Local Government TV

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Voters To Decide Whether Lehigh County Row Officers Should Be Appointed

Bill Hansell
In a bi-partisan measure that Lehigh County Comm'rs unanimously endorsed on December 21, voters will decide in a referendum next November whether the Sheriff, Clerk of Judicial Records and Coroner should be appointed by the Court instead of standing for election, as is currently the case. Although the four new Commissioners coming on board in January might try to reverse this, there are still five remaining who believe that voters should decide whether row officers should be appointed.

Commissioner Bill Hansell, a Democrat, argued that "the concept of appointing row offices, offices that are essentially administrative offices, has been part of the reform movement of local government for well over half a century."

Over 1,000 counties throughout the country appoint, instead of electing their row officers, says Hansell. The reason, he claims, is "to continue ongoing competence." He cautioned that the current row officers are "extremely competent and extremely dedicated," and it would be "extremely foolish" of the courts to overlook any of them.

Commissioner Percy Dougherty, a Republican, told his colleagues that this is the third time he has pushed for the appointment of row officers. "These are positions that should not be political," Dougherty stressed.

Commissioner Dan McCarthy stated he liked the idea of having this referendum decided during a Presidential election, because that is when voter turnout is historically at its highest.

Northampton County has appointed its row officers since the inception of home rule in 1978.


  1. Contrary to popular belief, Northampton county is the only Pennsylvania county that appoints its sheriff.

  2. i used to support this idea. then i got to know judges. too much power, no accountability. giving them any more power is asking for trouble.

  3. who does the appointing?

  4. Luzerne County will now be appointing its sheriff as well under its new home rule charter. Only Home Rule counties have the option under state law of making these offices appointed. That is why so few counties appoint the row officers- the number of home rule counties is very low.

  5. "who does the appointing?"

    The Courts. In response to the concern about them abusing power, I think that's certainly a possibility. But it makes sense. The Sheriff is essentially a judicial officer. He provides courthouse and courtroom security, as well as serving all papers. The Clerk of Judicial Records must have papers out together for appeals and should be accountable to the courts. The Coroner, of course, determines how someone died. Maybe he or she should be appointed by God. But I think a judge outranks God.

  6. Thanks for the explaination.

    Judges do think they outrank GOD. That is why I will vote against this.

    How much weight did you lose? Good pic.

  7. Jon Geeting has said many times that these should be appointed positions.

    Therefore, I oppose the measure and will vote in favor of keeping them as elected positions.

    I don't like smoke-filled back rooms, decisions that get made there rarely benefit anyone except the people in that room.

  8. Well, if it would have ensured Andy Roman, with no law enforcement or criminal justice background, doesn't become sheriff, fantastic. Now, what can we do about unqualified candidates who get elected controller. If only a lawyer can get elected to judge (or for district judge, you can take a class and pass a test), how the hell can somebody without an MBA or a degree in finance get into to a position that administers audits, manages budgets and balances accounts?

  9. Absolutely no more power or authority to the Judges. They don't have to answer to anyone and they can easily cover-up incompetence in instances where it would be exposed elsewhere. Judges are primarily lazy, and extremely poor administrators. Name me one Judge that has any administrative skills or an education that prepares them for being an administrator. Please say it ain't so. NO MORE POWER TO JUDGES. Keep them in the court rooms administrating "justice" not administrating the everyday operation of the government.

  10. Bernie, what exactly did you do to lose the weight? I think your story would be beneficial to many people. Especially older people who often struggle to lose weight.

    Good job by the way. Hell I don't even care for you but I have to tip my hat to your accomplishment, you miserable bastard.

  11. Anon 7:00, we in Northampton county are very fortunate. We have the most qualified Controller in the persons of Steve Barron as our Controller. Excuse me, lightening just struck next to me, I have to run.

  12. See how sacred I was the last post was for anon 12:44

  13. i ehco 8:12's comment BO - I'm jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. No need to be jealous. I'm still ugly, and am still fat.

    When I am physically active, the diet just kind of takes care of itself. It's boring, but it's just exercise and diet, primarily exercise.

  15. Don't be a piss-ant O'Hare. Inquiring minds want to know. After Stoffa, you are the oldest thing in the county. Enough with the vague answers.

    What type of exercise did you do to get started then ramp up. What "diet' took care of itself. Come on man.

    How about a few pearls of wisdom for the rest of "us unwashed obese old people" who want to live a few more years.

    No time for false modesty now, it has never stopped you in the past.

    You finally achieve something worthwhile you miserable bastard and "mums the word". Don't be a prick, give us some of your tips.

  16. Inquiring minds want to know.

  17. Bernie
    If you want to lose twenty more pounds of ugly fat, cut off your head.
    just koking....c'mon now....how did you do it?

  18. There's no magic to it. It's actually pretty boring. It started with walking 20-30 minutes per day. After a few weeks, it became walking 30-40 minutes per day. After a few weeks, it became walking 40-60 minutes per day with some running thrown in every third day. After a few weeks, crunches and push ups were started. Push ups every three days. Crunches every day.

    Over that time, my diet naturally reverted back to the diet I had as a competitive runner back in the day.

    Now I just have to pray I do not get injured.

  19. What is an example of your average Diet Bernie. I do a lot of exercises but I still don't lose the pounds. Just an average say if you don't mind. And a Merry Christmas, watch out for the cookies.

  20. What is an example of your average Diet Bernie. I do a lot of exercises but I still don't lose the pounds. Just an average say if you don't mind. And a Merry Christmas, watch out for the cookies.

  21. OK. I'll give you yesterday.

    Breakfast - organic oat bran pretzel sticks, oatmeal and raisins.

    Lunch - chicken rice soup, apple.

    Dinner - asian noodles with peanut sauce, baked yam, fruit2day juice.

    Night snack. - almonds w/ sea salt.

    Lots of water throughout the day. Also, I drink lots of coffee, although it's debatable whether that is good for you.


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