Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lower Saucon Tp to State: Our EIT is For Open Space

Lower Saucon Township Manager Jack Cahalan has sent a letter to Governer Tom Corbett, State Senators Lisa Boscola and Pat Browne, and State Reps. Bob Freeman and Justin Simmons, complaining about Allentown's EIT tax grab.  This diversion from outside municipalities was authorized to help finance construction of a hockey arena and other improvements in the Queen City's downtown.

Concerned about a revenue shortfall, Township Supervisors are also upset that the will of the people, expressed in a recent referendum on open space, has been abrogated. 

You can read the letter here.


  1. A Deely supporter is posting Simmons skurs on every blog i write. Anonymously, of course. I will be deleting every one of them and think Kevin Deeky should chill. There are other things in life besides that race.

  2. Bernie,

    I am not a Deely supporter, I am not a Simmons supporter. Just a concerned citizen. Never thought of checking on Simmons until you issued the current story.

    We need a true conservative in the Legislature. Someone that won't mislead the voters.

  3. How many people from Lower Saucon Township work in the Arena NIZ district of Allentown? Allentown the City with no limits can not simply grab the EIT of the other Township residents not working in the Arena NIZ district.

    Bernie - everytime you visit any Lehigh County or Allentown City Council or Allentown School District or do any interview in the Arena NIZ District pay up. Its pay up to play time.

  4. "Allentown the City with no limits can not simply grab the EIT of the other Township residents not working in the Arena NIZ district."
    (Anon 8:16PM)

    Me thinks not. The city of Allentown presently grabs .35% from all wages earned in Allentown.

    Source: Heidelberg/Lynn EIT Bureau

    Earned Income Tax Return.

    Small print section, reverse side.

    "Allentown City Tax: Under Act 205, the city of Allentown WITHOLDS 1.35% from all residents and non residents. You may only claim a credit equal to 1% of the wages EARNED in Allentown; the additional .35% is KEPT by the city to be applied to THEIR DISTRESSED PENSION LIABILITY.

    Eckville Press

  5. Yes! We need a conservative like Karen Beyer in the legislature! A pro abortion, pro gay marriage, pro-public sector union, pro per diem, pro pay raise republican!

  6. Bernie -

    Deely is a thug. Simmons is going to absolutely obliterate him. He is a corrupt, incompetent loser, and everyone in the 131st knows it.

  7. He is posting OT comments on every blog I write, slamming Simmons. That just annoys my readers, who can figure out what is going on pretty quickly.

  8. To the commentator who blasts the Ex-Rep.

    The "MAN CHILD of the 131st" has become what he ran against.
    a RINO
    He voted for TAX increases, bigger government and is spending lavishly while telling voters and supporters the he pays his own way.
    Bernie, smoked him out!

  9. Silly Lower Sauconeers ...

    EIT is for ice hockey.



  10. EIT

    Exciting Icehockey downTown

    Learn it, know it, vote by it.


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