actually had Weyerbacher,"

    I missed that! Maybe it was all gone.

  5. There was a lack of suits probably because actual people were at Cartwright's event not just politicians like the ones who filled Holden's event. I heard the EADC is out in full force for Cartwright.

  6. Holden will use every excuse in the book to avoid debating. He will pose for hundreds of smiley face pictures handing out cardboard checks and suck up thousands of Ying Lings. Holden doesn't have any record to run on. Holden will say and do anything to get reelected. Take a ride to Skook County and look around. Holden is directly responsible for making Skook County what it is today. Look around and see what Holden has done. 20 years of collecting a Federal paycheck. Holden is a failure and is a posterboy for why we need term limits. Throw the bum out.

  7. Very interesting situation. I'd like to see more info on Holden's voting record before the primary. This guy a huge under dog at the moment. If the Easton Dems don't like him..maybe I do!

  8. Bernie..any info on Joe Cap..will he have a challenger in the primary? Have heard nothing.

  9. Thanks for the update.

  10. Anonymous 9:16;
    You heard wrong. The EADC is not "out in force" for Matt Cartwright. The EADC does not endorse as a committee. Each member has a choice to make in a contested primary and is free to do so.
    Unfortunately, Holden is one of those "if you're not with me, you're against me." kind of candidates. If a committee doesn't endorse him, well...they must be for Cartwright.
    Add to the mix that Walt Garvin is speaking against the EADC to Holden and his people. It doesn't say much about Holden or his people that they would listen to a word that useless fool says.
    Oh well. Typical Northampton County/PA Democratic Party bullshit.

  11. Can't we all just get along? Holden appears to be a DINO but I am reserving judgement for the time being. Garvin's support recently a kiss of death except for Scott Parsons' recent county council campaign. Right now I'm leaning toward Cartwright unless something BIG happens. MC story said Holden didn't even use the D label last time he ran. Now he's a D for this primary challenge. So what is he? I'm listening..


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