Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Teachers' Union Advocate To Oppose Justin Simmons For State House

Imagine you're a security guard walking down the hallway of a Gettysburg College dorm room. While making your rounds, the pungent aroma of marijuana, coming from one of the rooms, attracts your attention. You knock on the door, but instead of an answer, you hear the toilet flush again and again. When the door finally is opened, a cloud of marijuana smoke virtually knocks you over.

Sounds like a typical college dorm scene, right?

But what I've just described are the antics of three Easton teachers who were shacked up at Gettysburg for a ... ahem ... conference in 2009. Though never charged, these three stooges were asked to leave, and they did.

In fact, one of these three educators, Kevin Deely, was President of the teachers' union at the time, a role he continued to hold until sometime this year. As a union boss, he's known for rejecting federal funding when tied to teacher performance.  Last Spring, he organized a rally when school administrators balked at an average 12.57% average raise for teachers.  Between 2009 and this year, Easton teachers saw average raises of $20,000-25,000, which is more than many of us make.

Not too shabby in the worst economy we've seen since the Great Depression. But so far, it's only been Easton taxpayer money.

Well, Deely wants to bring his "vision" to Harrisburg. I have minutes from Southern Lehigh Educational Assn's October meeting, where Deely was a featured speaker and stated he'll be opposing Justin Simmons in the state house race next year.

Apparently, Deely's an expert when it comes to Weed 'n Seed.

If you'd like to volunteer, he lives in an apartment above a Korean restaurant on 309 in Center Valley. So you can knock on Kevin's door, and while you're waiting for him to stop flushing the toilet, you can order some kimchi.


  1. This was a quote in the article you referenced:

    "There wasn't enough probable evidence to pursue it any further," said Gettysburg police officer Oscar Colon, who said the case is closed.

    Typical hack job by O'Hare. If these were a problem Kevin would have been fired, he would have been charged and there would be a perp walk picture with this post. Seriously, this is the biggest hack job ever! I will vote for Kevin just because of this post. This is a new low for you Bernie! I mean it... Really low! Even lower than the stuff you were disbarred for!

  2. Of course there wasn't any evidence. It was flushed down the toilet. You won't vote for Kevin bc you don't lie in his district. You're that crazy Mezzacappa and live in West Easton.

  3. Bernie's hot on the delete key tonight!

  4. 1. Why should we give a what who Deely supports?
    2. Deely must not be making a WHOLE lotta cash if'n he lives above a Korean restaurant!

  5. Selling fried dog downstairs and selling baked goods upstairs from living quarters. It must be zoned for mixed usage. This guy will fit right in to the Boscola-Brennan-Warren gang when NorCo dems get together to get good and wasted. Spark one up and get me a beer! We really don't need another rehab bill from the state legislature.

  6. The 3 stooges? We thought they were emrick/hahn/simmons. maybe they need medication.

  7. Again Bernie, you are attacking Deely because he is a union leader who might smoke pot? To tell you the truth Bernie, most union leaders I know prefer beer..Simmons is a right wing nut who lives at home with mommy and daddy, so if your gauging their ability to do their job by where they live, you should rule him out..He knocked out an excellent legislator in Karyn Beyer who, if the election would have been a general election not dominated by the right wing lunatics, Beyer would have creamed him..An election between Deely, who's a great guy by the way, and Simmons should be a no brainer for Deely except the Republicans fattened Simmons's district in this last redistricting debacle..Therefore it'll be tough to knock him off..However, comparing the two, Deely's credentials and leadership ability blow the little boy wonderless away..

  8. I've seen Deely on Business Matters, NPR and of course, have read about him. I'm not condemning the weed. Just thought it a good way to get the story going. Deely is virulently pro public sector union. to the point where it hurts everyone else. Look at what damage he's done in Easton. What's amazing is that despite the 20,000 increase in teacher salaries, academics have gone down. If that is what you like, vote for him.

  9. Bernie,

    What damage has he done in Easton? He's a union President who does the best job he can in getting a fair contract for his workers..If you are saying by getting them good pay and benefits this somehow hurt the district, I'd say that's a bit far fetched. Corbett's cuts to education did more to damage education in Pa. then anyone could even hope to..In fact if Deely did a good job for the Easton teachers then obviously that is a leadership attribute..I believe, unless I'm incorrect, he was president for the last contract when they signed a no or little increase for teachers in order to help the district..So yes, I will not only vote for him, I will help him any way I can..Oh yes, by the way, clem is a moron!

  10. Think making all that money he could at least afford a house. Guess he blow it all on pot and munchies

  11. Tom, He was a union prez, but was also a teacher. He worked against federal benefits when it was tied to teacher performance. As academics deteriorated, he oversaw a $20,000-$25,000 average raise for teachers. He certainly has done his job as a union dude, but has not done his job as an educator, and has done it with complete disregard for the taxpayer.

  12. "Simmons is a right wing nut who lives at home with mommy and daddy, so if your gauging their ability to do their job by where they live, you should rule him out."

    Simmons is married and owns a home. He moved out of the basement.

  13. "Simmons is a right wing nut who lives at home with mommy and daddy."

    Tom Foolery: Your facts are wrong. Mr. Simmons bought and lives in his own house. Also, to some of the other posters: Kim's Deli is an outstanding business with delicious home cooked food. The owner is a wonderful woman. Please stop by sometime for great home cooked food and service with a smile.

  14. Glad to see that Justin has grown up and got a home of his own..With their salaries and perks in harrisburg that doesn't surprise me tht he can now finally move out from his parents house. Still hasnt accomplished much in harrisburg..Of course, who has?

  15. Hey Tom Foolery..Karen Beyer is yesterdays news. Mr. Simmons beat her by double digits in the primary then dispatched Mike Horton by a bigger margin in the general. There is a strong anti -teachers union sentiment in this area therefore in my opinion Mr. Deely has no shot against Justin Simmons. Mr. Simmons has represented our district admirably and he has followed through on his political platform. Karen Beyer and Mike Horton all supposedly had "better credentials"...and he overwhelmed them both.Deely will get pasted if he attempts to challenge Simmons.

  16. Actually Simmons doesn't take the perks or pension. If you live in an apartment I would guess you don't pay school property taxes so no wonder Deely doesn't care if they go up.

  17. Thanks to Republican redistricting, a chip could get elected in that district if he were a Republican..However, considering his IQ is higher than most of the Republican presidential candidates, my guess is that the chimp would be a Dem..That being said, Deely blows Simmons away in mostly every existing catagory in what any sane person would want in their representative..Of course, Beyer did also..So what if Simmons wins in a District set up for him to win..It has nothing to do with his leadership credentials or any other credentials for that matter.

  18. All 3 freshman reps will lose in 2012. Lame-ducks after 1 term. The gerrymandering will not help any of them. And NO they haven't accomplished anything, except collect paychecks. thanks for nothing!

  19. ": Kim's Deli is an outstanding business with delicious home cooked food"

    I'll be there. I love Korean food.

  20. Bernie,

    This is probably not relevant and will change the topic in a different direction. Yet, I think it is worth considering. In my vocation, a Catholic sponsored seminarian and transitional Sub-Deacon, I am subjected to drug screens, multiple criminal background checks, and multiple pyschological testing (which include sex offender evaluations.)

    Human Formation is an ongoing matter. It never ceases. Therefore, successful completion of programs such as Protecting God's Children, VIRTUS, and a few others, are a regular periodical requirement.

    Ever since the credibility of the safety of the Church was marred, Catholic Bishops throughout the United States require these level of tests of their seminarians. Thus, creating probably one of the safest environments and most transparent conditions in any vocation and/or industry.

    Whatever Diocese I work in, throughout the country, I am required to provide proof and results of the above-mentioned tests and evaluations, submit them to the local Ordinary (Church Hierarchy), and submit to further certification (if deemed necessary by the local Ordinary.) As a seminarian that travels throughout the country, I am subjected to this process on a regular basis. I carry the above-mentioned documentation with me, as if it were a passport or a driver's license.

    Teachers work with highly impressionable youth. Teachers have a highly visible and important position within our communities.

    Wouldn't the teachers want to lead by example? At the very least, why wouldn't teachers want to be subjected to drug screens on a minimal level? Why wouldn't they want to demonstrate a safe envirnoment for all?

    If it is a cost factor? I am sure a parent and/or community would rather place safety above cost?

    Peace be with you, ~~~alex+

  21. God bless you and all teachers Alex..Seemed to miss your point but a subject cheange is always good...

  22. That teachers support and associate themselves with someone like the this goof tells you all you need to know about the state of public education.


  23. Hey Tom Foolery....Its obvious that you can't accept the fact Justin Simmons was elected overwhemingly by the constituents of this area. Have you ever sat down and discussed the issues of our state with him???....I doubt it because if you did you would understand WHY he was elected. Forget about the Tea party stuff. Good State reps LISTEN to the concerns of their constituents then voice those concerns to the legislature trying to invoke change. You don't need to be a lawyer, business leader or Union president to accomplish this.
    Mr.Simmons does this extraordinarily well making him a terrific leader. He will get re-elected easily. So instead of complaining ...get to know him...You may just vote for him just like the majority of the area did !

  24. Another misstatement of fact Tom - Corbett increased the state's portion of education funding by 10%. What went away was the temporary federal stimulus piece.

    Rendell (remember Fast Eddie? Slimy Philly guy?) had cut the state's contribution dramatically and plugged it with what he knew were temporary dollars, thereby forcing the next governor (whoever that was) to deal with the mess he created.

  25. Oh yea..tell the school districts who had to slice funding because of Corbett's enormous cuts..Stimulas my butt..Corbett is an educator's nightmare...

  26. Simmons does not get elected on merit..Just like Harhart, he gets elected cause he's in a strong Republican district that has been Gerrymandered numerous times..And anyone who pays any attention to political campaighns knows that Beyer would have crushed him if all voters had voted in that election...Even crazy Bernie will tell you that Simmons has nothing on Beyer..Again, a trained Ape that's registered republican could win that district..Let him move into Samuelsons, Freemans or even Brennan's district and see what happens..Seriously, be real.

  27. Sorry Anon 121, facts are facts. Corbett increased the state's contribution by a big amount. Or yell at your local school boards for not believing that it was temporary spending, wasn't going to be permanent, etc.

    You can blame Corbett for alot, but not this.

  28. Tom Foolery...get your facts straight...Your comment " Beyer would have crushed Simmons if all voters had voted " is DEAD wrong. The November election of 2010 had record turnout in this district. Simmons CRUSHED Beyer .Case closed!
    Mr. Simmons will be around for a LONG time to come Tom. Get used to it.

  29. Once again, Simmons beat Beyer in a primary.Had the race included Dems, she would have crushed him..The fact that he can win now in a gerrymandered district proves nothing..I could care less about him..I dont live there anymore (thank God) The fact is, he's had and still has very few qualifications to be a legislator..Hell, he's a kid..Did he ever work a real full time job?

  30. Once Again...You don't get it ! The district is comprised of 60 % democrats -40% republicans. The election had the highest voter turnout in its history ! Many dems voted for Justin and you can't accept it! You seem to have this opinion that he is not qualified to be a state rep....Well, you are in a very small minority. Since the election Mr. Simmons has represented the 131st district with class, distinction and integrity.He is popular b/c he is so visible and has held many Town Hall meetings. Parents in the area view him as a PERFECT role model for their children. The belief that you need to a lawyer or business leader to be elected to this position is a myth and Mr. Simmons has proven that to be true.

    Since you don't live in the district this will be my last comment to your useless , factless diatribe.

  31. Annon 2:21

    He's 26 and has represented our district better then some of the older legislators around here. Age and maturity aren't equal.

  32. Still no defenders for the other 2 stooges.

  33. anon 327 searched the police blotters for the other 2 stooges as you call them didn't find anything did find boscola, browne, and brennan So you need to have a drunk driving arrest to be a good politician in your world?

  34. Simmons vote straight party mostly all the time..I very much doubt that his new district is 60% Democratic..However, since mostly everything you have spouted about Simmons is inaccurate, it doesnt surprise me that you got that wrong too..Spend your time from now until tomorrow and check your ridiculous facts..When you know what the hell you are speaking about come back..otherwise, give it up already..

  35. anon 4:23,
    In your search of police blotters, you got stuck on the B's. So I assume you saw the name Bush.

  36. Deely has taught many kids about the totally awesome world, with its crazy shit, man. Seriously crazy shit. Stoners are people, too. A wake and bake is so cool on a nice morning. The kids are way freaky when you see them first thing and they're all "hey Mr. D" and he's all trying to be serious and act mature and not bust out laughing. Visine by the barrel. Lot's of gum. Krispy Cremes and Red Bull to fight that 9:30 burnout, too. Stoners are harmless. They're also motivation-less, which could explain life in the apartment.

    Yeah. Deely's way cool, man.

  37. He should also look up punctuation marks. That's one long run-on sentence. And try some Capital Letters.

  38. no disputing facts just picking on grammar must be a liberal teacher defending their pot smoking leader

  39. OK, the facts are Deely actually works for a living..he has life experience and ledership experience. Simmons has neither..That's the facts...And nothing but the facts..So help me God...

  40. yea commuter organizer just like obummer I'll take simmons

  41. sorry community organizer (damn spell check)

  42. Teachers should be paid more. For Christ sake, this guy lives above a Korean restaurant? So which is it? Is this a top hat, monocle-wearing man bilking the taxpapers or a working shmo living above a Kimchee joint?

    So he smokes weed. (Wake up and look around.)

  43. why wouldn't teachers want to be subjected to drug screens on a minimal level?

    Because it violates their Constitutional right to privacy. Anyone who capitulates to these tests gives up their rights as an American.

  44. "There wasn't enough probable evidence to pursue it any further," said Gettysburg police officer . . .

    And we trust these guys with guns?


  45. Anon 11:39 PM,

    People in this country gave up the right to privacy and the ideals that surround that right many years ago. When it gets down to it, our Constitutional right to privacy was pushed aside to consumerism, materialism, and convenience.

    To become a member and join a "savers club," One is given a "card." To obtain this card, one must divulge their home address, email, day and evening phone numbers, and sometimes their social sercurity number. All of this "necessary" information is "needed" so one can save $0.25 cents at the chain pharmacy or super-market. Wouldn't it be neat to one day view all of the information the CVS has collected?

    Ever try a google/yahoo/bing/and whatever else search engine one can find on the internet, and type in someone's name? Search their name on the web and on the images on the web. See if you can locate anything about that person.

    How about the latest mobile phones? They can be used to triangulate, within a few hundred feet, an exact location. Not to mention, the new information released about "smart" phones collection information regarding trends in using applications. The same go for GPS units, whether they be hand-held or the units used in cars. These can be used to find out what routes, the speed of the traveler, and the locations one takes. This isn't modern technology. Probation/Parole offices have been using this technology to track people for years.

    Remember EZ Pass? They have all the driver's logistic information. The computer knows the locations of the toll booth and the distances between the toll booths. How long will it be until there will come a time when one will get a compliant in the mail? Think not? The information gathered by them are already used in a Court of law to establish ones approximate location.

    One would be hard-pressed to not own at least one of the above-mentioned things.

    Is this the privacy you talk about? I wonder if the Framers had this in mind when thinking about the Constitution?

    We live in a nation established by laws and rules. As Americans we enjoy certain rights. But what most people forget are the duties and responsibilities that come along with those rights. Someone had to do something, to acquire those rights for us. Therefore, we, as citizens, owe the society, a debt that we cannot repay completely. Those laws, rights, duties, and responsibilities were established for the protection and betterment of a society - The Right of Nations/Jus Gentium.

    A teacher is a public figure. The education of the youth is a great responsibility. Using and possesing illegal drugs are ILLEGAL. Unwritten, unspoken, social, and moral laws govern such behavior. If they don't, a moral society goes away. And then we have one trying to hide their illegal activity and behavior behind an ideal of the right for privacy.

    Peace be with you, ~~~alex+

  46. "Simmons is married and owns a house."

    Have you looked at his December voting record? I did. He was absent for every vote for the first two weeks of December. When I called to find out where he was, it turns out he was on his honeymoon.

    So, it appears he JUST got married and moved out of his parents basement. Also, it appears that instead of waiting for the summer recess to take his vacation, Simmons decided to take it during peak season. How seriously does he take this job?

    In regards to Deely - he actually helped save his school district $30 million by renegotiating the teachers' contract. Yeah, a big greedy union hack.

    Bernie, maybe you want to look more closely at your wonder-boy...and go on the facts. Besides, this pot thing is an unproven accusation at best, and makes you look desperate.

  47. I don't know. That pot thing was kinda' funny. If these dudes were totally innocent, why did they leave the conference in Gettysburg? But I'll agree it's no big deal.

    Deely was part of the problem in Easton, and was replaced as union prez in their most recent election. He was too extreme for Easton teachers, and too extreme for rank-and-file voters.

  48. Who the hell is this anonymous guy bashing Simmons?Thank God he was elected. Beyer was extremely unpopular throughout this area.
    Simmons is the real deal.He is a tremendous voice for the people of the Lehigh Valley.
    This Deely guy might as well hang it up running against Simmons.A Teachers union president has no shot to win a state seat in this area.

  49. Hey Bern, some insight for you. Deely wasn't "ousted" - he decided not to run for another term. If by "extreme" you mean he fought hard to defend the contract the district agreed to, then you're right. In the end though, he helped renegotiate that contract and helped the district by saving them $30 million - to make sure the students had teachers in their classrooms. You can bash that all you like, but the "greedy teachers" didn't need to do anything. So, you get what you want, and still bash the guy. Amazing.

    Maybe you're afraid that he really has a shot at taking out the Simmons kid?

  50. I love it when a politician (especially a freshman) is considered unbeatable (Deely should hang it up). The minute someone is called unbeatable, is the time to worry. NO one is unbeatable. Just ask Dewey.

  51. No one voted in the Beyer, Simmons primary. 14 percent voter turnout. Those are the facts. Simmons has missed more important votes than any member in the history of the Lehigh Valley unless they were in rehab. I suspect Deeley will win if he works. And he will win.

  52. I love it when people put words in my mouth. I did not say Mr. Simmons is unbeatable but I guess you don't get around too much. Voters are sick and tired of hearing about whats best for the Teacher's unions since they work 9 months of the year. The union then holds our childrens educations hostage when they go on strike.
    Thats it in a nutshell. Mr. Deely has a Mount Everest to climb to overcome that reality.

  53. Your numbers prove just how unpopular Beyer was. No one cared enough to come out and vote for her in the primary and then to get beat by 10% just cements that notion.

  54. He said (Kevin Deely)the district faces budget difficulties now because the board has failed to raise taxes incrementally over the years, which has necessitated a larger-than-usual hike this year.

    Published: Friday, December 18, 2009, 7:24 PM Updated: Friday, December 18, 2009, 9:48 PM
    By Express-Times staff

    Imagine him in Harrisburg no cuts just keep raising taxes.

  55. I believe that Beyer is currently working for the SEIU. That seems to be an odd transition for a former Republican legislator.

    Perhaps things like that are why she was defeated by Simmons in the Republican primary.

  56. "some insight for you. Deely wasn't "ousted" - he decided not to run for another term."

    If that is so, then I stand corrected. I was led to believe Easton teachers had enough of him. I wish you or someone could provide me with the exact details or identify yourself.

  57. " Bernie, how involved will the Berks Chairperson be in the selection? How much of the district is in Berks County?"

    Only a small portion is in Berks. Wayne Woodman will be picking Reichley's successor.

  58. I can't wait to see this hippie knock on doors in places like Lower Milford Township. What's he going to do.... walk up the mile long driveways and tell the residents that their school property taxes need to be raised in order to pay for his pension and oh by the way, they should get rid of their truck and buy a prius. This guy has no idea what he's in for. Simmons was the only person who ran for state house or senate to beat an incumbent in the primary. That primary had the largest republican turnout in the history of the 131st district as configured. He then won the district in the general election by 14 points when it had 5,000 more registered democrats than republicans. Now that the district is majority republican after redistricting, he is going to get beaten even worse then Horton did. He forgets that
    Simmons is a local boy who grew up there and they love him.

  59. Bernie O'Hare said...

    If that is so, then I stand corrected. I was led to believe Easton teachers had enough of him. I wish you or someone could provide me with the exact details or identify yourself.

    12:33 PM

    You were led to believe in the truth. One of my wife's better friends is an Easton teacher - they don't invite me along when the socialize ;) - and "deciding to step down" was a better choice than getting thrown out on his ass.


  60. On Simmmons--
    "Have you looked at his December voting record? I did. He was absent for every vote for the first two weeks of December. When I called to find out where he was, it turns out he was on his honeymoon."

    Amen to that--he so badly wanted to play politician that he left Philadelphia and moved back to a place he could get elected. The Dems in 131 don't vote, any monkey who is a Republican could get elected in 131. Simmons actually polled worse than other Republicans in 131 when he was elected. His support is on "Woodman" Legs.

  61. This last comment made me LOL. It's obvious to me you have no insight to the Woodman-Simmons relationship. Haters gonna' hate.

  62. Polled worse? See for yourself. I realize Kevin you are an English teacher and math maybe difficult for you so I will make it as simple as I can. Bigger numbers are better then smaller numbers. This is a sample from the largest districts in the 131st. Simmons beat Dent and Toomey in all but one. In Upper Milford West he had 7 votes less then Pat.

    Simmons 2010 General

    Coopersburg 483
    Lower Milford 1,031
    Upper Milford Western District 893
    Upper Saucon 1st District 632
    Upper Saucon 2nd District 471
    Upper Saucon 3rd District 1,187
    Upper Saucon 4th District 1,058

    Pat Toomy 2010 General

    Coopersburg 434
    Lower Milford 954
    Upper Milford Western District 900
    Upper Saucon 1st District 596
    Upper Saucon 2nd District 459
    Upper Saucon 3rd District 1,091
    Upper Saucon 4th District 1,023

    Charlie Dent 2010 General
    Coopersburg 445
    Lower Milford 947
    Upper Milford Western District 875
    Upper Saucon 1st District 611
    Upper Saucon 2nd District 460
    Upper Saucon 3rd District 1,116
    Upper Saucon 4th District 1,032




  63. Wow looks like he missed some real important stuff. I am pissed he missed this vote

    House Resolution 383 PN 2352

    A Resolution congratulating Rose Anne Bragalone of Duboistown on being named the winner of Pennsylvania's 31st Annual Favorite Homecoming Queen

    Guess you are not married men don't plan weddings and honeymoons women do. And if you want to start out married life happy you just say yes dear.

  64. Kevin's mad he wanted to win that

  65. Alex 8:20 AM - You seem to be perfectly fine with giving up your privacy. Testing by a public employer is legally different than by a private employer. Public employers testing is considered a "search" by the government and protected by the 4th Amendment. You are familiar with the Constitution?

    Your fear of marijuana smokers is laughable. Would you not want the great cosmologist Carl Sagan teaching science in your public school? How about Mayor Bloomberg teaching civics? Richard Branson or Steve Jobs teaching business?

    You need to pull yourself into reality.

  66. Alex 8:20 AM - You seem to be perfectly fine with giving up your privacy. Testing by a public employer is legally different than by a private employer. Public employers testing is considered a "search" by the government and protected by the 4th Amendment. You are familiar with the Constitution?

    Your fear of marijuana smokers is laughable. Would you not want the great cosmologist Carl Sagan teaching science in your public school? How about Mayor Bloomberg teaching civics? Richard Branson or Steve Jobs teaching business?

    You need to pull yourself into reality.

  67. And I love how the author inferred this conference was a "conference" (wink) ask if everyone in teaching is willing to give up a day to stay overnight in a nasty dorm at a third rate college for kicks.

  68. Given that Deely graduated from Bloomsburg, he should have felt right at home. In fact, looks like he was comfortable enough to light one up.

  69. Given what teachers in our public schools ae doing, I would think drug testing should be mandatory. They deal with our most precious resource - our children. If they don't like the invasion of their privacy, they don't have to work as teachers.

  70. Anon 11:43 PM, Actually, I wouldn't. I would want someone teaching children with a sound and properly formed moral conscience. Last time I checked, it was illegal to consume marijuana. If you are going to break those laws, which part of the Constitution are you going to familiarize yourself with? The reality is marijuana is illegal.

  71. "Our most precious resource." That's funny. While I agree, what is hilarious is that you hypocrites don't think twice about drunkards sleeping it off before a day of teaching.

    And to the person who would rather have someone with a "moral conscience" (as if smoking marijuana is "immoral"), are you suggesting Carl Sagan and Steve Jobs were immoral?

    Marijuana prohibition is not doing anything but filling prisons and ruining lives because of a harmless substance.

  72. Given what teachers in our public schools ae doing, I would think drug testing should be mandatory. They deal with our most precious resource - our children. If they don't like the invasion of their privacy, they don't have to work as teachers.

    It's not about them liking it. It's about Constitutional rights and the pointless expense.

  73. You have no more Constitutional right than any other public employee, and from what the newspapers tell me in Bangor alone, it's no pointless expense. Any person who is allowed near our children can legally be required, as a condition of employment, to agree to drug testing.

    I have high regard and immense respect for public school teachers, but this is needed.

  74. " While I agree, what is hilarious is that you hypocrites don't think twice about drunkards sleeping it off before a day of teaching"

    Um, don't know where you got your education, but there's a difference between legal and illegal drugs Didn't they teach you that at Bloomsburg?

  75. Anon 11:43 pm,

    God willingly, a student can learn what to do and what not to do from a good or bad teacher. One would hope that a highly impressionable youth could have someone guiding them to make correct choices. But I ask you this, when did teachers/coaches stop become role models?

    As a former public (government) employee, I took an oath to uphold The Constitution and was subjected to random urine screens upon a supervisor's discretion. So I do not follow your private versus public employee argument.

    Anon 8:56 am, I thought it was funny how you left Mayor Bloomberg out of your moral question to Anon 1:25 am. Out of those gentlemen, you didn't include Mayor Bloomberg? Imagine, three genius people that smoked marijuanna. Imagine what they could have reached without smoking it? Imagine how many didn't make that claim to fame, because they didn't smoke marijuanna? Imagine how many blue collar people, that go to work everyday, don't take illegal drugs, and you never hear about the good they do? Why? Because "our society" doesn't think something like that is fashionable ...

    Anon 8:57 am, is making sure the youth of today are safe a pointless expense? Marijuana is illegal. How is smoking it upholding any laws, mores, or norms of the community. In fact, it brings about the moral decay that our society is facing in today's modern era. That is the true reality. Smoking marijuana is just as dangerous as any other illegal drug: physically, mentally, and morally. Ever see a kid that had a bad reaction to smoking marijuana; psychological problems, a stroke, heart problems, breathing problems, and problems adjusting to way society now views him? I have. And it was because he smoked some bad "weed." What he claims was his first cigarette. Now where is the justice and marijuanna smokers, now? He needs almost seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day assistance. Working at the court house, I saw a client, he was a perfectly healthy young male, have a stroke from smoking marijuanna. Over the next few months, he couldn't deal with his medical condition, so he committed suicide. Amazing. Marijuanna.

    What is so hard? All that you have to do is what everyone else does: what is legal. Don't do drugs. Marijuanna is illegal.

    Peace, ~~~alex+


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