Local Government TV

Friday, November 25, 2011

Dietrich Ordered to Produce Note Passed During Public Meeting

On October 6, during a Northampton County Council meeting, Ron Angle announced that landfill magnate Charles Chrin would make a $2 million contribution for farmland preservation, with the money coming from lot sales at Chrin's planned industrial park. Angle had been unleashed by Council two weeks earlier, during an executive session. His mission was to squeeze Chrin and see what he was willing to give in exchange for a favorable TIF at his development, which will gobble up 689 acres of farmland. Chrin's generosity, according to Executive John Stoffa, will enable the County to preserve 650 acres of farmland. That will go a long way to negate the loss of greenspace caused by Chrin's development.

It was a good deal that benefits us all. Like him or not, it was realized largely as a result of Angle's own efforts. But with the notable exceptions of Mike Dowd and Barb Thierry, the rest of Council were unwilling to acknowledge his achievement. That's understandable, I suppose. Democrats Ann McHale and Lamont McClure, two of Angle's biggest political opponents on Council, would have no reason to acknowledge his success, no matter how good it was for the County. The rest of them simply dislike the guy.

The person who really put me off? Council member Tom Dietrich. He is one of the Council members who agreed to send Angle on this mission. Maybe he was disappointed that Angle actually succeeded. Whatever his motive, in the middle of this meeting (1:06:00) and during Angle's announcement, he acted like a 5th grader. He scribbled and passed a handwritten note to Ann McHale, with which she could be heard agreeing.

"Anything you could share with us, Mr. Deitrich?" asked Angle.

"No. That was between he and I," answered McHale, as Dietrich hid behind her skirt. Just like the anonymous cowards who post vile attacks here, Dietrich lacked the courage to own his own words.

Amazingly, for doing exactly what he was directed to do, Dietrich accused Angle in that note of bribery, according to the account of someone who saw it.

The very next day, I filed a Right-to-Know request for the note or a reasonable facsimile. Dietrich knows what he wrote and shared in the middle of a public meeting, and should be required to produce it. If he accused a fellow Council member of bribery during the middle of a public meeting, that's something the public has a right to know, too.

Not surprisingly, Dietrich refused to produce the note. Dietrich the candidate was all about transparency, but Dietrich the elected official is all about secrecy. He dispatched Council Solicitor Phil Lauer to claim (1) the note does not exist; (2) if it does, it is not a public record; and (3) if it is a public record, it's exempt.

I appealed.

On Wednesday, the Office of Open Records (2011-1406_OHare-Northampton_County.pdf) ordered Dietrich to produce the note. He's got 30 days, and should not try complaining that his dog ate it.


  1. I would assume the note is long gone by now

    by reasonable facimile do you mean he is to write one from memory and show you

    So if the note he produces says

    half pound of American Cheese

    what are you going to do

    sue him in court and make him swear under oath that that was the content

    then when he says it depends what your definition is, is, does he get impeached

    you all should to grow up

  2. I hope the person who saw the note is prepared to be outed and testify

  3. This is more O'Hare bullshit. He is trying to salvage something from Angle's pounding in the election.

    As to Mr. Dietrich, I can only assume this silly note was thrown away long ago. What was on the note, if it actually existed, could be, "do you like Apple's" Or even, "I like farmland do you?"

    Hopefully Dietrich doesn't get spooked by this O'Hare brand of terrorism. They will probably get Angle to fund this witch hunt to try and cost the Dietrich family money.

    Just when you thought the terrible trio of Angle, Stoffa and O'Hare couldn't go any lower they prove everyone wrong.

    By the way, getting a special privlege from government because you can afford too, sounds a damn lot like pay to play, whether it benefited the county or not.

  4. He knows what he wrote and so does Council member Ann McHale. If he wants to pass a note around in the middle of a public meeting, accusing another Council member of "bribery," he should expect that is information the public has a right to know. And the Office of Open Records agrees. I couldn't care less what you anonymous cowards think.

  5. c'mon, BO - this is really old news and you are really stretching it on this one - eating up what little bit of integrity you have left. There is no way you will ever get the original note even if it exists. your horses lost, plain and simple. time to grow up, move on and focus on current events.

  6. For all you bashers out there, it seems like Bernie is right again. Would it be ok if a public body conducted business by passing notes around the table? Of course not, but you seem to think it is ok for a coward who is afraid to say what he thinks to pass notes around instead? It isn't right and it takes someone like Bernie to shine the light on it.

  7. O'Hare has no dick, and when a man has no dick, he does things exactly like this. If he did have a dick, which everyone knows he doesnt, he might be able to work off his anxiety pounding his dick while watching kiddie movies, but because his dick does not exist, he gets involved in areas to waste the states time.

    Tom should file a RTK request to see if O'Hare does have a dick, and lets see if he claims that it doesnt exist. SUrely it doesnt exist. No man with a dick acts like this, its only the dickless losers like O'Hare that have nothing else to do with their time.

    How about a prosthetic dick Bernie?


  8. Right to know is a good thing until its abused. Abuse of this process cost the taxpayers gobs of money legal fees and staff time. Not sure that it was the intent of the law to be used as a quasi discovery process for those who think that they may get something over on someone. If the request is genuine, the process works.

  9. I believe that Angle bribed me, would you like to know about that?

  10. on a side note, allentown city council uses city issued laptops during their meetings. rumor has it, and you can see them typing, that they comment among themselves concerning courtesy of the floor comments.

  11. MM,

    Under this ruling, you can get those comments. Just as the public has a right to know when one council member accuses another of bribery during a public meeting, it has a right to know when its own comments are being disparaged. If the situation you describe is true, it would also be a Sunshine Act violation. Council members cannot say they are really listening to the pubic if they are talking among themselves.

  12. 8:01,

    I agree the RTKL can be abused, as when one individual incessantly bombards a government with RTKL requests that are dismissed.

    When two council members exchange a note during the middle of a public meeting, accusing a third council member of public corruption, that's a public record that must be produced. In fact, that's precisely why the RTKL was expanded. Unpleasant little accusations, that elected officials would like to keep away from you, are highly relevant. Council member Ann McHale can be heard agreeing with Dietrich. So if he is accusing Angle of bribery and she agrees, we have a right to know what this is all about. If it turns out to be complete bullshit and the vindictive action of a petty little punk, we have the right to know that, too.

    And Zorn, this has nothing to do with the election. I filed my RTKL request on 10/7, over a month before the election. If Dietrich wants to communicate to another Council member and make serious accusations about a third in the middle of a public meeting, we damn well have the right to know.

    I'd agree that an innocuous note, asking to meet or something along those lines, is not a public record. Elected officials do not live in fish bowls. But that is not what is in that note.

  13. No dick describes a cowardly little "man" who hides behind McHale's ample skirt after writing girly notes.

  14. I will allow the comment at 7:18 to stand, as an example of precisely the kind of vulgar childish remark that I have grown to expect from the Gracedale Goons. Some of you may wince when I call them that, but as you see, the shoe fits.

    The first person responsible for this is failed West Easton Borough Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa. On 11/11, she posted a childish video containing remarks about the size of my penis. It's pretty strange behavior from someone who claims I'm stalking her. She repeats the accusation on 11/18 with yet another childish video.

    Interestingly, she has what she calls a "blog mentor," encouraging her with comments like this"

    "Very nicely low! But you can (and should) go lower. Keep hammering the fat fuck into the ground. Considering what a sadistic woman basher he is, it's especially delicious reading a woman bashing him back real good. Keep pouring it on til he snaps. w/ a little luck it will explode an aneurysm in his brain or aorta."

    Other Gracedale Goons, who are attempting to shout me down with this and other nonsense, and are actively encouragng this kind of hate on their own blog, are:

    The Fake Rev, a/k/a, Maria Martinez, of Forks Township;

    Jack and Peggy D'Allesandro, of Bangor (Washington Tp);

    John Mammana, who amazingly is allowed to teach at NCC; and

    Mary Ann Schmoyer, a Klecknerville Knut who soon will be getting gobs of taxpayer money to "preserve" about 20 acres of Moore Tp. "farmland."

  15. Bernie, give it a break already. Ron Angle is done. Stop acting like some little boy with a childhood crush, defending their little girlfriend. Get a life, get a job or at the very least write about something people really care about! So sick of you constantly writing about "Gracedale Goons" and naming them like we really care who they are. Seems to me by the outcome of the election, the goons prevailed and it is time for you to move on.

  16. 1) i don't write to suit your fancy, but write to suit mine. If you don't like it, don't read it.

    2) one of the topics that has always been important to me is transparency in government. If one council member communicates to another, in the middle of a public meeting, that a third member is accepting bribes, that is highly relevant and the public has a right to know.

    3) it makes no difference to me whether the Council member in question, i.e. The victim, is Angle or McClure.

    4) the law does not stop being the law simply bc Angle lost.

  17. Does Dietrich live in hellertown? Maybe we should find someone to beat his ass in the next election. Who wants to be a county councilman at large in 2 years???

  18. Dietrich does indeed live in Hellertown, is an at-large member of Council, and is up in two years. He has a good attendance record, which means something to me.

    There is no kind way to say this, but he is incredibly stupid. After sitting on Council for two years, he actually suggested that all the magistrates should be housed in one building, in obvious ignorance of the laws establishing separate districts for the minor judiciary. He will ask questions already asked by other Council members, or will go on at length about matters in which nobody, including himself, knows what he is talking about. he is one of those people who uses a large number of words to say absolutely nothing.

    In addition to being stupid, he is untrustworthy. You cannot rely on his word for anything.

  19. Bo, you are becoming just like Grubb in bethlum - little boy cried wolf - you'll never win the big one when you constantly fight all the little ones. you could shot for the stars except for the fact that you consistently wallow in the mud. I hope you teach your grandson better

  20. Zorn, A comparison to Dana Grubb is a compliment, and one I don't deserve. If you think the right to know is a "little one," then shame on you. If you think standing up to goons who try to shout you down is nothing, it's no wonder you never identify yourself.

  21. Remember defamation we are compiling the evidence we need right here on your blog coppied keep it up please because soon enough you be be calling us master

  22. Bernie
    You better hope your source didn't misread or lead you on.
    If you, and it seems your are, intent on making it public, just know some swords have two sharp edges. Ron or you could be the point of ridicule if its' contents are revealed.
    Before seeking revenge;
    "dig two graves"

  23. Bernie,
    If angle passed the note would we have the right to know?

  24. poor bo - always on the defense. and you pretend to know whom i am

    i find you an unequal

  25. 11:43, Bring it. You may not be aware of it, but truth is a defense. Martinez, Schmoyer and D'Alessandro have each posted blogs at the Gracedale site. Mamana has proudly identified himself as one of you. Mezzacappa has done what she has done, and has herself referred to a mysterious "blog mentor," pulling the strings. I look forward to your defamation action bc it will spare me the expense of filing my own.

  26. "poor bo - always on the defense. and you pretend to know whom i am"

    I don't know or pretend to know who you are. I just find it incredible that someone who posts the insane things that you do, is not doing it tongue in cheek. I also point out that, very much like the people you complain about, you are an anonymous coward.

  27. If Angle passed a note accusing a Council member of bribery, yes. If it is a public record, yes. If it is not, no.

  28. 11:59, Actually, the person who should be concerned right now is Dietrich. If he attempts to falsify the note he passed to McHale, he will be in much more trouble than he is now.

  29. Mr. Dietrich has nothing whatsoever to concern himself about. But you do.

  30. BO - you just have to let me know where these terrible blogs are that TM and the GG are. I would love to see if you are telling the truth or not. Thanks, your good buddy

  31. Zorn, I refuse to link to these blogs in my posts. You can find one by googling "Saving Private Gracedale." You can find the other by googling "west easton foot print." They are full of venom and hate.

  32. "Mr. Dietrich has nothing whatsoever to concern himself about."

    Right now he does. He has 30 days to produce the note or a reasonable facsimile.

  33. Just a simple question..what wuld happen if the note were lost? Passing a note at a public meeting is not necessarily the best of choices......though not illegall.

  34. This post is a fraud. Dietrich can't read or write.

  35. C, He has been ordered to produce the note or a reasonable facsimile. He knows what he wrote. So does McHale and at least one other member of Council.

  36. If McHale and Dietrich remember one thing and the Angle bobblehead remembers another thing, what then. What if they remember nothing? This is such a sad and pathetic joke

    This is nothing but a cheap shot at Dietrich by the terrible trio because Angle lost.

    Sad that you have nothing better to do with your time then waste public officials time with nonsense. Why not request the information from the private pay to play meeting Angle and Stoffa had with Chrin.

    Right to know? Really? Why not recount all the converstaions you Angle and Stoffa had with the private lawyers over the Gracedale sale.

    McHale and Dietrich won't recall and bobblehead will look even dumber. You boys really need to build more birdhouses.

  37. Dietrich knows what he wrote. I posted a blog about it the very next day, filed a RTKL request the very next day, and he was informed. So it's been on his mind. If he attempts to fabricate a story, he will be in much more trouble than he could get from a simple note.

  38. a whole lot of people have got your number. tm, gg both rock. bo just grunts. angle, dodd are gone - ur a has been

    hang your head in shame. your butt is kicked just like LSU kicked the stinking hogs.

    will angle want his laptop back?

    will you be denied access to gracedale when you are older and even more destitute?

    will tm's pig have the last laugh?

    will stoffa say " bernie who"?

    well at least you give us comic relieve...............

  39. Much ado about nothing. Time to get a life, BO.

  40. bo, if you are so fascinated with county council, why don't you run for a seat!!!

  41. Oh, BO

    - just one last thing. I hate the union puke gracedale goons - they are useless but they are making a fool out of you

    go to bed with your demons and enjoy your pitiful life


  43. Hey maybe I was too hard on the "old Zorn"
    I think I could get passed his union puke comments if he keeps this up.
    Whodda thought,
    Zorn the voice of reason

    Tell Ron I'll give him $200 for your used iPad

  44. unions suck the big one but they do on occasion beat the hell out of BO the BLOWHARD

    he has too many demons - just ask tm

  45. As a council member..I find this alleged behavior unprofessional and rude and probably illegal. If I have a concern..I ask questions and/or express my opinion for all to hear. This is school yard stuff and has no place at a public meeting where the peoples business is being conducted in the open. I applaud your pursuit of a RTKL exposure of this bad behavior. Nothing worse than a council member who has opinions and refuses to share their concerns with the rest of the group. Public service is a serious responsibility. Act professionally, like you have been there and done that!

  46. nice try at a legitimate post Bo the blowhard. Even the stupid goons and the sluty tm see thru this one

    the demons must be ripping you a new one tonight

  47. Who is Dave the council member? Never heard of him. Please don't tell me we are having another brenda episode.

    Is Bernie reverting back to brenda 1 or brenda 2. Ooh my the meds are failing.

  48. If Bernie spent half as much time chocking his chicken as he does flitting around the courthouse or videoing children sports, he would be a much more balanced and happy man.

  49. You may want to stand down on this one, dude. Not because you're wrong but because there is little to gain. If the note is exactly as you have been lead to believe, those who are inclined to think of Dietrich as you do will be confirmed. Those who like him will still like him and say "So, what?"

    Worst case, the penalty is probably nothing that would have any lasting effect, nor anything anyone will remember in the long term. Private action for defamation and/or slander will go nowhere, as the info was not publicly communicated. You know as well as anyone that you have to prove damages to get relief.

    As the new Council takes over there will, no doubt, be more consequential mistakes and misbehaviors deserving of your scrutiny.

    It's your call, but seems like more time and trouble than it is worth.

    The tictac maggot is a Sandusky. No way anyone goes on that way about another man's johnson and kiddies and such without being a Sandusky.


  50. Clem, Appreciate the advice but will not stand down. I will pursue this and every other piece of bullshit I see from that Council. You can't find the big stuff unless you're looking at everything.

  51. Dave, Thanks for the support, and from a real person, no less. It was a childish action, and in the middle of a public meeting, where the people's business is being discussed. He cannot share information with one person about that business while excluding others. What really kills me is that he lacks the personal integrity to be honest and admit what he did. He instead chose to hide behind Ann McHale like a little girly boy. Then he used the Council Solicitor to resist my request. His childish antics taint the entire board, and are a disgrace to his oath as a Council member, in which he swears to uphold our laws and execute the duties of his office with fidelity.

  52. You are welcome Bernie. As a member of Bangor Boro council I try to recommit myself to doing things right every time a meeting is about to come along concerning the people I duly represent. I owe them nothing less than the best I can bring to the table in their stead. I am proud that for the most part my fellow rep's work together for the benefit of all. The Queen is dead..long live the new Queen!

  53. Bernie, you do such a service to the goonies by giving them something to rally around....a purpose in life. They stay up to the wee hours in anticipation of your next offering. It's a shame that they don't appreciate it.
    And thanks for turning me on to the other blogs; the videos on the pink blog are hilarious.
    Now, how can you teach them spelling and grammar?

  54. Bo is obviously off his meds and missing tm while hanging on to his illusions of grandeur. the goons, tm and the demons are too much for the poor boy. we pray for you nightly bo but the devil and his boys already lay claim to your ass

  55. Gruntled,

    That's how I can tell them apart. The posts with the worst spelling and grammar are the Fake Rev, Mario Martinez of Forks Township. Marginally better is Mary Ann Schmoyer, from Klecknersville, who is waiting for taxpayer money for her 20 acres of supposed farmland. After that is Peggy and Jack D'Alessandro of Bangor, who ride around in wheelchairs with oxygen tanks and remind me of House Harkonnen in Dune. Fiinally there's another whose spelling and grammar are pretty good, but whose nastiness is unparalleled. I suspect this is "the blog mentor."

    Tricia Mezzacappa of West Easton's blog is completely cRaZy. It's totally amazing that someone who claims I stalk her and kicked her pig, would post not one, not two, but three blogs dedicated to my penis, something she's never seen. I might expect that in middle school, but it's downright goofy from a grown adult.

    This is an R.N., no less. It's little wonder nobody will hire her. She is the one who makes reference to her "blog mentor."

    Amazingly, just two days after the election, Easton cops were called to her house because she claimed she was burglarized. Apparently, someone stole all her West Easton papers, but let $1,000 on her table alone. She surmised it was a borough council member. When police could find no sign of forcible entry and refused to investigate, she went ballistic on them, too.

    Maybe they're stalking her, too.

    All I can say is that I need a shower after looking at their blogs bc I feel very dirty.

  56. Zorn rules once againNovember 25, 2011 at 10:08 PM

    Zorn rules - Bo will not or can't even respond to my much superior and more intelligent comments. Perhaps TM is correct - he has no balls or his brains are fried

    the demon rule his mere existence

  57. The devil is alive and well with the goons who abuse patients and earn Gracedale its shithole ratings. The patients are stacked in rooms like cord wood and strangled before being left to die among strangers. God hates the goons and will see to it that their greed at the cost of elder care lands them straight in hell. The fake reverend with the kid tickler mustache is going to be the first to take it in the ass from Beelzebub before burning for eternity next to that disgusting fat woman in the famous goon attack video.

  58. anon 10:33,

    Get your hand out of your pants and leave the little boys alone

  59. By chance, would any of you know the 3rd Luminous Mystery of the Rosary?


  60. The man without a dickNovember 25, 2011 at 11:53 PM

    Oh, I had only hoped to get close to her little fine ass. I was waiting for the perfect moment to present itself. When I thought I had her trashed enough, I went in for the kill. When I dropped my drawers, I suddenly remmebered I had been born with no cock..not even a little one. Oh misery, poor me! She hit the floor laughing, and I will never be the same.

  61. hey Bo, if you took a shower now and then maybe she woulnt have dumped you..you reek, stay intrhe shower

  62. once again bernie why don't you run for county council!!

  63. If we were still a more civilized society even lap tps would not be used in meetings ,especialy as others are seaking including the public.What is so important that can`t wait ? Texting and reading e mails is disrespectful while business is being conducted.

  64. 3 of the last 5 comments were posted by someone whose ISP is Pennteledata (ptd) and with an IP of

    Mezzacappa's ISp just happens to be Pennteledata.

    According to my statcounter, the person posting these comments did so from a MacOSX with a 1920x1080, using Safari as a web browser.

    Mezzacappa happens to use a Mac.


  65. "Why is tm so fcused on your penis ? Does she want one of her own ?"

    I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot ...

  66. She couldn`t get a date tonight Bernie--give her a break.

  67. Looks to me like her butt is disappearing anyway , probably too much laying on her back trail exercises.

  68. Dude at 12:27,

    You have no idea. It happened to me not once, but twice! I went to the Palmer Bike Path, my walking and running trail of choice, spun around the Palmer Post Office, and there she was, lying in the middle of the bike path. Needless to say, anyone tolling along on a road bike could have run right into her. I ignored her both times. The first time, I walked by and when I reached my turn around point, she was right there. The second time, I went out a half mile to the turn around and was heading back, and she was still lying there, right in the middle of the frickin' path.

    I mentioned this to her on 9/28, when she complained about me deleting her on this blog. This is her defense. "It sure does beat lying in the grass getting chewed by tics and mosquitos though. Sorry you dont approve of my life. Maybe I should be thrown in jail for it. Sometimes, when you are stung enough times by enough people, you learn to keep to yourself."

    It's not jail I was concerned about, but the hospital. Lying in the middle of a busy bike path is just nuts.

  69. "is just nuts", please Bernie. You should not get to talk about nuts. But seriously, you can answer me one question. what the hell is a "blog mentor"?

  70. She used to have somthing going on. Lately, she looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet. Bang-worthy? Maybe if she paid me. It's that voice that will make you slit your wrists. Remember. Hookers aren't paid for sex. They are paid to shut up and leave afterward. She should
    not attempt to flatter herself.

    Miles Long

  71. TM, Has BO been acting out with his demons again?

  72. Like it or not, best blog around for its representation of the best and worst of the public square. The jealous add even more spice.

  73. "what the hell is a "blog mentor"?"

    That's the only person who posts blogs at the Gracedale site who knows how to spell. Mezzacrappa herself mentions this guy.

    "I really did not plan on doing this, but my blog coach said to go even lower"

    And indeed, this mentor does encourage her, in the quote I cited above.

  74. So you want to see a note. Wow.

  75. Yes, I do, a note passed by one Council member to another, in the middle of a Council meeting. When asked to divulge the contents, he refused to do so. "We, the People" have the right to insist that our business be transacted publicly. Council members should not be allowed to negate that right by passing notes or sending each other emails during public meetings.

    That brings up a second interesting question. How many emails does Dietrich send with his County-supplied laptop during public meetings? I think I'll ask.

  76. Bernie: In your zeal you have missed a much more important question. What justification existed to the have the TIF ransom matter discussed in an executive session? Feel free to cite the subsection. Shall we just ignore that violation of the Sunshine Act?

    Your Turkey Day zone of good will had a short shelf life.

    Woe be to the apostate. Once a proud member of the bobblehead twins, now cast into the darkness. His crime,independent thought.

    Off with his head!

  77. I believe a report to the ethics board is in order, regarding a secret meeting between Angle, Stoffa and Chrin. In this meeting apparently county business was discussed and what it would "cost" Chrin to get a county council affirmative vote on the TIF. while the Excess Times and O'Hare was cheering this episode of "pay to play", the entire rules of open and transparent government were thrown out the window.

    Now that is worth investigating. The State Ethics Board would have an interesting time looking into that one.

  78. No it wouldn't, because what you are saying is complete bullshit. Stoffa and Angle did meet with Chrin, as authorized be Council and as discussed in two separate meetings of Council. They did negotiate an agreement, one that benefits the County. There is no evidence that there was any personal benefit to Angle or to Stoffa, which is a prerequisite to an Ethics Act violation. In fact, with Chrin giving $2 million for farmland, that probably diminished the vakue of Angle's own farmland. You are full of shit, but are welcome to try making a complaint. You can even do it on line. When they are done laughing, they'll get back to you.

  79. 1:40, tge executve session was authorixed by the Solicitor and no member of Council posed an objection. I consider it a close question but believe the exec session was permiwsible under Section 708 because it involves the future purchase of real estate, i.e. Farmland.

  80. "There is no evidence that there was any personal benefit to Angle or to Stoffa"

    Who made you the
    "decider in chief" as to if there was personal gain or not.
    I think I'll wait and hear it from someone with some sort of authority.
    Let the investigation begin.
    How about posting that link,
    I'll cast the first stone.

  81. Bribery accusations? Where have we seen this before.

    Angle Agrees To Apologize To Resident Move Settles Suit In L. Mount Bethel
    by GAY ELWELL, The Morning Call | November 20, 1986
    Upper Mount Bethel Township Supervisor Ron Angle will offer a public apology to township resident and contractor Toni Lynch at the Dec. 8 supervisors meeting. The apology is part of an agreement approved Tuesday by Northampton County Judge Michael V. Franciosa to settle a defamation suit filed by Lynch against Angle. Angle also will pay all costs associated with the suit, according to terms of the settlement. At supervisors meetings in February and March of 1985, before Angle was elected to the board, he charged Lynch with bribing and attempting to bribe township officials.

    Was this a pre-senility ruling?

  82. Should have been a campaign slogan. Vote for experience.... at slandering people since 1986

  83. R.N. must stand for "really nuts" in this case. But to call Twitcha nuts is an insult to nutty people.

  84. Whew-wee! I just took some time off from doing real work, hard work, actual get-paid-for-it work to read a delightful blog I enjoy when I have SOME free time (which is rare). I thoroughly enjoyed reading, nay scanning, as I haven't TOO much time for frivolities, everything from Mr. O'Hare's peepee size, to a whorish woman, to jogging, to Gracedale-supporting strongarms, to, what seems most compelling, a desire to see a note! Dearie me! If I had such time! Thanks for the diversion all! Gotta get back to wor. . . ..

  85. Out of morbid curiosity, I had to check out the pink site westeastonfootprint. It is immature and poorly written. If you are a foot fetishist, you will like it.

    I watched the short dick man video (Boxers, Briefs , etc...). Three young women are singing about a small penis. The women on the right has a gunt hangin down. YUCK! She should either, not sing about others' flaws, or cover up that gunt! Yuck to the gunt!

    Personally< I think you two are made for each other. You both bring traffic to the others blog. This little "feud" is good for business. Keep it up.


  86. Deitrick is as honest as the rest of the politicians from Hellertown. Council person Hoppes-Kovacs is in violation of the Borough Code. She no longer lives in Hellertown but refuses to relinquish her position on council. Additionally she serves on various commitees and commissions that require residency.

    Bernie, want some interesting material for your blog. Go to the gaming commission Monday night and ask her under COF if she lives in Hellertown and ask if her participation in the authorities deliberations are valid.

  87. 3:32, Are you that stupid that you have to ask to have a link spoon fed to you? Use your brain for once and you'll find it, if you know how to spell Pennsylvania Ethics Comm'n and know how to google. Alas, you'll have to identify yourself, too.

  88. Don't foprget the 2001 suit in which Angle had to pay retired businessman Elmer Gates money for defamation of character after allegeding Gates had "fixed" something in Harrisburg.

    What was great about that suit was Angle was his usual bully self and most peole can't afford to fight him in court. Elmer on the other hand could buy and self the fake farmer ten times over. So he sued Angle's ass and got paid for it.

    Ron Angle defaming people for nearly half a century.

    People in district for deserve a round of applause for finally dumping this posser.

    Of course this is all based on heresay.

  89. Let me get this straight. Because Angle settled some civil suits, it's OK to accuse him of bribery? That's nonsense.

  90. I feel sorry for Trish. Such potental all screwed up

  91. She's pretty much rendered herself unemployable as an R.N. Any prospective employer looking at her blog will still clear of her. So far, I've been accused of stalking, pig kicking, offering to buy her a car and "flipping" an Angle grandfather clocks at auctions. She also still maintains she called the police about me, even though my RTK request reveals that no call was ever placed by her to the number that she herself recited, and I have her own emails from that evening, telling me she had a nice time. She also makes other childish remarks that only reveals her own immaturity, as well as that of the Gracedale Goons.

    I'm surprised to hear that I realized $30k on the sale of that grandfather clock. I never even knew I had it, to say nothing of having made any money on it. In fact, I've never even been to an auction my entire life. I do wish she'd tell me where that $30k is located.

    As far as cars are concerned, my own vehicle (and I won't be more specific) is 1994 vintage, has 113,000 miles. It needs a muffler and new tires. I have put off making these purchases bc I simply don't have the money. And I only have that car bc of my brother's generosity. Not to be selfish, but if I were to buy a car, I'd buy it for me. If I had $30k to blow, it would not be going to some woman I hardly know.

    I heard rumors about this from the Gracedale people some months ago. It is utter nonsense, as is pretty much everything she says. She can certainly report me to the IRS, but should be aware that she is subject to the False Claims Act for any misrepresentations she makes.

    It is clear that Mezzacappa, with the help of her "blog mentor" and the Gracedale Goons, are hard at work, trying to ruin me. In fact, she has contacted the BP and asked them to fire me.

    Why? Because I dared criticize her and expose her.

    Too bad.

  92. One, you are already ruined.

    Two, more people than tm have complained to the Bethlehem Press about you being anything close to an objective reporter, especially on county issues.

  93. Hey O'Hare, thou protests too much about thine wiener size and tm. You are drawing attention to the issue more than tm. you are embarrassed and that is understandable.

    As to the Gracedale Goons, you are the best recruiting tool they have.

    With you as the lead propagandist. Two of the most unpopular and least respected public officials in the Lehigh Valley are Ron Angle and John Stoffa. good Job!

    I predict that tom Dietrich wins a second term thanks to your help. I also predict Angle gets creamed in his bid for an at-large seat.

    If an election were held tomorrow, Stoffa would lose worse than Angle.

  94. Bernie, please, understand that your whole life is what is because of your own unbalanced actions. You can blame anyone that you want to blame, and note that u r blaiming everyone except the real culprit, U. Take a real good look at ur self in the mirror, if u don't like what u c, then my brother it is time 4 U 2 make a change. Angle is history, Stoffa will soon b, and your r no longer a mystery. It's time to pick up the pieces because the game is over. Start today, do the right thing and stop all this nonsense, u can start a new life, begin today.

  95. Stoffa would win in a land slide.

  96. 1:43,

    If I am already ruined, why is it necessary for you to come on this blog at 1:43 AM Sunday to slime me? What does that say about your own pathetic life?

    mezzacappa's complaints had nothing to do w/ objectivity. She sought out someone who pays me and told them to stop using me bc I am a stalker. Not only is she lying, but is acting maliciously and with the intent to cause me financial harm, just as her blog mentor is instructing bc he has done it too. He had the same result - failure.

    As I have said many times, "objectivity" is a myth, a lie. Nobody is truly objective. It is more honest if your reader knows how you feel than if you mislead your reader into thinking you have no opinion. Nevertheless, in those rare times when I write for the BP on a County matter as a back up, I go to great pains to play it straight.

  97. Your done Bernie: in the name of -
    The Father
    The Son &
    The Holy Spirit

  98. It's you're, not your. Incredible that you would invoke God's name to support a bunch of really stupid goons who are anything but civil, and a Wicked Witch who has told so many lies it's hard to keep up with them all.

  99. The only place Stoffa wins in a landslide is in your pants.

    Oh and Angle will be the next councilman from District four.

  100. Who knew there was a "West" Easton? How is it different from plain old Easton? It's all a dump past 25th Street no matter what you call it.

  101. I'm closing comments to this post at this point.

  102. And deleted my posts which were not off topic or attacks.

  103. Aft2r 112 comments, much of them hateful, it's pretty hard to say, "poof", blog mentor. Afraid to identify yourself, aren't you? Could it be that you know what will happen if you do?
