Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Harvard Grad Mackenzie Ready For Reichley Seat

Despite having four Republican opponents in the quest for Doug Reicheley's  state house seat, Lehigh County resident Ryan Mackenzie filed nearly three times the required amount of petition signatures (300) to qualify for the ballot. The 134th Legislative District consists of parts of Lehigh and Berks counties.

In a news release, Mackenzie claims he filed the most out of any of the candidates pursuing the Reichley seat.

Ryan Mackenzie was born in Allentown, raised in South Whitehall Township, and graduated from Parkland High School. An honors graduate of New York University, he received a dual degree in Finance and International Business and later went on to earn his MBA from Harvard Business School.

Professionally, Mackenzie began his career by working on Pat Toomey’s U.S. Senate campaign in 2004. Mackenzie entered public service in 2007 when he accepted a position at the U.S. Department of Labor. In his most recent position, which he held until leaving to campaign full-time for State Representative, Ryan served as the Director of Policy at the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.


  1. Andreas Cornelis Van KujikFebruary 21, 2012 at 7:31 AM

    any pol that signs a statement that he will not run for another elected office while he is still in office gets my vote.

    don't be a scumbag feeding from multiple public troughs like reichley has. he's made an entire career from leeching.

  2. Rob Hamill is the only candidate that has never relied on a public paycheck, and he has refused the pension offerred. He wants to bring public pensions in line with private pensions via defined contribution vs defined benefit plans. As a financial planner, Hamill knows personal financial plans, and I understand he will put the government on a fiscal track that just might be sustainable. Hamill is a real person and the definition of a citizen legislator.

  3. Are you willing to sign a statement that you will never apply for a promotion or a higher paying job?

    Because someone wihes to advance their careers does not make them scum. Because they are elected officials, does not make them scum. Do you expect government to run itself? Do they earn too much, yes. Are some of them dishonest creeps (look at the NIZ list) yes.

    But lets face reality, we need people to do these jobs and to constatantly call them names and spit on their character does not get the best people to run for office.

  4. I agree with 5:02 and raise him/her a requirement to pledge to introduce and support term limits for, and shrinking of, the PA legislature. They all become pension addicts over time. Career public service is not laudable. It's dangerous.

  5. Why would anyone with these type of credentials work for state government?

  6. Andreas Cornelis Van KujikFebruary 21, 2012 at 10:33 PM

    anon 5:02
    Nice comment doug - but you are still a scummy leech

  7. I heard the local GOP is quietly hoping to nominate this young bureaucrat who is claiming to be a "local guy" even though he is using his parent's address in the district and has been living in Harrisburg working for the state for the last 5 years. A 29 year old with NO work experience in the private sector. What a crock. I hope the county committee doesn't screw us like the state committee did with Welch.

  8. I heard the local GOP is quietly hoping to nominate some young bureaucrat who is claiming to be a "local guy" even though he is using his parent's address in the district and has been living in Harrisburg working for the state for the last 5 years. A 29 year old with NO work experience in the private sector. What a crock. I hope the county committee doesn't screw us like the state committee did with Welch.

  9. Rhonda, I wrote about Mackenzie's residence in a previous blog, but it appears nobody has evidence that is clear enough to mount a challenge.


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