Local Government TV

Monday, February 13, 2012

Fleck's 2011 Consulting Fees at Least $56,734.24

Easton City Council member Mike "the Fleckster" Fleck did pretty well as a political consultant last year. Aside from whatever sums he picked up in local races, I've already told you that Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski paid Fleck $18,234.24. In addition, state campaign finance reports reveal that David Wecht paid Fleck $36,000 in his successful quest for a seat on the state Superior Court. Lehigh County Democrats, who lost every County-wide race except Sheriff, also paid Fleck $2,500.

Maybe they should have paid him more.

Fleck also reportedly worked some local races like the Reading Mayor, where there is no state filing requirement.

From the state filed reports, we know Fleck raked in at least $56,734.24 in 2011 to comb homeless shelters on election day.


  1. Wait till he cashes in on Panto's run in the county.

  2. I realize that there are certain posters here that obviously don't like m and that's fine Mr Anon 12:17 but stick to the facts. I have NEVER paid a political consultant or any individual to work on any of my campaigns and don't intend to in the future. I am fortunate to have more than 200 volunteers. So stick to the facts --- oh I know that's boring.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. why shouldn't the guy be allowed to make a living?

  5. No one is in disagreement that Fleck can not earn a living.

  6. well, apparently he ain't bad at what he does.

  7. $56K ain't much. No wonder he has to use others' dumpsters.

  8. I'd add an unknown sum for local races like Reading Mayor. Fleck did well last year. But I am troubled by an elected official who makes a living in that very partisan world.

  9. "But I am troubled by an elected official who makes a living in that very partisan world."

    how so?

  10. Divided loyalty. Fleck is elected to represent everyone - Dems, Rs, minor parties and independents. But his world is one in which he owes all his loyalty, and his livelihood, to one political party. In addition, he will be tempted to steer work to city vendors who contribute to candidates for whom he is working.

  11. I don't necessarily buy the isssue that he represents everyone. One party wins and the other loses. Loyalties are to the first party. But, your second comment is interesting. He would, of course, develop loyalties to vendors he meets in other communities who financially support his candidates. How many of those, if any, has he introduced to Easton? good question! There is something worth examining. If Panto would run for a county or other office, Fleck would almost certainly want to be mayor.

  12. If he does not represent everyone, then only members of the party he is running under should be allowed to vote for him. He is elected to represent ALL the people, not just members of his own party.

  13. http://readingeagle.com/article.aspx?id=360292

    I'm guessing he is getting a good chunk of change to head the transition team in Reading. Favorite Mike Fleck quote....."do you hire your friends?....sure you do"

  14. Mr. Panto, I think the anon commenter was spaking of his run against you in the primaries for Mayor in 2007. The one where he was telling people he was going to "kick Sal's ass" in the election.

    The very same election he told his campaign coordinator he would pay him $3k for his work in the primamry, to then give him nothing than a can of saukruat and some rolls with excuses.

    I would know, I was the campaign coordinator.

  15. Mr. Mayor - We hope you decide to run for executive.

  16. Fleckster did cash in during 2007. From cash from the Laborers Local, a group tied to then Governor Rendell, an imfamous family in Easton downtown business circles, to donations from political figures like former Council Woman Heffley.

    Also the day of that Election Easton Cafe supplied "volunteers" to help the GOTV effort who were working off their tabs at the bar.

  17. Mr. Mayor you know nothing about the county and we just suffered through Stoffa. please do not run for county executive.

  18. You haven't lived until you've felt the rush that can only come from feeling in physical danger. That is Easton.

    Please elect Panto for county executive. The burbs are too safe and boring. They need daytime shootings, high taxes, police scandal and oh those Easton fees!

    Panto = excitement!

  19. I am not a big Fleck supporter but the man does a great job wokring for the candidates he represents. I don't think he should be denied a living and a career. If you want to know how much more he made on local elections just check the campaign committee reports. Hopefully he made a lot more than $56,000 -- remember he is paid as a condultant not an employee therefore he pays all of his own taxes including the additional 7.65% social security and the self-employed tax. Keep doing a good job Mike./

  20. oh one mor ething for the poster talking about danger in Easton.......hmm, haven't seen much danger and I live in the West Ward. We have 11 additional cops, two additional firefighters, two additional code enforcement offficers and no increase in taxes. I am very happy living in the new Easton. You should visit sometime.

  21. We do visit as we fly like Hell to get out of the west end. Double parked gang bangers blocking the road you know.

    Look, we know you guys want jobs and are pushing Panto but lets be honest the west ward is a hell hole. Yes, I do go through a lot and know people who own a home out there and would love to sell it but it is worth crap and the only potential buyers are NY landlords wanting more section 8 housing. They come in and offer nothing.

    Don't hold up Easton as your campaign theme, if you don't want your nose to grow.

  22. Recently, West Ward featured what would be considered a daring daytime shooting anywhere else. In Easton it's called Tuesday. Easton features the second highest taxes in Northampton County. Easton has a choking fee structure that is simply unmatched anywhere except Allentown (go figure). Easton is a dangerous place after dark - and during the day in many places. Sal Panto is mayor of four square blocks. Lot's of cake and circuses there. Panto will bring his creeping crud to the rest of the county in a heartbeat. Then you can all enjoy this horror of clean and safe. God help you.

  23. I've lived in ss Bethlehem and now live in west ward. its quiet and pleasing compared to ss Bethlehem. just saying.

  24. Didn't Panto pay Severson? How is never paid a political consultant an accurate statement. Didn't you write about that payment in December of 2007 Bernie? Just saying!

  25. Yes, I did. Panto did pay Severson, but it was for mailing lists. he never used him or anyone else as a consultant. I talked to Panto about this some time ago.

  26. On the report it says phone calls too. At least that's how you report it. Either he paid a consultant or NEVER paid one. Period.

  27. I would tend to believe him. It is what he said. It is what he has written. And you are an anonymous hack who is scared to death he might run for exec.

  28. Wow Bernie is already covering for Panto. Did he promise to sell Gracedale?

    The problem is Bernie, if you pay a consultant, you pay a consultant, period.

    The guy just ran for a second term as mayor of Easton. People say he is creating a miracle in Easton. If that is true why would he leave? Lord knows Easton has quite a way to go. Either this is a case of run away ego or another pension. If the guy is a great mayor and Easton wants a great mayor, why leave?

    Doesn't look good when terminology over a "paid consultants" is already an issue.

  29. It's only an issue in your anonymous mind.

  30. How much money did Justin Simmons obtain.

  31. blowhard 12:43 am one minute talking term limits then says pols should stay three or more terms. Bullshit

  32. Fleck is a hack who moved to fill the political vacuum known as the Lehigh Valley, where no decent political consultant wants to waste time dealing with any of the morons who run for office there. So he touts his "skills" and gets some local yokels to pay him. So what? Then he will pick the "best" of the litter (Pawlowski)and try to ride that horse to a bigger statewide office. He'll use his candidates to promote himself, gain some success, have it go to his head, overreach and get himself in trouble. Sounds just like the political career of another well known political consulting "genius" named Mike Solomon doesn't it? Sit back and watch it unfold.

  33. I was told about the post that said I used Tom Severson as a paid consultant. That is not true. Our team used Tom's services to do our direct mailer. We designed it and wrote it. We decided who it got mailed to. Tom's quote was better than any other and that's why we used his printing and direct mail service. Also, you are correct we also used his robo call service for the same reason. Our team wrote the script and I read it. The reason for the last minute robo call -- rain. It was in the forecast for Tuesday so Monday we sent out Robo calls. I can almost remember verbatum what I said. Hi this is Sal Panto. I know. I don't like these calls either but rain is scheduled for tomorrow so I wanted to let you know that we really need you to get out and vote. Thank you.

    Short, simple. A consultant is one who runs your campaign, your strategies, decides on your issues, responsible for GOTV, fundraising, etc. Our team -- we do it ourselves. I am fortunate to have a stron campaign committee and more than 200 volunteers. I thank each and every one of them. We run a grass root campaign, knocking on doors, lit drops, etc.

  34. So paying a consultant isn't really using a consultant. OK, got you Sal. That is some of the best political double talk out there.

    How many times can you mention your army of 200 volunteers. Is that part of your campaign slogan. By the way there will be at least two otrher candidates for county executive besides yourself and the Severson connection will be out there.

  35. Who was the candidate Fleck screwed out of $7,000.00 in a Lehigh/Berks county state rep race a couple of years ago? He still owes the guy from the 187th district.

  36. Apparently Fleck is going to help Panto but in one of those behind the scenes", I'm really not a consultant" ways. Should be interesting.

  37. Severson was cheapest. What about democrat and union instead of cheap barely minumum wage employees? SAL WAY TO GO!!

  38. I can see the Callahan smear machine is in overdrive. I don't think he would condone what you are doing, which is making him, and not Sal, look bad.

  39. If Sal is your candidate, Democrats know who to run from.

  40. Out of the 39 comments I can see that Mike Fleck wrote about 30. No one was better than Severson. Call him what you want but no one was or ever will be as good as him. He was a bit nutz but very good.

  41. And the Callahan camp shouldn't be nervous. They should be out job hunting. According to them they have created thousands of new jobs.

  42. Word is Callahan has even more people than Panto needing jobs, so he has got to grab for the next public tit.

  43. Easton is a pit. Look at Bethlehem look at Easton. Really, no comparison. Panto brags about the blight he calls Easton. Yet Bethlehem is the only decent city in the area.

    Sorry Sal, you lose this round. You and your 200 "volunteers".

  44. I love Bethlehem. Everyone in the Valley does....but we thank Don Cunnigham for that. We thank John Callahan for years of tax increases and several illegal money transfers. Shutting down fire stations and laying off employees. Exactly what the county needs.

  45. I've read through all of these comments and still don't see what there is to criticize Fleck about. Good for him on how much he made. I mean, sure, he workd for one of the crookedest politicians in PA and the NIZ is a disgrace, but he isn't elected to control that. I don;t see a conflict between his holding elected office in Easton and running a consulting business.

  46. Dont know how DEMS seems to still use Fleck who STOLE 7K from Archie Follweiler in a Lehigh/Berks county state rep race a couple of years ago. I keep expecting to see him behind bars. He talks a good game but the reality is he is a bullshitter and an asslicker of the first order. Thats prob why Pawlowski likes him. After all, birds of a feather...

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