Local Government TV

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Voters to Decide on Term Limits For Commissioners, Executive

Next November, Lehigh County voters will decide whether term limits should be imposed on the Executive and Commissioners. Under the Home Rule Charter, the Executive has a two-term limitation, but Commissioners are term-limited only at the ballot box. Under the referendum proposed by Commr's Dean Browning and Andy Roman, they will now all be limited to three, four-year, terms.

The proposal passed 6-3, with Percy Dougherty, Tom Creighton and Glenn Eckhart opposed.

Updated 3:06 AM, to correct a factual error.


  1. The Lehigh County Executive is already term limited to two terms.

  2. Thank you for correcting me. i was unable to find it in my review of the HRC, but just saw it in a previous news account.

  3. YES,YES,YES!!!!!!!!!!

  4. No one should use public office as a pension plan.

  5. Term Limits for Everyone!

  6. Bethlehem City Council needs term limits. Donchez has been on council for close to 400 years. Maybe he will leave to become mayor. Mowrer is leaving before he turns to dust. Belinski can't remember what she is voting on. Dolan cant stop talking. She needs a two minute timer. Can you see her as mayor. And wee willie is going to try to be a lifer, if he cant be mayor. If wee willie is going to be there for the rest of his time, he should learn to speak without slurring.

  7. If anything you said is true, 9:11, I'm sure they'll be voted out..Isn't that what elections are about??

  8. I thought this idea was voted down by the commissioners. Did I miss something??

  9. The commissioners last week voted down a proposal to term limit all elected officials which included the row offices (but not the DA). This bill excludes the row offices from term limits, and instead pairs with the other bill to appoint the row offices.

  10. Anon 902am, the process is so skewed toward incumbents that to rely solely on elections just doesn't work anymore.

    We need term limits to protect the public from career legislators who forget they work for us and not the other way around.

  11. 9:03, The comment at 9:31 accurately explains the history of this matter.

  12. I have mixed feelings about this topic. I think there already are term limits at the ballot box, but have to agree with the observations that incumbents build in so many ways to protect themselves that perhaps this is necessary.

  13. There usually are not term limits at the ballot box. For one most people don't even bother to vote. Two, many just pull the party lever. Three, many people vote for the name they heard the most.

  14. Those are all valid points. But should we have term limits on part-tome positions?

  15. I'll point out that the no incumbents won in 2011. One lost in the primary. The other in the general. Term limits in action. 100% turn over of the 4 positions up for election. Only one commissioner has served more than 3 terms. 1 person, of the 9 people seated... this is a solution in search of a problem. That said, if it ensures we don't have to endure Scott Ott for 12 years, then I'm all for it.

  16. Stupid waste of time, you can't retire from a Leigh county commissioner seat, hell by the time they are don with their week they basically do the job for free. People who don't know this should not be able to comment on ANY blog or website. Ignoramus

  17. Retired Lehigh County Commissioners have been collecting pensions for years. Why would someone deny something so easy to refute.

    On term limits I have mixed feelings. Idealistically I would like to say that the ballot box is the term limit. However, as I have gone on I have seen how a name and the use of a public position can influence election after election.

    I have come to the conclusion that the most any individual should spend in any one office is 12 years to no more than 18 years. After that it is time to run for something else or just give it up. Bob Donchez is a good example, with that name he can be on council even after he dies. Time to run for mayor or retire Bob. If you think super long time in office politicians are great, you need look no further than Washington, Harrisburg or the city of Bethlehem for that matter, were they are nothing but extensions of the Mayor's office.

  18. donchez's blank stare and indecision won't cut it when he is mayor. but the fools will vote for the name anyway

  19. Why has Bob become a target here? Especially from a coward anon like yourself

    City of Bethlehem

  20. True, Bob Donchez equals blank stare and indecision.

    His next four years on Council will be interupted by his run for mayor where his blank stare and indecsion will lead to many starry eyed photo ops.

  21. a anon calling another anon a coward. Amazing. But the first anon was right.

  22. Trudie, at least you are not anonymous. You are brave enough to tell us who you are, Trudie. Now that is not anonymous. You are probably a guy hiding behind a skirt's name.

    Yours truly,

    Anonymous 10:47 AM

  23. 10:47,

    having fantasies again?


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