Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Zawarski Questions Finances at Volunteer Fire Companies

Newly elected Commissioner Martin Zawarski cast an unusual and lone vote against the Township's Bill agenda at the February 20 Commissioners' meeting. Afterwards, Zawarski noted discrepancies in bills for the same services from the Township's two fire companies, Nancy Run and Bethlehem Twp. Volunteer Fire Co. The electric bill at Bethlehem Township Volunteer Fire, for example, is three times higher than Nancy Run, at $1,700. Training costs are six times higher, at $1,800.

"This could be because I don't yet understand what they do," explained Zawarski.

He's not alone.

In November, Commissioners unanimously authorized Lafayette College's Meyner Center, at a cost of approximately $7,000, to perform an efficiency evaluation and cost-benefit analysis of the Township's support of fire services.

Most fire companies operate with two funds.

First, there's a firemen’s relief fund from the state. This money must be used for firefighter safety, and is audited every two years by the state Auditor General.

A second fund, the general fund, includes donations, fundraising receipts and municipal garnts.

Harrisburg's Patriot News recently reported a rash, not of fires, but embezzlement by volunteer fire companies in that area. As a result, many municipalities are talking a closer look at the finances of volunteer fire companies.


  1. Keep digging in on the monthly bills, there's much more abuse / waste.

  2. and not just the fire departments, all Twp operations...

  3. OMG. a pol actually doing his job. go for it!!

  4. Glad you ran this item as I have filed on my own, w/o council approval ,a RTK for all financial info from one of our 3 fire companies here in Bangor. Fraud is not suspected but all 3 refuse to provide this info to the boro yet still submit their bills for the tax payers to take care of. Enough is enough.

  5. How do you stop a out of control fire company - you don't. People don't want to ask questions because they are afraid they won't show up when you dial 911!

    Bethlehem Township Fire/EMS services are simply out of control. Simple solution. Hancy Run takes care of fires and BTFC handles EMS.

    Long term solution is a committee established to merge and establish county- wide fire protection.

    Fire companies have been out of control for years. They are run by insiders who alienate outsiders when they question operations. There are so many conflicts of interest in the fire companies it is scary!

  6. could not have said it better myself.

  7. "OMG. a pol actually doing his job. go for it!!"

    Actually the entire BOC is doing their job on this issue. In November, they unanimously authorized a cost benefit analysis of both fire departments. But let me add there are many dedicated people in both departments, and I know their services are appreciated.

  8. County wide,or maybe regional, fire protection's time has come. Finances dictate that you have to maximize the monies invested in all phases of safety concerns for the public/tax payers. 3 companies in the small boro of Bangor is insane. It has to stop and it will. We will soon find out who really wants to serve the public when push comes to shove.

  9. The problem is when people question fire companies they get very defensive and take offense to your inquiries. Municipalities should not make any contributions unless their books are wide open. Same with residents donating to their fund drives.

  10. Bernie, I just had the chance to read comments re: fire departments, yes, Bangor does have 3, 3 are not particularly cost effective, but definitely safety effective, I lived through a horrible fire situation when our tire shop burned during a severe snow storm, if it were not for Liberty on the hill, we could have lost half the block, Rescue and 2nd Ward couldn't help out until the street crew cindered Market to get the trucks up, our small municipal communities could never afford a paid fire dept, but have the same quality of service that a professional does, they are unpaid professionals, and yes they are protective of their domains that include mandatory training,fund raising and grant writing. There is no easy answer.

  11. The firehouse on 8th st is lit up like a christmas tree, maybe that has something to due with the out of control electric bill.

    All volunteers do a great job!

  12. No one is questioning the job volunteers do just their sense of entitlement.

  13. The taxpayer in Bangor pays the electric,phone service,internet service,water bills, and the debt service on multiple vehicles in each company. Truck needs repair..boro pays. Fax machine breaks..boro pays. Two of the companies own their own buildings yet the taxpayer gets billed for repairs and supplies. We ask for financial statements and audits year after year and we get the finger. I'm sick of it and their attitude toward the public they claim to care about. Entitlement is the word. I refuse to be intimidated by this anymore.

  14. And the heating bills..the list goes on and on. I'm tired of the arrogance of..We're the Fire Co. and how dare you ask anything of us..we protect you..so shut up..or we might not show up when your house goes up in flames. I won't use the legal term that defines that mind set. You figure it out.

  15. County wide fire protection is long overdue. No one should have to live in an area that is unprotected or undermanned at the local volunteer department. this is not a slam on the volunteers. They do an admirable job. But the county needs to start looking at cost-effectiveneess and efficiencies. At least do a study to determine effectiveness and efficiencies of a county-wide department. IT would be more acceptable than you think.

  16. Countywide fire protection. More efficient use of funds. Better buying power. Able to move workers from one dept to another. Efficiency of scales. Better management. Reduction of some management. The list goes on and on

  17. The department who really should be looked into is Nancy Run. Obviously Zarwarski has no idea what is going on. if he has no idea or understanding then get out of your office and find out. Go to the departments and find out why bills are higher or lower at a department. Maybe departments are offering services that require a larger budget. I live in Bethlehem township and I dont understand if it is a budget issue then why would you not shut Nancy Run down, let the volunteers from nancy run goto Bethlehem township and continue a Bethlehem township fire department. You would bringthe volunteers together and build one stronger department. We live in Bethlehem township not Nancy Run.

  18. "This could be because I don't yet understand what they do," explained Zawarski.

    Well to sum it up in a couple words they provide emergency services duh.. How can an elected official not know what his own emergency services do in his town.

  19. What Zawarski was saying is that the difference in costs from two different fire companies might have a very reasonable explanation.

  20. Interesting. There is always more than one side to each story. There are two key elements in the provision of emergency services, and that's the EFFECTIVENESS and the EFFICIENCY of such services. Can the fire service in Bethlehem Township be improved in this regard? Certainly. Is the process being employed to do so the most appropriate method available? Absolutely not. Particularly, the township commissioners are "concerned" about wasteful spending. If this concern is true, then why did they approve spending up to $8,000 (rate of $65 per hour) for this study, when this service is offered by the Governor's Center for Local Government Services AT NO COST to the taxpayers? Perhaps the commissioners are seeking results that may not prove legitimate in an unbiased evaluation. Here's the link to the HR 148 Report, which was presented at the commissioner's meeting twice: http://www.newpa.com/sites/default/files/uploads/hr148reportcondensedversion.pdf. It discusses regionalization and other options for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the fire service in PA. There is no clear-cut answer to this, and each district has unique issues that require individual attention. Furthermore, there are standards and regulations at the state and federal level that addresses the fire service. Are these documents going to be referenced in a Lafayette-sponsored study? The college has yet to provide that answer. Finally, it's the community that should have the ultimate say in developing the minimum standards of expected service provided by the fire department. If the community is satisfied with the volunteer service providing a certain level of capability, then it costs this much to do so. If they want regular staffing and response times identical to paid departments, then this level of service will most likely require career staffing and an increase in taxes. Whatever it is the community wants, the fire department will work to meet those expectations.

  21. Instead of bashing on the fire company in the township, look at the unnesscery spending that the township has put into the community center and the giant clock outside the municipal building. The community center is a huge waste it looses millions of dollars a year and the township residents have to pay taxes and cant enjoy the community center without having rediculous fee. Dont forget about the soccer fields that HAD TO BE built! The soccer fields aren't even being used. The township has pelenty of soccer fields at the elementary schools. The giant clock outside the municipal building is a waste you cant even read the numbers when you drive by! And your saying to much money is being spent on the fire companies?? Wake up people and get a hold of your self!!


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