Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Callahan Appoints Nazareth Football Coach to Planning Comm'n

Without batting an eye, Bethlehem City Council last night unanimously confirmed eleven appointments and re-appointments to seven different agencies. The most surprising of these was the appointment of Nazareth Football Coach Rob Melosky to the City's Planning Commission, with no question asked.

In 2008, Melosky was waiting for a different kind of vote. Accused of assaulting a high school senior during a Northampton - Whitehall football game, Melosky was exonerated by a jury after a three-day trial despite evidence that the boy was knocked unconscious.  Before that, he was the subject of yet another investigation for possible witness intimidation, although no charges were ever filed.

After his acquittal, Melosky faced another vote by Nazareth School Directors. They decided, in a 5-4 vote, to hire him as a health and physical ed teacher. Melosky went on to lead the Blue Eagles to a District XI championship last season, in what is being heralded as the "greatest season in Nazareth's history."

Back in 2008, when Melosky was facing assault charges, he lived in Northampton. In 2010, according to Internet records, he was living in an apartment at the Silk Mill, located at 238 W Goepp Street. According to Mayor Callahan's appointment, Melosky now lives in another apartment, this one located on W. Third Street.

It's unclear how long Melosky has resided in Bethlehem or whether this planner even owns any real estate. There's no evidence at all that he has any planning experience in his background, except for the x's and o's on the gridiron. Yes, he was acquitted, but his involvement in a physical altercation with a teenager demonstrates impulse control problems.

The real reason for this appointment is that Melosky is part of the Callahan "rat pack." He and the Mayor  socialize together. But I don't see how being a drinking buddy qualifies him to succeed knowledgeable real estate professionals like Larry Krauter or Steve Thode.

To his credit, Melosky was in the audience at last night's meeting. Unknown to me, he was actually right behind me. Had I known that, I would have asked him these questions. As it stands, I cornered the wrong person.

I sure hope nobody pours a bucket of Gatorade over him after a lengthy planning case.

The other planner confirmed unanimously at last night's meeting is Olga Negron, who has served on CACLV and as Executive Director of the Levitt Pavilion SteelStacks.


  1. As long as he made the football team the most successful in history, I would look the other way. Just like I don't care if there is oxycotin selling teachers and coaches.
    Winning is everything. It is important that we lead by example, the coach is a fine example, of a asshole hothead. I regret cursing almost as much as I regret having to help pay his salary with my school taxes.

  2. Hey Bernie why not find out and publish his other daliances that lead to his dimissal(s).

  3. Does he live in Bethlehem? Good Grief, what is Callahan up to? He either is grooming him for City council as a rubber stamp or there is some other tie in. This guy had quite a reputation at Parkland with the cheerleaders and their mothers, a yazzah!!!

    Callahan doesn't make an appointment like that without some sort of quid you know what. If Callahan is one thing it is he is a greasy as they come and he always has some agenda in the background.
    Curious what it is in this case.

  4. He has NO experience whatsoever in the planning field. His past history as described by Ohare speaks for itself. His character seems flawed.

  5. The rubber stamping by council continues. Most corrupt administration and council in the history of this sad little down full of voting sheep.

  6. What's his salary?

    Someone already said: "Does he live in Bethlehem? Good Grief, what is Callahan up to? He either is grooming him for City council as a rubber stamp or there is some other tie in. This guy had quite a reputation at Parkland with the cheerleaders and their mothers, a yazzah!!!"

  7. You have to hand it to Johnny. He's got brass balls. This guy's an ethical oil slick of a crony with no experience for the job. Wow. Brazen.

  8. To be fair you should have noted that the jury heard evidence over three days and then deliberated for a mere 19 minutes before finding him not guilty. And that included electing a foreman

  9. That is true and perhaps should have been mentioned. On the other hand, I linked to the article pointing it out and did note the acquittal.

    The simple reality is this is an appointment that begged for some questions to be answered. How long has he been in Bethlehem? What does he know about Planning? Is he a hothead?

    But amazingly, Council did nothing. For all I know, Melosky would be a great planner, but his qualifications needed at least some inquiry from someone.

  10. When first hired as a teacher in Nazareth, Melosky's salary would have been $72,000. This is on top of whatever he is getting paid to coach. Obviously, that has all gone up since then.

  11. Hey Bernie
    This could be a far reaching in depth story for you to persue.
    In addition to this guy, Bethlehem had issues with the Freedom High wrestling coach. He had closed door hearings and resigned without reason. Of course the tax paying public were not privy to the reasons this public servent decided to quit. There are rumors and inuendo I won't devulge, however they are extremely unsettling. Not to be outdone , and in addition, the Bangor district has a huge problem to this day with drugs and teachers. Remember the one that woke up dead in Bethlehem? Add in the Bethlehem connection with these coaches and I think I smell a Pulitzer coming your way.

  12. Bernie,

    I agree with you that this is probably a bad appointment by Callahan based on the (assumed) lack of planning experience in his background and tenure of living in the City. You should pin the blame as much on City Council as you do Callahan, being that they voted in favor of the appointment. If this is a bad choice, they did not use their over site as one would expect.

    I find your bring up charges that were levied at him and his acquittal on these charges to be unnecessary and purposely inflammatory. He was accused, not convicted. And not with a hung jury, but with a very fast and clear verdict in Melosky's favor.

    Maybe he is a hot head. Maybe not. I don't know him so I cannot comment either way. But being a hot head is also irrelevant to the conversation. Remember that every sinner has a future and every saint has a past.

    There are many examples in politics of people accused of crimes and having temper issues serving. If past charges and being a hot head were disqualifiers, there are many people who could not hold office or appointed positions. Richard Nixon would be a good example. So would your BFF Ron Angle.

    I have read a lot of what you have written and have never once read mention of Ron's alleged shoplifting in NJ (I forget if he was found guilty or not) nor the fact that he was booted off the WAEB in the early 1990s for stating his view of the world (FYI, I was listening to the last broadcast he did and I did find it offensive).

    So my question is, why bring it up about Melosky and not about Ron Angle, or anyone else who has a past?


  13. Publius, I discussed the Angle shoplifting charges. They were dismissed, but people bring it up all the time. I was not blogging at the time of the WAEB incident but condemned it at the time. If you are trying to make the point that I am inconsistent, I think you fail. But even if you succeed, so what? The fact is that Melosky, a teacher, knocked a Northampton High School senior out at a football game. A jury concluded his actions were not criminal, but they evince impulse control problems, and I believe that is relevant to any official who sits on a board. It is, in my view, fair to point out, as is his tenure in Bethlehem and lack of any planning experience. He is a Callahan drinking buddy, not a planner.

  14. Heaven forbid we put leaders on a board.... Have you ever heard of diversity of oppinion? If you put all old bald white men in a room your always going to get similar results. We need many people of varying backgrouds and knowledge on boards.

    The legal issues was a low blow Bernie, you know that was BS but chose to sensationalize the story anyway.


  15. And for the record a gang of young punks hit and hick my elderly relative while they are laying on the ground and I'm knocking them out. You can call it an anger issue, taking the law into my own hands or whatever you want. Hell Bernie if I saw someone knock you down and kick you I'm stepping in, as I would hope others would. Not vigilantism but to protect the person in danger till the police can get there.


  16. Leader? He's a football coach, for Christ's sake. That does not make him a leader. The fact that he was charged with assaulting a high school student and went thru a three day trial, is highly relevant. So is a subsequent investigation for witness intimidation. So is his prior history at Parkland. So is his complete lack of planning experience. So is his ties to Bethlehem. He apparently was living in Northampton, and is only renting in Bethlehem, yet was named a planner.

    It appears that Melosky's chief qualification is as a Callahan drinking buddy.

    Now there might be answers to some of my concerns, but none of them were raised by a single member of Council at last night's meeting.

    I agree diversity is great, so why not go to a homeless shelter and pull some drunk out and put him on the planning commission? You have something against old white guys, but nothing against someone who thinks it's ok to knock out high school seniors at football games?

  17. Good old joe, I mean Seamus. he rushes into defend anything done by his benefactor Callahan. Yes Sir, if JC put the water hoses on school children old Seamus would claim they needed bathes.

    Mr. M has a past, a very "protected" but questionable past. Go up to Parkland and talk to some of the old staff and former students. This is no mystery or conspiracy.

    Still I agree that until you have a "real" independent city council who can blame a megalomaniac mayor from doing whatever the Hell he wants to. They are truly not worth the wages they get or the seats they warm.

    Seamus, you should know that winning football coaches in LV are gods and some, I note some, act that way.

    Callahan and Mr. M are perfect together, as it is hard to tell which ego is greater.

  18. Quite harsh and jumping to conclusions.


  19. Joe and I laugh when goofs on here confuse us. I'm proud to be mistaken for him, but its probably an insult on his end.

    Now about those grimy kids....


  20. Who was at Melt and then drove over to Erv's blind drunk,then back to Melt ( blinder drunk) and was seen by me schmecking with someone other than his wife in a not so isolated booth? Oh, and what was the coaches name that was with him.
    You think these morons would at least do this stuff away from the Valley.

  21. How do you know they went to Erv's Did you follow them? You are a scary stalker

  22. How do you know they went to Erv's Did you follow them? You are a scary stalker

    Usually when one is over the top drunk , the volume of ones voice is increased to the point of being obnoxious. Prior to leaving it was yelled for all to hear, their destination. Upon their return they announced to the entire place that it was "dead" at Ervs'. Hence their triumphant return much to all the ladies delight.

  23. If a disrespectful young teanager attacked your father who had recently had open heart surgery how would you behave? Melosky was acquitted......how would any one of us behave under the same circumstances? The Meloskys are all good people. Rob has his flaws...as we all do. Give him a chance to prove himself.
    My high school football coach was a leader and an inspirational man. He helped many young men become successful adults and leaders. I look up to my former coach to this day. So yes a football coach can be a leader.

  24. There a laws in this society we have created. Follow them.
    Guilty with an excuse is not acceptable.

  25. seamus has sucked up so much kool aid he is now brain dead with his spins. JC doesn't even believe him

  26. Agreed 6:13. In this case the defendant was found not guilty.

    How would you have reacted under similar circumstances? As for me....I don't know.

    Still....I am surprised to see the person in question delving into politics.

  27. Johnny Casino the all time poster boy for what is wrong with pay me politics. Probably legal but highly unethical choice. Melosky the most hated football coach in the valley..ask any PIAA offical who has to deal with his crap on a Friday night. Really poor judgement by the mayor..go figure.

  28. 5:57, A football coach can be a leader, nut is not to be automatically considered a leader simply bc he's a coach. I have read some positive things about this guy, and that's good to know. I'll add that Melosky was at Council to answer questions.

    My real concern is that none were asked. City Council members have a duty to the public to ask these kinds of questions, even if they might be a little unpleasant. Unasked, everyone will just assume the wrst.

  29. Sad thing is..there probably is a deserving person out there who gets pushed aside for this prima donna. Council is remiss for not vetting the choice. Questions need to be asked and answered here. Sad way to conduct the peoples business. Shame on Bethlehem council for kissing Johnny's butt.

  30. Even the bad guys get away with it every now and then.

    He is Coach OJ, and the case was replete with our own version of Judge Ito, Marcia Clark and Fuhrman and the bumbling local yokel cops. Judge Itomoran
    basically instructed the jurors on the verdict they should return.

    Funny though, Bernie. Back when EVERYONE was hammering coach OJ on Topix, I think you were sticking up for the coach and Judge Itomoran.

    Others here have suggested you pursue the past of this guy. That will yield plenty of material if you want it.


  31. Just ask the former cheerleaders at Parkland. I guess the coach and the mayor do have a lot in common.

    I hear JC wants him put on city council for the next opening.

    The boys enjoy the high life.

  32. I should not have said anything, it's not my issue.
    At this point I feel as though I could not give an objective opinion on this matter. Mr. Melosky has a wonderful family. Rob should focus on what he does best.

    Bernie, no disrespect, this is your forum. You did however contradict yourself when you questioned the ability of a football coach to be a leader. My point was to clarify that this ability should be judged on an individual basis.

    Best of luck to all involved here.

  33. My point is that being a football coach does not, in and of itself, make Melosky a leader.

    You also mention he has a wonderful family. Unfortunately, he and his wife were divorced in 2010.

  34. You can be an effective coach and a lousy leader. Being a coach does not automatically make one a good leader, I agree with you.

    Again, I should not have said anything.

  35. C, Your comments are always welcome.

  36. Coach of the year....hmmm how did that happen to the man?


    We have a Rat Pack? Cool, can I be Dean Martin...though Joey Bishob lived longer....


  37. I wonder if he is finished chasing cheerleaders and other coaches wives?

  38. I must point out this is a rumor and is unconfirmed.

  39. OK, Seamus, you continue to claim you are not JK, and I'm guessing you are not. More like JF. All your hints about what kind of work you do and how you are connected to Callahan lead me to this conclusion. Either way, you continue to amaze me in that your defense of the indefensible is never ending. Have you moved into the City yet? I hear you are interested in getting into politics out in front as an elected person rather then an anonymous defender of the Callahan thugs. If Dave D. gets appointed by Council the Council will have to appoint someone and with your ties to JC the remaining 6 will jump to add another rubberstamp.

  40. There are those that have the guts to take chances in life. I call them the do-ers. Then, there are those that sit back and second guess everything the "do-ers do, but take no action themselves for fear of someone like them bad-mouthing their own actions. Good or bad, Robby has is out there, on the front line doing great things with kids that all coaches are trying to do. He belongs in the same category as Moncman, Seneca, Stem and Morgans. All of whom are known winners and have earned the respect of their players and their communities. Even if Robby doesn't have experience as a city planner, he'll do a good job because it's in his nature. As for Callahan, I can't comment, but he's never seemed to bright to me.


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