Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

NorCo Council's 2012 Committees & Liaisons

On Monday, I was asked to obtain and post the Committee assignments handed out at Thursday night's Northampton County Council meeting. Both Council President John Cusick and newly elected Ken Kraft obliged, and I've uploaded the assignments here.

John Cusick, Tom Dietrich, Lamont McClure and Peg Ferraro will continue to chair Finance, Human Services, Legal and Intergovernmental, respectively.

Ken Kraft will take over the reins of Council's busy Personnel Committee, which met ten times last year. Scott Parsons will head Open Space, dealing with questions of farmland preservation, environmentally sensitive land and park improvements. Peg Ferraro will take over the County's Economic Development Committee, which dovetails with her role as liaison to LVEDC. Bruce Gilbert will head Council long-range planning.

Parsons was assigned to the Finance Committee, which will present a problem. He works at a quarry during the day, and his hours are not as flexible as they are for other Council members. Frankly, I think Council should consider restructuring the ways its Committees meet,

Lehigh County Commissioner Committees meet for an hour before the scheduled Commisssioners' meeting, and it seems to work.


  1. U think the fools care about your concerns. that makes you even a bigger joke than the so called council. No wonder the pig woman mocked you

  2. This post is not for your edification, but for the people who wanted to know which Council members are serving on which committees.

  3. Excuse meeeeeeeeeeeee. It really doesn't matter. You will spin you drunken spin any way you want that serves your and only your purpose. You are a blight upon the county. however you do occasionally provide comic relief. no wonder the goons had so much fun defeating you and your misguided boys. Have a wonderful day Bernie as you wallow in your own nothingness. You are the nowhere boy.

  4. She wants you BERINE.

  5. Trudie is self-medicating again.

  6. I asked for the assignments and thank you for providing the info Bernie. Unfortunately I saw no mention of liaison to the jail in your post. Thanks again for providing this service to the community at large.

  7. It's there. Look again. It is Barb Thierry.

  8. Got it..missed the upload link. No Gracedale person listed in the liaison list? Under consideration? Thanks.


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