Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Barron Takes Credit For Sick Leave Audit He Never Ordered

Last week, The Morning Call told you about a 7-year audit of sick leave abuses in Northampton County. Controller Steve Barron claims he and his office decided to do this after reading about sick time abuse by Allentown firefighters. His story is complete bullshit. The audit run by his office, was done at the request of Executive John Stoffa.

According to Barron, there's nothing to see here. Don't worry about that finding that 2.3% of the County's workforce are "sick" on the first day of every deer-hunting reason. Sure, it's stealing, but as long as the thieves  wear that union label, they're OK in Barron's book. He's pandering again.

According to our recently re-elected Controller, "The Monday after Thanksgiving is a popular day and I'm sure there's a lot of sick days all over the commonwealth that particular day."

He's very generous with our money, isn't he? With that attitude, I expect the sick time abuse will rise even more next year. Thanks, Steve.

"A popular day" to take off sick? This is not the Friday after Thanksgiving, but the Monday. Once again, Barron demonstrates why he is called von Footinmouth. He and public sector unions are completely detached from the reality of the private sector, where jobs are anything but certain. Obviously, lots of people want off the first day of hunting season. Either you get approved vacation or you go to work. If you risk calling in sick, you also risk being investigated.

Stoffa, unlike Barron, thinks it's wrong for public sector employees to steal from the taxpayer.

What's your experience like in the private sector? Do you think your boss would pay you for claiming you were "sick" so you could take a five-day weekend and go hunting?


  1. Bernie, since this fraud is planning on using his "office" to make his push for county executive, please stay on top of his bullshit.

    He is a Long Dem and like his buddies Dertinger and McClure will lie, steal and cheat to get what they want. They want him elected to open the back door to insider deals and good old fashioned pay to play. Barron has already conned the Greacedale unions and is trying desperately to suck up to and lock in the COAF. He is claiming to be an expert on Gracedale and financing.

    He has claimed this audit was his idea and Stoffa is lying to take the credit. Please help following the paper trail.

    Apparently some of his staff have got it out that he is a fraud but they fear reprisals and can't come forward.

    He may be the worst elected official in Northampton County at this point in time.

    His opinion is irrelevant, we pay him for facts and logical deductions not pandering. This is really shameful.

  2. My boss would fire me and I'd likely see Barron fixing his skirt for a photo op in the company flower bed as I exit the place.

  3. There are no excuses, however, please remember, this is a small minority of public sector employees who abuse the system. The majority of public sector employees are not thieves, as BO has portrayed.

  4. The use of a sick day for any reason other than being sick is grounds for termination -- union or not.

    Public employes get plenty of vacation time and personal days -- they are ot just for your traditional vacation. They are for days off but for being sick.

    Barron shows exactly why he could never be the County Executive --- some decisions piss people off but they are the right decision. He is there to represent the citizens of our county - it's that simple.

  5. I remember the UAW negotiating with Chrysler for a paid day off on the Monday after Thanksgiving, which is also opening day of hunting season. Sick time abuse was costing hundreds of thousands of dollars when they couldn't keep production lines running for lack of enough workers. The UAW gave up another day to get it. They negotiated honorably and didn't steal from their employer.

    Public service unions, on the other hand, are not your daddy's unions. They are a bastardized, false version of unions who represent a lazy, loyal voting bloc for politicians who routinely whore for their votes. Public sector unions and their avaricious political partners have effectively destroyed legitimate organized labor in this country.

  6. Wow..All of this anti union bullshit is just crap!! First of all their is no proof at this time that there is abuse.I'm sure if the county had that "proof" they would have done something..Also, again with the small issue of proof, if it is being abused where is the proof that those involved are union workers..None of course. All your moronic friends on the right took your anti union spouting bullshit to be fact..It isn't even close. Bernie, you wonder why many folks in the unions despise you..You, again, have tossed them into one basket here and that's just not fair..Not a good way to start off the new year with them Bernie..I know you might not care, but it's just dumb.

  7. " Public sector unions and their avaricious political partners have effectively destroyed legitimate organized labor in this country.

    8:48 AM"

    And, yet, "legitimate" organized labor works relentlessly for the election of those who exacerbate this problem.

    Death by your own hand. So be it.


  8. Tom, There IS abuse, as revealed by the audit, and Stoffa IS doing something about it. barron downplays the whole thing bc he is looking out for public sector unions. In fact, his attitude exacerbates the problem.

  9. "The majority of public sector employees are not thieves, as BO has portrayed."

    I certainly have not done that, but have called the union sick time abusers thieves because that is what they are.

  10. "Bernie, you wonder why many folks in the unions despise you..You, again, have tossed them into one basket here and that's just not fair..Not a good way to start off the new year with them Bernie..I know you might not care, but it's just dumb."

    Tom, Do you think I give a rat's ass whether the unions like me? I'm not Steve Barron and I'm not running for anything. And yes, Tom, public sector unions do enable and defend this practice. You've just done it yourself. You try to pretend it does not exist, but it does. It's not as bad as Allentown, but it's there, and needs corrective action.

  11. Again, Bernie..If Stoffa has this "proof" , then let him bring it forward..As Barron said, many workers throughout the commonwealth and possibly the country take a day off after the holidays..I'm not saying it's right but it appears to be the case. I personally think it's foolish to risk a job for that but so be it..However, my guess is that if you are trying to figure out who the offenders are, you might want to first look at humters, and then other workers..There is certainly no proof that those supposedly abusing their leave are union workers..If that were the case, I'm sure John would relish the idea of disciplining them..

  12. Anon 7:04,

    Cough, hack, wheeze.

    Sorry, not buying any B.S. today.


  13. I think it is the greedy pig Unions who need to start paying their fair share and stop pointing the finger at everyone else!

    AGENT 99

  14. Class warfare rocks.

    Four more years!


  15. Rumor is Callahan will be running for executive. BO - Is Panto interested? I hope so.

  16. I've heard Callahan he's reconsidering his options as a result of his inability to find a decent job in the private sector. Maybe he can latch on to one of the thousands of jobs he supposedly created.

  17. "Again, Bernie..If Stoffa has this "proof" , then let him bring it forward..As Barron said, many workers throughout the commonwealth and possibly the country take a day off after the holidays..I'm not saying it's right but it appears to be the case."

    Duh. Tom, you don't get it. This IS the abuse. It is NOT tolerated or winked at in the private sector, and should not be tolerated in the public sector, as Barron has just done. I'm glad you recognize it is not right. It is stealing.

  18. Oh Boy - Callahan is running for Executive. Maybe he will raise a million dollars and lose in the Primary only to give it out to other politians. I'm hoping Panto runs. He is probably the only one who can straighten out that mess.

  19. Nobody can fix this fucking mess. It's not going to get any better. Be happy with what you have. Things are going to get alot worse.

  20. Bernie,

    Sometimes you can make an good argument, and like many of us when we are overruled by emotions, we just fall flat..I didnt say that you should give a rat's ass about what the unions think..They apparently feel the same about you and your blog...However, you can't tell me that no one in the private sector doesn't use sick leave to go hunt..That's ridiculous..However, hating to be repetitive here once again, there is no proof of union sick leave at the County of Northampton..If there is , please feel free to post the serial abusers..I'm sure you wouldn't hestitate if that were the case so I'll be waiting for the post..Otherwise all of the union haters need to just shut up already!

  21. I am so very happy that John Stoffa feels this is stealing. Now would he return the portion of his salary that covers the budget he failed to produced 2 years ago. You know the one Ron had to redo. I think that was stealing John, where's my money?

  22. The County should also do away with the policy of not needing a doctors excuse until the 3rd day off. They should do a further study of all the people who take off 2 days for illness. If you are truely sick for 2 full days you might want to see the doctor. Anyone wanna bet that cuts the 2 day "vacas" in half? Gracedale needs to have a special provision due to illness and contact with patients, I don't know what would be.
    As for hunting, if it is known that you are a hunter, or if you shared that info in the workplace. The supervisors should offer you those days as vacation, if at all possible. If you are absent that day you should need to provide proof from a doctor that you were ill.
    BTW I support public and private sector unions. This was a recent change of attitude in the last year and a half. I don't support stealing. I think "ANYONE" WHO HAS STOLEN OR CAUSED SOMEONE HARM SHOULD BE IN PRISON.

  23. "his inability to find a decent job in the private sector"

    amazingly glib comment. I happen to like Stoffa and Callahan.

    What private sector jobs had Stoffa had? Why hold Callahan to a different standard?

  24. is there any evidence that the sick leave abuse is being perpetrated by the County union workers at a higher rate than the County career service (non-union) workers?

  25. I am stating that Callahan is having a hard time finding a private sector job, which is why he might run for exec. Nothing glib about it.

  26. "you can't tell me that no one in the private sector doesn't use sick leave to go hunt..That's ridiculous.."

    Absolutely, but it is much harder to do this in the private sector, where people actually care about overhead.

  27. There is no eveidence that County union workers are abusing sick leave much less abusing it at a higher percentage than non union employees..Cmonbernie..Where is this evidence hiding? In Angle's barn?

  28. Actually, thee is. The abuse is heaviest in places like the jail and Gracedale, where union concentration is heaviest. We now have 11 bargaining units.

  29. the reference to the audit that was disturbing was the nonchalant attitude of Barron, like its okay becasue that is the first day of hunting. Hello, earth to Steve -- that's what i use a vacation day for. If I called in sick that day I would be terminated --reason my own stupidity!

    We need to hold our elected officials accountable starting at the federal level. and although it may be more difficult at that level look at the waste -- from the feds to the states and now yes, to the county. Us taxpayers cannot afford a government based on excess in areas that produce no tangible results, nor can we afford a full-time Controller who chalks public dollar theft up to of well you know its going to be bad that day -- it's the first day of hunting.

    Theft is theft -- and don't get me started on employees that smoke and get 10 minutes every hour to go outside and not only steal my time but cause healthcare costs to skyrocket.

    Steve, youmay think you are protecting or sticking up for the few hunters that may be calling in sick or the ones that work an hour less each day becasue of smoking but you overlook the VAST amount of employees that really care about their job and do it by the rules.

  30. A lanyard-wearer is a lanyard-wearer, union or non-union. A closer look will show all trough feeders take every possible advantage. You have previously posted about the judges who have a hard time putting in a full day.

    BO, while this is a great post, I can tell you that it IS, unfortunately, sometimes tolerated in the private sector. I consult for a privately held, non-union company that is deathly afraid of lawsuits and also has a hard time recruiting (even in these times) due to the nature of the work. Rather than deal with turnover and discrimination lawsuits, the lawyers have deemed the best course is to not rock the boat when leave policies are abused.

    The difference, of course, is that the decision in this case is being made by the folks paying the bills.


  31. Barron 'will lie, steal, and cheat...'. Is that a fact? If it is, tell us how, where, when,with who.
    Can we use the right to know laws to get his staff to reveal whatever it is they feel we should know?

  32. Bernie at 12.56.
    Where is the evidence?

  33. bernie, bernie, bernie,

    The abuse is the heaviest at Gracedale and the prison where the highest concentration of union workers are? That is your evidence? Seriously, there might be evidence of the most usage there..That is easy to find.. As far as abuse goes? Again, I ask, "Where is the evidence? Who are the offenders? Did Stoffa discipline them? Just wondering?

  34. If the Teacher's Union way back when, when most of the teachers were men, hadn't negotiated the Monday after Thanksgiving a school holiday to combat the high rates of teacher absenteeism on that day, you wouldn't have the rate of sick leave you have now across the public AND private sector. The irony of course is that you would only have a tiny percentage of today's teachers calling in sick to kill defenceless creatures for fun. Turn it back to a school day, and you'll decimate the sick leave rate across the board.

  35. I think this phenomenon of taking off for the first day of deer season is limited to the states such as Pennsyltucky.
    I doubt Florida has as a high rate the Monday after Thanksgiving.
    I think that Obama is ahead of the curve on this one. He, not even thinking of union support, has taken your guns since he has been elected. If you still have guns he will send his special team he has assembled in secret, and take them from you, preferably from your cold dead hands. That is how the braindead saying goes isn't it?

  36. I AM a union employee at Gracedale, and you have no grounds to say that they abuse the sick leave for hunting, since the majority of employees are female and don't give a damm for hunting! I am sick and tired of you beating us up. You never worked around sick people, you never worked where 25-30 residents are vomiting and have diarrhea! Maybe you should come over to Gracedale when the flu hits, and see if you get sick!!! Even with the flu shots, we DO get sick!!! So PROVE that we abuse our sick!!!!
    ps: agent 99 who the hell are you to say about pointing fingers????

  37. Good for you 5:40...You are right..

  38. Nobody is being forced to work at Gracedale - only forced to pay for it.

    The audit showed the most usage at Gracedale and the prison. Where there's use, there's abuse. Nobody is surprised by this.

    Public sector unions should be stripped of collective bargaining power. It's a system made for abuse; where employees elect their managers (e.g. Barron von Footinmouth), who give them goodies and look the other way at goldbricking. FDR warned of the dangers of this.

  39. The Panto city boys are at it again. m They need those county jobs. If he is so anxious to leave as mayor why the Hell did he run for another term this year.

    Another career politician.

    Many not from Easton will not vote for a city liberal big spender.

  40. Dunno. It seemed glib. Maybe even a little snarky.

  41. Both, Ohare n Stoffa should pt up oR shut up. If Stoffa has evidence of any such wrong doing he should be terminating employees, the fact that he has not is evidence in itself that there is no evidence just talk. I guess bernie needs to raise his ratings again.

  42. How do you know that the 2.3% of the workforce that used sick time on that day were union workers? Oh that's right you don't know.

    There are plenty of workers in the County that are not union. When you get the actual numbers let me know.

  43. "The audit showed the most usage at Gracedale and the prison."

    You are wrong..the most time was used by Human Services. If you are going to make a statement be sure to get your facts straight.

    Also, did you ever think that the numbers would be higher at Gracedale and the Prison because they run 3 shifts a day, 7 days a week? Human Services only works 1 shift a day 5 days a week. You can't compare 24/7 operations to the rest of the county. It is apples and oranges.

    Maybe you should put some thought into your ramblings before you open your mouth genius!!

  44. Panto never said he was running for Exec... As to why he ran, maybe because he was doing a GREAT job and NOBODY wanted that crybaby nutjob Krill to win.

  45. 8:30, Yes, Human Services is a big abuser, too, and is largely union.

  46. anon 6:25 -- You just don't give up do you. Hide behind your cowardly ANON. You have yet to name a person the "got a job." You continue to speak about big spender yet the proof is in the pudding. We live within our means in Easton and we are making great strides in the worse recession since the Great Depression. I am still waiting for your visit to my office where we can discuss your allegations mano e mano. Man up or shut up.

    For the record I am a conservative democrat and extremely conservative when it comes to fiscal decisions. Check my record. Oh that's right you could care less about the facts. You live in your own little world filled with your own little fantasies.

  47. Sal, I suspect some people from Barron's camp are worried about you, so they trash you. Typical.

  48. If there is evidence of sick time abuse by union workers vs. non-union workers, isn't this subject to the open records policies? Why can't Stoffa or someone produce it so we can see it and not have to rely on biased news sources to give us this information? Until I see it, I have a hard time believing that the union workers have a more lenient policy regarding sick time than the non-union. Especially since the articles regarding sick time in the union contract follow the County policy word for word. So I'm not sure where the evidence is. Show us the results of this study so we can see it with our own eyes.

  49. Sal, I like you, I know those taunts piss you off however, here is some free advice.
    Don't post those types of things in here or anywhere for that matter. It will be used successfully against you at some point.

  50. Very clever Bernie. Attempt to blame Barron for the taunts against Sal...Very doubtful that Steve has anything to do with that and extremely doubtful that these alleged abuses, which now include human service workers, have ever been proven or ever will be..Still waiting for the list of abusers..How many county workers were disciplined for sick time abuse last year..You should be able to get those numbers...We'll be waiting..

  51. When Panto was identified as a potential Exec candidate, the attacks on him began. It's pretty obvious.

    As for the "proof" you clamor about, it is right in front of your nose, but you just won't see it. There are 11 bargaining units in the County. Most of the County staff is now union. Human Services, Gracedale and the jail are all heavily union, and those are the departments with the most abuse. That's why Barron von Footinmouth tried to minimize it.

  52. We have comp leave which is combined sick and vacation. We can use as we please in one hour increments. We do not get snow days. If you cannot make it into work, you better have taken work home with you or you are using comp leave hours. No two hour delays for this puppy. With family leave act, I think Comp time is a good policy. The problem we have is when there becomes a pattern for departments that have minimum staffing levels and patterns lead to stacked OT.

    We can carry over comp leave and accrual max is dependent on years of service. You can also cash out in 8 hour increments. Personally, I like time in the bank to cover family emergencies or even take a professional development course. In my 17+ years at my place of employment I think I actually had 3 days for which I could not make it out of bed.

  53. How many county unions were there in Northampton before Reibman worked his "magic"?

    And as far as schools being closed on the Monday following Thanksgiving... when I was in school - a half century ago, the schools closed because of the large numbers of students that took off to go deer hunting.

  54. Before Reibman, there were three or four bargaining units. They exploded when he had depleted the County reserve, was forced to impose a major tax increase and laid off County workers. Now Barron is doing the same thing.

  55. So they increased under Stoffa?

  56. No, they increased in Reibman's second term.

  57. You must remember that Barron and Callahan are both long Dem's so another Dem like Panto makes them angry.

    The county is a ripe piece of fruit to be plundered like Bethlehem was. If Callahan runs, Barron will step aside and wait to be named Fiscal affairs director. If Barron runs, Callahan will back him.

    You never know with that crew.

  58. Wow! Sal sounds like a hot head. We just got rd of Angle. I hope Sal is different.

  59. The above comment illustrates exactly what I mean.

  60. "If Callahan runs, Barron will step aside and wait to be named Fiscal affairs director. If Barron runs, Callahan will back him."

    that's freakin' hilarious.

    some of you asshats really have no idea what you're talkin' about.

  61. Where I work, in the real world, you get written up if you take off Tgiving Monday without a valid excuse, symptoms, etc..but then the Norco Union employees have never lived in the real world....they live in a world of privilege, waste, and abuse.

  62. Mayor Panto - Should you run for executive everyone else considering should be worried. I live in Bethlehem and work for the county. I see the difference you have made in Easton. I hope you decide to run.

  63. Norco Union employees are a disgrace.

  64. First and foremost. Everyones projections on the county executive race come as bit immature. You are speculating. I do not see two LV mayors running against eachother. That just doesn't happen. I also don't see Barron thinking he even has a chance due to his numbers in this past election. He barely won controller. If he thinks he can beat either Mayor he is nuts.

  65. Sal and Barron are both good guys. I would love to see them working together to make Northampton County a better place. Anyone is better than what we have now.

  66. Sal is anything but a hot head. I believe he is casting out his emotions about falsely accusing him of job giving and painting him as a tax and spend. Obviously the facts show that neither is the case.

    You may see this as a hot head but
    i have watched him throughout his career - both the private sector and the oublic sector. He is professional in all his manners but is never afraid to let you knwo where he stands. Should the nut case that keeps making false accusations approach him you will find him to be professional in his approach but he will never back down........it's exactly what the city needed and so does the county.

  67. Whether it is Callahan or Panto, it just seems wrong to run for a "full" term in one position then bolt to run for another halfway through your term. It is one of the problems with politics and politicians today.

    That is neither an indictment of the Mayors nor a personal attack. They ran for executive positions in their cities while using them as a platform for another office. Why not finish the term you claim you wanted before running for something else. Just seems wrong.

  68. I agree that a person who is servibg in one office should resign if he wants to seek another elected office in the middle of his term. But that argument would apply to Barron, too.

  69. Frankly, I see the position of Mayor as a higher calling and higher office than that of County Executive. Sure the county exec oversees a larger area and budget but to residents of a city that is "their mayor."

  70. It's a tough call, to be sure. I'd agree that a Mayor is more visible, has a cooler job and would have a smaller geographic area. On the other hand, a Mayor who has turned one City around might see a challenge in a County that is plagued with all kinds of problems and that could work a lot better with local government. I can't remember the last time Council's intergovernmental committee even met. It may have even been abolished.

    I think Panto, who knows the workings of City government, would be very effective at identifying areas where the County and local government could work together and realize efficiencies.

  71. Supervisors have the right to ask for a doctors excuse if they suspect sick time abuse...so why aren't they doing their job? Oh that's right....because they are taking sick leave when they aren't sick. Listen....I'm a county employee and I do not take off "illegally". I save my sick time in case I am too sick to crawl out of bed. There is abuse not only with union employees but also non union. Lets be fair about this. I for one can't stand when workers do that shit because it just puts more work on those of us who show up all the time. If there is a way to go after these offenders I say GO FOR IT!!

  72. Fair enough. I agree nonunion employees are abusers, too. The reason why this is mostly union is bc most employees are union.

  73. Bernie, I think city government and county government are very different. The county has fundamental programs that must exist. Without a real understanding of those programs, you end up depending on so called "experts" who end up screwing up the system or helping their pals.

    While intergovernmental cooperation is good, it does not address the most fundamental responsibilities of the county government.

    It would be nice if a county executive at least knew enough about county government to know if they are being bullshitted or not. While Stoffa has been a disappointment as a leader, at least he has that going for him and probably saved the county money in the long run. I prefer job specific experience not some ethereal hero worship.

    But them again that is what Democrats are about. They are more into how "they" feel about a candidate than what the candidate "knows" or can actually "do".

    Wooly Bully

  74. According to these posts there will be no Republican challenger, at least none that is viable.
    By then the council will be Democrat. Look out!!!
    Instead of a piece of pie OR a piece of cake for the employees at Gracedale for Christmas (like this year). It will be back to the Fillet Mignon and shrimp appetizers. Dom Perignon by the mug, and Baked Alaska for Dee-sert.
    Hey Bernie why not file a RTK and find out what those union goons cost us for free Christmas cake or pie. If they didn't choke on it, I'd like to sue them.

  75. To be fair, I have chased down rumors that Gracedale workers have picnics and splurge on shrimp and lobster, and have been unable to find one person who can verify the accusation, and this includes people who believe Gracedale should be sold. I even asked Ross Marcus about it, and he actually investigated it. We cannot substantiate that this has ever happened in the recent past, although it may have happened many years ago. If you have specifics, please relay them to me.

    I personally have no problem with people who work on Christmas Day getting a piece of cake or pie.

  76. "and he investigated it".

    And that is why Ross Marcus is an incompetent tool.

  77. Yet you provide no details to rebut him, and lack the courage to identify yourself.

  78. They should do an analysis of how many people are sick on their birthdays. I bet it's similar.

  79. 800 employees eating cake and pie at a buck fiddy a pop!!!
    1200 dollars?
    Probabaly free coffee or milk as well.
    Now we have a problem
    That 1200 could be used elsewhere in the county.
    These union goons just can't ween themselves from the government teet.
    When will we stop the madness?

  80. anon 10:16, when was the last time you worked ON a holiday? The employees of the prison and gracedale work ALL holidays, if they want to or not.. so shoot them if they get a piece of pie! I don't think they served 800 pieces of pie either, check and see, i would believe that anyone that didn't work that day, didn't come in for a piece of pie!!! so you should just kiss my a-- about the "free " pie!

  81. hey anon 9:09
    and where do you work, or don't you? norco employees work hard for their petty little paychecks. guess you make the big bucks somewhere else..

  82. I have your backs union. At least until after you make me executive, then its about me and my pretty skirts.

    Barron Von Footinmouth

  83. no one has answered my question,,,,,now that the Controller is a full time position was the staff decreased?

  84. Sorry, was at a basketball tournament. There is no decrease in staff bc Barron could never do what they do.

  85. 2:32

    Please reread your post out loud in Eric Cartmans voice.

    I have tears in my eyes ...thanks



  86. We see"Barron's People" use the same thug tactics they use on honest businesses. Of course Barron von prissypants needs "people" to prop him up.

    You comments drive home the reason why your hopeful longdem gravy train will never be elected county executive. Be happy with the no show job you have Footinmouth.

  87. Your still a fuckin pussy 3:31. I'm more of a goldwater conservative than a "long dem ". What thug tactics are you referring to? Your side calls him fat and says he has a lisp and wears a skirt etc. I'm calling you out on that because you are gutless and probably would kiss his ass in person.

  88. "a long dem is a "Goldwater conservative", now that is a good one.

    Christ we have Panto on here throwing a temper tantrum and "Barrons People" using thug type threats, good Lord this county is need of some grown ups.

    Hopefully the Republicans have a real grown up and mature candidate to protect us from the angry children.

    By the way non-annonymous "Fam", kissing Barrons ample ass is not that hard, kissing a billboard would take more skill.

  89. 2:27 if you only knew. Now go back to the ass kissing.

  90. Do the Republicans have a "real" grown up to run?
    How about Ron Angle?

  91. I doubt Ron will run again. He is 65 and wants to enjoy some of his life.

  92. I would think being the center of attention and screaming at people is what Angle enjoys in life. Why would he stop?

  93. Maybe because what you "would think" is dead wrong. What's more amazing is that you're too much of a pussy to identify yourself while slamming him. Finally, this comment is OT. Angle is now a private citizen, not an elected official. If you want to trash him w/o identifying yourself, you will be deleted.

  94. He is still a public figure Bernie. His term is not over yet. So ease up on the over protection.

  95. I can knock out Ron Angle in three rounds.

    Lord Barron Von Pantalones

  96. anon 2:27, Sal is not mislead by your misdirection play. If Mr. Barron thinks he has the stones for it, run. Stop playing internet games. This will be be a bloody primary and he won't get a pass in this race.

  97. No one gets a pass. Either of these guys could have taken Stoffa but they let us suffer for four more years. Sorry, no one gets a pass in this crowed field.

  98. It seems to me that abuse can only be shown if you show what percentage of employees call out sick on any Monday. Also, you fail to point out that 97.7% of employees DO come to work as assigned. Both of these points illustrate an unforgivable bias.

    Further, thinking that people calling out sick is not an issue in the private sector is laughable.

  99. Where I work, in the real world, you get written up if you take off Tgiving Monday without a valid excuse, symptoms, etc..but then the Norco Union employees have never lived in the real world....they live in a world of privilege, waste, and abuse.

    Oh please. A valid excuse? A symptom?

    "I woke up puking." "OK"

    There is no possible way any employer can prove sick time abuse unless they are caught red-handed. People in all fields call in sick when they are not sick. Enough with the bullshit.

    And Sal Panto? Wow. If you are going to appear foolish and hot-headed on a blog, at least try and put together sentences with proper grammar and punctuation.

  100. Don't get to upset. Fleck is just schilling for him to land a county job.

  101. I don't think Panto appeared foolish or hot-headed. I think he spoke the truth. If you want to come on a blog and bash people then give your name. He did. If you want to chime in on a subject then fine you can remain anon. But to bash someone withour giving your name well that's just not right.

    As for grammar and spelling I know his proficiencies. I had Mr. Panto as a teacher and a damn fine one at that. I think the anons on this blog may have been one of his students that didn't do well. Just a thought.

  102. I don't any person educated by Mayor Panto would be bashing him. Besides, Barron was never taught by Panto.

  103. Relax Mike, if Panto wins you have a job. calm down.


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