Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jesse Jackson, My Valentine

On this special day, I spent some time with my Valentine, Jesse Jackson. We rendezvoused at Moravian College, where Jesse was taping a segment for Business Matters with host Tony Iannelli.

Before he left, Jesse blew me a kiss.

I'll have more about this later.


  1. That's pretty cool. What's it like to be around a man like that? I imagine he has quite a presence. Like him or dislike him he is a part of American history.

  2. Much taller than I imagined. He's very quiet and easy-going until the lights and cameras are on. In person, he could not be a nicer guy.

  3. Boy Angle has ensured you are a fixture around the Iannelli ego show.

    I can only imagine what old Jessie was thinking, "Damn, this is the fugliest old white man I have ever seen".

    Also, everyone knows Jessie comes in after Angle, Stoffa and Dent on your Valentine three way.

  4. Bernie -

    Can I ask what the BM topic was?

  5. Obama, the economy, whether race relations are better, etc. I'll be writing about it.

  6. Whoever is in charge of booking guests for BM does a great job. For a local LV show they get regional, statewide and national figures. It makes for a fantastic show.

  7. O'hare - you are the company that you keep. Mostly old has beens

  8. Interesting perspective. People flaming on you are just jealous. Like him or not, Jessie has seen a number of major historical events of our lifetimes firsthand. Sounds like a cool day to me.

  9. Bernie,
    Great photo! Keep up the good work.

  10. Two race hustlers! Perfect together!

  11. Did he show you the nuts he cut off of Obama?

    I hear he keeps them in a nice cherry wood box.

  12. Bernie, have you seen who's running for Delegate and/or Alternate Delegate to the National Conventions?

  13. I am vagueky aware of a few candidates, including an idiot.

  14. Too bad Reverend Jackson couldn't know of the dispicable nature of your position as far as Gracedale is concerned. I sincerely doubt he would have shook your hand, much less been smiling.

  15. Barron only stomps on flowers. Jesse spit in folks' food. He also lied about the day Dr. King was shot. He's just a rotten relic.

  16. Bernie, I thought it was odd that Mr.Jessie Jackson seemed to fall off the face of the earth during President Obama's campaign for President. I did not see Mr.Jackson until the election night gathering in Grant Park in Chicago after the votes were counted.Why was the President so concerned that Mr.Jackson might appear during the campaign ?

  17. I like the part of Iinnelli's show where he still out his huge gut when talking to a guest. That and the "Jersey Shore" spray on tan.

  18. Jackson disappeared because he thought he deserved to be the first African American president. Basically sour grapes. He came to his senses when he realized that event was monumental.
    Thanks for trying to perpetuate a conspiracy theory though.
    Hey, aren't you missing the Sean Hannity Goodtime Hour?

  19. Jesse went below radar to take care of the various offspring he's sired out of wedlock. He's done his best to perpetuate the black male stereotype. Hard to believe he's taken seriously. I thought his legacy as a phony racist dope was pretty much locked in. Must be an audience for anything.

  20. Don't let me down, Heimy town! Oh and terrible grammar O'Hare.

  21. "Too bad Reverend Jackson couldn't know of the dispicable nature of your position as far as Gracedale is concerned. I sincerely doubt he would have shook your hand, much less been smiling."

    Somebody's angwy. By the way, it's despicable.

  22. Not angry ....outraged, after your behavior in the matter.


    BTW I think it is vaguely

  23. Well, then, take a pill and go to bed.

  24. yet another mancrush for bo

  25. Morning Bernie,side bar question, HOW MUCH WEIGHT DID YOU LOSE? More importantly for us old folks, how?

  26. Carol, I've dropped around 120 lbs. Hope all is well with you.


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