A group that apparently hates rich people - who doesn't? - will demonstrate at Allentown's 7th & Hamilton Street on Monday, between noon and 3 PM. According to organizer Adam Santo, "
Occupy Allentown "is a leaderless resistance movement made up of the 99% of Americans that can no longer take the greed and corruption of the wealthy 1%. For those of us in the Lehigh Valley region that cannot be physically present in NYC to protest with our fellow 99%, the only way we can show support to is to stand in solidarity and get the message known in Allentown. Organizing to occupy downtown Allentown at the intersection of 7th st and Hamilton st at the monument. WE ARE THE 99%."
So far, only 13 people have committed to this event, which is less than 99.
People who look like this.
And this.
Hey, if nobody shows, they can always play Dungeons and Dragons.
We are the 99 percent. We are getting kicked out of our homes. We are forced to choose between groceries and rent. We are denied quality medical care. We are suffering from environmental pollution. We are working long hours for little pay and no rights, if we're working at all. We are getting nothing while the other 1 percent is getting everything. We are the 99 percent.
Hey thanks for the free advertising Bernie! Just for the record, the rally is going on from 12pm on Monday until 3pm on Tuesday.
I encourage them to "occupy Allentown". In fact they can have the whole freakin city. Build a wall around it, do us a favor
Well, it's a good thing they're doing their protest now cause in a few months that site will be a huge hole and they just might get swallowed by greed.
Adam said...
Hey thanks for the free advertising Bernie! Just for the record, the rally is going on from 12pm on Monday until 3pm on Tuesday.
2:25 AM
What city permits allows protesting all night? 27 hour permit? Don't believe it.
I love the photos. It's great to hoist wing nuts by their own petard. These are usually deadbeat types who lived in mom's house too long. The world is a cruel place for the unmotivated and lazy. Assigning blame to others for one's shortcomings is an opiate. And why are there no hot women at these events? They all seem to look like like Chaz Bono. Protests used to be a lock for getting laid. This one looks frightening.
Adam, My pleasure. Hope you have fun.
the poor are poor because they make bad decisions and don't learn from them. they deserve their lot in life - they've earned it.
If you want to really protest, go out to a suburban shopping center on a Saturday like the Promenade. Thats where the rich are. Your little protest in Allentown is preaching to the Choir.
These clowns remind me of the teabaggers, only younger.
Zorn said...
the poor are poor because they make bad decisions and don't learn from them. they deserve their lot in life - they've earned it.
Either that or the Union was run out of town and all the good jobs with them... Or Zorns republican friends made it more profitable to move the manufacturing of good off shore so his stock holder buddies could see bigger divident checks once a Year...
Hey Bernie ... That's my photo.
Welcome to my Shit List
Craig Friebolin
PS - Funny thing is where the original photo come from. (I edited it to be funny because I don't have a big head) ... but hey ... since you want to judge a book by its cover .. maybe you should judge it by this article instead:
Another fun story ... A good friend of mine is a Lieutenant in the Philly police department ... He and his wife paid their mortgage every month for years. one day they get a foreclosure notice from what seemed to be a random Bank. Weeeell ... turns out that (at some point) their mortgage had been sold to this bank unbeknownst to them. Their original bank refused to return the payments and the new bank went ahead with the foreclosure. .... Yup .. no Problem. They're just Dead-Beat-Hippies right?
I am on many shit lists. Get in line.
As for your story, I can believe some idiotic bank would do as you say, but I doubt that anything came of the foreclosure. If your friend retained counsel, both banks would be in trouble. Even if your friend is a hippie.
anon 2;30
when the union cry babies are run out of town it will be a great day. you as an anon are obviously one of the greedy self serving union pukes that believe every one owes you something while you sit on your ass outside of wawa. i am revolted by your mere existance
Hopefully you never get hit with bad fortune that will turn your life around miserably! I have seen health issues or a loss of job turn peoples fortune overnight. People like you are pathetic to think that this could never happen to them. KARMA,baby, KARMA!
Zorn is an anon who slams anons. Yeah, I know more teabagger logic.
Norz says so!
Let's cut the palaver and get down to the serious shit. Will you and the Muddled Elves attending be playing D&D or not.
A Philly police Lt is going to let hos house go to foreclosure, even though he has faithfully paid the mtg? Then a cop who deals with lawyers every day hires an idiot to botch his case in court? You do not name this guy and provide no link to any story or even the case. And it happens in Philly, which actually had a moratorium on foreclosures bc judges there are concerned about the homeowner.
I smell a big, fat bullshit brger.
But Bernie, he posted a link to Youtube and after all, if it's on the Internet it has to be true.
I know that was a bit harsh, but what is truly upsetting to me is that I agree with the goals and ideals of the occupy Wall Street protest and I think it is closer to being properly managed than this thing. All that I have and all that I am I would wager and hazard to support the beliefs and goals of this protest and the Wall Street protests. So it upsets me beyond measure to realize they won't work, and can't work - and I keep hoping and wishing to see a protest that does.
19th century anarchism is the ultimate example. Plus I didn't feel like bringing up Communism since that's a debate I don't want to have. this whole protest in Allentown is counterproductive. Will there be any national or even statewide media present? Do you plan on having anyone be seriously injured or even assaulted in order that the media can document it and tell people? For that matter, if the cops are violent can you guarantee that no protestors will assault the cops? Because as soon as someone so much as shouts an obscenity at the police that is your story: "crazy protestors harass police." In other words: can you explain to me why this protest will do anything other than harm?
I have to say this - if you want anarchy you can get it but it is a stupid goal. If, however, you want reform always remember a wonderful quote: "never let moral principles stop you from doing what is right - or from doing what does the most good. Sometimes your morals stop you from advancing your moral convictions." Politics, in other words, is a dirty, nasty, corrupt, corrupting, unsatisfying, occasionally violent, unprincipled and largely amoral business. But it is as good as it gets - anarchy leads to land mines. I've even held an active one that had just been dug up, and it said "USA" on it...
...And I can tell you succinctly why it was there: the liberal, thoughtful side of the American political arena didn't live up to its goals and wouldn't sully itself with politics. And the failure of these protests to grasp political reality - either in terms of violence (if you want anarchy be prepared to kill to get it) or in terms of the reality of wealth as relates to power and modern politics - means that all of this passion and energy and devotion and commitment and moral fervor is being wasted. If you really want to see some results next time don't get any permissions and don't give any warnings - and don't fight back.
Force your opposition to violence when logic fails them, and then be willing victims of the violence. No one, after all, is willing to support a mindless thug. Alas, it won't happen. And why won't it happen? Because people aren't willing to understand politics. So I won't help out with this protest, because it is useless. It makes us look silly to the vast majority of those we disagree with, and thereby strengthens the opposition. It is foolishness incarnate - even though it is entirely correct and the moral outrage is directed against appropriate targets. If you want to make a difference think with your head: stop being outraged only and start directing it. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty or your head cracked. But in the meantime either embrace political reality in the way Gandhi did or embrace violence in the way Lenin and Mao and Czoglosz did.
Don't waste the effort in Allentown where there is no media coverage nor any reason for media coverage to be there. It means nothing and accomplishes less. Unless, that is, you want to make an enemy of every single local businessman who has monetary and presumably ethical and definitely social reasons to support you. If you want to piss off the one group that can give you funding for radical, direct action on any realistic scale feel free. But it is too stupid for words and I won't be a part of it. Get cynical, then get moving.
How late into the evening/night will people be there. Just like many of you i have to work a lot for my money, and i can't skip work for it, but would love to attend after work.
this is a get cause i wish i could ateand but i have to work to keep my head obove water just like the rest of us i'l be there in spirit go get them rich bastards
YES!!! This is what I have been looking for! I have contacts on Wall Street and am going to start rallying local businesses to support the cause! We need to do everything we can... the next step is to start buying local only... if we buy corporate we are perpetuating the problem.
Capitalism demands the best of every man, his rationality, and rewards him accordingly. It leaves every man free to choose the work he likes, to specialize in it, to trade his product for the products of others, and to go as far on the road of achievement as his ability and ambition will carry him.
The moral justification of capitalism does not lie in the altruist claim that it represents the best way to achieve 'the common good.' It is true that capitalism does (if that catch-phrase has any meaning) but this is merely a secondary consequence. The moral justification for capitalism lies in the fact that it is the only system consonant with man's rational nature, that it protects man's survival qua man, and that its ruling principle is: justice. Capitalism is the only system that can make freedom, individuality, and the pursuit of values possible in practice.
So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?
megan, william, jean,
cut me a break and stuff your fingers down your throat. your bs is nothing but liberal take care of me crap . you made bad decisions - live with it and try desperately to get along with your lives without government assistance and your crying attitude
"But Bernie, he posted a link to Youtube and after all, if it's on the Internet it has to be true."
The link to youtube has nothing to do with the specific case mentioned. Go figure.
"A Philly police Lt is going to let hos house go to foreclosure, even though he has faithfully paid the mtg?"
- Yup. In the end it was cheaper to walk away from the mortgage
"Then a cop who deals with lawyers every day hires an idiot to botch his case in court?"
- You make a lot of assumptions. He never deals with lawyers and his wife hired their attorney.
"You do not name this guy and provide no link to any story or even the case."
- This all started in late 2008 and drug on for years. Sorry if I don't have links handy (not sure why you would think I would?). However a quick Google search let me find one court document but there is noooooo waaaaay I'm posting it here. It has their full names, addresses, and some other personal information in it that I would never give to you vultures without asking them first. However I will let you know the sale is listed on page 27 of this PDF: http://www.law.com/image/pa/ads/Sheriff_2011_06_20.pdf.pdf
"And it happens in Philly, which actually had a moratorium on foreclosures"
- I don't know one-way-or-the-other if this had any influence on their particular problem. I'm their friend, not their lawyer. I don't know every intimate detail of what happened but I know it unnecessarily turned their lives upside-down from 2007 to present.
If we are talking about someone who lost his home because of the predatory practices of a banker, it doesn't matter what the address is - he's no longer there. I just don't buy it and believe your friend snowed you. It is much easier to blame it on the bank than just admit that you fell behind on your mortgage. Without a specific link containing a name and the facts of the case, I decline to believe what really does strike me as one big, fat bullshit burger.
You can continue to believe whatever you want. You're clearly an an odd little man. But unfortunately not an uncommon one. I could give you every bit of information on this *ONE* case and it would not satisfy you. (you do realize you can look up other similar cases, right? Who am I kidding? It probably never dawned on you to Google anything other than how to spell "bullshit burger") Clearly you can rationalize all the injustice in the world as everyone simply being un-photogenic, thin-skined, lazy, bullshitters. Clearly anyone with a problem in this world has brought it upon themselves or "the system" will correct the problem, right?
Because I decline to share your assessment of what happened in Philly, which you are either unable or refuse to substantiate, I am a strange little man. You then bray about "injustice," as though that means something.
I'll let you in on a little secret. In the real world, I search titles. I am very familiar with the mortgage foreclosure crisis facing this country and my little corner of the world. I know there is a remediation program in NC, and there's one in Philly, too. I also know there's a program that was set up by President Obama for just the kind of problem you describe.
Even without ANY of these programs, a bank that acted as you describe would never get anywhere with a judge who knew even half of what you claim.
That's why I know you are feeding us all a big, fat bullshit burger. You might believe that goofy story, but I don't.
Bern, the fact is that the middle class has been under assault in this country for 30 years.
these chowderheads may (or may not be) tools, but even a blind sow finds an acorn.
This group will be co-opted by the left and move-on types just as the tea party has been co-opted by the neo-cons on the right.
The "middle class under assault" makes for great emotion but what exactly do you mean. Do you have any specific information or are you simply repeating the mantra of the lib politicians who want your vote?
Bernie -
I drove by the protest at 7th and Hamilton earlier and saw the whopping 10 protesters there.
I think they must have moved the decimal point a bit, as it appeared to only be .000099% in attendance.
Patrick, I am very curious to know how many of the 10 actually live here. Not asking you to go back and survey or anything, but honestly I'm way too lazy to do it myself.....
They are the liberal version of the teabaggers.
This was worse to read than youtube comments... What a bunch of pseudo-intellectual idiots with no credibility whatsoever. The world is a cruel place period. Not just towards to unmotivated and lazy. I've tried and tried and tried to be optimistic and keep a good attitude about the condition of this city and the people in it but really, you're all a bunch of douche bags. I'm not impressed how motivated you are about doing whatever it takes to farm money. I also love how these fuckin hot headed "EVERYONE LOOK AT ME IM A CHAMP" kinda chumps that works as a contractor and then preaches how great of a person he is for working so hard and getting shit done when really all they do is overcharge for their shitty service, over inflate a price more than what the jobs even worth and then are like oh yeah thanks for the cash time to swindle some other old person out of their honest earned cash. Where you live, work, what you own and how many kids you have amounts to shit if you're still a worthless douche bag that should be murdered. Go troll people who deserve it like the greedy fucking goofs in this world that just shit on everybody to validate their own self-worth. *Golf Clap!*
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