Local Government TV

Saturday, February 04, 2012

ET Awards Turkey to Senator Browne & Lobbyist Wife

Their award:

"State Sen. Pat Browne and his wife, Heather Browne, fail to see the conflict of interest their relationship and their jobs have created — and how it might work against Allentown’s Neighborhood Improvement Zone. Pat Browne was the chief architect of the NIZ legislation that allows Allentown to divert earned income taxes from other towns to pay for the city’s planned hockey arena. He’s now in the process of explaining to suburban officials how the new law will affect their tax collections. There’s nothing wrong with this type of regional revenue sharing, but Heather Browne is working as a lobbyist for two businesses whose owners are pursuing development projects in downtown Allentown — in the zone that will benefit from the tax legislation. No conflict? Look again."

Although The Morning Call no longer does editorials, columnists Paul Carpenter and Bill White have condemned this husband and wife legislator and lobbyist team as well.

This story first appeared here, in NIZ à Trois: Heather Browne, J.B. Reilly and Joe Topper.

To those who say blogs have no influence or should be ignored, think again.

But to those who say that regular papers are worthless, think again. Without them, we'd know noting. Without them, most polibloggers would have nothing to say.


  1. in paul carpenter's column he said "we learned" referring to the paper's story done after o'hare's scoop, he should have said "i learned." in his defense, i know that carpenter doesn't read the blogs. the newspaper reporter's cannot make the same claim. worse yet is bill white, who defends the use of blogger material without proper attribution. credit to colin McEvoy of the express times, who did source o'hare.

  2. Everyone thinks Heather Brown is attractive. Maybe in the PLUS size category

  3. White story today;

    "heck 'uv a job Brownie"


    hey 10:12

    Some people think Palin is attractive too? I equate this to my wonderment of my friends assessments in the 70's . They all thought Stevie Nicks was good looking? I think they both look like short bus riders a gene or 2 away from good looking.

    Brad Pitt

  4. I thought Stevie Nicks was very attractive.

  5. Aren't there any democratic women that you can salivate over?


    John L. Micek, The Morning Call

    Interesting tha, in spite of this sad state of affairs, it is okay to spend $ 160.0 million dollars on Chairman Pawlowski's magnificent Palace of Sport.

    And some here at this blog and elsewhere can do no better than call me a Teabagger (in an obvious reference to Homosexuals) and mock my personal convictions about the role of Government in building sports complexes.


  7. Hey Bernie ,I know "beauty, eye, beholder thing".
    If you think they are babes fine.
    Might I be so bold as to direct you to Maxims top 100.
    Palin and Nicks would be relegated to the classifieds in that magazine for ads selling pictures to scare away burglars.

    Brad Pitt

  8. That is some serious analysis there, Brad.

    How much do you know about anything actually somewhat relevant to importance in the real world, like $ 160.0 million Palaces of Sport?

    Are you cool with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania being in the red $ 500 million or are you entirely too fixated on the Cheerleaders?

  9. "Aren't there any democratic women that you can salivate over?"

    Fleetwood Mac ALWAYS were democrats
    (the American members)

    Remember Clinton seduced them into reuniting for his Inaugural Ball?

    They are more than happy to allow Dem candidates use their music. That brings up a question, why can the Republicans only get Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith to let them use their music?

    "Cease and Desist" LOL. Maybe T.K. should write a song about that and lend it to the Republicans.

    That is one of the things that always made me wonder why the Republicans think John Galt speaks about them.

  10. I was responding to the postings that took into account the arguable attractiveness of Browns' wife.

    Seriously I think they got part of it correct, bulldozing downtown Allentown is a start. I don't appreciate my money being used for folly. What are you going to do about it?
    Kick your dog through the hedge?

    Hey maybe Toby Keith will play there. ..

    Brad Pitt

  11. Paul's editorial was right on but was is sad is the Brownes think nothing is wrong with what they've done.

  12. Heard Sunday's Call to cost $3.00. Any truth?

  13. Maybe ET awarded a turkey but the Brownes should award us with resignations.

  14. Do the Brownes have children? If so, how do they explain their conduct to them?

  15. Do Republican candidates really think this scandal won't harm them.

  16. Bernie thinks a certain West Easton path writher is attractive.

  17. An Easton Express turkey means nothing. That "paper" lost its credibility a long time ago.

    The turkeys and trophies are now just who till and Owens are having a hissy fit over.

    Hey Marty, does your paper paid membership to Saucon Valley Country club pass the "smell test".

    Hypocrites all!

  18. Dont Butz and O'Reilly fall in the Republican defined class of job creators?

  19. Congratulations to the Lehigh valley's first husband- wife con artist team, their shenanigans will affect taxpayers for decades to come.

  20. They aren't the first. Please!

  21. The Republicans want to tar and fether them as much as anyone. This blatant disregard for the taxpayer and the corrupt greed they try to justify is disgusting to Dems and Reps alike.

  22. "Aren't there any democratic women that you can salivate over?"

    Yes. I think Michelle Obama is attractive, and locally, there are numerous attractive Democratic women in office. Maybe I should do a calendar.

  23. "Heard Sunday's Call to cost $3.00. Any truth?"

    I don't know. It is delivered to my estate. I understand a biggie concerning the NIZ is in the pipes.

  24. "Bernie thinks a certain West Easton path writher is attractive."

    That one hurt.

  25. Brad Pitt reads like a girl - or a guy who sits to pee and couldn't get a handy from Precious, let alone Stevie Nicks in her prime or Sarah Palin today. I think he reads lots of magazines, one-handed.

  26. " Khan Noonian Singh said..."

    Holy shit! The wrath of Khan! Listen, we'll all buy Cordobas, OK? Don't taze me, bro.

  27. I think Brad Pitts is very attractive.

  28. Bernie, there is 'nothing wrong with that type of revenue sharing?"
    Really? An Authority of, for and by the people of Allentown can TAX people who live in other communities? If that's the case why don't we tax Philadelphians? After all, it is their dopey team that will be spilling blood in Allentown. And for that matter why not tax Canada, Finland, Sweeden,the Czech Republic and any other country these thugs come from.

  29. The only one not on the take in that photo is the one on the right.

    Michelle Obama attractive? Jeez. Time for an eye exam BO.

  30. Thanks Bernie

    Brad Pitt

    Oh by the way,

    Do you have a square to spare?

  31. "Michelle Obama attractive?"

    Yep. So is Laura Bush.

  32. which one is the bitch?

  33. jimmy superfly snuckaFebruary 4, 2012 at 8:32 PM

    Allentown will have more accidents, like I left behind the george Washington motorlodge some years back. There will only be one difference they will be found lying in the hotels in center city Allentown.
    Cover-ups run deep in this all American city.



  35. Bernie, the biggie the morning call will report, give your readers what you hear. I hope there is nothing in the story that would hurt Sen Brownes and Rev. Pawlowsi in getting reelected.

  36. "Hailstone said nothing has been trimmed from the Allentown arena vision because of budget.

    Allentown intends to have it all. In fact, Hailstone suggests it's vital if the arena is to help turn the city's struggling downtown into a bustling commercial and entertainment center.

    "We said all along that it was very important for portions of this facility to remain open when there are no events," Hailstone said. "This isn't about hockey. It's about having a real impact on the downtown district."

    The REAL revitalization and impact on Allentown won't come through money, bricks, or mortar, but through the utilization of it's natural resources, which are the PEOPLE... Until attitudes are changed and true collaborations are established between ALL of the residents of A-town, no progress can be made no matter how new the structures are...

    Alfonso Todd


  37. typical matt assad fluff piece

  38. Read the biggie you alertd your readers. Where is the oversight of the spending of tax dollars by city council and city controller. Pay and you can Play in Allentown, thats what you hear. Proof was the tenthousand checks Mayor received. Now we know why Pawlowski came up with the slogan,City without limits.

  39. "I think this is much ado about nothing," Pawlowski said. "It's not like this has been hidden under a bushel. It's been out there for a long time. I think some are blowing this out of proportion."

    Sunday's Express Times

  40. Bernie O'Hare said...

    "Heard Sunday's Call to cost $3.00. Any truth?"

    I don't know. It is delivered to my estate. I understand a biggie concerning the NIZ is in the pipes.

    5:38 PM

    Knew it all along. You are rich and handsome!

  41. The Express article includes sentence claiming the NIZ ruling cannot be rescinded. What kind of people designed this legislation.

  42. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Bernie not far off the mark here concerning the ladies mentioned. Do their politics enter the equation? Probably not as this is not an exercise in true reality. Eye candy? Ah...

  43. "There’s nothing wrong with this type of regional revenue sharing..."

    Oh really ET? That is the devil in the detail from the ET's editorial board. More liberal thinkers trying to save the trashed out cities on the back of the hard working suburbanites.

  44. It does seem that the ET news paper does respond when a legit story is brought to their attention. At least they have an editorial board. It is still incumbent on the public to do their share and find the stories by attending meetings and holding officals accountable for their actions. Civic's is a dying responsibility and I blame the schools for shirking their duty by not emphasizing that area of life as an American citizen to young minds.

  45. Bernie:

    Great job on this story.

    Keep going!

    Vic Mazziotti

  46. I am not a crook! Sound familiar.

  47. I think what has happened here is that Pat Browne has been hanging around Allentown and the Pawlowski cronies that run it too long. Those guys get away with everything. The corruption apparently rubbed off on Senator Browne. It is interesting to note that only the Republican politician is being taken to the woodshed. Who can doubt that Ed and his friends haven't done worse?

    Allentown Republican Voter

  48. unconscionable. Just awful.


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