Local Government TV

Friday, September 02, 2011

Think You Can Beat My Fat Ass in a 5K?

I told you before that I'm running (and mostly walking) in a foot race this Saturday, called the 5k for Freedom. It takes place at the Lehigh Parkway at 9 AM sharp. Most of the race proceeds will go to the Lehigh Valley Blue Star Mothers, who really have made a difference helping our troops and military families here at home. The rest of the money will go to a scholarship in memory of Ashly Moyer, a LV soldier who was killed by an IED in Iraq. You can read about the race or register here.

I'll repeat my challenge. If you think you can beat me, challenge me in the comments below. On race day, write "I challenge Fat Ass O'Hare" on your bib, or maybe you could wear a little sign. For every person who beats me, I'll pay $1 to Blue Star Mothers. But if I beat you, and I will, you have to pay $5 to Blue Star Mothers.

According to emails forwarded to me, Tricia Mezzacappa hopes my "fat ass keels over." And another fan tells her, "Hopefully he'll drop dead soon."

I plan to disappoint them both.

Only the good die young. Bottom-feeding bloggers live forever.