Local Government TV

Monday, February 06, 2012

Who Was at This Year's Super Bowl?

Last year, it was Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan and State Rep. Jenn Mann. They both insisted they paid their own way, but it still raises eyebrows.

This year, the average Super Bowl ticket price was $4,067. If you know of any local elected official who attended, let me know so I can check it out.


  1. Not sure who all was there. But can confirm the Eagles dream team was not.

  2. They gave away 2 free tickets at Gracedale, bought with the front office petty cash fund. I understand some of the people entered their names 2 or 3 times. They had to deliver the tickets to the winner because he was out sick. The eventually found him at Bethlehem Muni.
    Overall I think it was pervasive contest fraud, and I intend to appeal.

  3. Maybe Fleck, he loves free Super Bowl tickets from lobby interests. ;)

  4. Did Sen Scarnati go again at the expense of a gas driller like he did last year? I think he ultimately paid his way after it was reported in the press. I doubt he made that mistake twice.

  5. Mario Scavelli was there.

  6. I blowed alot of money on dem dere tickets.

    R. Angle

  7. Bernie i could of sworn i saw you at the 40 yard line 10 rows up.....


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